I have a column containing departments and another column containing Appt, Can, No show. I want to calculate how many time every department has occurred for Appt, Can and No Show. The code I am currently using extracts unique values of department and using If statements counts the value of Appt, Can and No Show.
Data Set:
Code to get unique departments:
Public Sub Getting_Unique_Departments()
Dim X
Dim objDict As Object
Dim lngRow As Long
If Len("E") > 0 And Len("Y") > 0 Then
Set objDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
X = Application.Transpose(Range("E" & 2, Cells(Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp)))
For lngRow = 1 To UBound(X, 1)
objDict(X(lngRow)) = 1
Range("Y" & 2 & ":" & "Y" & objDict.Count + 1) = Application.Transpose(objDict.keys)
End If
End Sub
Code to check Appt, Can, walk and No Show for each department.
Sub Calculation()
nName0 = "Department"
nName1 = "Appt"
nName2 = "Walk"
nName3 = "Can"
nName4 = "No Show"
Cells(1, 25).Value = nName0
Cells(1, 26).Value = nName1
Cells(1, 27).Value = nName2
Cells(1, 28).Value = nName3
Cells(1, 29).Value = nName4
For Dept_Row_number = 2 To Dept_lastRow
'Dept_lastRow finds last Row of unique department listed in Y col and Sheet_lastRow finds the last Row of input data sheet.
nCount1 = 0
nCount1 = 0
nCount2 = 0
nCount3 = 0
nCount4 = 0
Row_number = 1
search_string1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(Dept_Row_number, 25)
Row_number = Row_number + 1
item_in_review1 = ActiveSheet.Cells(Row_number, 5).Value
item_in_review2 = ActiveSheet.Cells(Row_number, 3).Value
If InStr(item_in_review1, search_string1) > 0 And InStr(item_in_review2, "Appt") > 0 Then
nCount1 = nCount1 + 1
ElseIf InStr(item_in_review1, search_string1) > 0 And InStr(item_in_review2, "Walk") > 0 Then
nCount2 = nCount2 + 1
ElseIf InStr(item_in_review1, search_string1) > 0 And InStr(item_in_review2, "Can") > 0 Then
nCount3 = nCount3 + 1
ElseIf InStr(item_in_review1, search_string1) > 0 And InStr(item_in_review2, "No Show") > 0 Then
nCount4 = nCount4 + 1
End If
Loop Until Row_number = Sheet_lastRow
Cells(Dept_Row_number, 26).Value = nCount1
Cells(Dept_Row_number, 27).Value = nCount2
Cells(Dept_Row_number, 28).Value = nCount3
Cells(Dept_Row_number, 29).Value = nCount4
Is there any easy way to this because in case I have to do this for more than one column, the code would be too cucumbersome.
Byron Wall is correct that Pivot Tables are a natural choice -- but you can also streamline the VBA. You are aware of dictionaries but could be exploiting them more. I recommend using early binding -- in Tools/References add a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime and then you can write code along the following lines. The main loop populates a dictionary keyed to departments. The values of this dictionary are themselves dictionaries keyed by your categories ("No Show", etc.). The values of those dictionaries are the counts that you are after. At the end of the code I show how you can extract data from this data structure:
Function MakeCountDict(categories As Variant) As Dictionary
Dim d As New Dictionary
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(categories) To UBound(categories)
d.Add categories(i), 0
Next i
Set MakeCountDict = d
End Function
Sub MakeDepartmentCounts()
Dim Dcounts As New Dictionary
Dim R As Range
Dim dept As Variant, cat As String
Dim categories As Variant
Dim i As Long, n As Long
Dim report As String
categories = Array("No Show", "Appt", "Can", "walk")
n = Range("H:H").Rows.Count
n = Range("H" & n).End(xlUp).Row 'last used row in column H
For i = 2 To n
dept = Trim(Cells(i, "H").Value)
If Not Dcounts.Exists(dept) Then
Dcounts.Add dept, MakeCountDict(categories)
End If
cat = Trim(Cells(i, "C").Value)
Dcounts(dept)(cat) = Dcounts(dept)(cat) + 1
Next i
report = "Report:"
For Each dept In Dcounts.Keys
report = report & vbCrLf & dept & ": "
For i = 0 To 3
cat = categories(i)
report = report & cat & " = " & Dcounts(dept)(cat) & IIf(i < 3, ", ", "")
Next i
Next dept
MsgBox report
End Sub
To test it I created random data in columns C and H that had the format of your linked picture then ran it. My output:
Department 5: No Show = 1, Appt = 1, Can = 1, walk = 2
Department 3: No Show = 5, Appt = 2, Can = 1, walk = 2
Department 4: No Show = 2, Appt = 1, Can = 0, walk = 1
Department 2: No Show = 2, Appt = 1, Can = 2, walk = 1
Department 1: No Show = 1, Appt = 1, Can = 0, walk = 2
This shows that the order of keys when you iterate is a bit random -- but you could do something like have a for j = 1 to 5 loop rather than a for each dept in keys loop.
