VBA Error 1004 in function - vba

I'm trying to write a function which returns the value of a specific cell located on the same column as the one I give in argument, (lig= row number, col=column number), but everytime I run it, I get an error '1004", here's my code:
Function week(lig As Integer, col As Integer) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
Do Until Cells(lig - i, 1) = "Row labels"
i = i + 1
week = Cells(lig - i, col)
End Function
The line in which the error appears is :
Do Until Cells(lig - i, 1) = "Row labels"
I know that I test the values of cells containing integers before getting to this one, I suspeect a type error, but I can't fix it.
Could anyone please help ?

The error isn't a type error. The problem is that you are trying to access a cell that doesn't exist. Your loop evidently fails to reach a cell that holds the value "Row labels" and eventually tries to access Cells(0,1) -- which triggers error 1004. As to why this is happening -- you haven't provided enough details to say.

I suspect that the value in the cell is actually "Row Labels" or "ROW LABELS" or Row labels " or something else that doesn't actually match exactly. Try this:
Do Until Trim(Ucase(Cells(lig - i, 1))) = "ROW LABELS"
Or if you simply want to stop at row one use this:
Do Until lig - i = 1

i=0 will cause an error as the cells(0,1) does not exist in the sheet. You may also want an exit clause for if your logic is never found as you will get an error when you hit the end of the sheet. if you pass this lig =1 you will also get an error (as lig - i (1-1) would result in 0)so you may also want to handle that scenario
Function week(lig As Integer, col As Integer) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
i = 1'Changed to 1
Do Until Cells(lig - i, 1) = "Row labels"
i = i + 1
if i > 1000000 then exit do 'Exit clause
if i < 1000000 then
week = Cells(lig - i, col)
week = 0'Handle 0's in calling code
end if
End Function

You might like to consider re-writing as follows, which I think is clearer.
Function week(lig As Integer, col As Integer) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
' Thsi function will return 0 if no row with the text is found
week = 0
For i = lig To 1 Step -1
If Cells(i, 1) = "Row labels" Then
week = Cells(i, col)
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function
' EVEN BETTER USE THIS (or similar)!
Function week(MyCell As Range) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
week = 0
For i = MyCell.Row To 1 Step -1
If MyCell.Parent.Cells(i, 1) = "Row labels" Then
week = MyCell.Parent.Cells(i, MyCell.Column)
Exit For
End If
' Note
' MyCell.Parent. returns the sheet containing the cell
' Just using Cells(i, 1) (wihtout preceeding with "MyCell.Parent." will pick up
' cells on the currently active sheet, which may not be the sheet with the cell!
Next i
End Function


Application or object defined error Runtime error 1004

I have created the following code to extract information from an excel table. But I am getting an error exactly at the if statement. I have even tried executing the code from a module and even from the worksheet level. I have read about this issue and it seems that selecting the sheet seems to be the main problem, but I have also tried but in vain I can't seem to find a solution. It would be really great if someone could help me with this. Thank you in advance.
Sub test()
Dim row As Double, col As Double, inc As Double
row = 2
col = 2
inc = 20
For row = 2 To 15
For col = 2 To 52
If (Cells(r, c).Font.Bold Or Left(Cells(r, c).Value, 2) = "BP") Then 'Error is happening here
Sheets("sche").Cells(inc, 2).Value = Sheets("sche").Cells(r, c).Value
inc = inc + 1
GoTo zone
Else: GoTo zone
End If
Next col
Next row
End sub
You have declared row and col as variables but are using r and c in your If...Then block.
A prime example of why you should add Option Explicit at the top of every module to prevent typo's and using undeclared variables.
I've adjusted your code and tested it OK:
Note: I removed the Else condition and GoTo Zone as they were redundant in your code (at least in the example you provided). Also although not a cause of your error it's not necesarry to encapsulate your entire If...Then condition in parentheses.
Sub test()
Dim row As Double, col As Double, inc As Double
row = 2
col = 2
inc = 20
For row = 2 To 15
For col = 2 To 52
If Cells(row, col).Font.Bold Or Left(Cells(row, col).Value, 2) = "BP" Then 'Error is happening here
Sheets("sche").Cells(inc, 2).Value = Sheets("sche").Cells(row, col).Value
inc = inc + 1
End If
Next col
Next row
End Sub
I've changed this:
If Cells(r, c).Font.Bold Or Left(Cells(r, c).Value, 2) = "BP" Then 'Error is happening here
Sheets("sche").Cells(inc, 2).Value = Sheets("sche").Cells(r, c).Value
To this:
If Cells(row, col).Font.Bold Or Left(Cells(row, col).Value, 2) = "BP" Then 'Error is happening here
Sheets("sche").Cells(inc, 2).Value = Sheets("sche").Cells(row, col).Value
Furthermore, it's good practice to expicitly reference your objects.
This is because, for example, the implicit reference for the Cells() property is the Active Worksheet:
Using this property without an object qualifier returns a Range object that represents all the cells on the active worksheet.
This can cause unexpected results if for example, you run your code whilst a different sheet than desired is active or a user changes worksheets during the codes execution.
It would be better to write the code like:
If Sheets("sche").Cells(row, col).Font.Bold Or Left(Sheets("sche").Cells(row, col).Value, 2) = "BP" Then
The With statement can come in handy to shorten the written code when making many references to the same objects, like workbooks, worksheets and/or Ranges etc. You can read about it in the documentation.

