I am having trouble consolidating Haml - haml

Is there anyway to put this on one line? I have read the documentation and still having trouble.
var Foo =
= bar.baz

You can use interpolation:
var Foo = #{bar.baz}
or even (if the entire script will fit on one line):
%script var Foo = #{bar.baz}


Getting the name of the variable as a string in GD Script

I have been looking for a solution everywhere on the internet but nowhere I can see a single script which lets me read the name of a variable as a string in Godot 3.1
What I want to do:
Save path names as variables.
Compare the name of the path variable as a string to the value of another string and print the path value.
Eg -
var Apple = "mypath/folder/apple.png"
var myArray = ["Apple", "Pear"]
Function that compares the Variable name as String to the String -
if (myArray[myposition] == **the required function that outputs variable name as String**(Apple) :
print (Apple) #this prints out the path.
Thanks in advance!
I think your approach here might be a little oversimplified for what you're trying to accomplish. It basically seems to work out to if (array[apple]) == apple then apple, which doesn't really solve a programmatic problem. More complexity seems required.
First, you might have a function to return all of your icon names, something like this.
func get_avatar_names():
var avatar_names = []
var folder_path = "res://my/path"
var avatar_dir = Directory.new()
avatar_dir.list_dir_begin(true, true)
while true:
var avatar_file = avatar_dir.get_next()
if avatar_file == "":
var avatar_name = avatar_file.trim_suffix(".png")
return avatar_names
Then something like this back in the main function, where you have your list of names you care about at the moment, and for each name, check the list of avatar names, and if you have a match, reconstruct the path and do other work:
var some_names = ["Jim","Apple","Sally"]
var avatar_names = get_avatar_names()
for name in some_names:
if avatar_names.has(name):
var img_path = "res://my/path/" + name + ".png"
# load images, additional work, etc...
That's the approach I would take here, hope this makes sense and helps.
I think the current answer is best for the approach you desire, but the performance is pretty bad with string comparisons.
I would suggest adding an enumeration for efficient comparisons. unfortunately Godot does enums differently then this, it seems like your position is an int so we can define a dictionary like this to search for the index and print it out with the int value.
var fruits = {0:"Apple",1:"Pear"}
func myfunc():
var myposition = 0
if fruits.has(myposition):
output: Apple
If your position was string based then an enum could be used with slightly less typing and different considerations.
reference: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/latest/tutorials/scripting/gdscript/gdscript_basics.html#enums
Can't you just use the str() function to convert any data type to stirng?
var = str(var)

img.lockFocus is inaccessible via ObjC bridge?

I'm trying to create a purely JXA-ObjC approach to getting pixel colors from image paths. Here's what I have currently:
var c_filePath = $(picturePath)
var c_img = $.NSImage.alloc.initWithContentsOfFile(c_filePath)
return []
var c_point = $.NSMakePoint(x,y)
c_img.lockFocus() //Error - Undefined is not a function...?
var c_color = NSReadPixel(c_point)
c_img.unlockFocus() //Error - Undefined is not a function...?
var r; var g; var b; var a
r = ObjC.unwrap(r)
g = ObjC.unwrap(g)
b = ObjC.unwrap(b)
a = ObjC.unwrap(a)
This code is heavily based off of the code found here.
However, as shown above c_img.lockFocus() is undefined according to JXA. Oddly I can get access to c_img.lockFocusFlipped(), however I'm not sure how to use this and/or if it can be used for the same purpose as lockFocus().
Is there an obvious problem here? Or is there a better way to get the pixel colour of an image?
Any help would be grateful.
It looks like I am too used to methods requiring parenthesis. TylerGaw however told me that this is not necessarily the case.
var c_filePath = $(picturePath)
var c_img = $.NSImage.alloc.initWithContentsOfFile(c_filePath)
return []
var c_point = $.NSMakePoint(x,y)
var c_color = NSReadPixel(c_point)
appears to work as expected.