I have a list of 1000+ names in a single column in excel where the names repeat occasionally. I am trying to count how many times each name occurs. This is what I have currently and it populates the desired sheet but it seems to mess up when counting the number of times the names show up. Anything helps!
m = 2
n = 1
person = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(m, 6).Value
Worksheets("Sorted_Data").Cells(n, 2).Value = person
Worksheets("Sorted_Data").Cells(n, 3).Value = 1
n = n + 1
m = m + 1
For i = 0 To Total_Tickets
person = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(m, 6).Value
y = 1
d = 0
Do While d <= i
comp = Worksheets("Sorted_Data").Cells(y, 2).Value
x = StrComp(person, comp, vbTextCompare)
If x = 0 Then
Worksheets("Sorted_Data").Cells(n - 1, 3).Value = Worksheets("Sorted_Data").Cells(n - 1, 3).Value + 1
m = m + 1
d = 10000
ElseIf x = 1 Or x = -1 Then
If comp = "" Then
Worksheets("Sorted_Data").Cells(n, 2).Value = person
Worksheets("Sorted_Data").Cells(n, 3).Value = 1
n = n + 1
m = m + 1
d = 10000
End If
y = y + 1
d = d + 1
End If
Next i
You're managing a lot of counters there, and that makes the logic more difficult to follow.
You could consider something like this instead:
Sub Tester()
Dim wsData As Worksheet, wsList As Worksheet, arr, m, i As Long, nm
Set wsData = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set wsList = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sorted_Data")
'grab all the names in an array
arr = wsData.Range("A2:A" & wsData.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row).Value
For i = 1 To UBound(arr, 1) 'loop over the array
nm = arr(i, 1) 'grab the name
m = Application.Match(nm, wsList.Columns("A"), 0) 'existing name on the summary sheet?
If IsError(m) Then
'name was not found: add it to the summary sheet
With wsList.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1)
.Value = nm
m = .Row
End With
End If
With wsList.Cells(m, "B")
.Value = .Value + 1 'update the count
End With
Next i
End Sub
I'm trying to copy values from one small sheet "MD with ID" to A Larger sheet "D with ID" if 2 fields are identical (consider those two as keys that identify each record).
Here is my first try:
Sub CopyIDCells()
Set i = Sheets("MD with ID")
Set e = Sheets("D with ID")
Dim d
Dim j
d = 1
j = 2
Do Until IsEmpty(e.Range("B" & j))
d = 2
Do Until IsEmpty(i.Range("A" & d))
If e.Range("C" & j).Value = i.Range("D" & d).Value Then
If e.Range("M" & j).Value = i.Range("J" & d).Value Then
e.Range("A" & j).Value = i.Range("B" & d).Value
End If
End If
d = d + 1
j = j + 1
End Sub
Here is my second try:
Sub CopyIDCells2()
Set i = Sheets("MD with ID")
Set e = Sheets("D with ID")
Dim d
Dim j
d = 1
j = 2
Do Until j = 20886
d = 2
Do Until d = 1742
If e.Cells(j, 3).Value = i.Cells(d, 4).Value Then
If e.Cells(j, 13).Value = i.Cells(d, 10).Value Then
e.Cells(j, 1).Value = i.Cells(d, 2).Value
End If
End If
d = d + 1
j = j + 1
End Sub
Nothing changes in the excel sheet when this code runs, although it takes few minutes to run -_-".
