Log file in Crashlytics - crashlytics

Where can I find the Logs/uncaught exceptions messages that are thrown by CrashLytics ? I would like to see them in a .txt file, for instance instead of the dashboard.

UPDATE This is no more used as fabric crashlytics is deprecated and is replaced with firebase crashlytics refer this doc to use firebase crashlytic logs
Make sure you've logged the data using Crashlytics.log(int priority, String tag, String msg); before the crash happens.
On the Fabric dashboard, select an Issue, then from the Issue Details page, click on View all sessions button.
This will lead you to the specific crash details where you'll find the logs you logged before the crash. Per the documentation, the logs are a rolling 64kb FIFO buffered log.


Is it possible to collect info on why an app you created is crashing?

I have developed an Android app using react native.
When I run on simulator its fine, and also when I debug via USB on real device its fine.
However when I publish to Google Play store and download the app as a regular customer it sometimes crashes.
Are there any logs somewhere that I can refer to in order to identify what the issue is? Or perhaps there is something I can add to code to help identify where/why issue is occuring.
You can use log errors to do so, record the activity of user. When the app crashes, your app can ask the user to send the bug report.
Using that bug report you can understand why your app crashes.
You could also use tools like Sentry or Firebase Crashlytics with an Error Boundary
wrapping your app to report errors, allowing you to have a better understanding of the production errors by displaying the full error stack trace and a lot more.

Auth0 Lock - We're sorry something went wrong when attempting to log in

I commented this problem on the following thread for an active issue regarding Auth0 lock, but wanted to ask here for more reach in case anyone else has experienced this.
From what I've researched, it seems that many people are having this issue, and it doesn't seem like there's a known explanation to what's going on.
The unfortunate thing is that this is happening to end users, and from what I have seen devs have not been able to reproduce this error.
User is able to view our Auth0 Lock
User is not able to successfully sign up
We created an account for them in Auth0 directly and are able to log in using credentials we created for them via the Lock
User is not able to log in using the credentials and is shown the "We're sorry something went wrong when attempting to log in message"
Auth0 logs don't actually show this user's attempts/errors when logging in
Unable to reproduce locally, but trying everything we can to do so, including blocking all cookies (not the problem)
Attempting to get any console warnings from the user as well
Lock version: 11.30.4
React Version: 17.0.2
Next.js Version: 11.1.0
Chrome 91, Windows

Not getting crash report data in Fabric Crashlytics dashboard after moving app to another account

I'm not getting any crash report data on the application dashboard for an app that I had previously setup and configured on a different organization account. I'm able to upload and distribute builds but the crash report data goes to the previous account's dashboard. I thought deleting the app from the previous account dashboard would fix the issue but after deleting the app I'm not getting crash report data in either account now. I don't want to loose the uploaded builds or release history otherwise I would have tried deleting the app from both places and trying to configure it again from the account where I want to distribute builds and receive crash data.
Thanks for reaching out. It sounds like the old organizations API keys are still cached in your app. Please clean your app and check the info.plist and run script build phase (or if Android, AndroidManifest and/or fabric.properties file)

react-native send crash report with stack trace to my server

I'm building a mobile app for both android and IOS by react-native. Now I want to sent crash report with stack trace + client's info to my server (by restful api). How can I catch error which I can not handle (make app crash).
I have checked crashlytics, but it can not send log to my server.
I would recommend crashlytics despite you mentioned it. I am using it for some time now and it works great. It is worth to mention that you won't receive any logs if your app isn't built in release mode (on android).

How to get crash logs for React Native app?

My React Native App crashed on a tester's phone.
What is the best way to get logs of that crash? I'm using React Native 0.14.2
We just rolled out official support for react native error reporting with Bugsnag this week which reports both JavaScript and native (Java/Cocoa) layer errors to a single dashboard.
Compared to Fabric - Bugsnag adds support for js source maps, ios symbolication, and android proguard mapping - which make a big difference.
Let me know if you have any questions or I can help in any way - I'm a founder.
As #Abhishek has commented, you'll have to use some monitoring tools with crashlytics to get such infomation.
Fabric is a good option in this case. It comes with a crashlytics solution.
Here is a blogpost that explains in-depth on how to set it up for your app.
Here's an excerpt of features of crashlytics tool of Fabric from the blogpost
Crash Reporting —It will record every single crash and its stack trace. This is way better than the iTunes Connect crash reports, which only include the info of users that opted in to share information with developers while setting up a new iPhone. It’s also not updated in real-time (you can read more about this here).
Crash Logs — (A.K.A. CLS_LOG) If you’re familiar with Objective-C, you have probably been using “NSLog” while you’re developing your app. You should use CLS_LOG instead. There’s no difference at all when you’re debugging (whatever you’re logging will still show up in the console) but the cool part is that when a user crashes your app, all the information will be sent to Crashlytics’s servers the next time the user launches your app, including all the content that you’ve logged through CLS_LOG. So if you log information for most of the actions/events in your app, you can read the logs later and reproducing the crash should be simple.
A good crash log framework that reports from the javascript level I've tried recently is Sentry. More descriptive with the actual error, if it comes from he JS side.
I wrote expo-error-log as a free alternative to BugSnag, etc.
Check it out if you like :
It seems like Crashlytics does the error reporting job perfect for a native app made in android/ios.
For a react-native app, however, Bugsnag looks more promising. You can explore both and see which one fits your requirements.