Dynamically resize imageview with animation in cocoa mac application in objective c - objective-c

I am having a cocoa application for mac in objective c.
I am slightly new to mac application.
In my app, I want to implement growing imageview animation like shown below in the images.
As seen from the screenshots, when my window loads, I have some data to feel as it increases its value.
From 0 to the maximum value.
It should show like its rising from 0 to the values that I have specified.
I have seen lots of circular animations but didn't get much idea from that.
please give me suggestions on this.
Please ignore if mistakes as I am new to mac development.
Thanks in advance.

You should create mask and apply it to NSImageView layer object using the only image (one for 100%).
Read following article and don't be afraid it's about iOS-development, CoreAnimation is available in Cocoa too.


Animating OpenGL content within a Cocoa OSX Application

I am currently attempting to create an interactive, informative poster, with regards to Anti-Aliasing techniques and effects. The application is written in Obj-C within Xcode, and makes use of OpenGL and Cocoa functionalities.
I am attempting to create a small animation to display the difficulties of drawing a diagonal line on a pixel grid, however am having real trouble getting my head around the animation aspect.
I am aiming for something with a similar look and feel to this:
I have currently drawn a grid using OpenGL primitives:
and would like the effect above to be replicated within my grid, however without the shading yet (that is the next part), so just plain black pixels coloured step by step along the line.
I am new to both OpenGL and Obj-C, so am unsure whether best to implement the animation within OpenGL, or using OSx Core Animation - neither of which I have used before.
The OpenGL drawing takes place within my MyOpenGLView class, with the drawing done in a drawAnObject method, which is then called within the drawRect method.
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!

Create an image cropping interface for Objective C (Mac OS X)

I need to create a very simple image cropping interface for an OS X cocoa application, but I am not sure where to start. The user needs to be able to choose a crop size from a menu of presets, be presented with a cropping rectangle that can be resized preserving the ratio, and moved around the image until they finally apply the selected crop to the image.
I've done some searching for sample code and projects but not found anything too useful. Core Image fun house has some pointers but is a retired sample. There are lots of iOS examples, but I've not found an easy to follow Mac OS example.
Can someone point me in the right direction (or at a sample project or framework!!).
Thanks a lot.
Here is a project you can look at:
It's a little demo I made as I was trying to understand the relationship between the rects in this method:
- (void)drawInRect:(NSRect)dstRect
Note that the older compositeToPoint: methods are deprecated and should not be used for this sort of thing.
srcRect is the portion of the original image (in it's own coordinates) that you want to keep.
dstRect is the rect that you want that cropped area to draw into.
JMRect in the project is an NSObject representation of an NSRect - so that we can use cocoa bindings to tie the interface controls together.
For your UI, the cropping rectangle could just be a transparent subview view with a border that you push around and resize over the image you want to crop.
This is by no means a complete solution to your question, but it's something you can poke around with - it might help you to get started.

Objective-C, Methods for animating gui

I've created many types of interfaces using the Cocoa API — some of them using documented basic animation techniques and others simply by experimenting (such as placing an animated .gif inside an NSImage class) — which had somewhat catastrophic consequences. The question I have is what is the correct or the most effective way to create an animated and dynamic GUI so that it runs optimally and properly?
The closest example I can think of that would use a similar type of animation would be something one might see done in flash on any number of interactive websites or interfaces. I'm sure flash can be used in a Cocoa app, although if there is a way to achieve a similar result without re-inventing the wheel, or having to use 3rd party SDKs, I would love to get some input. Keep in mind I'm not just thinking of animation for games, iOS, etc. — I'm most interested in an animated GUI for Mac OS X, and making it 'flow' as one might interact in it.
If u wish to add many graphics animations, then go for OpenGLES based xcode project for iOS. That helps u to reduce performance problem. You can render each of the frames in gif as 2D texture.
I would recommend that you take a look at Core Animation. It is Apples framework for hardware accelerated animations for both OS X and iOS. It's built for making animated GUIs.
You can animate the property changes for things like position, opacity, color, transforms etc and also animate gradients with CAGradientLayer and animate non-rectagunal shapes using CAShapeLayer and a lot of other things.
A good resource to get you started is the Core Animation Programming Guide.

iOS: compare a slice of an image to library of options

I'm basically trying to work out how to take a slice of an image, say a screenshot of an iPhone home screen, slice out the first icon and compare it to a set array of images in a library. Any help on where to start?
I'm no iPhone programmer, but I might be able to suggest a few things:
The SURF feature detection implemented in OpenCV should help you with this
There is a nice article on using OpenCV in Objective-C code.
A quick & dirty way might be to use the difference blend mode which should return the difference between the 1st image(top) and the 2nd image(bottom). If there is no difference the result will be completely black. So, the more black pixels in the difference result, potentially, the more similarities between the compared images.
I'm not an iOS developer, so I don't know if there is an image library that ships with sdk or if there's a free/opensource library for basic image processing. Still this should be trivial to implement:
- (int)difference((int)topPixel,(int)bottomPixel)
return abs(topPixel-bottomPixel);
Note: Syntax might not be correct :)
This may not help you with taking a screenshot of the iOS home screen... But these articles show how to take snapshots from within a UIKit application:
Perhaps you would instruct the user to press home-power (buttons) to take a snapshot and store in the photo roll, then load that screenshot into an app to process the screenshot.
Hope this helps!

Floating pictures screensaver on Mac OS X

I'm just learning to use XCode and program in Objective-C (my plan is to write a an app we need for my business since I can't find one that does what I need). It's going well and as an exercise I've been playing with database apps and screensavers.
I'm trying to write a screensaver that all it does is to show 3 or 4 pictures randomly floating on the screen. Similar to the out of the box pictures screensaver that comes with Mac OS X.
I've played with the code in http://cocoadevcentral.com/articles/000088.php and while very informative I still don't know how to add those 3 or 4 pictures and make them move.
Anyone out there can point me to sample code? Or a project that I can use as reference?
Again, this is just self learning.
Thank you!
This will probably be your first port of call.
My approach to this was to create a Quartz Composition using Quartz composer. I found this easier than figuring out how to draw and animate everything by hand.
You can display a quartz composition inside a ScreensaverView by using the QCView class. This setup worked well for me.