executing a sql code for creating a table and database in zend framework - sql

I wrote a sql script and in it I created a table ;
Now I need to know ,how I can execute this script? (with which codes?)
And I have another question : where? where I must write this codes?(which folder in zend project?)
if it is possible for you please explain with an example.thanks

Creating tables in the database
Zend Framework is not supposed to be the one creating the tables, thus, my suggestion is to run those scripts in other environment.
The fastest one is, probably, the very own SQL shell, but you can use another software such as MySQLWorkbench if you are using MySQL.
Once the tables are created, the access to the tables is made this way:
When you are using Zend Framework, you are making use of the MVC pattern. I suggest you to read what is that: Wikipedia MVC
If you read the Wikipedia link, you probably know now that the acess to the database is going to be made by the model.
Thus, if you followed the recommended project structure that Zend provides you will have a models folder under your application folder. There, you are supposed to implement the classes that will make access to the DB.
But well... you now know where to locate those classes but you will ask me: how? It's easy if you know where to search. ZF provides an abstract class called Zend_Db_Table_Abstract that has all the methods that will make your life easier talking about interaction with your database's tables. This is the class that your classes should implement.
Let's suppose you've got a page in your website in which you want to show to the user a list of products of your local store. You have a table in your database called "products" in which you have all the useful information such us name, price and availability.
You will have a controller with an action called indexAction() or listAction() this action is prepared to send the data to your view and will look like:
class Store_ProductsController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
public function indexAction(){
//TODO: Get data from the DataBase into $products variable
$this->view->products = $products;
And your view file will that that products variable and do sutff with it.
But now comes the magic, you will have a class that will access to the database as I've said, it'll be like:
class Model_Store_Products extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract{
protected $_name = 'products';
public function getAllProducts(){
$select = $this->$select()
array('id', 'name', 'price', availability));
$productsArray = $this->fetchAll($select);
return $productsArray;
And ta-da, you have your array of products ready to be used by the controller:
class Store_ProductsController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
public function indexAction(){
$model = new Model_Store_Products();
$products = $model->getAllProducts();
$this->view->products = $products;
It can be said that, since fetchAll is public function, and our select does basically nothing but set which columns do we want (it doesn't even have a where clause), in this case, it would be easier to call the fetchAll directly from the controller with no where and it will recover the whole table (all columns):
class Store_ProductsController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
public function indexAction(){
$model = new Model_Store_Products();
$products = $model->fetchAll();
$this->view->products = $products;
Thus, our function in the model is not even needed.
This is the basic information of how to access to the database using Zend Framework. Further information of how to create the Zend_Db_Table_Select object can be found here.
I hope this helps.


zend acl dynamic assertions : when/how to load the resource?

i'm creating a zend framework 2 application and i'm sort of trying to implement what is explained here:
The demonstration that the code works is really nice, but it doesn't really apply to how a framework (utilizing mvc) works. Or maybe i'm just on the wrong track...
i've created a RouteListener like this :
class RouteListener implements ListenerAggregateInterface
public function attach(EventManagerInterface $events)
$this->listeners[] = $result = $events->attach(
MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH, array($this, "checkAcl"), 100
the method checkAcl then checks if you're allowed to do what you want to do.
The resource and action are determined like this:
$resource = $routeMatch->getParam("controller");
$action = $routeMatch->getParam("action");
And the role is determined by the identity stored in the session (which implements Zend\Permissions\Acl\Role\RoleInterface)
Following the example: how do i determine if a user is allowed to edit a certain blog-post?
By the time acl is doing it's checking, the controller hasn't loaded the blogpost yet, so i'm not sure how to approach this. Unless i duplicate the retrieval of the blogpost in the assertion, but that i'm hoping there is a better way.
I'm also using doctrine for my persistence layer and in the end i've solved this problem using doctrine's Lifecycle Events. This allows you to trigger the acl-check whenever you want: when a entity (p.e. a blog-post) is loaded, or saved, etc.

creating base model class in yii

In my application, i have fields that are common to all tables, like create date, update date etc. To assign these values i'm using beforeValidate callback. Now, this callback is same for all models.
To avoid code duplication, i want to create a base model class.
But, when I tried to create a base model, yii thrown error saying table cannot be found in database, which is true since I dont have any table for this base model.
Is there any way I can create a base model class.
Yes, if you work with dynamic DB structure or have other reasons to work with Yii ActiveRecord without creating classes for each table in DB, you may use smartActiveRecord yii extension
I separated it few minuts ago from my other extension -- AR behavior that adds versioning to any model (it copies all data on insert & update to special table (and create it if it's absent), that have a same structure as source table + "revision field" and primary key extended by this field.
Look at SmartAR.php source, there is example of usage in comments.
Take a look at CTimeStampBehavior.
Incase that doesn't help you, you can just write a behavior class yourself.
Hope this helps.
Edit:Assuming you are using ActiveRecords.
If you want to create a new base model, you can do this:
abstract class MyBaseARClass extends CActiveRecord{
protected function beforeValidate(){
// assign your fields
return true;
else return false;
Have you created a base table? Thinking about the Yii framework it may be easier to have a relationship between a model and the base model.
In your case, you need to override
public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
return parent::model($className);
in every child class so Yii would know which table to use for your model. Otherwise it will try and use base class as table name.
class User extends BaseActiveRecord {
public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
return parent::model($className);

