Knowledge & Connect PHP API, Found object(Account or Answer) but contains only null fields - rightnow-crm

I'm facing some strange issues when I try to fetch(Connect PHP API)/searchContent(Knowledge Foundation API) following the tutorials/documentations.
Behaviour and output
Following the documentation, we initialize the API. The function error_get_last() (called after the fetch) states that the core read-only file (we are not allowed to modify it) contains an error:
Array ( [type] => 8 [message] => Undefined index: REDIRECT_URL [file] => /cgi-bin/${interface_name}.cfg/scripts/cp/core/framework/3.2.4/init.php [line] => 246 )
After initialization, we call the fetch function to retrieve an account. If we give a wrong ID, it returns an error:
Invalid ID: No such Account with ID = 32
Otherwise, furnishing a correct ID returns an Account object with all fields populated as NULL:
object(RightNow\Connect\v1_2\Account)#22 (25) {
/* [...] */
Attempts, workaround and troubleshooting information
Configuration: The account used using the InitConnectAPI() has the permissions
Initialization: Call to InitConnectAPI() not throwing any exception(added a try - catch block)
Call to the fetch function: As said above, the call to RNCPHP\Account::fetch($act_id) finds the account (invalid_id => error) but doesn't manage to populate the fields
No exception is thrown on the RNCPHP::fetch($correct_id) call
The behaviour is the same when I try to retrieve an answer following a sample example from the Knowledge Foundation API : $token = \RNCK::StartInteraction(...) ; \RNCK::searchContent($token, 'lorem ipsum');
Using PHP's SoapClient, I manage to retrieve populated objects. However, It's not part of the standard and a self-call-local-WebService is not a good practice.
Code reproducing the issue
require_once(get_cfg_var('doc_root') . '/include/ConnectPHP/Connect_init.phph');
use RightNow\Connect\v1_2 as RNCPHP;
/* [...] */
$fetched_acct = RNCPHP\Account::fetch($correct_usr_id);
} catch ( \Exception $e)
echo ($e->getMessage());
// Dump part
echo ("<pre>");
echo ("</pre>");
// The core's error on which I have no control
Have any of you face the same issue ? What is the workaround/fix which would help me solve it ?
According to the RNCPHP\Account::fetch($correct_usr_id) function behaviour, we can surmise that the issue comes from the 'fields populating' step which might be part of the core (on which I have no power). How am I supposed to deal with this (fetch is static and account doesn't seem abstract) ?
I tried to use the debug_backtrace() function in order to have some visibility on what may go wrong but it doesn't output relevant information. Is there any way I can get more debug information ?
Thanks in advance,

Oracle Service Cloud uses lazy loading to populate the object variables from queried data using Connect for PHP APIs. When you output the result of an object, it will appear as each variable is empty, per your example. However, if you access the parameter, then it becomes available. This is only an issue when you try to print your object, like this example. Accessing the data should be immediate.
To print your object, like in your example, you would need to iterate through the object variables and access each one first. You could build a helper class to do that through reflection. But, to illustrate with a single field, do the following:
$acct = RNCPHP\Account::fetch($correctId);
print_r($acct); // Will now "show" ID, but none of the other fields have been loaded.
In the real world, you probably just want to operate on the data. So, even though you cannot "see" the data in the object, it's there. In the example below, we're accessing the updated time of the account and then performing an action on the object if it meets a condition.
//Set to disabled if last updated < 90 days ago
$acct = RNCPHP\Account::fetch($correctId);
$chkDate = time() - 7776000;
if($acct->UpdatedTime < $chkDate){
$acct->Attributes->PermanentlyDisabled = true;
If you were to print_r the object after the if condition, then you would see the UpdatedTime variable data because it was loaded at the condition check.


Why is truffle returning <indexed> instead of the actual value of the event?