.. sample was removed
So looking at your first CopyIdCells method, there is only one fix I would make to this - make variable d=2. This has headers at the top of your sample data and you need to start on row 2 just like the other sheet.
Sub CopyIDCells()
Set i = Sheets("MD with ID")
Set e = Sheets("D with ID")
Dim d
Dim j
d = 2
j = 2
Do Until IsEmpty(e.Range("B" & j))
d = 2
Do Until IsEmpty(i.Range("A" & d))
If e.Range("C" & j).Value = i.Range("D" & d).Value Then
If e.Range("M" & j).Value = i.Range("J" & d).Value Then
e.Range("A" & j).Value = i.Range("B" & d).Value
End If
End If
d = d + 1
j = j + 1
End Sub
Other than that your formulas look good, you just do not have any data that meets your requirements. Add this column to the bottom of "MD with ID" and you will see your code match.
mouse 10 08 11267 A/J M 823 1/11/2008 1 SC-807 LONG 10/10/2005
Since you are matching on "Case Number" AND "Other ID" there are no items in both sheets that meet this criteria. When you add the row above to "MD with ID", you will see the appropriate ID added to your second sheet on several rows.
I am trying to write a macro which search data from one sheet and copy's to another.
But now I have a problem because I want to copy data between two searches and paste the whole data from multiple cells into one single cell.
For example in the above picture my macro:
SEARCH for "--------------" and "*****END OF RECORD"
COPIES everything in between , here example data in row 29 and 30 and from column A,B,C
PASTE all the data from multiple cells A29,B29,C29 and then A30,B30,C30 to single cell in sheet 2 say cell E2.
This pattern is reoccurring in the column A so I want to search for the next occurrence and do all the steps 1,2,3 and this time I will paste it in Sheet2 , cell E3.
Below is the code:
I am able to search my pattern but hard time in giving references to the cells in between those searched patterns and then copying all the data to ONE cell.
x = 2: y = 2: Z = 7000: m = 0: n = 0
x = x + 1
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lic").Range("A" & x) = "---------------------" Then m = x
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lic").Range("A" & x) = "****** END OF RECORD" Then n = x
If (n > 0) Then
For i = m To n
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lic").Range("A" & i + 1).Copy
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lic").Range("B" & i + 1).Copy
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lic").Range("C" & i + 1).Copy
'If (n > 0) Then ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("E" & y) = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lic").Range("A" & m + 1, "C" & n - 1): y = y + 1
'If (n > 0) Then ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("E" & y).Resize(CopyFrom.Rows.Count).Value = CopyFrom.Value: y = y + 1
Loop While Not x > Z
'Driver's Licence #:Driver's Licence #:Driver's Licence #:
x = 2: y = 2: Z = 7000: counter = 1
x = x + 1
If ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lic").Range("A" & x) = "Driver's Licence #:" Then counter = counter + 1
If (counter = 2) Then ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B" & y) = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lic").Range("C" & x): y = y + 1: counter = 0
If x = Z Then Exit Sub
End Sub
Considering that the search is working correctly, about the copy thing you just need to do:
Sheet2.Range("E2").value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lic").Range("A" & i + 1).value & ";" & ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lic").Range("B" & i + 1).value & ";" & ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lic").Range("C" & i + 1).value
The result will be something like: AIR COO; L DAT; A
It was hard to understand your code, so I'm write a new one. Basically it's copy what it found on sheet1 to sheet2.
Sub Copy()
Dim count As Integer 'Counter of loops to the for
Dim Z As Integer 'Limit of (?)
Dim h As Integer 'Count the filled cells on sheet2
Dim y As Integer 'Counter the columns to be copied
Z = 7000
h = 1
'Assuming that the "----" will always be on the top, the code will start searching on the second row
'if it's not true, will be needed to validate this to.
For count = 2 To Z
If Sheet1.Cells(count, 1).Value <> "****** END OF RECORD" Then
If Sheet1.Cells(count, 1).Value <> "" Then
For y = 1 To 3 'In case you need to copy more columns just adjust this for.
Sheet2.Cells(h, 1).Value = Sheet2.Cells(h, 1).Value & Sheet1.Cells(count, y).Value
Next y
h = h + 1
End If
Exit Sub
End If
Next count
End Sub
Maybe I don't get the full idea but this might work for you.
