How to put edited record on first position in grid after saveing chnages? - extjs4

I am using Extjs 4.2.1 and I ask myself a while how to put an edited and saved record on top of the grid after the save process has taken place. So the user can see the effect of the saved change.
I tried to put some code between the success callback method of the save method of the store. It looks like this:{
success : function(rec, op, success) {
var selectionModel = Ext.getCmp('grid').getSelectionModel();
var selection = selectionModel.getSelection();;
billRecordStore.insert(0, selection);
But i have no idea how to get the changed record on top of the table....
Any ideas and helpful posts are very welcome!
Thanks for your help in advance!

when I edit a record, I do not use the load() or reload() method.
I use only the sync () method.
This way the edited register remain highlighted in the grid.
Something like this:
var values = form.getValues();
var record = form.getRecord();
var store = grid.getStore();
success: function(){...},
failure: function(){...}
When I create a new record, I have the grid records sorted so that the last inserted record is displayed on the first line.
So when it does the load (), or loadPage(1), is always selected the first row of the grid that corresponds to the last inserted record.
Edited 26/06/2015
var form = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#formitemId')[0];
var grid = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#griditemId')[0];
var values = form.getValues();
var record = form.getRecord();
var store = grid.getStore();
callback: function(){
var record1 = grid.getSelectionModel().getLastSelected(record);
scope: this,
success: function(){
var windowInfoCNrecord ={
msg: 'Success...',
closable: true,
modal: false,
iconCls: 'msg_success',
icon: Ext.MessageBox.INFO
failure: function(){
var windowInfoErrorEdit = Ext.Msg.alert({
title: 'Error',
icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR,
button: Ext.Msg.CANCEL,
cancel: 'Close'
}); //sync


Jqgrid change nav properties on callback function

i try to change the navbar properties on a jqgrid in a callback function without succes.
The grid is display afeter user is chosing a period. Depend on either the period is open or close user can or cannot edit, add, delete rows. So the navbar need to change properties dynamically.
My code look like that:
// some properties of my grid that works fine
pager : '#gridpager'
url: 'checkifperiodopen.php',
data: {
success: function(data){
$('#validChossenPeriod').click(function () {
ajax call to get data on choosen period
$("#mygrid").jqGrid('setGridParam', { datatype: 'local'});
$("#mygrid").jqGrid('setGridParam', { data: data});
I finally found the answer by show or hide the div that include the navgrid button:
grid = $("#mygrid");
gid = $.jgrid.jqID(grid[0].id);
var $tdadd = $('#add_' + gid);
var $tdedit = $('#edit_' + gid);
var $tddel = $('#del_' + gid);
condition if false =
if true =
Why so complex? There is a other clear way to do this
var view_buttons = true;
if(condition_to_hide) {
view_buttons = false;
$("#mygrid").jqGrid('navGrid','#gridpager', { add:view_buttons, edit:view_buttons, del:view_buttons, search:true, refresh:true});

odoo, how to reload widget on every db record form view?

Hi this question is related with my own answer here the thing is that the widget run only once, when the first database record object is show on the form view, but when I change to another record, the view its not updated with the actual record. I think that is because I run all the code in the ´start´ but I dont know how and where put he code to do this.
the code again:
(function (instance) {
var _t = instance.web._t,
_lt = instance.web._lt;
var QWeb = instance.web.qweb;
openerp.chess_base = function (instance, local) {
local.ShowBoard = instance.web.form.FormWidget.extend({
start: function () {
this.$el.append('<div id="board" style="width: 300px">BOARD GOES HERE</div>');
show_board: function () {
var Game = new instance.web.Model(""),
record_id =,
record_name =,
self = this;
self.el_board = self.$('#board');
Game.query(['pgn']).filter([['id', '=', record_id], ['name', '=', record_name]]).all().then(function (data) {
self.cfg = {
position: data[0].pgn,
orientation: 'white',
pieceTheme: '/chess_base/static/img/chesspieces/wikipedia/{piece}.png'
ChessBoard(self.el_board, self.cfg);
instance.web.form.custom_widgets.add('board', 'instance.chess_base.ShowBoard');
In your start function:
this._ic_field_manager.on('view_content_has_changed', this, function() {
'put your code here'
Actually there's another event you could listen, 'load_record'.
Because 'view_content_has_changed' is triggered every time a single field in the view is modified, and you maybe don't want this behavior.

