How to Find the Length of a Column in VBA with a Variable Last Row - vba

I'm a beginner to vba and hope to use it in order to automate a process. I have a computer program that provides me an excel spreadsheet, where the amount of data in the columns can change. For example, I could have a column of length 9 one time:
Or a column of length 5 (note: actual column sizes are usually in the thousands):
I want to write code that will grab this column, not knowing how long the column will be. Something like:
Dim list1 As Array
'I don't know how to find the upper bound
list1 = Range("A1:A" & Upper Bound).Value
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

If you are working with constant values in these columns and are working with larger amounts of cells in these columns, it could be useful to use the count function:
dim x As Long
x = Worksheets(*sheet name*).Range(*column range*).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Count
x is being passed the number of non-empty cells in your column. So you may want to be careful in your column range not to include any headers, if applicable.

I believe this will get you the last row. You might need to be careful if you're looking to count all values (e.g. the first couple rows are blank).
Dim lastRow As Long
lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

To get the data from column A into a 2d variant array, use the following:
Dim vA As Variant
vA = [a1:index(a:a,counta(a:a))]
This assumes that there are no blank cells within the data, and that the data starts in row 1.


Find cell value, match, cut, move, ...vba

I am a beginner in VBA.
I have components which always consist from 2 parts. (Rotor and a stator, each has its own number). When work is with them it can be damaging some of these parts, however it is necessary to keep a list of damaged parts, where the result is inventory e.g. 200 rotors, stators 150 with different numbers. Before I could scrap it, I need to complete them as proper sets. I.e. rotor "a" stator "a", "b" with "b", etc. It's crazy to work with many numbers to compare them, copy …to find the result of sets qty.
It is possible to solve it with Macro, what I try to do, but I was stuck.
What is the task: In the column "A" I have a list of all damaged parts (mix of rotors, stators different numbers). In the column "C" an information only with help of VlookUP, what should be a counterpart number.
What do I need to solve: In row 5, column. „A“ I have component number , but I know that in the same column, somewhere from row 6 to xx I have a counterpart. What I need is … according to information from column C, same row(5) where is info about the counterpart num. to find counerpart in column A, when found, took it out and put into cell B5. Thus,I get a complete set. Then the next row (6), same action. Macro reading num. in „C“,searching in „A“, when found, cut, and put to „B“ next row 7,8,9,… The result should be a certain qty of pairs + some single numbers if not second part found.
The problem I have is that cycle is working until always found relared counterpart. If the counterpart in row A is not available (no match betwen C-A), the code will stop on that row.
What I need help with is, that if code did not find the counerpart based to info from C just skip this row, make it red and continue with next row till end, it means stop on first empty cell in C. Thanks a lot to everybody who is helping me.
Dim pn As Range,
Dim a
Dim x
x = 5
Dim i As Long, Dim radek As Long
a = Cells(x, 3)
For i = 1 To 500
Set pn = Selection.Find(What:=a)
If Not pn Is Nothing Then
End If
Cells(x, 2).Select
x = x + 1
End Sub

Find and Highlight Least Common Occurrence(s) in Variable Range

I have a code that has a variable range with many categories in each column that display data. I need to highlight the least commonly occurring values as a percentage of the total number of cells.
If there are 300 cells in the column, it needs to find the value (out of many possibly repeating values) that occurs least frequently. It is a bonus if the code can anticipate the total number, and give only 5% or 10% of the entire column as a result.
Currently my attempt is to use a function in the top cell that will find the least common occurrence, and the code will simply highlight whatever that value is down the cell as it repeats (and highlight every one of the least common ones.
The difficulty I am having is twofold.
There may be more than one least common value that is still below 10% of the total values
The ability to automate this search so that it may be performed and highlighted for all of more than 100 columns with different categories and different values in each column
If too vague, feel free to ask questions about what I am going for, and I will respond promptly.
This is what the data looks like. As you can see there are merged titles for each column with various blank spaces and sperratically placed data that matches some specific column.
This is the proposed code which is still not highlighting what I would like it to. It has two problems. 1: It will highlight ALL of the data in one range if there is no differing value in the row. 2: It will highlight the titles of the columns.
This is the highlighted data which is still insufficiently complete.
In some cases the column truely do not match the purpose of the code, for example in one column, the number 12 was highlighted down the column (67 occurances) where there are fewer occurances of other numbers. (8 occurs 29 times and is not highlighted)
I just hacked together a seemingly working example. Try this here:
Sub frequenz()
Dim col As Range, cel As Range
Dim letter As String
Dim lookFor As String
Dim frequency As Long, totalRows As Long
Dim relFrequency As Double
Dim ran As Range
ran = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:ZZ65535")
totalRows = 65535
For Each col In ran.Columns
'***get column letter***
letter = Split(ActiveSheet.Cells(1, col.Column).Address, "$")(1)
For Each cel In col.Cells
lookFor = cel.Text
frequency = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(letter & "2:" & letter & totalRows), lookFor)
relFrequency = frequency / totalRows
If relFrequency <= 0.001 Then
cel.Interior.Color = ColorConstants.vbYellow
End If
Next cel
Next col
End Sub
It seemed to be doing just what you are looking for.
Edit: fixed the address getting.

