Read request body twice -

I am trying to read the body in a middleware for authentication purposes, but when the request gets to the api controller the object is empty as the body has already been read. Is there anyway around this. I am reading the body like this in my middleware.
var buffer = new byte[ Convert.ToInt32( context.Request.ContentLength ) ];
await context.Request.Body.ReadAsync( buffer, 0, buffer.Length );
var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetString( buffer );

If you're using application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data, you can safely call context.Request.ReadFormAsync() multiple times as it returns a cached instance on subsequent calls.
If you're using a different content type, you'll have to manually buffer the request and replace the request body by a rewindable stream like MemoryStream. Here's how you could do using an inline middleware (you need to register it soon in your pipeline):
app.Use(next => async context =>
// Keep the original stream in a separate
// variable to restore it later if necessary.
var stream = context.Request.Body;
// Optimization: don't buffer the request if
// there was no stream or if it is rewindable.
if (stream == Stream.Null || stream.CanSeek)
await next(context);
using (var buffer = new MemoryStream())
// Copy the request stream to the memory stream.
await stream.CopyToAsync(buffer);
// Rewind the memory stream.
buffer.Position = 0L;
// Replace the request stream by the memory stream.
context.Request.Body = buffer;
// Invoke the rest of the pipeline.
await next(context);
// Restore the original stream.
context.Request.Body = stream;
You can also use the BufferingHelper.EnableRewind() extension, which is part of the Microsoft.AspNet.Http package: it's based on a similar approach but relies on a special stream that starts buffering data in memory and spools everything to a temp file on disk when the threshold is reached:
app.Use(next => context =>
return next(context);
FYI: a buffering middleware will probably be added to vNext in the future.

Usage for PinPoint's mention of EnableRewind
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Internal;
//Its important the rewind us added before UseMvc
app.Use(next => context => { context.Request.EnableRewind(); return next(context); });
Then in your middleware you just rewind and reread
private async Task GenerateToken(HttpContext context)
string jsonData = new StreamReader(context.Request.Body).ReadToEnd();

This works with .Net Core 2.1 and higher.
Today I run in a similar issue. Long story short, what used to work with
Body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
resulted in today in exception, at least in my case. This happened after the code was migrated to the latest version of .NET Core.
The workaround for me was to add this:
app.Use(next => context => { context.Request.EnableBuffering(); return next(context);
Add this before setting up controllers or MVC. This seems to be added as part of the .NET Core 2.1 version.
Hope this helps someone!
Cheers and happy coding.


API progress bar with ASP.NET Core 3.1 and axios

I have long-running ASP.NET Core API that I would like to present a progress bar on UI.
From the server-side, I know how many jobs will be done from the very beginning. Say, if I have 10 jobs and each job takes a second, this will be 10 seconds long progress bar.
The best I could find was, But it relies on saving the progress on Startup. Progress, which is static int. Wouldn't it mean there can be only one upload session at a time in the entire web application?
I wonder if I can do this with axios call:
onUploadProgress: function(progressEvent) {
console.log("upload", progressEvent.loaded,;
onDownloadProgress: function(progressEvent) {
console.log("download", progressEvent.loaded,;
And if I do something properly from ASP.NET Core side, would I be able to communicate back to axios and trigger either onUploadProgress or onDownloadProgress?
What I tried:
public async Task<ActionResult> Run()
Response.StatusCode = 200;
Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
Response.ContentLength = 10;
var sw = new StreamWriter(Response.Body);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
await Task.Delay(1000);
await sw.WriteAsync("1");
await sw.FlushAsync();
return null;
axios writes one upload log shortly after, and then one download log 10 seconds later. No interim progress is received.
I found a way to make this work: specify ContentType to be text/event-stream.
I believe it changes server side caching behavior so it should work on any browsers as along as axios is supported. Confirmed working on Chrome 81, Edge 44 and IE 11.
public async Task<ActionResult> Run()
Response.StatusCode = 200;
Response.ContentType = "text/event-stream";
Response.ContentLength = 10;
var sw = new StreamWriter(Response.Body);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
await Task.Delay(1000);
await sw.WriteAsync("1");
await sw.FlushAsync();
return Ok();
EDIT: at the end, return Ok() instead of null. If you don't have any jobs, returning null will throw an exception.
Upload and download status wont help you with your task since it will take progress of request size.
What you need to do is on core side:
Create job/start api which returns you some kind of key
job/progress/id api which will tell you how much you progress
Then inside of your axios call start job get id, then each N seconds call status to see how much your job progressed.
Other option look into signalR steps will be the same the only you wont need to call status api every N seconds you will be able to push back from server you job status.