I'm not at all sure what you want to see in the final output, so this is an educated guess:
Sub DenseCopyPasteFill ()
Dim wsFrom, wsTo As Worksheet
Dim ur As Range
Dim row, newRow As Integer
Dim dataOn As Boolean
Dim currentVal As String
dataOn = False
newRow = 3
Set wsFrom = Sheets("Sheet1")
Set wsTo = Sheets("Sheet2")
Set ur = wsFrom.UsedRange
For row = 1 To ur.Rows.Count
If wsFrom.Cells(row, 1).Value2 = "--------------" Then
dataOn = True
ElseIf wsFrom.Cells(row, 1).Value2 = "***** END OF RECORD" Then
newRow = newRow + 1
dataOn = False
ElseIf dataOn Then
currentVal = wsTo.Cells(newRow, 5).Value2
wsTo.Cells(newRow, 5).Value2 = currentVal & _
wsFrom.Cells(row, 1) & wsFrom.Cells(row, 2) & _
wsFrom.Cells(row, 3)
End If
Next row
End Sub
If you can get away without using the Windows clipboard, I would. Instead of copy/paste, here I demonstrated how you can simply add or append a value.
Add this sub:
Sub copy_range(rng As Range)
Dim str As String
str = rng.Cells(1).Value & rng.Cells(2).Value & rng.Cells(3).Value
Range("E" & Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1).Value = str
End Sub
Then your for loop should look like this:
For i = m To n
copy_range ThisWorkbook.Sheets("lic").Range("A" & i + 1 & ":C" & i + 1)
Next i
I'm in the situation described by fig.1 where I have a cell with the reference name and a cell with one or more semicolon separated emails associated to the same reference. I'd like to split the cells contaning more than one email stacking them consecutively and copying the refence name. Is it possible to do this with a VBA Macro in Excel 2007? I know the existence of the "Split in columns" command, but I don't know how to automatically shift the columns in rows and copying the reference name. Thanks in advance.
Here you go:
Sub SplitColumnB()
Dim r As Range
Set r = [B2]
Do While r.Value <> ""
res = Split(r.Value, " ; ")
i = 0
For Each resStr In res
If i > 0 Then r.Offset(1).EntireRow.Insert xlDown
r.Offset(IIf(i > 0, 1, 0)).Value = resStr
r.Offset(IIf(i > 0, 1, 0), -1).Value = Right(resStr, Len(resStr) - InStr(resStr, "#"))
i = i + 1
Set r = r.Offset(IIf(i > 0, i, 1))
End Sub
Try with the below code. Replace all instances of Sheet1 with the name of your worksheet.
Sub test()
Dim Ref As String
Dim Eid As String
Dim RefR()
Dim EidR()
Rcnt = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A65000").End(xlUp).Row
K = 0
L = 0
For i = 2 To Rcnt
Ref = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & i).Value
Temp = Split(Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B" & i).Value, ";")
K = K + 1
ReDim Preserve RefR(1 To K)
RefR(K) = Ref
For j = LBound(Temp) To UBound(Temp)
If L <= UBound(Temp) Then
ReDim Preserve EidR(Rcnt, L)
L = UBound(Temp)
End If
EidR(K, j) = Temp(j)
Next j
Next i
RowValue = 2
For i = 1 To UBound(RefR)
For j = 0 To L
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & RowValue).Value = RefR(i)
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B" & RowValue).Value = Trim(EidR(i, j))
RowValue = RowValue + 1
Next j
Next i
End Sub
I'm currently writing a sub but I'm unclear of how to approach the problem programatically
Essentially I have a sheet with a column of data values starting at "A1"
How do I write a sub that will check through the column to find the largest pattern starting from the first cell and the direction of the pattern?
ie. if A1 is 2, A2 is 5, A3 is -2 ... the sub should return 2 (positive 2 days in a row)
if A1 is -2, A2 -1, A3 is -5, A4 is -2, A5 -1, A6 2 ... the sub should return -5 (negative 5 days in a row)
What I want is to somehow gather this number but in the process also save the last row in the pattern so I can compute averages, std variation etc. to store to a collection
Here is the code to check for patterns.... the j is a column counter... I need to figure out how to make the loop go back up to right before the for loop instead of iterating the j variable and then going back down....