EnhancedGrid scrolling (with large amount of data)

I'm using dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid which is created by the class MyGrid, explained below.
var MyGrid = declare(null, {
constructor: function (app, id, opts) { = id; = app;
this.core_id = app.getCoreId();
var myStore;
var jquery = {
scope: 'core',
command: 'rest',
args: {
serve: 'cooked'
core_id: this.core_id
this.jsonStore = new{
target: app.get_dispatcher_url(),
jquery: jquery,
// setstruct is an object to provide a method that sets a new
// grid structure as soon as data arrives.
set_structure: dojo.hitch(this, this.set_structure),
// avoid closures from holding a reference
// to jquery and preventing its GCing
jquery = null;
this.memoryStore = new Memory();
myStore = new Cache(this.jsonStore, this.memoryStore);
this.dataStore = new ObjectStore({
objectStore: myStore,
onSet: onEdited,
onNew: onEdited,
onDelete: onEdited
myStore = null;
// create grid
this.grid = new EnhancedGrid({
store: this.dataStore,
height: '100%',
structure: [
{ name: 'Waiting for data...', field: 'no-field', width: '10em' }
plugins: {
menus: { rowMenu: this._create_menu() },
nestedSorting: true,
selector: { row: 'disabled', col: 'disabled', cell: 'multi' }
// start grid
Note that I omitted code to focus just on the creation of the "grid/store". MyGrid displays the grid on a ContentPane.
So I create an object to display the grid (with a large amount of data) and scroll to the bottom, and it will request only the visible rows properly. However, it just so happens that when I create a second grid it will request the content for the second grid and all data for the first grid!!
How can this happen? Any idea of what can be causing this?
EDITED (22/02/13):
I created a jsfiddle to demonstrate the problem I'm getting: see jsfiddle
How to reproduce the problem:
Click on New Tab button, open the console and check how many rows were fetched.
Go to the bottom of the grid (quickly) and check the console again.
Click on New Tab again, go to the console and you can see that all rows, not loaded yet, from previous grid were fetched.
Note: I found out that this only happens on Google Chrome. I tested with Firefox and everything worked well.

How to empty the datastore in sencha?

I am new to sencha touch. I have a datastore and i want to empty the datastore when the back button is clicked. Is there any method like refresh used to empty the datastore? Can anyone show me a bit of code on it?
This is not working in my case:
text: 'Back',
ui: 'back',
width: 50,
handler: function() {
var records = iPolis.journalListStore.getRange();
iPolis.Viewport.setActiveItem('journalPanel', {
type: 'slide',
you can use store.getRange(); to get all records of an and then pass those records to store.remove(); function to remove it form store
var records = store.getRange();
Ok, i found a solution to my question, i will post it here maby it will help someone.
the problem is that the store was not loaded so i have to getRange after the store load, here is the code :
var points = [];
points =StoreTrajectoire.getRange();
this will return an array of objects, to read the array data :
for(var i = 0; i < store.getCount(); i++ ) {
var record = store.getAt(i);
var data = record.get('your attribue')
wish that can help you.

Ext.grid.Panel get selected record from tbar button

I created a View extend Ext.grid.Panel and also attach a tbar to it, in the toolbar I got 2 buttons [Add] and [Remove] in this question I am focus on the [Remove] command only.
As usual I want to get hold to current selected record in the grid which I want to delete.
so in the controller:
init: function() {
'extendgridlist button[action=remove]': {
click: this.removeCurrentRow;
removeCurrentRow: function(t){
// how do i get current selected record
removeCurrentRow: function(t){
var grid = t.up('gridpanel');
var arraySelected =grid.getSelectionModel().getSelection();
//assuming you have a single select, you have the record at index 0;
var record = arraySelected[0]
The answer by 'nscrob' should work just fine, I just wanted to point out an alternate method. Every Ext component can have an 'id' field. So, if you gave your grid a config option like the following when it was created:
Then, from anywhere including inside your removeCurrentRow function, you could do the following:
var grid = Ext.getCmp('my_grid_id');
var rows = grid.getSelectionModel().getSelection();
{ //in case this fires with no selection
alert("No Rows Selected!");
var row = rows[0];
As I said, similar to other answers, but just another way of accessing the grid.
In case grid is to selType = "cellModel" use code below:
var grid = Ext.getCmp('id-of-grid');
var recid = grid.getSelectionModel().getCurrentPosition();
if(recid && recid.row){
var r = grid.getStore().getAt(recid.row)
more details:
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Edit',
handler: function() {
onEdit(this.up('theGrid')); // alias: 'widget.theGrid' in definition
function onEdit(theGrid) {
if (theGrid.getSelectionModel().hasSelection()) {
var rows = theGrid.getSelectionModel().getSelection();
var row = rows[0];
console.log('Count Rows Selected : ' + rows.length);
console.log('The Row : ' + row); // columns: 'id', 'name', 'age'
console.log('Student Id: ' + row.get('id'));
console.log('Student Name: ' + row.get('name'));
console.log('Student Age: ' + row.get('age'));
else {
console.log('No Row Selected.');