HapiJS reply with readable stream

For one call, I am replying with a huge JSON object which sometimes causes the Node event loop to become blocked. As such, I'm using Big Friendly JSON package to stream JSON instead. My issue is I cannot figure out how to actually reply with the stream
My original code was simply
let searchResults = s3Access.getSavedSearch(guid)).Body;
searchResults = JSON.parse(searchResults.toString());
return reply(searchResults);
Works great but bogs down on huge payloads
I've tried things like, using the Big Friendly JSON package
const stream = bfj.streamify(searchResults);
return reply(stream); // according to docs it's a readable stream
But then my browser complained about an empty response. I then tried to add the below to the reply, same result.
.header('content-encoding', 'json')
.header('Content-Length', stream.length);
I also tried return reply(null, stream); but that produced a ton of node errors
Is there some other way I need to organize this? My understanding was I could just reply a readable stream and Hapi would take care of it, but the response keeps showing up as empty.
Did you try to use h.response, here h is reply.
handler: async (request, h) => {
const { limit, sortBy, order } = request.query;
const queryString = {
where: { status: 1 },
order: [[sortBy, order]],
let userList = {};
try {
userList = await _getList(User, queryString);
} catch (e) {
// throw new Boom(e);
Boom.badRequest(i18n.__('controllers.user.fetchUser'), e);
return h.response(userList);

Sending Commands from an MVC4 site to Another

I have two sites: one of them controls the other sending some commands through Web API. The idea is: the action of the controller site sends a command to the other site, gets the response and perform some business rules, without redirecting to the other site.
I have tons of examples explaining how to implement this via jQuery, but I want to make the controller post the data to the other site, instead of the view.
I found an approach at this answer: How to use System.Net.HttpClient to post a complex type?, but I want the answer for an JSON approach.
Can someone post a simple example using JSON showing how to do this?
As I didn't find a brief answer to my question, I'll post the solution I've made.
As the method uses an HttpClient method that requires async statements, the action below was implemented retuning a Task<ActionResult>. Another modification is if you're saving an object in context.
Instead of using:
You'll have to use:
await context.SaveChangesAsync();
The code below implements an Action from an ASP.NET MVC4 Controller:
public async Task<ActionResult> Create(MyModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// Logic to save the model.
// I usually reload saved data using something kind of the statement below:
var inserted = context.MyModels
.Where(m => m.SomeCondition == someVariable)
// Send Command.
// APIMyModel is a simple class with public properties.
var apiModel = new APIMyModel();
apiModel.AProperty = inserted.AProperty;
apiModel.AnotherProperty = inserted.AnotherProperty;
DataContractJsonSerializer jsonSer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(APIMyModel));
// use the serializer to write the object to a MemoryStream
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
jsonSer.WriteObject(ms, apiModel);
ms.Position = 0;
//use a Stream reader to construct the StringContent (Json)
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms);
// Note if the JSON is simple enough you could ignore the 5 lines above that do the serialization and construct it yourself
// then pass it as the first argument to the StringContent constructor
StringContent theContent = new StringContent(sr.ReadToEnd(), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpClient aClient = new HttpClient();
Uri theUri = new Uri("http://yoursite/api/TheAPIAction");
HttpResponseMessage aResponse = await aClient.PostAsync(theUri, theContent);
if (aResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
// Success Logic. Yay!
// show the response status code
String failureMsg = "HTTP Status: " + aResponse.StatusCode.ToString() + " - Reason: " + aResponse.ReasonPhrase;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
// if Model is not valid, you can put your logic to reload ViewBag properties here.

