I am trying to filter my combobox on Outlook Macro. But I am getting the error as mentioned on title. Could you please help me to solve this problem?
It works on Visual Studio but doesn't work on Outlook Macro.
Private Sub cmbProjects_Change()
Dim SelectedText As String
SelectedText = cmbProjects.text
Dim Items As Object
Items = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Items = cmbProjects.Items
Dim newList As Object
newList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
For Each Item In Items
If Item.Contains(SelectedText) Then
newList.Add (Item)
End If
cmbProjects.DataSource = newList
End Sub
You need to add set since it's an object reference. And you are trying to access this object's (you assumed as an ArrayList) with its member methods/properties. Which fails. So change to,
Set Items = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Set newList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Further check if you have the right reference added in your VBA editor for collection library objects.
As per my comments, Items = cmbProjects.Items also fails with the same error. That's because cmbProjects doesn't have a method called Items. So you need to use List instead.. List returns a variant object.
Since you can't cast a variant into an ArrayList. You have to iterate through the variant and add items into the ArrayList. Note I am writing on the fly, the code is not tested. You may test it out and comment, should you need further assistance. I strongly recommend you to validate this pseudo-code against the accurate syntax.
Dim vr as Variant
Dim i as Integer
vr = cmbProject.List
'--add error handling to check if vr is empty or if cmbProject is empty.
For i = 0 to UpperBound(vr)
Items.Add (vr(i))
Next i
I wanted to first thank you all for the help you've given me implicitly over the last few months! I've gone from not knowing how to access the VBA IDE in Excel to writing fully integrated analysis programs for work. I couldn't have done it without the community here.
I'm currently trying to overhaul the first iteration of a data analysis program I wrote while learning how to code in VBA. While purpose driven and only really legible to myself, the code worked; but was a mess. From folks on this site I picked up Martin's Clean Code and gave it a read on how to try and be a better programmer.
From Martin's Clean Code, it was impressed on me to prioritize abstraction and decoupling of my code to allow for higher degrees of maintenance and modularization. I found this out the hard way since very minor changes requested above my pay grade would require massive and confusing rewrites! I'm trying to eliminate that problem going forward.
I am attempting to rewrite my code in terms of single responsibility classes (at least, where it is possible) and I am a bit confused. I apologize if my question isn't clear or if I'm using the wrong terminology. I want to be able to generate a collection of specific strings (the names of our detectors to be specific) with no duplicates from raw instrument data files from my lab. The purpose of this function is to assemble a bunch of metadata in a class and use it to standardize our file system and prevent clerical errors from newbies and old hands when they use the analysis program.
The testing initialization sub is below. It pops open a userform asking for the user to select the filepaths of the three files in the rawdatafiles class; then it kills the userform to free memory. The metadata object is currently for testing and will be rewritten properly when I get the output I want:
Sub setup()
Set rawdatafiles = New cRawDataFiles
rawdatafiles.labjobFile = GrabFiles.tboxLabJobFile.value
rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount = GrabFiles.tboxOriginal.value
rawdatafiles.rawdatasecondcount = GrabFiles.tboxRecount.value
Set GrabFiles = Nothing
Dim temp As cMetaData
Set temp = New cMetaData
temp.labjobName = rawdatafiles.labjobFile
'this works fine!
temp.detectorsOriginal = rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount
' This throws run time error 424: Object Required
End Sub
The cMetadata class I have currently is as follows:
Private pLabjobName As String
Private pDetectorsOriginal As Collection
Private pDetectorsRecheck As Collection
Private Sub class_initialize()
Set pDetectorsOriginal = New Collection
Set pDetectorsRecheck = New Collection
End Sub
Public Property Get labjobName() As String
labjobName = pLabjobName
End Property
Public Property Let labjobName(fileName As String)
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
pLabjobName = FSO.GetBaseName(fileName)
Set FSO = Nothing
End Property
Public Property Get detectorsOriginal() As Collection
detectorsOriginal = pDetectorsOriginal
End Property
Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection)
pDetectorsOriginal = getDetectors(rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount)
End Property
When I step through the code it starts reading the "public property get rawdatafirstcount() as string" and throws the error after "End Property" and points back to the "temp.detectorsOriginal = rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount" line in the initialization sub.