but in any case here is the check pattern sub
<i> Sub pattern_recogADR()
'add back in as parameters
x As Long
pat_days As Long
sht_start As Long
x = 1
pat_days = 5
sht_start = 13
Dim st As Long
Dim st_num As Long
Dim st_end As Long
Dim count As Long
Dim patrn As Long
count = sht_start
Dim i As Long
Set pat = New pattern
For j = 8 To 12
st_num = 0
If IsNumeric(Cells(count, j).value) Then
st_num = count 'sets default pattern to beginning cell value
If Cells(st_num, j).value < 0 Then
For i = count + 1 To count + 1 + pat_days
If IsNumeric(Cells(i, j).value) And Cells(i, j).value < 0 Then
st_end = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
patrn = st_end - st_num
tix.arbPnl = patrn
ElseIf Cells(st_num, j).value > 0 Then
For i = count + 1 To count + 1 + pat_days
If IsNumeric(Cells(i, j).value) And Cells(i, j).value < 0 Then
st_end = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
patrn = st_end - st_num
TIX.arbPnl = patrn
'save to separate class for patterns
count = count + 1
End If
Next j
End Sub
Here is where I previously define the object. Basically I want to get this pattern and then add it to the respective attribute (? I dont know coding vocab) in this collection which is already define so the pattern matches with the respective item in the collection.
Option Explicit
Public TixCollection As New Collection
Sub DefineTixCollection()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set TixCollection = Nothing
Dim tix As clsTix
Dim i As Long
Dim last_row As Long
last_row = Range("A" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
'Add tix properties
For i = 3 To last_row
Set tix = New clsTix
'only adds active tickers to collection
If Range("A" & i).value = "x" Then
'Random data
tix.ORD = Range("B" & i).value
tix.ADR = Range("C" & i).value
tix.ratio = Range("D" & i).value
tix.crrncy = Range("E" & i).value
tix.hedge_index = Range("F" & i).value
tix.hedge_ord = Range("G" & i).value
tix.hedge_ratio = Range("H" & i).value
' ADR is the id key
TixCollection.Add tix, tix.ADR
End If
Next i
' Error Check
' For i = 1 To 5
' 'retrieve by collection index
' Debug.Print TixCollection(i).ORD
' Debug.Print TixCollection(5).ADR
' Debug.Print TixCollection(5).ratio
' Debug.Print TixCollection(i).crrncy
' Debug.Print TixCollection(i).hedge_index
' Debug.Print TixCollection(i).hedge_ord
' Debug.Print TixCollection(i).hedge_ratio
' Next i
End Sub
Any help would be much appreciated getting frustrated now... ugh
Sub Button1_Click()
Dim patrn() As Long
ReDim patrn(0 To 4)
Dim count As Long
Dim posCount As Integer
Dim negCount As Integer
Dim sign As Boolean
posCount = 0
negCount = 0
count = 0
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Integer
Dim lastRow As Long
For j = 8 To 12
lastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.count, j).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To lastRow
If IsNumeric(Cells(i, j).Value) Then
If count = 0 Then
If Cells(i, j).Value > 0 Then
sign = True
posCount = posCount + 1
ElseIf Cells(i, j).Value < 0 Then
sign = False
negCount = negCount + 1
End If
ElseIf count > 0 And count <= 4 Then
If Cells(i, j).Value > 0 And sign = True Then
sign = True
posCount = posCount + 1
ElseIf Cells(i, j).Value > 0 And sign = False Then
sign = True
posCount = 1
ElseIf Cells(i, j).Value < 0 And sign = True Then
sign = False
negCount = 1
ElseIf Cells(i, j).Value < 0 And sign = False Then
sign = False
negCount = negCount + 1
End If
ElseIf count = 5 Then
Exit For
End If
count = count + 1
End If
Next i
If posCount > negCount Then
patrn(j - 8) = posCount
patrn(j - 8) = negCount - (negCount * 2)
End If
negCount = 0
posCount = 0
count = 0
Next j
'Do your other calculations here.
For i = LBound(patrn) To UBound(patrn)
Debug.Print patrn(i)
End Sub