I have indexed some values on my events. When I run tests, why don't they show up ?
Example :
Events emitted during test:
Upgrade(_tokenId: <indexed>, _upgradeType: 1)
Why isn't it showing the token id?
The callback return object is different depending on if you create a global filter or a contract filter. You'd need to add your client code to give a better answer, but this looks like a global filter whose response separates out the event data (non-indexed fields) from the topics (the indexed fields). From the documentation:
data: String - contains one or more 32 Bytes non-indexed arguments of the log.
topics: Array of Strings - Array of 0 to 4 32 Bytes DATA of indexed log arguments. (In solidity: The first topic is the hash of the signature of the event (e.g. Deposit(address,bytes32,uint256)), except if you declared the event with the anonymous specifier.)
With a contract filter, you can get to each argument using args regardless if it's indexed or not.
var contractFilter = contractInstance.Upgrade({}, (e, r) => {
My truffle-assertions library can log all emitted events inside a transaction in the same way as truffle normally outputs them on error, except that it also displays indexed arguments' values correctly.
The library can be installed through npm
npm install truffle-assertions
Then, it can be imported at the top of your test file
const truffleAssert = require('truffle-assertions');
And finally it can be used to output all emitted events inside a transaction.
let result = contractInstance.function({from: account[0]});

Is it possible to retrieve the namespace of a raised error?

When I raise an error from within an XQuery query, for instance with:
error( fn:QName( '', 'XMPL0001' ), 'Conflict' )
... the following is returned by BaseX (be it when communicating with the server, or from within the GUI)
Stopped at ., 1/7:
[XMPL0001] Conflict
Is it somehow possible to retrieve the namespace of the error (in this case as well?
I'm using a customized PHP client and I would like to use this information to prevent possible (future) conflicts with my custom error codes and parse the errors to throw either a standard BaseX\Exception or a custom SomeNamespace\Exception, depending on the namespace of the error.
I could, of course, simply use another error code pattern than the typical ABCD1234 XQuery pattern, to prevent possible (future) error code conflicts, but the possible use of a namespace appeals to me more, because I can then define an uniform Exception interface, such as:
interface ExceptionInterface
public function getCategory(); // the 4 alpha character part
public function getCode(); // the 4 digit part
I'm currently using BaseX 7.7.2, by the way.
Yes, you can retrieve information about the error using a few variables in the error namespace, which are in scope of the try-catch statement, like so:
declare namespace err = "";
try {
error( fn:QName( '', 'XMPL0001' ), 'Conflict' )
catch * {
This assumes that you are using XQuery 3.0.

Breeze JS Query before calling SaveChanges causes failure

I have the following very standard Breeze API Controller endpoint in my app:
public SaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle)
return _contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle);
My backend database uses int IDs that are configured as identities.
When called from a client with a valid change set, all is well.
However, if, prior to the call to my _contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle) function, I make a query of any sort. For example:
public SaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle)
int incomingUserId = Convert.ToInt32(saveBundle["entities"][0]["Id"]);
AspNetUser EditedUser = (from u in Context.AspNetUsers where u.Id == incomingUserId select u).FirstOrDefault();
// ......
// do something with the EditedUser (like validations of any sort)
// ......
return _contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle);
the save fails with error:
Saving or accepting changes failed because more than one entity of type 'xxxx.App_Data.AspNetUser' have the same primary key value. Ensure that explicitly set primary key values are unique. Ensure that database-generated primary keys are configured correctly in the database and in the Entity Framework model. Use the Entity Designer for Database First/Model First configuration. Use the 'HasDatabaseGeneratedOption" fluent API or 'DatabaseGeneratedAttribute' for Code First configuration.
Given what I am doing, is this expected behavior? Is there any other way to do an initial, separate query just prior to the SaveChanges call without upsetting something and making the query fail?
You'll need to create a second Context for performing the query. In the code you have above, the EditedUser object is being cached in the Context, because that's what EF does. Then, when _contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle) is called, the contextProvider tries to create an object with the same type and same key in the same Context. Hence the error.
This SO post gives some hints about creating the second Context.

