how to copy row from one table to another before update on specific column in sybase trigger? - sql

I want to copy a row from one table to other table before an update happens on specific column. this column named StartDateTime_ in my table.
can anyone correct this trigger if it is not correct or need optimisation.
CREATE TRIGGER PeriodicHistory_TR_U ON order_db..Periodic
AS IF update(StartDateTime_)
declare #Identity_;
declare #Version_;
DECLARE #Revision_;
declare #Identifier_;
declare #CreationTime_;
declare #CreationUserId_;
declare #StartDateTime_;
SELECT #Identity_= i.Identity_ from inserted i;
SELECT #Version_= i.Version_ from inserted i;
SELECT #Identifier_= i.Identifier_ from inserted i;
SELECT #CreationTime_= i.CreationTime_ from inserted i;
SELECT #CreationUserId_= i.CreationUserId_ from inserted i;
SELECT #StartDateTime_= i.StartDateTime_ from inserted i;
set #Revision_ = #Version_ +1;
insert into order_db..PeriodicHistory(Identity_,Version_,Revision_,Identifier_,CreationTime_,CreationUserId_,StartDateTime_)

How about this:
CREATE TRIGGER PeriodicHistory_TR_U ON Periodic
AS IF update(StartDateTime_)
INSERT INTO PeriodicHistory(Identity_,Version_,Revision_,Identifier_,CreationTime_,CreationUserId_,StartDateTime_)
SELECT d.Identity_,d.Version_,d.Revision_ + 1,d.Identifier_,d.CreationTime_,d.CreationUserId_,d.StartDateTime_
FROM deleted d
JOIN inserted i
ON d.Identity_ = i.Identity_
This eliminates the need for temporary variables.
Think about what happens if the update on Periodic affects more than one row. The original trigger won't be able to store multiple values...
Also, my revised trigger updates the version in the history table in the same way as your original trigger. You probably want to update the version in the Periodic table and keep the old value in the history. As it is after ten updates you could end up with: Periodic.Version_ = 1
PeriodicHistory.Version_ = 2


MSSQL Trigger for update is working only once

I'm going to create a trigger for update. Purpose of this trigger is that If muadurum column is changed , take the old value of mua_tarih in table fkayitlar and insert to another table mua_tarihleri.
My code block like;
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[trgr_fkayit_update]
ON [dbo].[fkayitlar]
DECLARE #mua_durum_once NVARCHAR(10)
DECLARE #mua_durum_sonra NVARCHAR(10)
DECLARE #mua_tarih_once DATE
DECLARE #mua_yapan_once NVARCHAR(25)
DECLARE #kisi_id INT
Take the old value;
FROM deleted
Take the new value;
SELECT #mua_durum_sonra=muayenedurum FROM inserted
Check if value is changed ; if changed, Insert #mua_tarih to table mua_tarihleri with #kisi_id and #mua_yapan_once
IF #mua_durum_once='OLDU'
AND #mua_durum_sonra='OLMADI'
AND #mua_tarih_once IS NOT NULL
INSERT INTO mua_tarihleri(kayitid,mua_tarihi,mua_yapan)
My problem is When I update more than one row in table fkayitlar,Trigger is working, but I see only one inserted row in table mua_tarihleri (only working once). I need to see more than one.(should be working more than once) Are not Triggers working on more than one process? or How can I solve this my problem?
The trigger only occurs once when the table is updated, no matter how many rows are updated. Therefore, you have to write your trigger body to operate on a set of rows, not a single row as you have done.
Should be something like:
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[trgr_fkayit_update]
ON [dbo].[fkayitlar]
INSERT INTO mua_tarihleri(kayitid,mua_tarihi,mua_yapan)
SELECT deleted.kayitid, deleted.muayenedurum, deleted.muayenetarih, deleted.mua_yapan
FROM deleted
JOIN inserted ON deleted.kayitid = inserted.kayitid
WHERE deleted.muayenedurum='OLDU'
AND inserted.muayenedurum='OLMADI'
AND muayenetarih IS NOT NULL