I think I'm at least close because the temp.labjobName = rawdatafiles.labjobFile code executes properly. I've tried playing around with the data types since this is a collection being assigned by a string but I unsurprisingly get data type errors and can't seem to figure out how to proceed.
If everything worked the way I want it to, the following function would take the filepath string from the rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount property and return for me a collection containing detector names as strings with no duplicates (I don't know if this function works exactly the way I want since I haven't been able to get the filepath I want to parse properly in the initial sub; but I can deal that later!):
Function getDetectors(filePath As String) As Collection
Dim i As Integer
Dim detectorsCollection As Collection
Dim OriginalRawData As Workbook
Set OriginalRawData = Workbooks.Open(fileName:=filePath, ReadOnly:=True)
Set detectorsCollection = New Collection
For i = 1 To OriginalRawData.Worksheets(1).Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
detectorsCollection.Add OriginalRawData.Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 4).value, CStr(OriginalRawData.Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 4).value)
On Error GoTo 0
Next i
getDetectors = detectorsCollection
Set detectorsCollection = Nothing
Set OriginalRawData = Nothing
End Function
Thanks again for reading and any help you can offer!
temp.detectorsOriginal = rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount
' This throws run time error 424: Object Required
It throws an error because, as others have already stated, the Set keyword is missing.
Now with that out of the way, a Set keyword is NOT what you want here. In fact, sticking a Set keyword in front of that assignment will only buy you another error.
Let's look at this property you're invoking:
Public Property Get detectorsOriginal() As Collection
detectorsOriginal = pDetectorsOriginal
End Property
Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection)
pDetectorsOriginal = getDetectors(rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount)
End Property
You're trying to assign detectorsOriginal with what appears to be some String value that lives in some TextBox control on that form you're showing - but the property's type is Collection, which is an object type - and that's not a String!
Now look at the property that does work:
Public Property Get labjobName() As String
labjobName = pLabjobName
End Property
Public Property Let labjobName(fileName As String)
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
pLabjobName = FSO.GetBaseName(fileName)
Set FSO = Nothing
End Property
This one is a String property, with a Property Let mutator that uses the fileName parameter it's given.
The broken one:
Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection)
pDetectorsOriginal = getDetectors(rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount)
End Property
Is a Set mutator, takes a Collection parameter, and doesn't use the originalFilepath parameter it's given at all!
And this is where I'm confused about your intention: you're passing what has all the looks of a String except for its type (Collection) - the calling code wants to give it a String.
In other words the calling code is expecting this:
Public Property Let detectorsOriginal(ByVal originalFilepath As String)
See, I don't know what you meant to be doing here; it appears you're missing some pOriginalFilepath As String private field, and then detectorsOriginal would be some get-only property that returns some collection:
Private pOriginalFilePath As String
Public Property Get OriginalFilePath() As String
OriginalFilePath = pOriginalFilePath
End Property
Public Property Let OriginalFilePath(ByVal value As String)
pOriginalFilePath = value
End Property
I don't know what you're trying to achieve, but I can tell you this:
Don't make a Property Set member that ignores its parameter, it's terribly confusing code.
Don't make a Property (Get/Let/Set) member that does anything non-trivial. If it's not trivially simple and has a greater-than-zero chance of throwing an error, it probably shouldn't be a property. Make it a method (Sub, or Function if it needs to return a value) instead.
