AIX numeric time zone offset - aix

Is there an OS command to display the numeric time zone offset in AIX 7.1? Other Unix systems have the "date +%z" command that will return it (-0400 for example). AIX will return its abbreviation (EDT for example) instead.

GNU's date is usually installed in /usr/linux/bin on AIX versions later than 6.x. Unless your Sysadmin had some specific reason not to install those packages by default, they are likely to be there.
If its not installed, IBM provides the Linux Toolbox for AIX.
After its installed, a quick alias date=/usr/linux/bin/date would give you GNU date by default.

Related for SLES 11

I would like to know if any of you can help me with the following problem.
I need to install the library on suse linux enterprise server 32 bits. I need the library because it is require by SANE software.
The operating system has some restriction, so i cannot run zypper or yast, But i can run rpm --nodeps -i to install rpm packages.
I also tried to download the libusb project and compile it, but the operating system does not have gcc installed on it.
I was wondering if any one has that works on SLES 32 bits or if any one has an ISO of SLES 32 bits.
Unfortunately you did not tell the used service pack, yet.
Assuming that you're using the latest SP4, I'd recommend to heck out and search for the keyword „slessp4-libusb-1_0-12986“.
The pages provides you 5 patches. Select architecture "i586, i686" in the result list. You'll then get the compiled and source RPM of libusb-1_0.
You need to login first to download these packages. Please note that you also need to have a valid subscription. Since SLES 11 SP4 is out of general support, you probably need to have an LTSS subscription.

What is the difference in OpenSSH 7.6 vs 7.6p1

I have two Linux machines from which I make ssh connections to different hosts however I find that the client versions on these two Linux machines are OpenSSH_7.6 and OpenSSH_7.6p1. I tried to look up the differences between these two versions at but it seems they are same version.
I would like to understand what is the difference in these two versions if any and why such nomenclature strategy.
not very difference but in 7.7p1 its change
you can check this diff in
or check all change log commit in here
As found on
The portable OpenSSH follows development of the official version, but releases are not synchronized. Portable releases are marked with a 'p' (e.g. 4.0p1). The official OpenBSD source will never use the 'p' suffix, but will instead increment the version number when they hit 'stable spots' in their development.

Type Chinese into VcXsrv(or other X Server) using Windows-pinyin IME

I want to run IDEA in WSL(windows subsystem for linux) so I followed wsl-tutorial. But I don't want xfce4 desktop because costs performance, so I just install needed GUI packages and run IDEA succussfully. But unfortunately I can't type Chinese in it using Windows-pinyin IME, so I have to install xfce4 and fcitx-pinyin then it works.
Is it possible to type Chinese into VcXsrv(or other X Server) using Windows-pinyin IME? VcXsrv support clipboard so I think it's possible to do that.

How to specify Java Home/JDK in Oracle SQL Developer?

With reference to the above-mentioned title, the path has been given at the time of opening SQL Developer for the first time. Now I need to change the path.
Can anyone help me or guide me to do this?
It depends on on your operating system.
User, AppData, Roaming Profiles, sqldeveloper, VERSION, product.conf
Note for the Version value: if you're on version 4.0, you'll see 1.0 as the top level directory. After that you should see things like 17.3 or 18.2.
Linux & OS X
$home/.sqldeveloper, product.conf
Open file, update your Java Home.
Make sure you're pointing to an Oracle Java JDK - we don't support OpenJDK today.
Latest version of SQL Developer expects a Java 8 JDK.
Version 19.2 or higher will also work with 11 or Oracle JDK 12.
In the same folder, Roaming, delete all older SQL Developer folders. When you upgrade SQL Developer version, Java will first look in these folders.
In my case, I browse the java path as
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.8
It worked for me, please try it out if you need

Error while running Jprofile8

I am getting following error while running /tmp/jprofiler8/bin/jpenable
No suitable Java Virtual Machine could be found on your system.
The version of the JVM must be at least 1.6 and at most 1.7.
Please define INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME to point to a suitable JVM.
You can also try to delete the JVM cache file
I have also set INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME to point to suitable JVM.
Java version on my machine is 1.4.2.
Can anyone please suggest what might be wrong or missing?
Unfortunately you did not mention details about your environment, so I don't know which Linux distribution you use.
There are some options though:
install a current JRE alongside the installer for JProfiler
As you can't install or update Java, you could provide a JRE in a kind of "portable application" setup. Simply unzip the server jre Oracle provides or (if you are not on an x64 architecture) unzip the jdk you also can download from Oracle.
But if the code you want to profile is limited to your pre-installed Java 1.4 you will run into another problem, because as far as I know Java 1.5 is the minimum JProfiler expects
use a different machine for profiling
Unless your code depends heavily on the environment you run it in you can even take a Windows 8.1 machine and profile the code there. Code that is slow is slow on any operating system. Or make use of a different Linux computer.