I just come a cross with this question during my MVC studies.
Is it possible that b is the correct answer?
You are designing a distributed application. The application must store secure information that is
specific to an individual user. The data must be automatically purged when the user logs off. You
need to save transient information in a secure data store. Which data store should you use?
A. Session state
B. Database storage
C. Profile properties
D. Application state
If "The data must be automatically purged when the user logs off", then there is literally no need for B or C. D (application state) is single across users, so your best bet is A.
...application state is a useful place to store small amounts of often-used data that does not change from one user to another. For information on saving data on a per-user basis see ASP.NET Session State Overview and ASP.NET Profile Properties Overview. [Ref]
This indicates A and C are possibilities, however -
[Profile properties] is similar to session state, except that the profile data is not lost when a user's session expires. [Ref]
which does not satisfy, "data must be automatically purged when the user logs off.", leaving A as the appropriate answer.
My thoughts on this question: Session in asp.net can be configured to store info in db, and by default it stores info in-proc, that's not suitable for distributed application.
So, session option alone does not fit. But db option can be used with session: this will satisfy condition of purging info after user logoff from one side, and store info in secure store (db) from the other.
Upd. If i could choose multiple options (each as a part of solution) i would choose session + state server or database. But since i can choose only one answer, i would prefer session.
It is possible for B to be a valid answer, but A is a better option.
So for the login, since it doesn't really make anything new in the database but rather just returns if we've logged in, and possibly some user data, should it be a command or query?
And as for the register, since it creates a new user, should it be a command then? What if i want to return the users data or a jwt?
Should i run my commands and once the client receives a response run a query right after them?
As with most design related questions, I’d answer this one with ‘it depends’. I have seen both solutions implemented in different situations.
The main question you’d need to ask is whether you consider a user logging in as a state change of the system or not. Note that whether it changes state in de database isn’t relevant. The system is more than the database.
Log in as a command
For some systems, it’s important to know which users had been logged in and when, from where, etc. One example I had seen was a medical system that needed to record which doctor logged in when and where, and which medical records had been accessed. Also, logging in on one machine would stop tbe session on another. A reliable trace of these actions was essential to the application. As such, log in was implemented as a command which generated events that were stored in the Event Store. Projections kept the current logged in state for each user.
Log in as a query
Most systems I have seen, however, simple beed to know whether any given credentials can ve mapped to a user account. If that is the case, a token is generated containing the ‘proof’ of authentication. The system itself doesn’t really care who is logged in. It’s just that each request needs to be validated by checking the ‘proof’. In this case, logging in is a query.
I am creating an application and I am looking for a solution for user authentication (checking if the user is logged in, basically). I am reading online and it seems that many people recommend using a session store/table in your db (store roles, views etc..) vs. just storing the cookie id in the DB in that users column. My question is, what is the difference between storing this data in a "session" store, which is basically just another table and storing this data in your database alongside the other user data (username, passwordHash etc..). I understand that this is useful for data that may change when the user logs in and out again, but are there any advantages to having a session store if my applications state stays consistent across log ins. Thanks.
You need a way to store user data between HTTP requests and sessions helps you to do so.When a user visits our site, it creates a new session for the user and assigns them a cookie. Next time the user comes to the site , the cookie is checked and the session id which is stored in the cookie is retrieved and searched in the session store .Session store is a place where you store all your data regarding your session.So using a session store automates this method and it eases your work.So whenever someone pings your server it will add the session id of the user in your database. I will recommend foe you to look into JWT which is also a interesting way to do authentication.
We have an ASP.NET core application which stores objects from a user's session to record values before the information is added to the database.
We have an issue where two different users (on opposites side of the world) are able to influence one another's session and we can't understand why?
For example if User1 has a session variable set, the same value influences User2's session.
I have read previously that AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext.Session is unique per user here however the post is confusing and the answers contradict what Microsoft says.
Should I really be using HttpContext.Session to store data which should be unique at user-level and if not what should I use?
When i was working with classic ASP.NET or even with old web forms the HttpContext.Current.Session was User specific. So when user makes the request he receives the session cookie and then onward that session belongs to that user only. So two different users can have session key with the same name in their respective session.
