Send email to pushbullet? - pushbullet

The website "" is webwashed(filtered) by our proxy, at work.
But I really need to send some notifications to my devices.
Is there a way to send them thru the good old email protocol ?

So there is no officially supported feature for this, but you can sort of fake it using the existing email-to-push feature.
Send a push to an email address that is not a pushbullet account, such as It will have a from address of
You can then send emails to that address, and they should show up in your pushes list.

Proposed method with random strings in email address doesn't work.
This method works. Not an email, just pure notification as required.
The library developer suggests also command line notification send. Simple and handy.

I was looking to do something similar so I could get pushbullet notifications from cron jobs, and came across this:
I haven't gotten a chance to try it yet but I think this will do what you're wanting. Just tested it, and it works really well if you're able to run a postfix server.

I use Zapier for this (you can do it with a free account).
Set up a Zap to search for new mail under a label (I use "pushbullet-notify"), and send any message there to Pushbullet.
Then in Gmail just create filters for any mails you want PB notifications on, applying the same label.
The notification may be delayed up to 15 minutes from the time the email is received and labeled (free accounts check every 15 minutes).


Autoresponder in Gmail without "Vacation Responder"?

I'm trying to set up an autoresponder in Gmail that is not a typical vacation responder that's sent via a separate email. My autoresponder should respond directly to the email that came to the inbox.
There used to be a way with IFTTT, but they've since removed any Gmail triggers.
The reason I am looking for this is that I have a business on Yelp and when customers request quotes on Yelp, they get sent to my email. I can either open the Yelp app (or website) and respond there or respond directly to that email from my email address (it doesn't work to send a separate email to that Yelp email).
Has anyone ever done anything like this before? Alternatively, I was thinking of going the somewhat more complicated route and have an "incoming email" trigger in Zapier and then have something scrape the email for links and set up an automation to respond with my standard response, but that seemed like a lot...
I've solved it with Zapier! Basically, in Zapier you need to set up a Gmail response and respond to the same thread ID as the original email. This will work for any "respond to this email to respond to the client" messages from pages like Yelp for Business.

Registration process with mail confirmation in Selenium

I have question about registration process in selenium. Which way is best to do it if we must click activation link in received email? Which method is used by commercial QA teams?
I am thinking about this problem and I want to use sites like '10 minutes mail', is that a good way?
There's any other options? I can't use same mail multiple times.
Creating new 'true' mail every time will be difficult and will take too much time, there will be captcha problems etc
you can use a mailbox as registration mail, which supply API to read mail content in inbox, rather than only can from UI. Therefore you can easier to get the activation link and send http request to simulate click activation link.
Try using regular gmail account, there is a trick with '+' character and You can re-use multiple times, and mail is getting received on same account.
So You can use like this: open gmail with desired address, eg. address, so You can reuse it in following iterations:
and so You can have...lot of accounts. I've used this method and its quite sufficient.

How to know if user has seen a message sent by my bot in Telegram?

I'm developing a Telegram bot, and I want to know whether a user, that has started a private chat with my bot, has seen a certain message sent by bot, and to know when has he seen it.
Is it possible to do so?
Thank you very much.
That's currently not possible.
I'm using this solution.
Create a channel specially for your bot
Let your robot send message from this channel to users, you can use forward method.
Now you can see how many users have seen your message
Telegram Bot API has limit functionality. There is absolutely no way to get message view count at the time of this comment.
Usually TDLib can be used instead of Telegram Bot. It is Telegram client library. You can use it directly or make it as services for BOT to call.
For example. use TdApi.GetMessage to get the message, and the returned message has field of interactionInfo which contains forwardCount or viewCount.
perhaps this answer help you :
in the end of your message place
link example :\checkvisit.php?id=1234
when user open message link automatic run for telegram ...
you can understand message was read
you must in checkvisit.php set to check db if id exist and not read set it to read
then id in db remove or disable
but this method simple - telegram must add 1 parameter to return this
sorry my english not good
it is not possible yet , you might want to search for Madeline bot

PHP script to send and retrive sms from a website

I'm not sure where to begin, but got a case I need help from others where and if possible to solve.
Thing is, got a new alarm system at home, this system uses sms function so I can send a short code to my alarm asking for status if it`s ON or OFF, or i can turn it on/off from an sms.
Since both the sms number and code is strictly personal, I would not like to tell my carpenter the codes, but in the mean while he is working at my home, I can give him a login to my site, where he can see if the alarm is turned on or even turn it on/off by him self.
I would like to build me a website, that does the same.
Got a login to my site, when logged in, i would like the website to send an sms automatically, then retrieve the answer and display it on the website.
Is this even possible ? If so, anyone can past me in the right direction here ?
Thanks in advance =)
You can send an SMS from a website. Most mobile operators will gladly offer you an apropriate API.
For instance Deutsche Telekom has an API called "Developer Garden" that allows you to send SMS via a WebService and much more.
see here for an example:
Other providers may also offer such services.
you need an sms gateway ( we use these guys :, but nearly any will do )
Your easiest option is to find one where you can insert SMS'es for sending via a URL, eg in our case the URL looks like this:[user]&key=[longcode]&method=http&senderid=[id]&sms=[phonenumber]&message=[here's the message]
it's extremely simple to use. If your site handles the login otherwise, then you can use this for the rest.
Now, how to receive SMS'es is a bit tricker :)
But this provider, for example, offers you options to;
Send the reply as an email to a nominated email address.
Send the reply as an email to the original user who sent the message.
Send the reply as an SMS to a nominated mobile number.
POST the reply to your website or application . e.g. We can call a http/https request to your script
as you can see, both the email and the POST options are providing great ways to integrate.
I'd say if you don't handle incoming email already, then stick to the POST method.
voila :)

How to preemptively determine when email has arrived?

I want to listen for incoming emails and, if they are of a certain format, intercept them (process them and preferably prevent them from proceeding on to the email inbox).
What event should I monitor for this? Is there something like a "FileSystemWatcher" that knows when email is incoming, or...???
What you are asking is not possible.
The reason is this: What email account are you listening to? And what is raising the event? You reference the file watcher, but do you see how simplistic a file watcher is compared to email? What if the current user has 10 email accounts - what do you expect the OS to do? Raise a NewEmail event for each email? And, what if they are running Outlook, Windows Live Mail, Windows 8 Mail, and some other client. How would the OS know in the first place? If each client is monitoring a different client, what are you expecting to happen? For this reason, what you are asking is not possible.
The short of it is: the OS is not monitoring user email accounts.
However, if what you are attempting to accomplish is to monitor an email account and respond when that account receives new email, this is not a Windows 8 question anymore. This is a POP or EAS question where you connect to and monitor an account just like an email client does. You would not be wise to do this on the client, either. Since Windows 8 apps are not always running - a server/service would be a smarter approach.
Specifically to your question, though: not possible.
Good luck, I hope that answers your question.