I used TeeChart Pro VCL With Source Code 2015.
My programming language is Embarcadero C++Builder XE7.
I use Windows 7 64bit.
When I downloaded TeeChart Pro VCL, TeeChart Pro VCL compile error
win 32 compile unsuccess, there is no:Teexx.bpl、TeeDBxx.bpl、TeeUIxx.bpl、TeeGLxx.bpl、TeeQRxx.bpl、TeeProxx.bpl、TeeImagexx.bpl、TeeLanguagexx.bpl、TeeWorldxx.bpl.
Please help to download TeeChart Pro VCL. Or do you have the introduction for set up?
Thank you.
Log file shows
VCLTee.TeeConst.pas(624)Error: E2066 Missing operator or semicolon.
VCLTee.TeeConst.pas(624)Error: E2066 Missing operator or semicolon.
VCLTee.TeeConst.pas(624)Error: E2052 Unterminated string
VCLTee.TeeConst.pas(1042)Error: E2052 Unterminated string
VCLTee.TeeConst.pas(624)Fatal: E2280 Unterminated conditional directive
Exception: Compilation aborted.
You should use TeeRecompile.exe tool, supplied with the source code installation, to compile the sources and generate packages and some files for each specific environment.
We have realized if you change the language for non-Unicode programs from Chinese to English, just for the time to compile the source code, you can compile the source code without problems.
We would like suggest you use the recommendation as workaround at the moment. To access to Languages for non-Unicode programs, you should only go to: Panel Control->Region and Language->Administrative.
Could you confirm if the workaround works for you?
I use Cygwin to build source code to DLL used by windows app.
When I use GCC core / GCC g++, the app crash if it calls function (which includes printf or malloc) in DLL.
When I use Mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core / Mingw64-x86_64-gcc-g++ it reports error like sys/socket.h:No such file or directory.
Can anyone explain how to do it? Thanks.
The first problem is due to the tentative to build a stand alone DLL (not depending on cygwin1.dll) using cygwin only specific tools.
You have collision between multiple malloc and other C library call present in cygwin1.dll.
The second is due to the fact that sys/socket.h does not exist on Windows
see for possible solution:
Using sys/socket.h functions on windows
So you need to define what is your target : Cygwin/Posix or Windows and choose programming style and tools accordingly, you can not mix.
Is it possible to show warnings (not used variables / typo), errors and an overview about my created variables and functions in an open file?
I have installed the newest Visual Studio Code IDE but if I press Ctrl + P and then !, my VSCode says there are no results. It doesn't know !-command and other commands I found in the internet.
What extension/addon do I have to install to see this? It would be great if I could see this in a separate window without using Ctrl + P and if the IDE would mark positions with warnings/errors in my open code as Eclipse-IDE can do.
Use Eslint. Install it globally using the following command
npm install -g eslint
It will show all possible warnings based on the rule sets given, while you are coding. Moreover VSCode is not an IDE it's just Code Editor like Sublime.
The main difference here is the word IDE...Eclipse is an IDE and is the most widely used Java IDE, but, Visual Studio Code is not an IDE, but, a code editor.
If you want to try a Microsoft IDE, you can download
Visual Studio Community, a fully-featured, extensible, free IDE for creating modern applications for Android, iOS, Windows, as well as web applications and cloud services https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/community/
Is it possible to show warnings (not used variables / typo), errors [...] in an open file?
The VS Code extension for quick-lint-js can show you syntax errors and misspelled variable names. It requires no configuration. (ESLint requires per-project configuration.)
At this moment, quick-lint-js doesn't tell you about unused variables.
I was using Flash builder for force .com IDE for my project but it has been expired.
Can I only use its SDK which I think should be free and compile my application using command prompt.
I know how to compile mxml applications from command line in simple flex application but for Force.com projects I am stuck.
I have copied all the swc in libs folder.
The compiler throws an error 'Error: could not resolve 'flexforforce:F3WebApplication' to a component implementation. '.
Can any one help me here? I don't know how to proceed from here :(
Thanks in advence.
You can see the true command-line parameters with the -dump-config option (see http://cookbooks.adobe.com/post_Compiling_Flex_libraries_with_Ant-16504.html)
I recently set up a Redmine server for my time. Redmine's Wiki uses CodeRay for syntax highlighting. However, most of my team prefers to code in VB.NET, which CodeRay doesn't support.
Are there any plugins out there that offer syntax highlighting for VB.NET in CodeRay? If not in CodeRay, maybe through some other library (that could be integrated into Redmine)?
There is no VB scanner yet. However, you can use Pygments with Redmine, which has support for a load of languages.
Also see the Ultraviolet plugin information http://www.redmine.org/plugins/redmine_ultraviolet
Can ANTLR output C# using StringTemplate or any text I want it to like Yacc/Bison or does it only output to java? From the examples I've looked at it appears to be a very java centric tool.
I just started a small series of post about how exactly to install and use ANTLR for a .NET environment, as most documentation regarding this issue is a little out-of-date. See ANTLR for C#, Part 1.
The ANTLR IDE has option by which you can switch between Java and C# code generation.
Better, consult this article (the Specifying Code Generation section):
There is now a NuGet package that will do everything for you.
You can download the latest source code as a tar file from here. The C# runtime (binary) is also available directly, here.
Which solution are you looking for?