Selenium IDE requires 2 identical commands for button press - selenium

Here is an exerpt from my Selenium script
Commands 4 and 5 are duplicates
Commands 8 and 9 are duplicates
In step through mode if I execute the command twice it works fine.
Test page for you to look at -


Selenium goBack and wait

I have this selenium test (a part of it).
<td>link=Rest objects</td>
<td>ID: 2</td>
I use Selenium IDE in Firefox. When I run it slowly (toggle speed), it works well. However, when I try to run it faster, I get error at the step <td>clickAndWait</td> after <td>goBack</td>. The log says,
Element xpath=(//a[contains(text(),'Show')])[5] not found.
My questions, how to go back and wait until the page is loaded before I perform other actions.
You have to use waitForPageToLoad command adter click on element till the page loaded and then perform other actions
Use Below code
Thanks (#Trimantra Software Solution).
waitForPageToLoad this is what I needed.
From documentation:
timeout - a timeout in milliseconds, after which this command will return with an error
Waits for a new page to load.
This is my solution, I used waitForPageToLoad after goBack.
<td>link=Rest objects</td>
<td>ID: 2</td>
I see a goBackAndWait() variant of this command. That might work for you.
Typically I'd advise using a waitFor to ensure the page is back to where you want. Simplest that may work is waitForTitle if possible.
waitForElementPresent & waitForText also good ones to look at.

Error during using Selblocks in Selenium IDE

I have a problem with Selblocks extension to Selenium IDE. I've prepare XML file:
<vars projekt="1-2OM0W5"/>
<vars projekt="1-2P3K19"/>
<vars projekt="1-2P2O6L"/>
<vars projekt="1-2P00UN"/>
<vars projekt="1-2OW20F"/>
Selenium is taking first value from XML correctly. Unfortunately after endForXml command I have such error:
[error] Unexpected Exception: TypeError: activeBlockStack(...).top(...) is undefined.
<td>file://C://Users//mkulesza//Desktop//14.4 RELEASE/new 10.xml</td>
<td>Zaakceptuj do wyceny (Accepted)</td>
<td>Test Comment</td>
<td>//a[contains(text(), '${numer} ${klient}')]</td>
<td>Jesteś pewien, że chcesz dodać?</td>
<td>xpath=/html/body/div[5]/div[2]/ul[9]/li[3]/a[contains(text(), 'DATERA Call-eX brama GSM x 4')]</td>
<td>Jesteś pewien, że chcesz zapisać zmiany?</td>
<td>Wyślij wycenę (Completed)</td>
<td>Zamknieto w CLNET</td>
No idea what is wrong.
Thanks for help

How can i verify text present in Selenium IDE?

I have a form to check code Order in which I put "phone number" to search.
In a result list, I use verifyTextPresent to verify the value, but it fails.
Here is my link
and here my code:
<td>//button[#class='btn pull-right']</td>
<td>Số điện thoại: 0987610597</td>
Use Value for input

How to manipulate the 'value' in selenium IDE?

The Scenario is,
I recorded the task, which is,
Login, edit a field and save it with different name(but the original field remains),logout.
Here i need to manipulate the 'name' field, so i can get 100 or more copies of it, with unique names.
Is it possible in Selenium IDE?, if not , is there any open source tool available to do the same?
<td>Survey 1</td> // This is the name of the survey.
How to use the while loop in this code, i tried using but, the selenium ide is not recognising it.Can you plz help me with this..
You can use while loop for your purpose
<td>index = 1;</td>
<td>index < 10;</td>
<td>survey ${value}</td>
in the name text box field you give the value has survey ${value},
now you can create any number of form with unique name by
using this while loop put your form inside this while loop.
Try it
Thank you.
<td>index = 1;</td>
<td>index < 100;</td>
<td>survey ${value}</td>
<td>survey ${value}</td>
try it.
thank you

Cannot execute a Selenium IDE test case for a Pop Window

Hi can any one please help me with this script please.
I cannot run a test case for pop window with selenium IDE.
here is the following script i am using to run the test case.
<td>Car Insurance | Netpig Insurance</td>
<td>//img[#alt='Get an insurance quote']</td>
<td>Car Insurance | Netpig Insurance</td>
<td>label=Car Park</td>
<td>label=Third Party Only</td>
if any one have some solution please email mail me on
This piece looks problematic it should be like
[error] Permission denied for to call method Location.toString on
Its Same Origin Policy Issue
Your popup window on is not allowed by browser to modify DOM on because its different domain.