Number format displayed differently in the formula bar and cell vba - vba

I used ActiveCell.Numerformat= "(0)" . The value is displayed with brackets in the cell but the formula bar shows the value without brackets.
Because of the above problem, Instead of using Numberformat I appended the number with brackets
var= "(" & value & ")"
After writing the var to the cell it is displayed as -450 instead of (450)
Either of method does not work for me. Any help? I am confused with vba and excel formats.

Sub Macro2()
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = """(""General"")"""
End Sub
Sub Macro2()
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = """(""0"")"""
End Sub


What does a hyperlink range.start and range.end refer to?

I'm trying to manipulate some text from a MS Word document that includes hyperlinks. However, I'm tripping up at understanding exactly what Range.Start and Range.End are returning.
I banged a few random words into an empty document, and added some hyperlinks. Then wrote the following macro...
Sub ExtractHyperlinks()
Dim rHyperlink As Range
Dim rEverything As Range
Dim wdHyperlink As Hyperlink
For Each wdHyperlink In ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks
Set rHyperlink = wdHyperlink.Range
Set rEverything = ActiveDocument.Range
rEverything.TextRetrievalMode.IncludeFieldCodes = True
Debug.Print "#" & Mid(rEverything.Text, rHyperlink.Start, rHyperlink.End - rHyperlink.Start) & "#" & vbCrLf
End Sub
However, the output between the #s does not quite match up with the hyperlinks, and is more than a character or two out. So if the .Start and .End do not return char positions, what do they return?
This is a bit of a simplification but it's because rEverything counts everything before the hyperlink, then all the characters in the hyperlink field code (including 1 character for each of the opening and closing field code braces), then all the characters in the hyperlink field result, then all the characters after the field.
However, the character count in the range (e.g. rEverything.Characters.Count or len(rEverything)) only includes the field result if TextRetrievalMode.IncludeFieldCodes is set to False and only includes the field code if TextRetrievalMode.IncludeFieldCodes is set to True.
So the character count is always smaller than the range.End-range.Start.
In this case if you change your Debug expression to something like
Debug.Print "#" & Mid(rEverything.Text, rHyperlink.Start, rHyperlink.End - rHyperlink.Start - (rEverything.End - rEverything.Start - 1 - Len(rEverything))) & "#" & vbCrLf
you may see results more along the lines you expect.
Another way to visualise what is going on is as follows:
Create a very short document with a piece of text followed by a short hyperlink field with short result, followed by a piece of text. Put the following code in a module:
Sub Select1()
Dim i as long
With ActiveDocument
For i = .Range.Start to .Range.End
End With
End Sub
Insert a breakpoint on the "Next" line.
Then run the code once with the field codes displayed and once with the field results displayed. You should see the progress of the selection "pause" either at the beginning or the end of the field, as the Select keeps "selecting" something that you cannot actually see.
Range.Start returns the character position from the beginning of the document to the start of the range; Range.End to the end of the range.
BUT everything visible as characters are not the only things that get counted, and therein lies the problem.
Examples of "hidden" things that are counted, but not visible:
"control characters" associated with content controls
"control characters" associated with fields (which also means hyperlinks), which can be seen if field result is toggled to field code display using Alt+F9
table structures (ANSI 07 and ANSI 13)
text with the font formatting "hidden"
For this reason, using Range.Start and Range.End to get a "real" position in the document is neither reliable nor recommended. The properties are useful, for example, to set the position of one range relative to the position of another.
You can get a somewhat more accurate result using the Range.TextRetrievalMode boolean properties IncludeHiddenText and IncludeFieldCodes. But these don't affect the structural elements involved with content controls and tables.
Thank you both so much for pointing out this approach was doomed but that I could still use .Start/.End for relative positions. What I was ultimately trying to do was turn a passed paragraph into HTML, with the hyperlinks.
I'll post what worked here in case anyone else has a use for it.
Function ExtractHyperlinks(rParagraph As Range) As String
Dim rHyperlink As Range
Dim wdHyperlink As Hyperlink
Dim iCaretHold As Integer, iCaretMove As Integer, rCaret As Range
Dim s As String
iCaretHold = 1
iCaretMove = 1
For Each wdHyperlink In rParagraph.Hyperlinks
Set rHyperlink = wdHyperlink.Range
Set rCaret = ActiveDocument.Range(rParagraph.Characters(iCaretMove).Start, rParagraph.Characters(iCaretMove).End)
If RangeContains(rHyperlink, rCaret) Then
s = s & Mid(rParagraph.Text, iCaretHold, iCaretMove - iCaretHold) & "" & IIf(wdHyperlink.TextToDisplay <> "", wdHyperlink.TextToDisplay, wdHyperlink.Address) & ""
iCaretHold = iCaretMove + Len(wdHyperlink.TextToDisplay)
iCaretMove = iCaretHold
Exit Do
iCaretMove = iCaretMove + 1
End If
Loop Until iCaretMove > Len(rParagraph.Text)
If iCaretMove < Len(rParagraph.Text) Then
s = s & Mid(rParagraph.Text, iCaretMove)
End If
ExtractHyperlinks = "<p>" & s & "</p>"
End Function
Function RangeContains(rParent As Range, rChild As Range) As Boolean
If rChild.Start >= rParent.Start And rChild.End <= rParent.End Then
RangeContains = True
RangeContains = False
End If
End Function