Uploading image file through API using Symfony2 & FOSRESTBundle

I have been coding an API for a photo sharing app like Instagram using Symfony2, FOSRESTBundle, and Vichuploader for file uploads.
I'm able to work around GET and POST requests, but I can't find an example of how to attach to a POST request, the actual image so that in my case, Vichuploader can grab it and help me out with the file upload.
By the way, I can upload a file without issue using the stack mentioned through the use of a normal form.
I have been looking for a solution about the exact same problem. Here is what I did.
First let me explain my constraints. I wanted my API to be full JSON and to take power of the HTTP protocol (headers, methods, etc.). I chose to use:
Symfony2 for the "everything is almost done for you, just code your business logic".
Doctrine2 because by default with Symfony2 and provide a way to integrate with most popular DBMS by changing one line.
FOSRestBundle to handle the REST part of my API (do the maximum with annotations, body listener, auto format for the response with JMSSerializer support, etc.).
KnpGaufretteBundle because I wanted to be allowed to change the way I store blob file quickly.
First solution envisaged: base64
My first thought, because I was thinking JSON everytime, was to encode all the incoming images in base64, then decode them inside my API and store them.
The advantage with this solution is that you can pass images along with other data. For instance upload a whole user's profile in one API call. But I read that encoding images in base64 make them grow by 33% of their initial size. I did not wanted my users to be out of mobile data after sending 3 images.
Second solution envisaged: form
Then I thought using forms as described above. But I did not know how my clients could send both JSON data (for instance {"last_name":"Litz"}) and image data (for instance image/png one). I know that you can deal with an Content-Type: multipart/form-data but nothing more.
Plus I was not using forms in my API since the beginning and I wanted it to be uniform in all my code. [mini-edit: hoho, something I just discovered, here]
Third and last solution: use HTTP..
Then, one night, the revelation. I'm using Content-Type: application/json for send JSON data. Why not use image/* to send images? So easy that I searched for days before coming with this idea. This is how I did it (simplified code). Let suppose that the user is calling PUT /api/me/image with a Content-Type: image/*
UserController::getUserImageAction(Request $request) - Catching the Request
// get the service to handle the image
$service = $this->get('service.user_image');
$content = $request->getContent();
$userImage = $service->updateUserImage($user, $content);
// get the response from FOSRestBundle::View
$response = $this->view()->getResponse();
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', $userImage->getMimeType());
return $response;
UserImageService::updateUserImage($user, $content) - Business Logic (I put everything here to be simplier to read)
// Create a temporary file on the disk
// the temp file will be delete at the end of the script
// see
$file = tmpfile();
if ($file === false)
throw new \Exception('File can not be opened.');
// Put content in this file
$path = stream_get_meta_data($file)['uri'];
file_put_contents($path, $content);
// the UploadedFile of the user image
// referencing the temp file (used for validation only)
$uploadedFile = new UploadedFile($path, $path, null, null, null, true);
// the UserImage to return
$userImage = $user->getUserImage();
if (is_null($userImage))
$userImage = new UserImage();
// auto persist with my configuration
// plus generation of a unique ID that allows
// me to retrieve the image at anytime
$userImage->setKey(/*random string*/);
// fill the UserImage properties
/** #var ConstraintViolationInterface $validationError */
if (count($this->getValidator()->validate($userImage)) > 0)
throw new \Exception('Validation');
// if no error we can write the file definitively
// [KnpGaufretteBundle code to store on disk]
// [use the UserImage::key to store]
return $userImage;
You use form types for posts with the FOSRestBundle:
For example you have this form type:
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
'mapped' => FALSE
'mapped' => FALSE
$builder->addValidator(new CallbackValidator(function(FormInterface $form)
if ($form["facebook_id"]->getData() === '' || $form["facebook_id"]->getData() === NULL)
$form->get('facebook_id')->addError(new FormError('facebook_id should not be empty'));
if ($form["profile_pic"]->getData() === '' || $form["profile_pic"]->getData() === NULL)
$form->get('profile_pic')->addError(new FormError('profile_pic should not be empty'));
public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
// 'validation_constraint' => $collectionConstraint,
'csrf_protection' => FALSE,
public function getName()
return 'data';
Then what you can do is post JSON to the API. Don't forget to set the header as "Content-type = application/json" when you do a POST.
The JSON structure would look like this:
"data": {
"facebook_id": "12345",
Why is this json wrapped in "data"? Because your form type also has "data" in getName so it will use validation and etc.
What I always do is I encode my pictures as a base64 string while sending them to the API.
Then in the post function you just convert it back:
$base64 = $form['profile_pic']->getData();
//decode back to image data and create image
$image = imagecreatefromstring(base64_decode($base64));
imagepng($image, $path);
This is a full upload from api code bit. This does upload the file, but I am still having trouble with validating the uploaded file. Hope this helps.
This uses fosrest bundle for REST.
private function addResource(Entity $resource) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
private function processForm(Entity $resource)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$uploadedFile = null;
$form = $this->createForm(new EntityForm(), $resource);
foreach ($_FILES as $file) {
$uploadedFile = new UploadedFile(
$file['name'], $file['type'],
$file['size'], $file['error'],
$test = false);
$submitData = array(
"file" => $uploadedFile,
if ($form->isValid()) {
$repository = $this->getDoctrine()
$view = View::create();
// handling api requests
if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() == "POST") {
// store image url
$resource = $repository->find($resource->getId());
if ($resource->getImage()) {
$fs = new Filesystem();
if ($fs->exists($resource->getWebPath())) {
return $view;
return View::create($form);
An example for a upload method exepting post requests:
public function uploadAction() {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$document = new Document();
foreach ($_FILES as $file) {
$document->file = new UploadedFile($file['tmp_name'],
$file['name'], $file['type'],
$file['size'], $file['error'], $test = false);
$serializer = $this->get('jms_serializer');
$data = $serializer->serialize(
$document, 'json',
return new Response($data);
So this action first stores the document on the server and returns a json response containing document meta data and path. I used the response for further processing in my web application.
I am not familiar with VichUploader, the above code is native Symfony2 code using Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile.

