Ambiguity issue with Vb.Net and MySql Connector -

I'm running into a weird issue with a VB.Net project using the MySql ADO.Net connector. I have the following code:
Dim param As New MySqlParameter("#val29", MySqlDbType.DateTime)
And I'm getting the following error message:
Ambiguous invocation:
Public Enum member Datetime As MySqlDbType (in Enum MySqlDbType)
Public Enum member DateTime As MySqlDbType (in Enum MySqlDbType)
The difference between them, if you notice, is that DateTime is in a different case then Datetime. Since this is VB.Net and VB is case-insensitive, I'm not sure why I'm getting this error.
Interestingly enough, I opened Object Browser in Visual Studio 2013 and, as you can see from the image below, there does seem to be two definitions of DateTime:
Thinking maybe there was an issue with the DLL, I went to their website and downloaded the source code and rolled my own DLL. Same issue. I couldn't seem to find anything on the Internet about it, except for this page, which describes my issue exactly, except it seems to be due to a specific bug in Visual Studio 2015. I'm using Visual Studio 2013. That almost makes me think a Windows Update came along that changed the way the VB.Net compiler works. That doesn't make any sense though because updates are specific to Windows, not Visual Studio. Anyone have any ideas?


Visual Studio replaces DataTable with TypedTableBase

Using Visual Studio 2008 in order to compile for Windows Mobile 6 devices, I get an issue where changing anything involved in a DataSet results in the error genasm.exe(1): error There was an error finalizing type. GenericArguments[0], 'Mobile_Verification.ScanData+TRANSRow', on 'System.Data.TypedTableBase1[T] violates the constraint of type parameter 'T'. on the next build.
Selecting this error takes me to Microsoft.CompactFramework.Common.Targets, where there is an error on
<BuildAsmmeta <!-- This is where the error is -->
stating The element 'Target' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'BuildAsmmeta' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: 'Task, PropertyGroup, ItemGroup, OnError in namespace'. Kind of strange for automatically generated code.
On comparing source controlled code to the new code, I find that Visual Studio has changed all instances of
Inherits Global.System.Data.DataTable
Implements Global.System.Collections.IEnumerable
Inherits Global.System.Data.TypedTableBase(Of MyRowName)
Now, in the past, when this has popped up, I've been able to just revert my changes so everything is happy. Now, however, I have some changes of substance to make to the dataset, so I would really like to make this not be an issue anymore.
Searching for solutions, however only seems to give fixes going in the opposite direction: Visual Studio forcing a DataSet when a TypedTableBase is expected. Digging in seems to suggest that the issue might have been introduced to our code when we upgraded from .NET CF 2.0 to 3.5. Apparently TypedTableBase is just the way to do things now, and Visual Studio is enforcing the new paradigm. The fixes suggested here do the exact opposite of what I need.
All well and good, except something is apparently broken in the translation. So now I'm left with three options:
Keep manually fixing it every time I need to change the DataSet
Prevent Visual Studio from automatically changing my DataTables to TypedTableBases.
Figure out what is broken in the new TypedTableBase implementation, and fix that. Specifically, since the error is only being thrown in Common.Targets, and there isn't anything showing in my code, what part of my code is it exactly that the auto-generated code is having a problem with, and how do I get it working?
I would try to find any more details to give, but my boss is telling me it's time to get out of the office. If there is anything else that might shed some light, let me know and I can look for it tomorrow.
Thank you.

Ways to recover lost application

I'm trying to recover lost code from a 2.0 application that I've inherited. I have current working versions, so I've tried using RedGate Reflector and Telerik JustDecompile to recover the code. Both will successfully return code files that are readable and Visual Studio project files, but when I try to run the decompiled program, I get 102 error messages (with both decompilers).
I have working Visual Studio projects from old versions, which run fine, but the structure of the solution and code files is completely different and I'm afraid the program was changed too much since then to trust these old versions.
The only odd assembly that was included is SmartCodeDeveloper 1.0.2986.26049. And I suspect the code was originally written in Visual Studio 2005, as both 2008 and 2012 want to upgrade when the solution is opened.
What else can I do to recover this program? I have the code, but something else is preventing it from running, and I'm at a deadend.
Some of the error messages I'm getting are:
-"End of Statement Expected" or "Statement cannot appear within an event body. End of Event assumed."
-Many are variations on "RemoveHandler" definition missing for object.
-object not declared "It may be inaccessible due to its protection level."
Is there any advantage to trying to decompile into C#? Is it possible Reflector may do a better job converting to that? What about different .NET framework versions? I've been doing 2.0, which I believe it was developed on.
I've seen this same problem once before. Described by another member.
Its really simple to correct.
The reason you have these 100+ errors is usually because of something trivial...
Like an unterminated strig for example.
Yet a simple error pushes everything else out of sync so you get more errors displayed than the actual amount of REAL errors, because of the ladder effect that ocurs due to the first error (cause of issue).
The BEST way to deal with it is as follows....
1 - Open your solution
2 - Close all document windows - so no solution documents are displayed
3 - Compile your solution
4 - At this point your errors should be minimised to a much lower amount of errors like maybe 1 to 10 for example.
Try that and let me know how many errors are listed AFTER you have done the above.
Reflector will create code that isn't VB code, ie. var++ . You will have to find them and fix them. It will also create many event definitions that won't work. Look for code Like Public Custom Event definitions. Delete the Custom keyword and all the lines following until End Event. Also you will need to figure out what Import statements you need.
Here is an example from Reflector
Public Custom Event ColumnChanging As DataColumnChangeEventHandler
AddHandler(ByVal value As DataColumnChangeEventHandler)
Bid.Trace("<ds.DataTable.add_ColumnChanging|API> %d#" & ChrW(10), Me.ObjectID)
Me.onColumnChangingDelegate = DirectCast(Delegate.Combine(Me.onColumnChangingDelegate, value), DataColumnChangeEventHandler)
End AddHandler
RemoveHandler(ByVal value As DataColumnChangeEventHandler)
Bid.Trace("<ds.DataTable.remove_ColumnChanging|API> %d#" & ChrW(10), Me.ObjectID)
Me.onColumnChangingDelegate = DirectCast(Delegate.Remove(Me.onColumnChangingDelegate, value), DataColumnChangeEventHandler)
End RemoveHandler
End Event
It would be changed to this :
Public Event ColumnChanging As DataColumnChangeEventHandler
Missing References will cause many errors also.

