Decimal point getting ignored in excel vba - vba

I have a macro running on excel which copies a number from one sheet to the other
First I store all the relevant numbers in a string array va() and than assign the array values in the new sheet.
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value = va(i, 5)
when number is -0,522004, I get the correct result in the new sheet, however when the number is -1,175378 I get -1175378,0000 as output in the excel sheet.
Note that I am using "," as decimal separator and "." as thousand separator.
I also tried to put msgbox va(i,5) and it shows -1,175378 as output but when the code is complete I get decimal ignored values.

Assuming your regional settings match the string data (i.e. comma is decimal separator), you can perform an explicit coercion:
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value = CDbl(va(i, 5))


How to put character if there is one digit in cell in VBA Macro?

I would like to ask, how to put character, in this case 0 to cell, if the cell already contains digit in it.
To clarify what do I mean, if on the cell is number 5, I would like to put before the number 5, number 0 to have the result 05.
As far as I know, cell format should be TEXT to avoid automatic Excel correction. But, this question is specific due to several different characters in the cells. In some point I got in the same column different characters in the cells (1, 2, 3, AV, AR, IX etc.).
For example: I would like to select column K, find the numeric characters with one digit (1, 2, 3, -9) and paste there 0 before it to have two space digit like 01, 02, 03, …
Of course, with macro. I know how to put Text format to it, but do not know how to manage the whole macro function to select column K, format whole column as text, find one digit number in the column and paste 0 before it.
Does anybody know how to do that?
Many thanks in advance.
There are 2 solutions:
Format the numbers
Convert numbers to text and format them
1. Format the numbers
The advantage of this solution is that the numbers will still be numbers (not text) but formatted with leading zeros. Therefore you still can calculate with these numbers as before.
Public Sub ChangeNumberFormat()
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("YourDesiredSheetName").Columns("K").NumberFormat = "00"
'this will keep them numbers but only change the format of them
End Sub
Note that you don't need to do this necessarily with VBA you can just set a user defined cell format 00 for column K (open format cells with Ctrl + 1).
2. Convert numbers to text and format them
If you really need to convert them to text this would be a possible solution. But I really don't recommend that because you cannot calculate with these "numbers" anymore because they are converted to text.
The trick would be to format the number with numberformat first and then convert it to text (see comments in the code).
Option Explicit 'force variable declaring
Public Sub FixLeadingZerosInText()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("YourDesiredSheetName") '<-- change your sheet name here
Dim lRow As Long
lRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp).Row 'find last used row in column K
Dim iCell As Range
For Each iCell In ws.Range("K1:K" & lRow) 'loop from row 1 to last used in column K
If iCell.Value < 10 And iCell.Value > -10 Then 'check if it is a one digit number
Dim tmpText As String
tmpText = Format(iCell.Value, "00") 'format the one digit number
iCell.NumberFormat = "#" 'convert number to text
iCell.Value = tmpText 're-write formatted number
End If
iCell.NumberFormat = "#" 'make all other numbers in column K formatted as text too
Next iCell
End Sub

How to sort excel values with numbers in end

I have a macro which reads file names from a folder. The problem is that when file names are in series like A1,A2.....A200.pdf, as in this image:
then it reads in Excel as A1,A10,A100,A101.....A109,A11,A110.....A119,A20, as in this image:
How can I sort this so that the value in Excel comes as same as folder file names, or is there a way I can sort in Excel itself?
You can sort this in Excel with a helper column. Create a new column and calculate the length of your filenames in that "=LEN(A1)". Then use two-level sort to sort your filenames. Data -> Sort: Use length in the first level and the filenames in the second level.
Another option, you can use the RegEx object to extract the Numeric digits "captured" inside the file name.
Option Explicit
Sub SortFileNames()
Dim i As Long
With Sheets("Sheet1") ' replaces "Sheet1| with your sheet's name
For i = 1 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
.Range("B" & i).Value = RetractNumberwithRegex(.Range("A" & i)) ' call the Regex function
Next i
End With
End Sub
Function RetractNumberwithRegex(Rng As Range) As String
' function uses the Regex object to substract the Numeric values inside
Dim Reg1 As Object
Dim Matches As Object
Set Reg1 = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With Reg1
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.Pattern = "[0-9]{1,20}" ' any size numeric string (up to 20 digits length)
End With
Set Matches = Reg1.Execute(Rng.Value2)
If Matches.Count <> 0 Then
RetractNumberwithRegex = Matches.Item(0)
End If
End Function
This is happening ofcourse of because different sorting algorithm in both these cases (Windows Explorer and Excel) Refer to this article if you want to understand.
To solve your problem, one of the ways is to pull out only the numeric part of file names in a different cell (say column B) and then sort based on those numbers.
If I can assume that the pattern of the files names is AXXX.pdf i.e. one letter A, then number, and 4 characters for file extension. You can use this function
This works by pulling out some number of characters from in between the string. As per assumption, the number starts from 2nd place that's why the second parameter is 2. Then to decide, how many characters you pull, you know that all the characters except 'A' (1 char) and '.pdf' (4 chars) make the number. So, take the lenght of the whole name and reduce 5 characters. You get your number part which you can sort.
This will be your result:
The best way is to change the file names in your Excel list to have leading zeroes. Instead of A19, refer to the file as A019 and it will sort correctly. Convert the file names using this formula in a helper column.
=Left($A2, 1) & Right("000" & Mid($A2, 2, 3), 3)
Note that the 3 zeroes and string lengths of 3 are all related to each other. To create fixed length numbers of 4 digits, just use 4 zeroes and increase both string lengths to 4.
Copy the formula down from row 2 to the end. Copy the helper column, paste Values in place and, when everything is perfect, replace the original column with the helper.
In order to accommodate a fixed number of digits following the number the above formula may be tweaked. The formula below will accommodate 4 extra characters which follow the number, for example ".pdf" (including the period).
=Left($A2, 1) & Right("000" & Mid($A2, 2, 7), 7)

Variable number of terms in an Excel VBA Formula?

