How does camel case work with lower case proper nouns? - naming-conventions

As the title says how would camel case, which is: theQuickBrownFox, work when one of the words starts with a lower case letter followed by a capital such as is the case in iPhone.
getiPhoneNumber() for instance looks weird.
Would it be getIphoneNumber() or getIPhoneNumber() or what?
what if it was the first word? iPhoneNumber vs iphoneNumber? Since only each different word should be capitalized.

Any algorithm that separates a camel case identifier back into individual words would correctly produce: get IPhone number from getIPhoneNumber and would be fooled by getiPhoneNumber because it would separate this into geti phone number. Therefore, the correct naming is getIPhoneNumber.
Using the very same criterion I would use iphoneNumber rather than iPhoneNumber.
Given that there is some consensus about this question being opinion-based I would like to say that any criterion on how to capitalize a sentence using the camel case convention shouldn't be opinion based but consistent with whatever separation algorithm one would happen to use.


How to make a Password Validator in Scratch

So I am trying to make a password validator in Scratch where it asks the user to input an answer and then it puts the answer through some criterias and then outputs if it is a valid password or not. The criterias are:
Has at least 8 characters,
Has at least one uppercase letter,
Has at least one lowercase letter,
Has at least one number,
Has at least one special character,
Must contain less than 18 characters.
I tried to make a list first with all the different characters and check if the password contained them, but it doesn't actually work. I looked all over the internet for help on this but no one seems to have done it. The Scratch Wiki does have some stuff about case sensitivity but I haven't really been able to implement it. I really need help and I have been trying for a while now. Thanks.
If you just check if the password contains the list, it will only work if it has every single character of the list in order. If you want to make sure it contains each check, you're probably going to have to make a system that checks each letter for every check, which is a little complex.
Check if <lowercase letter/whatever check> contains(letter(text reading #) of (password))
If it passes this check, continue to the next check and set text reading # to 1. Otherwise, change text reading # by 1.
I assume you'll know how to code this properly, but I just partially phrased in the way a normal human would.
This will repeat until either it reaches the end of the password or it passes the check. it will then do this again, but for a different check. It's hard to explain in text, and this is my first answer, but I hope it helps.
You have to use the operators "contains", "length of" and > operators, from the end of the class. Combine "contains", "or" and "and".

Kotlin, why is function deprecated?

Recently, i've wanted to use capitalize() function.
When I did so, a warning occured:
'capitalize(): String' is deprecated. Use replaceFirstChar instead.
The suggested replaceFirstChar feels quite long and complicated:
input.replaceFirstChar { if (it.isLowerCase()) it.titlecase(Locale.getDefault()) else it.toString() }
Although everything works fine with capitalize(), i've been just wondering what the reason for deprecated warning is, if there's any problem with it and how can i solve this.
There is no problem with the code per se. The "issue" is what capitalize means for all of the possible languages/characters/platforms/locales.
The doc even says why it is deprecated.
The title case of a character is USUALLY the same as its upper case
with several exceptions. The particular list of characters with the
special title case form depends on the underlying platform.
If you follow all of the reasoning why it is deprecated you reach isTitleCase where you will have an example of characters in languages where the character should not be "upper cased".
Capitalization is writing a word with its first letter as a capital letter (uppercase
letter) and the remaining letters in lower case, in writing systems
with a case distinction.
There are a few good examples and explanations for different languages on Letter case Wiki
The German letter "ß" formerly existed only in lower case.

Replacing first and last character of every word using REGEXP_REPLACE

My question is somewhat specific, I'm not using any kind of code compiler to achieve the result in the title, I am using a IRC Client that allows the use of "Quirks" so the users can have specific mannerisms when chatting, like starting every word with an uppercase, or changing every "s" into a "2".
Problem is that I can't see the whole code so even though I'm not familiar with REGEXP_REPLACE it makes things harder to learn.
The client simplifies the whole coding process, here's a screenshot of the
Filling the text boxes with "^(\w)" and "upper(\1)" respectively makes the first character capitalized, "(\w)$" and "upper(\1)" does the same with the last character.
I've discovered that "\b(\w)" will uppercase the first character of every word, i've tried "\b(\w)%" for the last character but it didn't work, as there is some syntax error, probably...
So, how do I get every last character capitalized?