Creating a MoreLikeThis query yields empty queries and terms

I'm trying to get similar Document of another one . I'm using the Lucene.Net MoreLikeThis-Class to achieve this. For this i seperate my Documents in multiple Fields - Title and Content. Now creating the actual query results in an empty query without interesting Terms.
My could looks like this:
var queries = new List<Query>();
foreach(var docField in docFields)
var similarSearch = new MoreLikeThis(indexReader);
similarSearch.Analyzer = new GermanAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_30, new HashSet<string>(StopWords));
similarSearch.MinDocFreq = 1;
similarSearch.MinTermFreq = 1;
similarSearch.MinWordLen = 1;
similarSearch.Boost = true;
similarSearch.BoostFactor = boostFactor;
using(var reader = new StringReader(docField.Content)){
var searchQuery = similarSearch.Like(reader);
// debugging purpose
var queryString = searchQuery.ToString(); // empty
var terms = similarSearch.RetrieveInterestingTerms(reader); // also empty
var booleanQuery = new BooleanQuery();
foreach(var moreLikeThisQuery in queries)
booleanQuery.Add(moreLikeThisQuery, Occur.SHOULD);
var topDocs = indexSearcher.Search(booleanQuery, maxNumberOfResults); // and of course no results obtained
So the question is:
Why there are no Terms / why there is no query generated?
I hope important thing's be seen, if not please help me to make my first question better :)
I got it to work.
The problem was, that i worked on the false directory.
I have different Solutions for creating the index and creating the queries and had a missmatch with the index-location.
So the generall solution would be:
Is your Querygenerating-Class fully initialized? (MinDocFreq, MinTermFreq, MinWordLen, has a Analyzer, set the fieldNames)
Is your used IndexReader correctly initialized?

how to use serialization package

I want to convert my class to a Map so I'm using Serialization package. From the example it looks simple:
var address = new Address();
address.street = 'N 34th';
address.city = 'Seattle';
var serialization = new Serialization()
Map output = serialization.write(address);
I expect to see an output like {'street' : 'N 34th', 'city' : 'Seattle'} but instead it just output something I-don't-know-what-that-is
{"roots":[{"__Ref":true,"rule":3,"object":0}],"data":[[],[],[],[["Seattle","N 34th"]]],"rules":"{\"roots\":[{\"__Ref\":true,\"rule\":1,\"object\":0}],\"data\":[[],[[{\"__Ref\":true,\"rule\":4,\"object\":0},{\"__Ref\":true,\"rule\":3,\"object\":0},{\"__Ref\":true,\"rule\":5,\"object\":0},{\"__Ref\":true,\"rule\":6,\"object\":0}]],[[],[],[\"city\",\"street\"]],[[]],[[]],[[]],[[{\"__Ref\":true,\"rule\":2,\"object\":0},{\"__Ref\":true,\"rule\":2,\"object\":1},\"\",{\"__Ref\":true,\"rule\":2,\"object\":2},{\"__Ref\":true,\"rule\":7,\"object\":0}]],[\"Address\"]],\"rules\":null}"}
Serialization is not supposed to create human-readable output. Maybe JSON output is more what you look for:
import dart:convert;
var address = new Address();
..address.street = 'N 34th';
..address.city = 'Seattle';
var encoded = JSON.encode(address, mirrorJson);
Map mirrorJson(o) {
Map map = new Map();
InstanceMirror im = reflect(o);
ClassMirror cm = im.type;
var decls = cm.declarations.values.where((dm) => dm is VariableMirror);
decls.forEach((dm) {
var key = MirrorSystem.getName(dm.simpleName);
var val = im.getField(dm.simpleName).reflectee;
map[key] = val;
return map;
The new Address() creates a full prototype object which is what you are seeing. That being said, they could have done something to avoid part of those, but if you want to restore the object just the way it is, that's necessary.
To see the full content of an object you use the for() instruction in this way:
for(obj in idx) alert(obj[idx]);
You'll see that you get loads of data this way. Without the new Address() it would probably not be that bad.
Serialization won't help you here...
You might give a try to JsonObject library, and maybe go through this in depth explanation how to do what you are trying to do using mirrors.

Increasing value of Javascript Variables?

im processing link click events with mootools.
in my html i have a links with the id of this pattern: toggle_NUMBER e.g. toggle_1
now i get the id with this peace of code
var id = $(this.get('id').replace(togglePrefix,emptyPrefix));
my problem starts now:
i remove the prefix this way
var togglePrefix = 'toggle_', boxPrefix = 'page_', emptyPrefix = '';
so what should remain is a simple number like 1, 2 or 3.
now i tried to increase this number by one
var id_new = parseInt(id)+1;
but this didnt work and i have no clue how to change it!
Variable "id" is an object, because return value of $ function in mootools (and jQuery) is an object.
Try this:
var id_new = $(this).get('id').replace(togglePrefix, emptyPrefix) + 1;
Did you try $(this).next() before you went hacking into the ID?