Showdialog "Corruption" error after SQL use. Database MS Access

Ive searched on this error plenty, and have tried all the fixes i found.
Im making a document management system. And i have no prior vb experience, just figuring it out as i go. I have run into this problem now and i have no idea what the heck to do to fix it. I have narrowed it down to whats causing it but again not sure how i would change the root to solve the problem.
I have a showdialog that allows for documents to be added to the system. This works perfectly as long as i dont do any sql on the access database. As soon as I run a command on the access database (eg cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() or
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(StrSQL, cnn)
da.Fill(ds, TableName)
dt = ds.Tables(TableName))
the program will error on showdialog and give me this error
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
Ive tried recreating the form, i havnt yet tried reinstalling visual studio as it didnt make any difference in all the posts ive read, ive tried to recode the showdialog as well as the sql parts with no difference, ive changed compiler settings and set my .net framework to 4 (not client profile).
Nothing seems to work. Any help would be much appreciated thanks.
I can provide code if neccessary although im sure its quite ugly :)
That error is a strange one to get in VB.NET. It is more common in C# or unmanaged languages.
I can't tell you how to fix it but I can give you some pointers:
What version of .NET are you using? If it is not 2010 then try upgrading to this (you can compile your application to use a different framework if you need to)
Make sure you have all MS updates installed for Visual Studio. There were some fixes that addressed this error
Turn Option Strict On (not sure this will fix you issue but good practise anyway) and fix any resulting errors
It is not the ShowDialog that is causing the error, visual studio is just breaking at this point. Try setting a breakpoint on ShowDialog and step through your code using the F8 key to see exactly where the error occurs. That might give you more clues

Can't use FAXCOMEXLib in VS 2010 anymore?

I'm just in the process of moving from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010.
One of my projects use the Microsoft Fax Service Extended COM Type Library. After converting the project to VS 2010 I get the following compiler error:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.Targets(1558,9): error MSB3648: The Keycontainer-path "VS_KEY_812A0248FF872DEC" ist invalid. KeyContainer must point to an existing file.
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.Targets(1558,9): warning MSB3283: Wrapperassembly for type library "FAXCOMEXLib" not found.
I tried to remove FAXCOMEXLib from the project and adding it again, but it did not help.
I got a similar problem with other COM references.
How do I resolve this?
It is a known bug. Take a look at this Microsoft Connect entry which has a workaround.
this might not be relevant for you any more, but might be so for others. I've had the same problem recently and in my searches I found this list of common FAXCOMEXLib errors. I helped me, in any case. compile error 'abc' is ambiguous in the namespace 'xyz'

I have a VB.Net solution that another developer created and I'm trying to compile it on our build machine (it compiles on their machine) but with one of the projects I get an error saying something along the lines of:
Imyinterface is ambiguous in the namespace anamespaceassembly.
I have tried with no success:
examined the references to see any obvious errors
removed and re-added the assembly in question
searched the system for the same dll
attempted to compile the original deve's src (.v the source control version)
examined the assembly with ildasm.exe
I usually code in C# and have not seen this error before (in this form at least), not that it is VB.Net specific but the UI for adding/viewing references is slightly different so I thought maybe VB.Net might do something different with references.
I also tried to compile on another machine, and it compiles ok. So I assume it is something with the build machine but I'm not sure what. Other conflicting assemblies somehow not referenced by the project, is that possible??
Any ideas?
Check your references if you have two versions of the same reference (eg. Microsoft.ReportViewer.Webforms version and Microsoft.ReportViewer.Webforms You will get this error. Delete the oldest and you should be good. I do this to myself all of the time.
There can be a few causes for this error. In VB, you should be aware that more names then you're used to from C# are available without class specification. Also, case does not matter in VB, which can further liken the chances on collisions.
Even in the event that you don't find the actual conflicting issue, you can resolve this in the same way you would in C#: rename it in the Imports statement:
Imports IM = yourAssembly.Imyinterface
Then change the code such that uses of Imyinterface are replace with IM.
NOTE: If the error does not point to a particular line, the conflict may be out of your hand. Normally, a full Clean Solution and Rebuild helps a lot, but occasionally a misbehaving file (i.e., another error) causes this error to popup first without clear source. Try to rollback recent changes to the place where it did work.
You also say it worked on another machine. Chances are that your machine is having a different version of MS Visual Studio or .NET. Check and compare the exact versions.
I was facing same issue. I upgraded my application from vb6 to and when i change the build configuration from DEBUG to RELEASE then i got AMBIGUOUS errors.
I found dulicate references folder in solution Explorer. I removed those duplicate referecnces and Build sucessfully. I Hope it may help others.
Thanks for the responses! I tried each but still was having issues.
One point of info I left out of the original question was that the projects are upgrades from VB6 projects. At the time I did not think that was relevant.
After investigating further the build machine was used to build the VB6 projects also. So I ran 'reg32 /u' on the vb6 dlls and that seemed to fix the issue.
Not exactly sure why this fixed it since I was not referencing the VB6 dlls, I'm guessing something to do with ambiguous entries in the registry confusing the project.