Using an array to count coloured cells

Currently I have a worksheet which has different colored cells in it like the one below:
I am using an array to count the colored cells per column. Here is my a snippet of my code:
Dim difference(0 To 41) As Long
For Each mycell In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Differences").UsedRange
Dim col As Long
col = mycell.Column
If ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Differences").Cells(mycell.Row,mycell.Column).Interior.Color = vbRed Then
difference(col) = difference(col) + 1
End If
Next mycell
Sheets("Summary").Cells(47, 3) = difference(0)
Sheets("Summary").Cells(48, 3) = difference(1)
Sheets("Summary").Cells(49, 3) = difference(2)
Which will list the amount of colored cells I have per column. I need help breaking this down so I can create a table which shows the number of colored cells per department. I have no idea on how to do this!
To make it easier to view I am looking to create this:
I should add: the amount of rows within the sheet can vary, they can also vary per department
Tried applying a column filter beginning with the first department and then counting the colored cells once the filter was applied, however since I am looking at every cell in the code above the result is still per column.
For anyone looking for an answer to this, a rather long method. However, I applied a filter and then set the range to only the visible cells instead of the used range in the whole worksheet
It seems it would be a lot easier to use a multi dimensional array, so you would have Array(4,7) so some sudo code might look like. I could do real code, but you seem to know what your doing.
Select Case mycell.row
Case 1
Array(1,Col) = Array(1,Col) + 1
Case 2
Array(1,Col) = Array(1,Col) + 1
Case 3
Array(2,Col) = Array(2,Col) + 1
end select
The trick to a multi dimensional array is to think of it like a spread sheet, (2,2) = 3 rows, by 3 columns ... (3 because arrays start at 0) The beauty of it is, if you do it this way when it comes to extract the data you simply put a double loop
For I =0 to Ubound(Array)
For II = 0 to Ubound(Array,2)
Cell(I,II).Value = Array(I,II)

Excel VBA - Column count using variants

I have searched the forums but I am really struggling to get part of my code to work. Basically the idea is to search sheet 1 and copy one or more columns depending on the criteria to a specific worksheet.
i.e. if sheet 1 columns 1 and 3 contain "copy 01" then copy both columns to a sheet 2 and if sheet 1 columns 2 and 4 contain "copy 02" then copy both columns to a sheet 3 etc.
I can count rows fine using the code, but can't count columns. Seems to relate to not fiding the column range but I have no ideas to fix this! Any help would be much appreciated.
Dim NR As Long
Dim d As Variant
d = ws1.Range("A1:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row).Value
For NR = 1 To UBound(d, 1)
Dim NC As Long
Dim e As Variant
e = ws1.Range(Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column).Value
For NC = 1 To UBound(e, 1)
You want this:
e = range("A1:" & split(cells(1,cells(1,columns.Count).end(xlToLeft).column).address(true,false), "$")(0) & "1").Address
The cells(1, columns.count).end(xlToLeft).column) gets the last column number (for example 13 for 'M').
Putting this into cells(1, lastcolNum) gets a cell that represents the cell in the first row of this column (for example Cell M1).
The address(true, false) method gets the cell reference with a dollar sign before the row but not before the column letter (for example "M$1"
The split function returns an array which splits the input string by the "$" character (for example array - ("M","1")
The (0) returns the 0th element in the returned array (for example "M")
Then putting this into the range function returns the range (for example) "A1:M1"
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do with the UBound function here. It would make more sense to make
e = cells(1,columns.count).end(xlToLeft).column
and then loop through
For N = 1 To e
As this will loop through each column.

Search through column in excel for specific strings where the string is random in each cell

I am working in excel with a datasheet that is 1000 rows and 15 columns. Currently, in one of the columns, I have a lot of data mixed in with people names (see below for an example). I want to see how many times each person's name appears in the datasheet, so I can use it in a pivot table. There is no particular format or order to the way names appear. It is random. Is there a way to code in excel to search through that whole column and give me a count of the amount of times each person's name appears?
Column D
2323xxx Bob 66
23 asjdxx Jacob 665
43 Tim 5935539
2394Bob 88
After some trial and error, I can generate a list of names, one per row and place them in a different column for comparison sake, if that makes it easier.
I know you have got your answer but why not use COUNTIF with Wild Cards? You don't need VBA for this :)
See this example
You don't have VBA tagged, but I don't know if there is a way to do this without it. I've built a custom function below. To implement it, take the following steps.
1) List desired names starting at column E1.
2) Insert this function into VBA Editor
A) Presss Alt + F11
B) Click Insert > Module from menu bar
C) Copy this code into Module
Option Explicit
Function findString(rngString As Range, rngSearch As Range) As Long
Dim cel As Range
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
For Each cel In rngSearch
If InStr(1, cel.Text, rngString.Value) > 0 Then
cel.offset(,-1) = rngString.Value 'places the name in cell to right of search range
i = i + 1
End If
findString = i
End Function
3) In F1 type the following formula
4) Run the formula down column F to get the count of each desired name.