Insert Array formula in Excel VBA

I recorded the array formula in order to put in VBA. Here is what I have after the recording. However, when I run the Macro, it just doesn't work.
Will it be because of the negative sign?
From Macro
Range("D3").FormulaArray = "=IFERROR(INDEX('RMS
Maint'!R1C[-2]:R3542C[-2],SMALL(IF(('RMS Maint'!R2C27:R3542C27=R1C2)*('RMS
Maint'!R2C13:R3542C13=R2C4)*('RMS Maint'!R2C21:R3542C21=""Late"")*ROW('RMS
Maint'!R2C1:R3542C1)=0,"""",('RMS Maint'!R2C27:R3542C27=R1C2)*('RMS
Maint'!R2C13:R3542C13=R2C4)*('RMS Maint'!R2C21:R3542C21=""Late"")*ROW('RMS
Maint'!R2C1:R3542C1)),ROW('RMS Maint'!R[-2]:R[3538])),1),"""")"
From Excel formula
Maint'!$AA$2:$AA$3542=$B$1)*('RMS Maint'!$M$2:$M$3542=$D$2)*('RMS
Maint'!$U$2:$U$3542="Late")*ROW('RMS Maint'!$A$2:$A$3542)=0,"",('RMS
Maint'!$AA$2:$AA$3542=$B$1)*('RMS Maint'!$M$2:$M$3542=$D$2)*('RMS
Maint'!$U$2:$U$3542="Late")*ROW('RMS Maint'!$A$2:$A$3542)),ROW('RMS
The error is 1004 - Unable to set the FormulaArray property of the Range class
I'm sorry for the code format. It looked terrible.
Or you may break the long formula into few parts and replace it in the end with the actual formula like below...
Dim LogicalTest As String, FalseValue As String
LogicalTest = "('RMS Maint'!$AA$2:$AA$3542=$B$1)*('RMS Maint'!$M$2:$M$3542=$D$2)*('RMS Maint'!$U$2:$U$3542=""Late"")*ROW('RMS Maint'!$A$2:$A$3542)=0"
FalseValue = "('RMS Maint'!$AA$2:$AA$3542=$B$1)*('RMS Maint'!$M$2:$M$3542=$D$2)*('RMS Maint'!$U$2:$U$3542=""Late"")*ROW('RMS Maint'!$A$2:$A$3542)"
Range("D3").FormulaArray = "=IFERROR(INDEX('RMS Maint'!C$1:C$3542,SMALL(IF(""LogicalTest"","""",""FalseValue""),ROW('RMS Maint'!1:3541)),1),"""")"
Range("D3").Replace """LogicalTest""", LogicalTest, LookAt:=xlPart
Range("D3").Replace """FalseValue""", FalseValue, LookAt:=xlPart
There is an option of last resort: Use a human.
Have the macro place the formula into the cell as a String and have the user complete the process:
Sub pinocchio()
Range("D3") = "'=1+2"
MsgBox "User: Make this into a real array formula"
End Sub

How to create a VBA formula that takes value and format from source cell

In Excel's VBA I want to create a formula which both takes the value from the source cell and the format.
Currently I have:
Function formEq(cellRefd As Range) As Variant
'thisBackCol = cellRefd.Interior.Color
'With Application.Caller
' .Interior.Color = thisBackCol
'End With
formEq = cellRefd.Value
End Function`
This returns the current value of the cell. The parts that I have commented out return a #VALUE error in the cell. When uncommented it seems the colour of the reference is saved however the Application.Caller returns a 2023 Error. Does this mean that this is not returning the required Range object?
If so how do I get the range object that refers to the cell that the function is used? [obviously in order to set the colour to the source value].
Here's one approach showing how you can still use ThisCell:
Function CopyFormat(rngFrom, rngTo)
rngTo.Interior.Color = rngFrom.Interior.Color
rngTo.Font.Color = rngFrom.Font.Color
End Function
Function formEq(cellRefd As Range) As Variant
cellRefd.Parent.Evaluate "CopyFormat(" & cellRefd.Address() & "," & _
Application.ThisCell.Address() & ")"
formEq = cellRefd.Value
End Function
This is the solution I found to the above question using Tim William's magic:
Function cq(thisCel As Range, srcCel As Range) As Variant
thisCel.Parent.Evaluate "colorEq(" & srcCel.Address(False, False) _
& "," & thisCel.Address(False, False) & ")"
cq = srcCel.Value
End Function
Sub colorEq(srcCell, destCell)
destCell.Interior.Color = srcCell.Interior.Color
End Sub
The destCell is just a cell reference to the cell in which the function is called.
The interior.color can be exchanged or added to with other formatting rules. Three extra points to note in this solution:
By keeping the value calculation in the formula this stops the possibility for circular referencing when it destCell refers to itself. If placed in the sub then it continually recalculates; and
If the format is only changed when the source value is changed, not the format as this is the only trigger for a UDF to run and thus change the format;
Application.Caller or Application.ThisCell cannot be integrated as when it refers to itself and returns a value for itself it triggers an infinite loop or "circular reference" error. If incorporated with an Address to create a string then this works though as per Tim William's answer.