Is it possible to write a formula in VBA for excel such that there are "n" terms in the formula, with the number of terms changing as the value of "n" does?
For instance, say you wanted to code cell a1 such that it was the sum of a2 and a3. Then you wanted b1 to be the sum of b2,b3,b4,b5 and so on such that each column 1 row 1 cell for a range of cells is the sum of "n" cells below it where "n" varies from column to column. Say that all cell addresses you wanted to use are known and stored in an array.
Here is some code to better explain what I'm asking:
For i = 0 to n
Range(arr1(i)).formula = "=" & range(arr2(i)).value & "-(" _
& Range(arrk(i)).value & "+" & Range(arrk+1(i)).value & "+" _
& Range(arrk+2(i)).value & "+" & ... & ")"
Next i
So what I'm looking for is one piece of VBA code that can make a cell formula contain a dynamic number of terms. The code above would make cell a1's value = a-(b+c+d+...) where the number of terms in the bracket is variable, depending on which cell the formula is applied to.
The image here shows an example of what I want to do. I'd like some code which could take "years income" and subtract a variable amount of "expenses" from it, where the number of expenses varies each year (but the number stays fixed for that year). The code needs to use a formula so that the expenses entries can be modified by the user.
Have you tried Array Formula ? :
Array Formula :
An Excel Array Formula performs multiple calculations on one or more sets of values (the 'array arguments') and returns one or more results.
details :
Thanks for the suggestions everyone, I found a solution (not a particularly efficient one, but a solution nonetheless) to the conundrum today.
First I created an array which used the "pattern" of the Junk cells to list every cell address which was to be included.
Taking this array, I used a for loop to create a series of temporary arrays with the application.index command. For each temporary array, I used the Join command to turn the list of cells into a single string which I then inputted into a cell formula. Thanks to #thepiyush13 whose array.formula approach inspired this.
Here's some example code to show what I did:
' hypothetical array containing two sets of cells to use
Dim array1(0 To 1, 0 To 1) As Variant
Dim vartemp As Variant
Dim vartemptransposed As Variant
' col 1 will be used to add I10 and I13, col2 I11 and I14
array1(0, 0) = "$I$10"
array1(1, 0) = "$I$13"
array1(0, 1) = "$I$11"
array1(1, 1) = "$I$14"
For i = 1 to 2
'application.index(arr,row#,col#) to create a new array
vartemp = Application.Index(array1, 0, i)
'error if not transposed
vartemptransposed = Application.Transpose(vartemp)
randomstring = Join(vartemptransposed, ",")
totalvalue = 100
'example formula: a1 = totalvalue - sum(I10,I13). a2 = totalvalue - sum(I11,I14)
Cells(1,i).formula = "=" & totalvalue & "-SUM(" & randomstring & ")"
Next i
I needed the code to run this many many times on large lists which are generated dynamically but always hold the same pattern of where the "junk cells" are. Not included in the code, but I also used another array for the cell addresses of where to place the formula.

Differentiate between number and words with Convert to Number

I am running a vlookup in vba which returns some errors. Some are due to missing values (these should remain #N/A) some are due to the values not being converted to numbers (these need to be fixed). However when I run the below code it converts both numbers and letters into numeric values and returns #VALUE when it should do nothing. I need a way to differentiate between the numbers and any values with a letter in them. In the below example the code should loop through, skip TRD4 and convert 9501 to a number.
L26 BW
9501 #N/A
For a = 2 To LCell2 Step 1
v = Cells(a, 9).Value
If IsError(v) Then
Cells(a, 8).Value = Evaluate("H" & a)
End If
Next a
It would also help if you included your full code such as what is v declared as, is Cells(a,9) your listed values such as L26 and what is the formula that is in H & a.
Running a quick check with the sample values you have provided you can used IsNumeric in your loop to test if a value is made of just numbers or also contains text. This will work even if the value is stored as text in the cell. To convert a text value to numeric you can use CInt or any number of conversion functions available.
So if you want to only evaluate if it's a number and ignore text you can do something similar to
For a = 2 to LCell2 Step 1
If IsNumeric(Cells(a,9)) then
Cells(a,8).Value = Evaluate("H" & a)
End If
Next a

VBA not handling "bad" characters when inserting values into spreadsheet

I'm using the following code to insert values from my result set into my spreadsheet:
Do While Rst.EOF = False
For i = 0 To Rst.Fields.Count - 1
ActiveCell.Value = Rst.Fields(i).Value 'insert value into cell
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Activate 'move to next cell for next value
Next i
ActiveCell.Offset(1, -i).Activate 'move to next row for next record
The problem I'm running into is that some users are using = as the first character in their input, and excel does not like that ("Application-defined or object-defined error").
I've seen the workaround for Entering '=' as the first character in a cell but I don't want to apply the ' to every field, ideally only if it starts with =.
I need a solution that also works with Null values. I've tried a bunch of different combinations (IsNull, IsDBNull), but I can't seem to find one that works.
I'm sitting on a Linux box right now so I can't test this but from memory...
If you set the Number format of the cell to "#" before you assign the value then that should mean that it takes values as literal strings
This also means that "0131" won't be changed to 131
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "#" ' This Cell will hold text
ActiveCell.Value = Rst.Fields(i).Value 'insert value into cell
You could put the formating within an If Statement based on Rst.Fields(i).Type if you only want to do this for text fields
As #timwilliams suggested, I used this answer to set the format of the range (seems more efficient than #tompage's cell-by-cell approach) to text.