A word about this:
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
pLabjobName = FSO.GetBaseName(fileName)
Set FSO = Nothing
Whenever you Dim something As New, VBA will automatically instantiate the object whenever it's referred to. In other words, this wouldn't throw any errors:
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Set FSO = Nothing
pLabjobName = FSO.GetBaseName(fileName)
Avoid As New if you can. In this case you don't even need a local variable - use a With block instead:
With New FileSystemObject
pLabjobName = .GetBaseName(fileName)
End With
May not be your issue but you're missing Set in your detectorsOriginal Set/Get methods:
Public Property Get detectorsOriginal() As Collection
Set detectorsOriginal = pDetectorsOriginal
End Property
Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection)
Set pDetectorsOriginal = getDetectors(rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount)
End Property
So the error is one I've made a time or two (or more). Whenever you assign an object to another object, you have to use the Set reserved word to assign the reference to the Object.
In your code do the following:
In Sub setup()
Set temp.detectorsOriginal = rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount
And in the cMetadata class change the Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection) property to the following:
Public Property Get detectorsOriginal() As Collection
Set detectorsOriginal = pDetectorsOriginal
End Property
Public Property Set detectorsOriginal(originalFilepath As Collection)
Set pDetectorsOriginal = getDetectors(rawdatafiles.rawdatafirstcount)
End Property
Also in your function Function getDetectors(filePath as String) as Collection change the statement afterNext i` to
Set getDetectors = detectorsCollection
Also, I'm very glad to hear that you've learned how to use VBA.
When you're ready to create your own Custom Collections, check out this post. Your own custom Collections.
I also book marked Paul Kelly's Excel Macro Mastery VBA Class Modules – The Ultimate Guide as well as his Excel VBA Dictionary – A Complete Guide.
If you haven't been to Chip Pearson's site you should do so. He has a ton of useful code that will help your delivery your projects more quickly.
Happy Coding.
Although I'm reasonable experienced VBA developer, I have not had the need to use class modules or collections but thought this may be my opportunity to extend my knowledge.
In an application I have a number of forms which all have the same functionality and I now need to increase that functionality. Towards that, I am trying to reorder a collection in a class module, but get an error 91 - object variable or with block not set. The collection is created when I assign events to controls. The original code I obtained from here (Many thanks mwolfe) VBA - getting name of the label in mousemove event
and has been adapted to Access. The assignments of events works well and all the events work providing I am only doing something with that control such as change a background color, change size or location on the form.
The problem comes when I want to reorder it in the collection - with a view to having an impact on location in the form. However I am unable to access the collection itself in the first place.
The below is my latest attempt and the error occurs in the collcount Get indicated by asterisks (right at the bottom of the code block). I am using Count as a test. Once I understand what I am doing wrong I should be able to manipulate it as required.
mLabelColl returns a correct count before leaving the LabelsToTrack function, but is then not found in any other function.
As you will see from the commented out debug statements, I have tried making mLabelColl Private and Dim in the top declaration, using 'Debug.Print mLabelColl.Count' in the mousedown event and trying to create a different class to store the list of labels.
I feel I am missing something pretty simple but I'm at a loss as to what - can someone please put me out of my misery
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'weMouseMove class module:
Private WithEvents mLbl As Access.Label
Public mLabelColl As Collection
'Dim LblList as clLabels
Function LabelsToTrack(ParamArray labels() As Variant)
Set mLabelColl = New Collection 'assign a pointer
Dim i As Integer
For i = LBound(labels) To UBound(labels)
'Set mLabelColl = New Collection events not assigned if set here
Dim LblToTrack As weMouseMove 'needs to be declared here - why?