How exact phrase search is performed by a Search Engine?

I am using Lucene to search in a Data-set, I need to now how "" search (I mean exact phrase search) mechanism has been implemented?
I want to make it able to result all "little cat" hits when the user enters "littlecat". I now that I should manipulate the indexing code, but at least I should now how the "" search works.
I want to make it able to result all "little cat" hits when the user enters "littlecat"
This might sound easy but it is very tough to implement. For a human being little and cat are two different words but for a computer it does not know little and cat seperately from littlecat, unless you have a dictionary and your code check those two words in dictionary. On the other hand searching for "little cat" can easily search for "littlecat" aswell. And i believe that this goes beyong the concept of an exact phrase search. Exact phrase search will only return littlecat if you search for "littlecat" and vice versa. Even google seemingly (expectedly too), doesnt return "little cat" on littlecat search
A way to implement this is Dynamic programming - using a dictionary/corpus to compare your individual words against(and also the left over words after you have parsed the text into strings).
Think of it like you were writing a custom spell-checker or likewise. In this, there's also a scenario when more than one combination of words may be left over eg -"walkingmydoginrain" - here you could break the 1st word as "walk", or as "walking" , and this is the beauty of DP - since you know (from your corpus) that you can't form legitimate words from "ingmydoginrain" (ie rest of the string - you have just discovered that in this context - you should pick the segmented word as "Walking" and NOT walk.
Also think of it like not being able to find a match is adding to a COST function that you define, so you should get optimal results - meaning you can be sure that your text(un-separated with white spaces) will for sure be broken into legitimate words- though there may be MORE than one possible word sequences in that line(and hence, possibly also intent of the person seeking this)
You should be able to find pretty good base implementations over the web for your use case (read also : How does Google implement - "Did you mean" )
For now, see also -
How to split text without spaces into list of words?

Handling Grammar / Spelling Issues in Translation Strings

We are currently implementing a Zend Framework Project, that needs to be translated in 6 different languages. We already have a pretty sophisticated translation system, based on Zend_Translate, which also handles variables in translation keys.
Our project has a new Turkish translator, and we are facing a new issue: Grammar, especially Turkish one. I noticed that this problem might be evident in every translation system and in most languages, so I posted a question here.
Question: Any ideas how to handle translations like:
Key: I have a[n] {fruit}
Variables: apple, banana
Result: I have an apple. I have a banana.
Key: Stimme für {user}[s] Einsendung
Variables: Paul, Markus
Result: Stimme für Pauls Einsendung,
Result: Stimme für Markus Einsendung
Anybody has a solution or idea for this? My only guess would be to avoid this by not using translations where these issues occur.
How do other platforms handle this?
Of course the translation system has no idea which type of word it is placing where in which type of Sentence. It only does some string replacements...
PS: Turkish is even more complicated:
For example, on a profile page, we have "Annie's Network". This should translate as "Annie'nin Aği".
If the first name ends in a vowel, the suffix will start with an n and look like "Annie'nin"
If the first name ends in a consonant, it will not have the first n, and look like "Kris'in"
If the last vowel is an a or ı, it will look like "Dan'ın"; or Seyma'nın"
If the last vowel is an o or u, it will look like "Davud'un"; or "Burcu'nun"
If the last vowel is an e or i, it will look like "Erin'in"; or "Efe'nin"
If the last vowel is an ö or ü, it will look like "Göz'ün'; or "Iminönü'nün"
If the last letter is a k (like the name "Basak"), it will look like "Basağın"; or "Eriğin"
It is actually very hard problem, as grammar rules are different even among languages from the same family. I don't think you could easily do anything for let's say Slavic languages...
However, if you want to solve this problem (because this is extra challenging) and you are looking for creative (cross inspiring) ways to do that, you might want to look into something called ChoiceFormat (example would be one from ICU Project) or you can look up GNU Gettext's solution for plural forms problem.
ICU (mentioned above) has a SelectFormat that may be of help- it's like a choice format but with arbitrary keywords. Also, it does have a PluralFormat which already has rules for many language's plural rules.