Maximum line length supported by logstash? - input

What is the maximum character length does logstash can read as a single event from a file (single line input, NOT multiline input)? Also does logstash take specific number of spaces/tabs in between a line as newline?

Looks like the file input uses filewatch, which has a 32K limit.

The previous answer is referring to an old version of filewatch where the chunk size was hard-coded to 32K
Recent file-input still uses this as the default chunk size but allows configuration if the line is longer than 32K.
The plugin also prints a warning when a delimiter is not found reading a chunk.


Bad $FILE_NAME entries in $MFT on NTFS disk

I have some code which is parsing the $MFT on an NTFS disk.
All works perfectly, except that a handful of records (roughly 10 out of 60000) return incorrect characters in the file name. See the screenshot below:
Note the Unicode character defined by byte '0E'. In all other applications, this is an underscore character. See below:
Even in the $INDEX_ROOT attribute of the containing directory, it has the correct name:
Am I reading the $FILE_NAME attribute wrong? Or should I ignore what's there and always use the name from the $INDEX_ROOT attribute of the directory instead? This seems a bit backwards?
Note: it isn't always '0E', and isn't always this file name, but seems to always be only one character which is wrong in each 'bad' record.
For anyone in the future, I stumbled across the answer while reading this link:
The fixup array starts at offset 0x30. The first two bytes (0x 8c 06) are the last two bytes in every sector of the record. The real last couple of bytes in all the sectors are stored in the fixup array that follows, namely all zeroes.
Noting that your values will be different, but that you'll notice your 'bad' file names are present whenever the filename attribute spans across a sector boundary (as in the above screenshots from WinHex). Once the end of sector bytes are replaced with the relevant fixup bytes, the filenames are then correct.

GNU Radio text file sink

I'm trying to teach myself basics of GNU Radio and DSP. I created a flowchart in GNU Radio Companion that takes a vector that is the binary representation of a single character (the character "1" as "00110001"), modulates, demodulates, and writes to a file sink.
The scope sink after demodulation looks like the values are returned (see below; appears to be correct pattern of 0s and 1s), but the file sink, although its size is 19 bytes, appears empty, or at least is not returning the correct values (I've looked at it in ASCII and Hex text editors). I assumed the single character transferred would result in 1 byte (or 8 bits) -- not 19 bytes. Changing some of the settings in the Polyphase Sync and adding a Repack Bits block after the binary slicer results in some characters in the output file, but never the right character.
My questions are:
Can GNU Radio take a single character, modulate/demodulate it, and return the same character?
Are there errors in my flowchart?
I'd appreciate any insights or suggestions, thank you.

PDF format. function of %-started sequence

What is a function of hex sequence "25 E2 E3 CF D3", found at the beginning of some documents? It should be a comment as far as I understand, but it's content is not any meaningful text and the same sequence occurs in many documents.
It identifies the PDF file as containing binary data.
From the freely available PDF Reference (section 7.5.2, p. 40):
If a PDF file contains binary data, as most do (see 7.2, "Lexical Conventions"), the header line shall be
immediately followed by a comment line containing at least four binary characters—that is, characters whose
codes are 128 or greater. This ensures proper behaviour of file transfer applications that inspect data near the
beginning of a file to determine whether to treat the file’s contents as text or as binary.

how to find out max number of characters that a tring can take in php?

in php m using code for reading a csv file and storing it into a string separated by comma...
now my string is something like this:
$string= '9878546512','9785456213','9632587412','9753159821','9467521234','9638527412'..and so on
in future i may have many numbers like this in $string may be 1000 phone numbers copied from csv file to $string...
now my question is that what is maximum size of a string variable in php so that i can limit number of characters read into $string variable...
There's no architectural limit on a single string variable per se. You can slurp in the contents of an entire file, for instance using file_get_contents()
However, a PHP script has a limit on the total memory it can allocate for all variables in a given script execution, so this effectively places a limit on the length of a single string variable too.
This limit is the memory_limit directive in the php.ini configuration file. The memory limit defaults to 128MB in PHP 5.2, and 8MB in earlier releases.

dll files compared to gzip files

Okay, the title isn't very clear.
Given a byte array (read from a database blob) that represents EITHER the sequence of bytes contained in a .dll or the sequence of bytes representing the gzip'd version of that dll, is there a (relatively) simple signature that I can look for to differentiate between the two?
I'm trying to puzzle this out on my own, but I've discovered I can save a lot of time by asking for help. Thanks in advance.
Check if it's first two bytes are the gzip magic number 0x1f8b (see RFC 1952). Or just try to gunzip it, the operation will fail if the DLL is not gzip'd.
A gzip file should be fairly straight forward to determine as it ought to consist of a header, footer and some other distinguishable elements in between.
From Wikipedia:
"gzip" is often also used to refer to
the gzip file format, which is:
a 10-byte header, containing a magic
number, a version number and a time
optional extra headers, such as
the original file name
a body,
containing a DEFLATE-compressed
an 8-byte footer, containing a
CRC-32 checksum and the length of the
original uncompressed data
You might also try determining if the gzip contains any records/entries as each will also have their own header.
You can find specific information on this file format (specifically the member header which is linked) here.