Find the first empty cell after a text in a row

I'm working on a project and need at the moment to find the first empty cell just after text cells in a row in Excel. To clarify, let me explain to you what I'm lookng for with this screenshot
I want to write a code to return for me for like an example in the case of the 20th row the number of column of the cell E20 even if the first empty cell is A20 but like I said, i want the first empty cell juste after the last "not empty" one.
for the 21th row the result will be C21, the 22th row it will be F22 and there you go
Here's the code I wrote but for some reason it doesn't work, please help.
Function emptyCell(ws As Worksheet, ligne As Integer)
Dim m, p, n As Integer
Dim suite(700) As Integer
For k = 0 To 700
suite(k) = 0
emptyCell = 0
i = 1
Do Until suite(i) = 0 And suite(i - 1) = 1
If ws.Cells(ligne, i) <> "" Then
suite(i) = 1
End If
i = i + 1
emptyCell = emptyCell + 1
End Function
Sub test()
Dim d As Integer
empty_cell = emptyCell(Sheets("tmp"), 2)
MsgBox (empty_cell)
End Sub
The logic of my code is to assign 0 for empty cells and 1 in the other caase, run a test to find the first 1-0 that's gonna appear in my array and get the column order from the order of this "1"
I know I'm not that clear cause I didnt want it to make it a long post and english is not my first language.
Thanks in advance
All if you want to get the first empty cell after the last non empty cell, why not try it like this?
Function emptyCell(ws As Worksheet, Row As Long) As Range
Set emptyCell = ws.Cells(Row, ws.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(, 1)
End Function
Sub Test()
Dim empty_cell As Range
Set empty_cell = emptyCell(Sheets("tmp"), 20)
MsgBox empty_cell.Address
End Sub

VBA workbook out of range - subscript error

I'm getting a
subscript out of range
error when im passing an array and a workbook into this function. Can anyone see what's wrong with it?
Private Function PasteFunction(cd As Variant, wk As Workbook) As Boolean
Dim bool As Boolean, row As Integer, col As Integer
bool = False
col = 1
row = 3
Do While bool = False
MsgBox row
MsgBox col
If IsEmpty(wk.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(row, col)) = True Then
For col = 1 To 81
wk.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(row, col) = cd(col)
Next col
bool = True
row = row + 1
End If
End Function
This line produces the error:
If IsEmpty(wk.Sheets("Sheet1").Range(col & row)) = True Then
Range (col&row) returns something like Range(1223) and excel awaits values like Range("A12:A53").
Judging on your code, the logic should be like this:
Cells(row, col) instead of Range(col & row).
subscript out of range error could be caused either due to incorrect reference to workbook or sheet reference or because your array cd is shorter than 81 items. How are you calling your function. can you post your function call. The workbook path may be incorrect also check for spelling mistakes
If cd has 81 elements then they run from cd(0) to cd(80)
If you want to put them into columns 1 to 81 you need
For col = 1 To 81
wk.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(row, col) = cd(col-1)
Next col