How do I change the text of a cell without changing the formula?

I am new to VBA. This question has been asked and answered here but the answer seems way too hackish. Is there a better way to change the value of a cell without changing the underlying formula in it? I've tried target.text="changed" but that gives me an error of "Object Required"
The reason I ask is that in a UDF you can change the display of the cell but the formula remains there. How can I do this outside of a UDF?
In the example below, myudf and my_udf appear to do the same thing and everyone is telling me to just do NumberFormat. The problem is that Numberformat will change the cell permanently. If you entered "=my_udf()" in A2 then just go back and type some random text there. Unless you go back and manually re-format the cell (or enter in an excel built-in function), it will display "ThisThatThere".
Function myudf()
myudf = "ThisThatThere"
End Function
Function my_udf()
my_udf = "Temporary"
End Function
Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal sh As Object, ByVal target As Range)
If target.HasFormula Then
If LCase(target.Formula) Like "=my_udf(*" Then
target.NumberFormat = "0;0;0;""ThisThatThere"""
End If
End If
End Sub
It is easy if the formula returns a number value rather than a text value .Place a formula in a cell, select it and run:
Sub ChangeText()
Dim DQ As String, mesage As String
DQ = Chr(34)
mesage = DQ & "override" & DQ
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = mesage & ";" & mesage & ";" & mesage & ";"
End Sub
By itself, a UDF , like a non-VBA worksheet formula, can only return a value to a cell.................the best the value can do it to affect conditional formatting.

Switch off R1C1 reference style for recorded VBA macros

In recorded VBA macros, it seems that their formulas use R1C1 reference style. For instance, to fill in B4 with B2+1:
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-2]C+1"
Does anyone know if it is possible to switch off this mode? For instance, let recorded macro look like:
ActiveCell.Formula = "=B2+1"
I believe you cannot do that. The macro will always record in R1C1 style.
You can always switch the style but it will only be applied to the worksheet and if you record a macro it will still show R1C1 reference style.
It is very easy to understand the R1C1 style
In R1C1 reference style, the range is referred by how far the cells are located from the cell you are calling. For example, if you have 5 values from R1C1 to R5C1 and the range is called from R7C2, then the range would be R[-6]C[-1]:R[-2]C[-1]. Here the first cell in the range is 6 rows before the cell R7C2 and 1 column before the cell R7C2 and similarly for the last cell in the range.
If I take your example then "=R[-2]C+1" means that the formula is referring to a row which is two rows up (-2) and in the same column (0). Your formula is same as "=R[-2]C[0]+1"
Here is a small function that I wrote which can help you convert R1C1 to A1 string
Sub Sample()
'~~> This will give you $B$2
Debug.Print R1C12A1("B4", "R[-2]C")
'~~> This will give you E227
Debug.Print R1C12A1("O9", "R[218]C[-10]", True)
'~~> This will give you $Y$217
Debug.Print R1C12A1("O9", "R[208]C[10]")
End Sub
Function R1C12A1(baseCell As String, sRC As String, Optional RemDollar As Boolean = False) As String
Dim MyArray() As String
Dim r As Long, c As Long
sRC = Replace(sRC, "R", "")
If Left(sRC, 1) = "C" Then
r = 0
r = Replace(Replace(Split(sRC, "C")(0), "[", ""), "]", "")
End If
If Right(sRC, 1) = "C" Then
c = 0
c = Replace(Replace(Split(sRC, "C")(1), "[", ""), "]", "")
End If
If RemDollar = False Then
R1C12A1 = Range(baseCell).Offset(r, c).Address
R1C12A1 = Replace(Range(baseCell).Offset(r, c).Address, "$", "")
End If
End Function
Note: I have not done any error handling here. I am sure you can incorporate that if needed.
There used to be a facility to toggle relative reference when recording a macro.
When you have started recording, in the macro toolbar - near the stop button - there was a button to toggle relative reference; is this not the same as toggling R1C1 ? or isn't this available anymore?
I never bothered toggling it myself as like Siddharth says the R1C1 isn't too tricky to understand plus, irrespective of whatever you do, the VBA will need some editing so at the same time if you wish to use other syntax it's easy enough to change.
I've just played around with the following but it doesn't seem to help so maybe I'm mixing up the use of this button with R1C1...