Set LblToTrack = New weMouseMove 'assign a pointer
Dim lbl As Access.Label
Set lbl = labels(i)
LblToTrack.TrackLabel lbl
mLabelColl.Add LblToTrack 'add to mlabelcoll collection
'Set LblList as New clLabels
'LblList.addLabel lbl
Next i
Debug.Print mLabelColl.Count 'returns correct number
Debug.Print dsform.countcoll '1 - incorrect
End Function
Sub TrackLabel(lbl As Access.Label)
Set mLbl = lbl
End Sub
Private Sub mLbl_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, Y As Single)
Dim tLbl As Access.Label
'Debug.Print LblList.Count 'Compile error - Expected function or variable (Despite Count being an option
'Debug.Print mLabelColl.Count 'error 91
'Debug.Print LblList.CountLbls 'error 91
Debug.Print collCount
End Sub
Property Get collCount() As Integer
*collCount = mLabelColl.Count* 'error 91
End Property
In order to have all the weMouseMove objects reference the same collection in their mLabelColl pointer, a single line can achieve it:
LblToTrack.TrackLabel lbl
mLabelColl.Add LblToTrack
Set LblToTrack.mLabelColl = mLabelColl ' <-- Add this line.
But please be aware that this leads to a circular reference between the collection and its contained objects, a problem that is known to be a source of memory leaks, but this should not be an important issue in this case.
I have two collections - collection1 and collection2
collection1 has a number of class objects in it and I am trying to fill collection2 with copies of the same objects using the following command:
Set collection2 = collection1
This doesn't give me the desired result though, because when I use
collection2.Remove 1
It removes the object at index 1 from both collections.
Below is the full code, which I hoped would output 10 objects in collection1 after removing one from collection2
Sub test()
Dim collection1 As Collection
Dim collection2 As Collection
Dim testObj As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
Set collection1 = New Collection
Set collection2 = New Collection
For i = 1 To 10
collection1.Add testObj
Next i
Set collection2 = collection1
collection2.Remove 1
Debug.Print collection1.Count
End Sub
I tried the code below and it works but I'm looking to avoid filling both collections one by one if possible:
For i = 1 To 10
collection1.Add testObj
collection2.Add testObj
Next i
The reason I'm not so keen on this option is because ultimately I intend to use multiple collections, manipulating them and taking copies at various points so I would end up with lots of for loops in my code, rather than just one.
I am trying to fill collection2 with copies of the same objects using the following command:
Set collection2 = collection1
Yet that's not what that command does. The Set keyword doesn't "copy objects", and doesn't automagically know (or even care) that it's dealing with a Collection object that contains items.
The Set keyword assigns a reference. Nothing more, nothing less.
So what Set collection2 = collection1 does, is, literally:
Take the pointer for the collection1 object, and replace whatever collection2 is referring to with that.
That Set instruction is effectively discarding the object you created in the first place, when you did this:
Set collection2 = New Collection
You're not "copying objects" or "filling collection2" - you're overwriting its object reference, making collection2 point to the same object as collection1.
And since both pointers point to the same object... removing an item using either Collection is indeed going to be removing it from "both" collections, ...because there's only one collection object involved.
The (undocumented?) ObjPtr keyword can help shed some light on what's happening, too:
Set collection1 = New Collection
Debug.Print "collection1: " & ObjPtr(collection1)
Set collection2 = New Collection
Debug.Print "collection2: " & ObjPtr(collection2)
'the debug output contains 2 different addresses at this point
Set collection2 = collection1
Debug.Print "collection1: " & ObjPtr(collection1)
Debug.Print "collection2: " & ObjPtr(collection2)
'now the debug output clearly shows that
'both collection1 and collection2 are pointing to the same object
If you need copies of a collection, you need a function that takes a collection and returns a brand new object:
Public Function CopyCollection(ByVal source As Collection) As Collection
Dim result As New Collection
Dim item As Variant
For Each item In source
result.Add item
Set CopyCollection = result
End Function
As already noted in comments though, this will only work if your collections aren't keyed. Because of how limited a Collection is (you can't iterate its keys), you'll have to use a Scripting.Dictionary instead, if you need to clone a keyed collection.
First of all, you dont need to Dim collection1 As Collection and Set collection1 = New Collection. This can be replaced by Dim collection1 As New Collection
Now, what you are doing is making the collection2 to contain the collection1. Its like putting lots of caps on a box (collection1) and then putting this box inside another box (collection2).