Grails transactions (not GORM based but using Groovy Sql)

My Grails application is not using GORM but instead uses my own SQL and DML code to read and write the database (The database is a huge normalized legacy one and this was the only viable option).
So, I use the Groovy Sql Class to do the job. The database calls are done in Services that are called in my Controllers.
Furthermore, my datasource is declared via DBCP in Tomcat - so it is not declared in Datasource.groovy.
My problem is that I need to write some transaction code, that means to open a transaction and commit after a series of successful DML calls or rollback the whole thing back in case of an error.
I thought that it would be enough to use groovy.sql.Sql#commit() and groovy.sql.Sql#rollback() respectively.
But in these methods Javadocs, the Groovy Sql documentation clearly states
If this SQL object was created from a DataSource then this method does nothing.
So, I wonder: What is the suggested way to perform transactions in my context?
Even disabling autocommit in Datasource declaration seems to be irrelevant since those two methods " nothing"
The Groovy Sql class has withTransaction
public void withTransaction(Closure closure)
throws java.sql.SQLException
Performs the closure within a transaction using a cached connection. If the closure takes a single argument, it will be called with the connection, otherwise it will be called with no arguments.
Give it a try.
Thanks James. I also found the following solution, reading
I declared my service as transactional
static transactional = true
This way, if an Error occurs, the previously performed DMLs will be rolled back.
For each DML statement I throw an Error describing the message. For example:
insert into mytable1 (col1, col2) values (${val1}, ${val2})
throw new Error("you cant enter empty val1 or val2")
insert into mytable2 (col1, col2) values (${val1}, ${val2})
throw new Error("you cant enter empty val1 or val2. The previous insert is rolledback!")
Final gotcha! The service when called from the controller, must be in a try catch, as follows:
Throwable t = e instanceof UndeclaredThrowableException ? e.undeclaredThrowable : e
// use t.toString() to send info to user (use in view)
// redirect / forward / render etc

Do I use Option as result when fetching an object from the database with an Id?

I have made a definition which fetches a user from the database.
def user(userId: Int) : User = database withSession {
u <- Users if === userId}
yield u).first
Potetially the database could return an empty list if used with an non existing userId.
However I can't see when a non existing userId would be provided. For example my userId is fetched from the logged in user. And if a non existing userId is provided then I think it's ok to fail the request hard.
Any thoughts?
No it's not ok to fail the request hard :
def user(userId: Int) : Option[User] // is OK
def user(userId: Int) : Either[String,User] // is OK
def user(usedId: Int) : User // is not OK
or else you could create a type (a concept) which encapsulate an Integer which make sure it's a valid UserId (at birthing).
sealed case class UserId(u:Int) //extends AnyVal // If it's scala 2.10.0
object UserId {
def get(i:Int) : Option[UserId] = //some validation
} /// ....
def user(userId:UserId) : User //is OK // well it depends on the semantic of user destruction.
When you make a def, you must make sure there is a proper relation between the domain (this and args) of your function and the codomain (result).
Anyways, do not hesitate to type (create concepts), it will help you to reason about your code.
Why def user(userId: Int) :User is not Ok ?
Because a relation between the elements of Integer to the elements of User doesn't exist. What if UserIds are all positive integers, but you ask for user(-10) ? (it won't happen, right ?) Should this call raise an exception ? Or return null ?
If you think it should return null, then return an Option, it encapsulates the potential missing correspondance.
If you think it should raise an exception, then return :
a Validation[SomethingRepresentingAnError, User] (scalaz),
an Either[SomethingRepresentingAnError, User] (scala 2.7, 2.8, 2.9)
or a Try[User] (scala 2.10)
Having rich return types will help you to use your API correctly.
Btw Scala doesn't use checked exception, so you cannot use exception as an alternative result. Exception should be keept for truly exceptional behaviour (as Runtime Exceptions).
See also :$
I think it's always good idea to return Option[] when fetching data by id. You can not be sure that user with such id exist. E. g. another request has deleted this user or somebody was trying to tamper with your input data. Database is an external system to your application and if you know how to recover from such failures then you should do it. Especially in Scala where Option is a good tool for such task.
Option is the most minimalistic way to represent the return value from some computation that may fail. Throwing exceptions or returning null are acceptable only when dealing with Java code and your hands are somehow tied by an existing API (and when you're code is being called from Java code).
The next step up from Option would be Either[FailureIndication, SuccessValue].
A further improvement is ScalaZ's Validation.