Disable MSBuild WPP for a specific web project in a solution - msbuild

I have a Visual Studio solution with a number of projects, two of which are configured as Web Applications.
Project A is used as a class library, but it includes TypeScript files. In order to get the .ts files compiling into .js files, the .csproj file was updated so that it imports Microsoft.WebApplication.targets as well as Microsoft.TypeScript.targets. (The generated .js files are configured as 'Embedded Resources').
Project B is a regular Web Application and references Project A.
Compiling with msbuild /p:DeployOnBuild=true causes the Web Publishing Pipeline to be invoked on both projects (packaging up the contents).
Is there a way to prevent (or minimise) WPP running on Project A?


How to make .nuproj projects work with NCrunch

I have a solution with two nuproj projects, say A and B.
Both projects contain only props and targets files (so NO assemblies or PDB files) and they both generate NuGet packages.
Now, A has no reference and it is an internal dependency, whereas B references A plus other external NuGets.
Then I have an MSTest project that dynamically invokes MSBuild on a project which references B.
All works fine in Visual Studio and the tests pass. However, NCrunch compiles with warnings for the project B.
WARNING - ........\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\professional\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets (2110, 5): MSB3246: Resolved file has a bad image, no metadata, or is otherwise inaccessible. Could not load file or assembly 'A.nupckg' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
Infact, no NuGet package is generated for the A project in the NCrunch solution directory (the package is correctly generated in Visual Studio).
I have also tried to set the following properties for the A and B projects:
Instrument assembly = false
Prevent signing of output assembly = false
Implicit project dependencies = true
nothing changes and the warning is still there and no NuGet is generated for the A project (all the source files and dependent assemblies are in the NCrunch solution folder).
And Copy referenced assemblies to workspace is set to true.
Is there any known issue with using NCrunch with .nuproj?

What decides the output files in MSBuild?

From a CI-CD prospective, i am trying to find what are the folder & files (bin, obj, .dll etc) that are published to an IIS server while using the msbuild.exe with the publish option. I am not a .NET developer. What governs which files/folders to be pushed to the nodes while publishing after the build?
My application is a fairly simple one. The publish (or the deployment) is more or less a bunch of file copies from the CI server to the IIS nodes. The command used for the build and publish is
bat '"C:\\MSBuild\\12.0\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe" /p:Configuration=DEV /t:Rebuild /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=DEV /m:4 src/myapp.sln'
I am trying to create & place the required output folder & files to an file repository after the msbuild process (before publishing). Then i will use these files to subsequent environments (with their web config files). Thus avoid the rebuilding for each environments.
In this context MSBuild is actually using WebDeploy under the covers to deploy the application. Basically MSBuild compiles any C# OR VB files in the web application project and creates DLLs in the bin directory, then WebDeploy packages up any web server files (HTML/CSS/JS/etc) and the bin folder to the target.
The following post describes how WebDeploy works.

Visual Studio 2013 Publish issue

I converted a VS2010 ASP.Net MVC3 project to VS2013 MVC4. Now when I publish, it is copying the contents of my project to the bin folder.
I can't understand what I did to make it do this..How do I fix it so it doesn't do it?
Your files are incorrectly set to copy to the output folder (\bin) during build. Make sure that the Copy To Output setting on each file is set to Do Not Copy.
Normally, you don't need to copy much of anything to your bin folder. When publishing, all of the content pages (*.aspx, *.html, *.css, etc) will get picked up by publish just by existing in the project. This is determined by the Build Action being set to Content. (Note: you can exclude files by setting the Build Action to None)
For code files, there's 2 ways it could go. in a Web Application project (which MVC is) most code files, such as controllers, models, or code behind files in WebForms, are compiled into your site's DLL already. These have Build Action = Compile, meaning they get compiled up front and don't need to be included in the publish. The exception to this is files in App_Code, which are deployed to your site (Build Action = Content) and compiled at runtime. You can also choose to pre-compile your site in the publish settings (Settings -> File Publish Options -> Precompile during publishing), which will process the App_Code files automatically (i.e. you can leave them as Build Action = Content and VS will compile them and publish the output instead).

How to create WiX.targets file

I'm working on an existing WiX project. The project imports a wix target file.
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\MyCompany\MyTargetFile.targets" />
Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find this file anywhere. How was it created in the first place?
As you may know, WiX project files are Visual Studio project files, are MSBuild project files. Target files are MSBuild project files but only contain MSBuild targets that might be used in building projects.
$(MSBuildExtensionsPath) is a common place to put targets files. From the name of your target file and the fact that is it is located under $(MSBuildExtensionsPath), I'd say, you are looking for one that was written by MyCompany and planned to be used by several projects. You might find it on another machine at MyCompany—perhaps on a build server.
Some useful links:
MSBuild Targets
How to: Use the Same Target in Multiple Project Files

In what .targets file is the "Package" MSBuild target defined?

This pertains to Web Deploy and/or Web Deployment Projects (not sure what the relation is between those). Simply curious about the constituent Tasks that I might be able to recompose into a customized package Target.
The publishing targets for generating msdeploy web packages can be located at :
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets
In addition to playing with the tasks, there are a variety of properties you can use to redirect the packaging output name, location and configuration....