external image in RDLC report - vb.net

I'm trying to use an external image on a report in my application. It's a windows application form.
The property EnableExternalImages of localreport is True
The source of image is External
As value i'm trying this. file:///C:\image.png
I can see the image on the report from visual studio designer, but when I run my application I can't see the image on the report but only a red X.
What can I do?
I tried the same on a different computer and it works good. So the problem is with my laptop. Any idea?

I had a similar problem and spent two solid days finding a solution. In my case, I was using Dataset objects to populate the data on the report. So, before I refreshed the report, I saved the image into an array of bytes, then on the report set the image source to "Database", selected the corresponding Dataset object, then chose the column that contained the array of bytes. The images appeared in the report when viewing it in both a ReportViewer object and as a PDF file.

maybe its a permission problem? try from your laptop, put the image in a different location where permission is not needed like in documents folder and see if issue still the same.


Crystal Report Default Picture not changing to my Path Picture

Why is it the Old picture in my crystal report is not changing to my Path Image?
What wrong with my steps?
Insert Picture Box and Select Any image.
Format Object
Select Picture Tab control
Modify Graphic Location
In Formula Workshop i've drag the fields contains my Path Image
Then Save.
Still not working. Is there something wrong?
Please help me.
Finally I found an answer to my question.
All my steps are correct but the error is in the vb.net [Picturebox].
before I will click the print button to print my report, In the form there is a picture box that display the image of the path that I will be using in the crystal report. So when the crystal report loads. The default image is showed not the image from path it because picture box is still using the image; that's why Crystal Reports cannot open the image.
Hope this is the correct reasons to my problem.
For users wondering why the image in their Crystal Reports load some time and some time not. It is because maybe you open the form that contains that image. For example you have a form company profile and there is a image of company there. Then you have some reports that will be using the company image just for the header part; then your problem is the image load correctly but some time is not. Try to dispose the image in the company form when you close the form so that the crystal report can use the image.

Issue with font size of links in textbox of report

For some reason my subscription to a report gets emailed using the subscription service, the font sizes are increased only on text that has an underlying link for example:
However, when I run the report normally (just navigate to it using the browser), all is fine:
What am I doing wrong??
Me too. There is no fix
I just get mine either via pdf, excel or html not mhtml.
But html has it's own issues and is not recomended.

Exporting Crystal Report into PDF causes a freeze - Vb.Net2003

I have an application developed with Vb.Net 2003 and using Crystal Reports 11 used to preview many statistical reports.
I always preview any report successfully, but when exporting some of the reports (not all) into PDF using the built-in export functionality in the report viewer control, the application freezes forever.
So, I need to know if there is any report object (textobject, Picture, Chart, line, box, etc..) that might not be able to be exported into PDF, and I think this type of object is only found in some of my reports and that's why I face this problem only with some of the reports and not all of them.
The most common reason this happens is that not all the variables you use in the report are filled. So make sure of that. Otherwise you should get an error on the object you use. Do you get an error on exporting?

SSRS report losing formatting in interactive viewer

I have an SSRS report with two subreports that had been working fine. Recently I added some additional table sections to the report and I started seeing an issue when the report was displayed in the interactive viewer. The data is fine but the formatting on the last two table sections does not appear in the viewer.
The formatting actually stops working half way through the next to last report. However, when I print the report (or export to a PDF), all of the formatting is there and the report prints fine.
I have tried splitting the report into more subreports, running with different data and it still does not display correctly in the interactive viewer. The report and subreports do have a lot of formatting and table sections and I am wondering if the RDL files are too big to store in memory or if they even do get stored in memory.
The RDL file sizes are 61 kB for the main report and 2612 kB and 2608 kB respectively for the subreports. Is there a size limitation on the RDL files? Any ideas?
I have found a work around for my problem. If I render my report directly to a PDF, then the report will not display in the interactive viewer, but only as a PDF which displays correctly. This is done by adding "&rs:Format=PDF" to my URL when I call it from my C# program that allows the user to input the parameters. Then the user can print the report and never see the missing formatting in the interactive viewer. This works for my, however, I would still like to know if there is another answer that allows it to view correctly in the interactive viewer or if I have surpassed some memory limitations.
If you split the report into its component parts does it display ok? If as you say you have recently added some new sections/Sub reports to it if you remove them does it look ok again.
You have probably got some strange overlapping happening, in the report designer when the report complies check the warning tag to see if it gives you any clues

VB.NET Graphical overlay not lined up between computers

I've got a WinForms application that brings in an image into a picturebox and I allow the user to click on the control to add a "stamp" at that point on the image. When the user is finished, each "stamp" location is stored in an XML for use elsewhere in the application where the stamps are redrawn (as to not alter the original image) in the locations specified beforehand.
Now, my problem is that these locations are in terms of pixels and originally I noticed that certain computers would display the redrawn "stamps" differently than the original computer. I did a little research and found that the DPI settings could help solve this issue. So, I've tried adding code to offset this issue, but it doesn't appear to be working correctly. Here are my steps:
When the form initializes, I grab the current computer's DPI using Me.CreateGraphics().DpiX and Me.CreateGraphics().DpiY. I also grab the original computer's graphics stored in the XML file
For each "stamp" stored in the XML file, I set the desired location in a Point variable by using a similar calculation as this:
New Point(Stamp.X * (dpiX / dpoX), Stamp.Y * (dpiY / dpoY)) where dpi? is the current computer and dpo? is the original computer
Am I going at this the right way, or is there an easier way to tackle this problem?