The alternative is to either fill both of them at the same time or do a code to copy the contents like
for i = 1 to collection1.count
collection2.add collection1.item(i)
next i
I have dificulties figuring how a function can return an object in Excel VBA.
For example, in Java, I am used to write it like this:
Private ArrayList<> getARandomArrayList() {
//... My code
return anArrayList;
This method should return an arrayList that I can use.
If I do this in Excel, I believe it is supposed to look like this:
Function getARandomArrayList() As System.Collections.ArrayList
'... My code
getARandomArrayList = anArrayList
End Function
When I try to use this kind of function, I get a "Compile error: User-defined type not defined" error window. If I use variables type like Double or String, I have no problem. It is only with objects that I get errors.
A VBA.Collection may work for you, depending on your needs. (Edit: And as Vincent points out in the comments, no additional references are required.) Here's what it'd look like to use one:
Function getSomeCollection() As VBA.Collection
'Declare a collection
Dim newCollection As VBA.Collection
'Initialize the collection
Set newCollection = New VBA.Collection
'Add a string.
'Other methods are Item (access by index), Count, and Remove (by index)
newCollection.Add "hello"
'Reference the collection (note it's 1-based)
MsgBox newCollection(1)
'Set the return value
Set getSomeCollection = newCollection
End Function
As Rory said:
You have to set a reference to the relevant object library in order to be able to declare a variable as a type contained in it
I went in reference and activated System librairies.
Have the following code that ends up with a .Count variable. I would like to take that integer value and output it to a sentence in a custom UserForm. How do I do this within the Visual Studio 2012 designer. This is really stumping me. Thanks!
Public Shared Property mailItem As Object
Public Shared Property BodyMatchResults As MatchCollection
Public Shared Property SubjectMatchResults As MatchCollection
Public Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, _
ByRef Cancel As Boolean) Handles Application.ItemSend
Dim mailItem As Outlook.MailItem = TryCast(Item, Outlook.MailItem)
If mailItem IsNot Nothing Then
Dim attachments = mailItem.Attachments
For Each attachment As Outlook.Attachment In attachments
AttachmentQuery(attachment, mailItem, Cancel)
Next attachment
End If
Dim BodyMatchResults As MatchCollection
Dim SubjectMatchResults As MatchCollection
Dim RegexObj As New Regex("\b(?!000)(?!666)(?!9)[0-9]{3}[ .-]?(?!00)[0-9]{2}[ .-]?(?!0000)[0-9]{4}\b")
BodyMatchResults = RegexObj.Matches(mailItem.Body)
SubjectMatchResults = RegexObj.Matches(mailItem.Subject)
If BodyMatchResults.Count > 0 Or SubjectMatchResults.Count > 0 Then
Cancel = True
MessageBox.Show((BodyMatchResults.Count + SubjectMatchResults.Count))
' Access individual matches using AllMatchResults.Item[]
Cancel = False
End If
The UserForm is pretty basic with three buttons and a warning text above it. I would like to have in that text "There were either "BodyMatchResults.count" or "subjectmatchresults.count" in your email.
Well you obviously beging with your .count variable (which for arguments sake I'll assume is of type Integer). Hopefully you also have your Custom UserForm which we'll assume you have called UserForm.
In that UserForm add the following code:
Private _count As Integer
Public Sub New (ByVal count AS Integer)
_count = count
End Sub
You can then use the _count variable to dipaly the informationyou want displayed.
Now when you call your UserForm you can pass your .count variable to it so that it can be used there like this:
dim frm as New UserForm(NumberOfCountsIWantToDisplay)
This basic principle will work for most situations.
Clearly I'm not reading things properly. Your question had specifically asked about passing a Global variable. You should simply be able to refer to a publically defined global variable from anywhere within your application (so long as that variable has application scope). However global variables can be more trouble that they are worth and if in reality you simply want to pass one value from form a to form b then I would use the approach that I had originally outlined having misread the subject title, for which I apologise.