spell checker js url post request not working [closed] - spell-checking

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have installed spell checker plugin and it is working in the example given in the folder, but when I call using a URL it is not giving any result. This is the URL

If you want to check the spelling in the URL you can create a PHP script to manually check and correct the spelling.
here is an example
our url is as you can see there is a spelling error and we want to correct it. We'll create a PHP Script.
$correct_url = //correct url
$url =
//To detect if there is a spelling error
if($url==$correct_url) {
//Do Nothing
} else {
Hope that will help you :) I'm sorry if didn't or it's kinda off topic XD


Trying to hide API Key using another JS file, but it prevents API from working properly [closed]

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Closed 2 months ago.
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when I had API key info on the main script, fetching API data was working properly. But when I try to hide API key using config.js file. It stops working. Does anyone know what is the problem? (*red highlighted boxes on the images are only difference after hiding API key)
The most appropriate approach is using the .env file or environment variable to hide your API key.
For more details -
How to use .env file

"Application not found" Error while trying to login to JetBrains account from IntelliJ Idea [closed]

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Closed last year.
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When I click on Login, it shows this error
This is Windows-specific issue. It happens if the default browser is not set or the html file association and/or http protocol associations are not correctly set. The same error may occur when double-clicking an Internet Shortcut (.URL) file in the system.
To resolve the problem, use Default Programs to reset the default Web browser preference.

How to Use LoginGdi+ theme [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Guys would you please tell me how to use this theme in my project ?
I like this theme & I want to know how to use it
the theme link http://xertzproductions.weebly.com/login-gdi-theme.html
I tried but I failed !
thanks in advance
Copy the code from the pastebin and paste it inside of the main forms code. Run the application and look inside of the toolbox.

VKSDK : How to translate code to swift? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I try to translate this code:
[[VKSdk instance] setUiDelegate:self];
i tried so:
But this is wrong!
Please help!
From where do you have the Objective-C code above? I have quickly read over the frameworks.h file and did not find something like that.
But I did find this:
VKSdk.initializeWithDelegate(self, andAppId: "")
Is that what you are searching for? Or does it have to be the setUIDelegate?
Wait I have found something else...
VKSdkUIDelegate Protocol.
Please try this:
VKSdk.instance().uiDelegate = self

Pretty URLs for JSFiddles [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there a way to get your fiddles to have a URL with the name you choose in the fiddle options. For example, I think I should be able to have this fiddle use "Utility" in the URL rather than cose65dh.
Is it possible?
Dummy code to include fiddle:
No, the settings page does not have any settings to change the URL that is generated.