Setting up multiple sites in Apache - apache

I have the following host file entries on Ubuntu 14 machine running apache localhost mtf
And also
sudo a2ensite library
sudo a2ensite mtf
sudo service apache2 restart
Now when I browse the site.. I can only access page.
But When I
a2dissite library
I can access the mtf site.
Please note both site has been added to the sites-available.
Any Idea how I might run both site on the same server?
Thanks for input

I think it would have been more helpful if you had included your apache sites configuration and also how you are accessing your site (whether by ip or hostname).
If you are accessing your site by an ip then it will just select the default vhost which is the first vhost definition in the configuration file. For more info you can check out Apache's doc.
Please try to access the sites with hostnames and post errors in comments when you tried to access mtf site for the first time.


Remote access of network computer

I am not sure how or if this can be done. I have a home network and would like to see a computer,not the server, via a remote location. I have Apache on my server. Example: the network computers I would like to see ip Is there a way to add this ip to Apache root directory? I have tried to add a shortcut with in the root directory and it only works on the home network, will not via remote connection.
I need some clarification here on what you are trying to acomplish, are you trying to access the Apache website outside of the local network?
If that is the case, Apache is automatically set to listen on all network interfaces, you can check this in your virtual host configuration in the sites-enabled directory of your apache installation.
You should see something like in the 000-default.conf
You can test if apache is serving pages up correctly using the command
You should see the HTML of the page being served.
If this is the case, then it's likely the firewall on your machine/router or your ISP is blocking the required ports. You can allow Apache through the firewall on Ubuntu using sudo ufw allow Apache Full
If you give me some more info in comments we can probably work this out.

Apache server does not show up on EC2 IP

I am trying to install apache2 on my EC2 instance.
I did the following steps:
Launched an Ubuntu 16.4 instance with security group details
http - 80 - anywhere
https - 443 - anywhere
Once I login to my instance I did
sudo apt update
sudo apt install apache2
when I type
service apache2 status
it says that Apache is running
I assumed that after this if I go to my public IP address [xxx.xx.xx.xx] I would see the default apache server page.
But I see This site can't be reached.
The process seems pretty straightforward, what am I doing wrong?
I had this stupid case, it made me reinstall dozens of times.
Maybe my Security groups don't allow https://
Replace https:// with http:// if available.
It will work perfectly.

Apache2 virtualhost configuration trouble

This is my situation:
I have Redmine and Gitlab in my server which does not have a domain associated, because I will use the server IP address.
I want to configure two virtualhosts in apache2 with SSL in order to serve the above web applications, so I can access them like this:
which is located in /var/www/
located in /home/git/github/public
I have configured apache by enabling two files in site-enabled: github.vhost and gitlab.vhost. The problem is that I cannot set gitlab to be accessible with
but only in
probably beacuse I do not use a domain but only the IP address of the server, and I don't know exactly how to manage it.
I would need some suggestion on how to correctly set the two vhost files.
Any suggestion?

How to set which folder to load with apache2 server?

My friend introduce me Linode and, so I am playing with it now. I already get a domain name, while on my Linode server I am trying to set up a basic webpage so I can start to use it for my personal website. I'm following to set up.
Here's the question, I made a testsite folder on my linode server, and a /etc/apache2/sites-available/testsite file which can be called at sudo a2ensite testsite command. (All of these are part of the tutorial.) But when I wish to switch the content for that website, I created a testsite1 and a /etc/apache2/sites-available/testsite1, then I do sudo a2ensite testsite1, but I don't know how to let the apache read the content from my testsite1 folder instead of testsite folder. The way I did that is I try sudo a2dissite testsite, so then the content in testsite1 can be read. But I hope there is better way to do that. Also I've heard apache2 can handle multiple server at the same time. How to assign which server load which folder on my linux machine? (For example, if I have and, I already link both of them to my linode server, how can I let go to read the abc folder in my linux server, while the load my efg folder?) Thanks.
You need to edit the httpd.conf file usually found in /etc/apache2/conf. Then edit the httpd.conf file and look for "Document Root" setting in this file. Change it to /etc/apache2/sites-available/testsite1 and then restart apache: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Hosting personal pages over a Redmine installation

I currently installed redmine on my server, and configured apache2 to run it in a virtualhost over
Thing is I also want to host some extra pages, at, but since redmine is running the page is never found. How can I override this configuration to run both redmine and some personal pages?
You need the Alias directive to just create a virtual directory, which maps /public with some other real directory on the filesystem.