Excel VBA : Auto numbering

I'm creating a database on Excel, and encountered some problems as I tried to assign auto number to each row.
Requirements are:
generate auto number to each row(on the column A) when column B is not blank.
the number should be unique and must always be connected to the contents of the same row even when the column is sorted or when new rows are inserted, etc.
when a new row is inserted (anywhere on the same column), a new number should be assigned (the newest number should be the biggest number)
possible, the auto number should have a prefix, and number should be displayed in four digits (e.g. 0001, 0011)
I have tried some VBA codes I found from other people's questions (e.g. Excel VBA : Auto Generating Unique Number for each row).
So far, the code below has worked the best, but the requirement (3) and (4) couldn't be solved by that code.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim maxNumber
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B:B")) Is Nothing Then
' don't run when more than one row is changed
If Target.Rows.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
' if column A in the current row has a value, don't run
If Cells(Target.Row, 1) > 0 Then Exit Sub
' get the highest number in column A, then add 1 and write to the
' current row, column A
maxNumber = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(Range("A:A"))
Target.Offset(0, -1) = maxNumber + 1
End If
End Sub
I'm short of the knowledge of VBA and I hope someone could help me this.
Many thanks.
Alternative via CustomDocumentProperties
Instead of using a hidden sheet as proposed by #TimWilliams, one can assign incremented values to a user defined custom document property (CDP), naming it e.g. "InvNo" holding the newest invoice number. The cdp remain stored in the saved workbook.
The function below gets the current number saved to this workbook related property and returns the next number by adding 1 to the current value. It uses a help procedure RefreshCDP to assign the new value (could be used of course independantly to reset values programmaticaly to any other value). - If the cdp name isn't passed as (optional) argument, the function assumes "InvNo" by default.
Note that code requires some error handling to check if the cdp exists.
Example call
Dim InvoiceNumber as Long
InvoiceNumber = NextNumber("InvNo") ' or simply: NextNumber
Public Function NextNumber(Optional CDPName As String = "InvNo") As Long
'a) get current cdp value
Dim curVal As Long
On Error Resume Next
curVal = ThisWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties(CDPName)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear ' not yet existing, results in curVal of 0
'b) increment current cdp value by one to simulate new value
Dim newVal As Long
newVal = curVal + 1
'Debug.Print "Next " & CDPName & " will be: " & newVal
'c) assign new value to custom document property
RefreshCDP CDPName, newVal, msoPropertyTypeNumber
'Debug.Print "New " & CDPName & " now is: " & ThisWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties(CDPName)
NextNumber = newVal
End Function
Help procedure RefreshCDP
Sub RefreshCDP(CDPName As String, _
newVal As Variant, docType As Office.MsoDocProperties)
On Error Resume Next
ThisWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties(CDPName).Value = newVal
'If cdp doesn't exist yet, create it (plus adding the new value)
If Err.Number > 0 Then
ThisWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties.Add _
Name:=CDPName, _
LinkToContent:=False, _
Type:=docType, _
End If
End Sub
Related links
MS help: Excel.Workbook.CustomDocumentProperties
Check if BuiltInDocumentProperty is set without error trapping
Chip Pearson: Document Properties
How to add a DocumentProperty to CustomDocumentProperties in Excel?
Do not use Max() to find the next number - use instead a hidden sheet or name to store the current number, and increment it each time a new Id is required.
For example:
Public Function NextNumber(SequenceName As String)
Dim n As Name, v
On Error Resume Next
Set n = ThisWorkbook.Names(SequenceName)
On Error GoTo 0
If n Is Nothing Then
'create the name if it doesn't exist
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add SequenceName, RefersTo:=2
v = 1
'increment the current value
v = Replace(n.RefersTo, "=", "")
n.RefersTo = v + 1
End If
NextNumber = v
End Function
This allows you to use multiple different sequences as long as you give each one a distinct name.
Dim seq
seq = NextNumber("seqOne")

MS Excel 2010 - VBA to lookup in one column a customer number and Tag the corresponding column with Yes or No

I have an extremely large dataset with customer numbers and we cannot just use a =IF(E3=160248, "YES", "NO") to tag a particular customer number of 160248 with YES or NO. Instead, I would like to use VBA code to lookup Customer_Number in column E and return a YES or NO in the corresponding row in Column AG, called Incorporated_160248. I have not done an If then clause in VBA, so I have no idea where to start. Please note, each month the data set can change. One month it could be 4,000 entries and the next 3,500, so that has to be dynamic. Any thoughts?
Sub TagTryco()
Dim CN As Integer, result As String
CN = Range("E:E").Value
If CN = 160248 Then
result = "YES"
result = "NO"
End If
Range("AG:AG").Value = result
End Sub
I get a Compile error: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment.
This CODE Works now:
Sub TagTryco()
Dim listLength
listLength = Worksheets("ILS_Import").Cells(Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row - 1
Dim i As Integer
For i = 2 To listLength + 2
If Worksheets("ILS_Import").Range("E" & i) = 160248 Then
Worksheets("ILS_Import").Range("AG" & i) = "Yes"
Worksheets("ILS_Import").Range("AG" & i) = "No"
End If
End Sub
To know how many entries you have:
dim listLength
listlength = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row - 1 'I assumed column E, starting at row 2
You need to loop from row 2 to the row 2 + listLength, check the cell in column E, and check if it is equal to your number:
dim i as integer
for i = 2 to listLength + 2
If Range("E" & i) = 160248 Then
Range("AG" & i) = "Yes"
Range("AG" & i) = "No"
End If
If you wish to scan for different numbers you can adapt the code to use a value from a cell in which you enter that number, OR use an inputbox to enter the number you want to look for, or something else. This code was not tested.
If you want to use the column name you assigned instead of AG (which is safer) you can use something along the lines of:
= Range("Incorporated_160248")(i+1)
Instead, which gives the column with an offset of i. Should bring you to the right cell.