Is it possible to set excluded folders for IDEA from SBT? - intellij-idea

I have a large multi module SBT project. One module is a Play2 project. Now, by default, IntelliJ IDEA excludes the whole target folder and IDEA's own compiler does not run the compile goal from sbt, but tries to figure everything out itself. This leads to important Play2 parts like routes and reverse routers not built.
When I run sbt compile from the console, these components are built, but since they are in the target folder which is excluded in IDEA by default, IDEA ignores everything in there.
Every time when switching Git branches (the Play2 project is only in one branch as of now) I have to go into the project structure and adjust the excluded folders manually.
Is it somehow possible to have IDEA figure this out by itself, and call sbt compile when rebuilding the project?


HelloWorld in Kotlin gives error "Could not find or load main class"

I spent the last 1,5 hour trying to make this simple tutorial work in IntelliJ IDEA, as you can see in this video.
When trying to run the code, I get the error:
/[...] -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 src.HelloKt
Error: Could not find or load main class src.HelloKt
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: src.HelloKt
I have tried setting up SDK, invalidating cache, removing .idea and .gradle, rebuilding project, deleting the profile and adding it again. I tried those actions in different orders.
Here's a screenshot of the project:
It also complains Kotlin is not configured, but I have already configured it.
Here's the run configuration:
Here are the project settings:
Your Hello.kt file needs to be somewhere inside the src/main folder, probably in src/main/kotlin. This is different from the tutorial, because your project is using Gradle, and the one in the tutorial isn't. I think this is because newer versions of IntelliJ use Gradle by default for new projects, which wasn't the case when the tutorial was written.
The use of src/main/kotlin and src/test/kotlin as source code directories is a convention in Gradle (and Maven). When importing a Gradle project into IntelliJ, main becomes a module, and kotlin becomes a source folder within that module. The same goes for test. In your screenshots, the bold text and blue icons on main and test confirm that's how your project is set up. Files outside of those folders aren't treated as source files, which explains why your Hello.kt file isn't being compiled or recognised correctly.
It's likely that the default behaviour of IntelliJ when creating a new project has changed since this tutorial was written. In the tutorial, they select "Kotlin" as the project type and this creates a project that doesn't use Gradle. As a result, the project doesn't use the src/main/kotlin directory structure.
I can see from your video that you selected the same option, but on the next screen, IntelliJ still automatically selected Gradle as the build system for the new project. To match the project structure used in the tutorial, I think you would need to select "IntelliJ" as the build system.

IntelliJ (2020.2) - How disable 'Build project automatically' for a project based on Gradle?

I am an Eclipse/STS user/developer, now trying to use IntelliJ Idea (CE)
For a project based on Gradle, how spring-integration, when I open the IDE it happens the following
Ok, let the IDE load the project ... but
From above, that is the problem, I don't want that the IDE starts automatically to build/rebuild the project. I just need, open the project and that's all.
Observation: for example in Eclipse/STS exists the option to disable Build Automatically
I did do a research in the Web and I read the following posts and questions:
How to disable automatic gradle builds?
IntelliJ IDEA “Build project automatically” apparently not working
Intellij IDEA Java classes not auto compiling on save
Sadly the dialog options were changed but ...
From above, seems nothing to do.
Observation: from above observe the Build project automatically option is disabled
Even with that disabled and after to restart the IDE, I must always stop manually the build process
So what is missing? or Do I need a special extra plugin to accomplish my goal?
The images that you show indicate that you are building with Gradle, but the Compiler option that you disable is relevant for building projects with Idea not with Gradle.
For the 2020.2 version, you need to do the following:
Open the Setting > Build Tools page.
Disable the "Reload changes in build scripts" option.
This way you can manually control the reload. When you change the build script, you will see a small gradle icon in the right side of the editor.
For more info, refer to the IntelliJ IDEA help > Gradle section.
There are two different things in IntelliJ's Gradle support that sometimes confused: sync and build. Your pictures demonstrate sync process (note caption on the toolwindow). Word build is kind of misleading here.
What is sync? In gradle we use Groovy to define the build procedure. Groovy is an imperative programming language, so it's hard to predict resulting dependencies graph without actually executing the script. During the sync Idea executes configuration phase of gradle build (one that builds dependency graph), and obtains configured objects from the Gradle daemon. This information is used to setup project in the IDE: modules, libraries, dependencies, which sources are test, which are prod, etc.
Actual build is not happening during sync. You can convince yourself by adding syntax error to any source file, and observe that the sync succeeds. But build will fail if you invoke it.
In answer to the original question: you can't disable automatic build, because it is not enabled.
Is it possible to disable sync in Gradle project? Short answer - no. If you need a code browser, which is not required to understand all the cross-references in the source code, IDEA is not the best choice probably.
Without sync IDE does not know which files are sources, and which are not. IDEA cannot open folders. It only can open projects. Good thing is that module can contain folder. So you can do the following: File | New | Project. Select Empty project, Next, select some random folder outside the source folder you want to open, Finish.
Then add new module:
Select Java in the left panel, everything else keep default, Next, Finish. Then in new module remove existing content root, and add folder with sources as new content root
Resulting project is mostly useless. Tons of red code (at least, unresolved symbols from external libraries), no inspections, no navigation, no sense. But it might be useful in some rare situations indeed.