How to get Doctrine2 entity identifier without knowing its name

I am attempting to create an abstracted getId method on my base Entity class in Symfony2 using Doctrine2 for a database where primary keys are named inconsistently across tables.
When inspecting entity objects I see there is a private '_identifier' property that contains the information I am trying to retrieve but I am not sure how to properly access it.
I'm assuming there is some simple Doctrine magic similar to:
public function getId()
return $this->getIdentifier();
But I haven't managed to find it on the intertubes anywhere.
You can access this information via EntityManager#getClassMetadata(). An example would look like this:
// $em instanceof EntityManager
$meta = $em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity));
$identifier = $meta->getSingleIdentifierFieldName();
If your entity has a composite primary key, you'll need to use $meta->getIdentifierFieldNames() instead. Of course, using this method, you'll need access to an instance of EntityManager, so this code is usually placed in a custom repository rather than in the entity itself.
Hope that helps.

Mapping two tables to one entity in Doctrine2

I'm looking at using doctrine for an application I'm working on - but after reading the documentation I'm having trouble conceptualizing how to represent the database structure we have in terms of entities.
I have many tables which have partner tables which hold translation data like the following....
Where I would like to have one Entity (Navigation Element) which had access to the 'label' field depending on what Language I set in my application. The following from the Doctrine documentation seems to suggest that you need to define one (single) table which is used to persist an entity
By default, the entity will be
persisted to a table with the same
name as the class name. In order to
change that, you can use the #Table
annotation as follows:
Or do I need to define two entities and link them (or allow the translation table to inherit from the element table).
And what strategy would I use to always insert a language_id clause to the Join (to ensure I'm pulling the right label for the currently set language). Is this something I would define in the entity itself, or elsewhere?
This seems to suit a One-To-Many Bidirectional association. This is the scenario from that page translated to your situation:
/** #Entity */
class NavigationElement
// ...
* #OneToMany(targetEntity="NavigationElementTranslation", mappedBy="navigationElement")
private $translations;
// ...
public function __construct() {
$this->translations = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
/** #Entity */
class NavigationElementTranslation
// ...
* #ManyToOne(targetEntity="NavigationElement", inversedBy="translations")
* #JoinColumn(name="navigation_element_id", referencedColumnName="id")
private $navigationElement;
// ...
You could add a getLabel($languageId) method to the NavigationElement entity that searches through the translations to get the correct label:
public function getLabel($languageId) {
foreach($this->translations as $trans) {
if($trans->languageId == $languageId)
return $trans->label;
throw new InvalidArgumentException();
And you could use the following DQL to ensure you only load the translation you want into the $translations property:
$query = $em->createQuery(
"SELECT ne, net
FROM Entity\NavigationElement ne
JOIN ne.translations net WITH net.languageId = :langId"
$query->setParameter('langId', $languageId);
$navigationElements = $query->execute();
This situation sounds like one where you would want to cache aggressively. Make sure you look into Doctrine 2's caching mechanisms too.
Also, internationalization can be handled reasonably well in PHP with gettext if you find join tables for translations start to become unmanageable.
I would also direct anyone who has to tackle this same problem to take a look at the following doctrine extension.

Is it possible to use Linq-SQL without drag-and-drop?

If i want to use Linq-SQL i also have to drag the DB Table unto the designer surface to create the entity classes.
I always like full control in my application and do not like the classes created by dotnet.
Is it possible to provide this connection between Linq and the DB using my own Data Access Layer Entity classes?
How can i get it done?
You can write your own classes very easily using Linq-to-SQL - just involves painting your classes with some Attributes.
For Example, this is a very simple table I have in one of my projects, and it works with Linq-to-SQL just fine:
[Table(Name = "Categories")]
public class Category : IDataErrorInfo
[Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true, AutoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert)]
public int Id { get; set; }
[Column] public string Name { get; set; }
[Column] public string ExtensionString { get; set; }
The code was very easy, especially if you make your property names line up with your table names (you don't have to).
Then you just need a Repository to connect to the DB:
class CategoryRepository : ICategoryRepository
private Table<Category> categoryTable;
public CategoryRepository(string connectionString)
categoryTable = (new DataContext(connectionString)).GetTable<Category>();
Of course there is more to it, but this shows you the very basics and it is not hard to do once you understand it. This way you have 100% control over your classes and you can still take advantage of Linq-to-SQL.
I learned this approach from Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework, an awesome book.
If you want to see more, all of my Linq-to-SQL classes were written from scratch on one of my projects you can browse here.
To avoid drag & drop you can take a look at SqlMetal.exe.
However, it sounds like you really are requesting Persistence Ignorance, and I'm not sure that this is possible with L2S - it certainly isn't possible with LINQ to Entities until .NET 4...
I once wrote a blog post on using SqlMetal.exe and subsequently modifying the generated schema - perhaps you will find it useful, although it has a different underlying motivation.
I've got a couple tutorials up on CodeProject that walk through how to do this, including how to handle the relationships (M:M, 1:M, M:1) in an OO way and keep them in synch as you make updates:
A LINQ Tutorial: Mapping Tables to Objects
A LINQ Tutorial: Adding/Updating/Deleting Data