I am reading the documenation on session in ASP.NET Core and looks like it has the same concept as old asp.net however certains notes in the documentation is confusing.
here it says
Session storage relies on a cookie-based identifier to access data
related to a given browser session (a series of requests from a
particular browser and machine). You can’t necessarily assume that a
session is restricted to a single user, so be careful what kind of
information you store in Session. It is a good place to store
application state that is specific to a particular session but which
doesn’t need to be persisted permanently
also here it says
Session is non-locking, so if two requests both attempt to modify the
contents of session, the last one will win. Further, Session is
implemented as a coherent session, which means that all of the
contents are stored together. This means that if two requests are
modifying different parts of the session (different keys), they may
still impact each other.
so lets say i have User1 logged in and upon some action i set
`Session.SetInt32("key1", 123)`
now User2 logs in from some other machine and upon some action i set
`Session.SetInt32("key1", 999)`
Question 1
Will this overwrite User1's key?
Also note here says
ASP.NET ships with several implementations of IDistributedCache,
including an in-memory option (to be used during development and
testing only)
Question 2
What are the other implementation of IDistributedCache that i can use in production?
For Question 1.
No, one user modifying a session key will not overwrite a different user's key. The session is unique to each visitor/user because of the .AspNetCore.Session cookie that is created.
All of the Session.Set calls get stored per that unique identifier.
Session isn't tied to a user because session is only identified by it's session key, so if someone gets possession of the session key/cookie, he can access it.
Asp.Net Core Identity has its own cookie (if you are using cookie authentication) and Session middle ware use its own cookie too.
Naturally, you can also use Sessions without a user. Take Google.com for example. When you first visit Google, it shows you policies and set a session cookie. All settings you do (i.e. maturity filter), will be saved in the session which gets accessed each time you perform a search.
This all without being logged in, so there is no user at all.
Open Source is your friend:
Redis and SqlServer are the default distributed caches, with InMemory being for development / single-node only. There also may be other third party libraries which add support.
How can I tell if a user is logged in using straight SQL based on their email address?
We have a system that is highly coupled with ExpressionEngine and cannot use the Magento API in many of the EE templates.
Edit to show current login code:
Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name'=>'frontend'));
$session = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session');
TL;DR: As far as i know, even if session data is stored in the db, there is no definite way of telling only via plain SQL.
Question would also be: Which user? Customer, admin or api user? Assuming you store session data within the file system, I could think of some options:
For API-Users, have a look at the api_session table, you can do a join with the api_user table, which stores the email address. However, there is no way, the information in these two tables will suffice, as only session id and logdate are saved for a specific user id and you have no way of telling if a session is still active.
Querying for this data those would probably be something along the lines of:
FROM api_user
INNER JOIN api_session ON api_user.user_id = api_session.user_id
WHERE api_user.email = "<known_email>"
Admin & Customer
Admin users are stored within admin_user, however, like for api_user, no information is stored along for session management.
Customers are stored within the customer_* tables. You can look them up in the log_visitortable:
FROM log_visitor_online
INNER JOIN customer_entity ON customer_entity.entity_id = log_visitor_online.customer_id
WHERE c.email = "<known_email>"
Again, no information can be retrieved, if the session is still valid. EDIT: Tim showed how to do it correctly in his answer.
The bad news, in general
No information is stored directly, if a user is logged in currently, only, when the creation date of the session. With out-of-the box functionality you should not be able to tell accurately via SQL if a user is currently logged in or not - this would be insensible at best, as magento checks the user's session's validity against the stored session data in the db/filesystem, so without the user's session data, you can determine nothing with 100% accuracy.
The good news if you can write a module
With a little bit of work you can hook into the session management of Magento. There's a cheat sheet for events the core ships with. You can also create you own custom events, which you may listen to and execute code upon.
The idea here would be to write a module which could store extra information on the customer (admin or api user vice versa) or within an extra module table. You can hook into the login process and set a timestamp for the api_user/customer/admin has logged in and refresh that timestamp upon a request. If a user's timestamp hasn't been refreshed for, let's say, X Seconds, you assume the user is logged in any more. You delete the user's timestamp upon the logout event.
However, this is also not 100% accurate and it heavily depends on what a user does in you system.
Anyway, I hope I could provide some insight.