IntelliJ IDEA: temporarily replace JAR with local classes

The gradle build script for the project is pulling a JAR file as a dependency, let's call it "LibX". I have the LibX source locally and would like to make some changes to the code and test my project against those changes.
I am able to add the local classes as a library in the project structure settings, and add these to the test module, and I can drag this to the top of the list of dependencies for the test module. However, changes I'm making to LibX are not being reflected (I'm recompiling) when I run tests.
What am I missing? I'm also open to the possibility that this is totally the wrong workflow. Basically, I'd like to be able to modify code in a dependency and test, without having to push changes made to the dependency, and pull a new snapshot build.

IntelliJ, JRebel, Maven and a JEE 6 application

My setup is
IDE: IntelliJ
Application: JEE6 with an EAR and a WAR module
Build: Maven
Hot-Code-Replacement: JRebel
App-Server: Glassfish 3.1
I configured the application in IntelliJ in a way that the ear gets deployed. The ear "target" folder looks like this
In the default configuration JRebel listens for changes in the classes/ folder.
When I change something in the web module, and build this, the classes are only updated in appWeb/target/classes/ but not in appEar/target/appEar/appWeb-version-Snapshot.war/.
If I want to update those classes I have to select "Build Artifacts" in IntelliJ after building the project.
To sum up, I have to do these steps for a hot code replacement:
(once) Configure JRebel correctly.
Make project
Build Artifacts
This whole procedure appears to be too complicated to me. Does anyone have a clue how to setup IntelliJ/Maven/Glassfish/JEE/JRebel correctly? I have not found an example containing all my tools. I'd like to have only one action for the code replacement, not two.
There's "build on make" checkbox in your project artifact settings, that will always recreate your artifact on compiling, if that's what you are looking for. However JRebel should remap where your application is reading class files and resources based on rebel.xml, so you probably should just rewrite rebel.xml to look for classes where they are compiled to, not where they end up after building the artifact.
Why do you need to Build Artifacts every time?
Your war should contain the rebel.xml that maps to the classes in /target/classes folder.
When you make changes to said classes, your server then knows to load the changes from those classes.
So you only need to build your project in order to see the changes assuming your rebel.xml classpath points to /target/classes.

M2Eclipse can't find dependencies when they are projects in the same workspace

I know there are various known issues with the M2eclipse plugin and I guess this is just one of them. Hopefully someone is aware of a solution or workaround.
We have like 30 projects in our workspace but for clarity lets assume there are only 2: A en B.
B includes A as a dependency in the pom.xml of B.
The problem we have is that in eclipse the classes of A can't be found so you get compilation errors. However, if you 'mvn install' A to deploy it in the local repository and the close project A then everything is fine; no compilation errors. So, if A exists in the project M2Eclipse does not seem to be able to correctly set the classpath in eclipse.
To make things stranger, we also have project C that also depends (in exactly the same way as B) on project A but here we have no compilation errors. We can't identify anything meaningful difference between project B or C; as said, they include A in the same manner.
thanks for your help,
P.S. I'm using version of the plugin
I've experienced this behavior before, and it has occurred for me in the past when I imported or checked out the maven projects separately.
Prerequisite: make sure you have m2extras installed before you check out a multi-module Maven project: update site
First thing to try: right-click each project and choose Maven -> update project configuration. The plugin might be smart enough to detect that it could be building project references between the projects.
Second thing to try (if your 30 projects are all submodules off one root): this would be easiest, because you could use the SCM integration of m2eclipse to do a "Checkout as Maven Project..." on the root pom. M2eclipse would make a project for the superpom and for each submodule, with project references built appropriately.
Third thing to try: I'd try manually creating project references in the project settings of each project to mirror their interdependencies. It'd be a lot of work, and unless you check in your eclipse .project/.settings (eww), it would have to be done individually for each working copy.
finally, after agonizing hours I found the cause.
I was focussing on the .classpath and the .settings files but the problem was located in the .project file. This file in project A was missing following entry in the tag natures:
Adding this resolved the issues.