Closing stream after using BitmapEncoder with WinJS Metro app

In a Windows 8 Metro application written in JS I open a file, get the stream, write some image data to it using the 'promise - .then' pattern. It works fine - the file is successfully saved to the file system, except after using the BitmapEncoder to flush the stream to the file, the stream is still open. ie; I can't access the file until I kill the application, but the 'stream' variable is out of scope for me to reference, so I can't close() it. Is there something comparable to the C# using statement that could be used?
...then(function (file) {
return file.openAsync(Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.readWrite);
.then(function (stream) {
//Create imageencoder object
return Imaging.BitmapEncoder.createAsync(Imaging.BitmapEncoder.pngEncoderId, stream);
.then(function (encoder) {
//Set the pixel data in the encoder ('' is an existing image stream)
encoder.setPixelData(Imaging.BitmapPixelFormat.rgba8, Imaging.BitmapAlphaMode.straight, canvasImage.width, canvasImage.height, 96, 96,;
//Go do the encoding
return encoder.flushAsync();
//file saved successfully,
//but stream is still open and the stream variable is out of scope.
This simple imaging sample from Microsoft might help. Copied below.
It looks like, in your case, you need to declare the stream before the chain of then calls, make sure you don't name-collide with your parameter to your function accepting the stream (note the part where they do _stream = stream), and add a then call to close the stream.
function scenario2GetImageRotationAsync(file) {
var accessMode =;
// Keep data in-scope across multiple asynchronous methods
var stream;
var exifRotation;
return file.openAsync(accessMode).then(function (_stream) {
stream = _stream;
return Imaging.BitmapDecoder.createAsync(stream);
}).then(function (decoder) {
// irrelevant stuff to this question
}).then(function () {
if (stream) {
return exifRotation;