Drupal Domain Redirection - ssl

We have two domains: www.example.com and www.example.org. Both point to the same site. But, we'd like everything to point to .org. We are running Drupal on a LAMP server hosted by Media Temple.
We have now started to have problems because our .com SSL cert expired, so anybody who goes to the .com site routinely gets scary messages in Chrome, etc.
How can we make it so that if somebody goes to https://www.example.com in google, they get nicely directed to http://www.example.org?

You can do this multiple ways.
RewriteEngine On
Redirect 301 / https://www.exmaple.org
In a PHP file
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header("Location: https://www.example.org");
header("Connection: close");

You can try this module :
This is the domain that all other domains that point to this site will be 301 redirected to. This value should also include the scheme (http or https)
I Hope help you!


Namecheap domain won't redirect without "www"

I'm looking to connect my domain to a heroku app. So far, the tutorials I've read say we want Namecheap to have the following records for domain example.com:
CNAME Record www www.example.com.herokudns.com
URL Redirect # https://www.example.com
With this config, I can successfully get to my homepage using:
But for some reason https://example.com/ won't connect and times out. Does anyone know if there's a way to get both https://example.com/ and https://www.example.com/ to redirect successfully?
You won't be able to do this with DNS provided redirects.
The reason is that at the point of redirect, ie your DNS provider they would need to:
Accept https/443 requests to their redirector
have a valid certificate for hacksofcharity.com
if they don't you'll either receive a timeout, or a certificate mismatch in your browser. When apex domains are involved with https then your only option is to be using a DNS provider that supports using CNAME - see https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/custom-domains#add-a-custom-root-domain and perform any redirects within your application code base.

.htaccess only allow access to directory when coming through the right url

I have a website www.xyz.com/ with folder / abc
I have made a subdomain abc.xyz.com which points (on the webserver) to the /abc folder
I would like to make it impossible for people to access www.xyz.com/abc and be redirected to abc.xyz.com
a normal 301 redirect results in people also being redirected when they go to abc.xyz.com (so error for too many redirects).
Thank you.
I got it after a few trials and errors:
Redirect 301 /abc/ https://abc.xyz.com

Using PointDNS on Heroku to manage SSL and non-www to www redirects

I've been using Heroku to host and manage a website of mine that requires an SSL certificate. For the last year and a half I've been using ZerigoDNS to manage my domain and SSL redirecting (although, redirecting from non-https, non-www to https and www does not work).
I just got a notice from Heroku that they will be shutting down ZerigoDNS soon and they recommend switching to PointDNS. I couldn't find any information in the PointDNS documentation about managing SSL redirects.
Here's what I'm looking to do:
non-www non-https redirects to https and www
non-https redirects to https and www
https but non-www redirects to https and www
The reason everything needs to be forwarded to https and www is that's what the ssl cert was created for (the www is required. I don't have a wildcard certificate).
Does anyone familiar with PointDNS know how to to set up the records and redirects properly?
Thanks in advance!
Regarding non-www to www redirects, I just got that to work as follows:
First, you must add both www.your-domain.com and your-domain.com as custom domains.
heroku domains:add andrewpuglionesi.com
heroku domains:add www.andrewpuglionesi.com
I have a CNAME record with name www.my-domain.com.. The text in its data field is my-heroku-domain.herokuapp.com. I also have an alias record with the name my-domain.com., and I made its data field www.my-domain.com. In other words, the alias just points to the CNAME.
I don't know if this is well-advised, but it seems to work (and without sticking www in the user's URL, at that). It simply solves the problem where you can't access pages other than the index without having www there). I like how Heroku and PointDNS' documentation both say you can easily do redirects and then don't actually explain how to... I guess this is one way.
I've previously been able to force https protocol through the backend of a Django site. I can't remember the exact method I used, but you might be able to do it without the DNS stuff.
First, add both www.your-domain.com and your-domain.com as custom domains under settings or run below commands
heroku domains:add domainname.com
heroku domains:add www.domainname.com
For redirection, you need to do it via server, eg. if you are using apache you can achieve redirections via .htacess file.
Also, you can only redirect non-www to www with pointDNS redirect option

replacing domain names using .htaccess

I have a new website as http://abc.com/case_studies/casstudy20/.
I have an old website as http://xyz.com/clients/home.php?client=myclient
There are loads of case studies and stories under old domain that is xyz.com. Now that I am using abc.com is it possible to replace the URL, so it shows abc.com but access the code from the same old place.
meaning when my users goes to old site instead of xyz.com. It should say http://abc.com/clients/home.php?client=myclient. But runs from the same old xyz.com.
Is it possible to do it using htaccess.
Sort of. You can redirect all the traffic from xyz.com to the proper path on abc.com but this requires you to maintain control of both domains.
If you can, it's actually better to put this in the virtual host config for xyz.com then you don't need a complete configuration at all. Assuming you have permissions it will work in .htaccess as well though.
RedirectMatch ^(.*)$ http://www.abc.com$1
If you can keep control of both domains then you are looking for a http 301 redirect. You can do that by adding the following line to your htaccess file to redirect an entire website. Without control of your original domain it's impossible for your old xyz.com website to be routed to the appropriate server so your htaccess file will never have anything to redirect.
redirect 301 / http://abc.com/

Changing the domain canonical name

i have a number of domains that all point to www.domainA.com. now i need to change it so that all requests will point to www.domainB.com. notes: it is a virtual host, the machine also hosts other domains. and it wasn't me who setup the server on the first place.
thank you.
In your domainA's .conf
RedirectMatch 301 (.*) http://www.domainb.com$1
This will forward all requests coming in on domainA to the equivalent url on domain B, doing a 301 "moved permanently" status, so hopefully any crawlers following those links will update things to just point at domainB instead of going through domainA