Sql Trigger to add new row when table update

I am new to sql triggers and learning as developing triggers for application.i am having case where I need to first save table and then edit the same table - this edit create new row in different table but the the problem is every time I edit the table it create new row in different table I want to create row in different table for only first edit.
Dividing my problem for readability.
I have two tables:
Table A and table B
I have written trigger on table A that add row in table B.
Every time I edit row in table A a new row get added to table B. (So every edit create new row)
Required result:
I want my trigger to add ONLY one row in table B for the first edit in table A but not for subsequent edits.
I am using update triggers.
Any example with code would be great
Thanks you much in advance .
Create TRIGGER [dbo].[triggerName] ON [dbo].[databaseName]
For Update
DECLARE #i int
DECLARE #d int
DECLARE #action char(6)
SELECT #i = Count(*) From Inserted
SELECT #d = Count(*) From Deleted
SELECT #action = CASE
WHEN (#i <> 0) and (#d <> 0) THEN 'UPDATE'
WHEN (#i = 0) and (#d <> 0) THEN 'DELETE'
WHEN (#i <> 0) and (#d = 0) THEN 'INSERT'
SELECT #Car = A From inserted
IF #action = 'UPDATE' AND #Car in ('BMW')
INSERT INTO Tableb (c,d,f)
Select c,d,f from inserted
Your trigger has some flaws in it.
First, You don't need to test if it was fired because of update, insert or delete. The trigger is specified for update, so inserts and deletes will not fire it anyway.
Second, SELECT #Car = A From inserted will raise an error whenever you update more then one row in the table.
Third, As you said, this will insert a record in tableB for every update, while you want it to insert a record only for the first update done (I assume one for the first update on any row, so if you update row 1 then insert, update row 2 then another insert, and update row 1 again don't insert).
I would write it like this:
Create TRIGGER [dbo].[triggerName] ON [dbo].[tableName]
For Update
INSERT INTO Tableb (c,d,f)
Select c,d,f
from inserted i
left join Tableb t ON(i.c = t.c and i.d = t.d and i.f = t.f)
where is null -- or some other non-nullable column
and i.a = 'BMW'
You can modify your SQL trigger to execute only after INSERT
CREATE TRIGGER dbo.myTable_Insert
ON dbo.myTable
It is possible to create SQL trigger to run after insert, update or delete as seen in the referred tutorial

Trigger to delete prior duplicate records in the table

I need to write a trigger based on the following condition
Before inserting a record in the table, I need to compare the value of one column to the existing records, and if records found then I need to delete those records having same column value in the already existing records, and then need to insert that new record.
Please let me know how to achieve this.
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[CustomInsert_Trigger] ON [dbo].[Realtimebookingcount]
SELECT #Flag = Booking_NUM FROM inserted
IF (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Realtimebookingcount
WHERE Booking_NUM = #Flag) > 0
DELETE FROM Realtimebookingcount
WHERE Realtimebookingcount.Booking_NUM = #Flag
INSERT INTO Realtimebookingcount
SELECT * FROM inserted

After insert not working

all id columns has auto_increment
In my trigger:
ALTER trigger [dbo].[mytrig]
on [dbo].[requests]
declare #MyId1 int
set #MyId1 = (select Id from inserted)
declare #MyId2 int
declare #MyId3 int
if (select column1 from inserted) = 1
insert into [dbo].[contracts] select column1,column2,column3 .... from inserted
insert into [dbo].[History] select column1,column2,column3 .... from inserted
insert into [dbo].[contracts_depts](Id_Contract ,column5) select #MyId2,column6 from request_depts where Id_request=#MyId1
insert into [dbo].[History_depts] (Id_InHistory,column5) select #MyId3,column6 from request_depts where Id_request=#MyId1
#MyId1 returns value only after update but not after insert. Do I have to use scope_identity() or something ?
Your main issue is: you're assuming the triggers is called once per row - that is NOT the case!
The trigger is called once per statement, and if your statement affects multiple rows, the Inserted pseudo table will contain multiple rows - so your statement here
set #MyId1 = (select Id from inserted)
really isn't going to work - it will select one arbitrary row (out of however many there are).
You'll need to rewrite your trigger to take this fact into account! Assume that Inserted contains 100 rows - how do you want to deal with that? What are you trying to achieve? Triggers don't return values - they will record into an audit table, or update other rows, or something like that ....

SQL Insert, Update Trigger - Can you update the inserted table?

I have an SQL Trigger FOR INSERT, UPDATE I created which basically does the following:
Gets a LineID (PrimaryID for the table) and RegionID From the Inserted table and stores this in INT variables.
It then does a check on joining tables to find what the RegionID should be and if the RegionID is not equal what it should be from the Inserted table, then it should update that record.
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[TestTrigger]
ON [dbo].[PurchaseOrderLine]
-- Find RegionID and PurchaseOrderLineID
DECLARE #PurchaseOrderLineID AS INT
SELECT #RegionID = RegionID, #PurchaseOrderLineID = PurchaseOrderLineID FROM Inserted
-- Find PurchaserRegionID (if any) for the Inserted Line
DECLARE #PurchaserRegionID AS INT
SELECT #PurchaserRegionID = PurchaserRegionID
) UpdateRegionTable
WHERE UpdateRegionTable.PurchaseOrderLineID = #PurchaseOrderLineID
-- Check to see if the PurchaserRegionID has a value
IF #PurchaserRegionID IS NOT NULL
-- If PurchaserRegionID has a value, compare it with the current RegionID of the Inserted PurchaseOrderLine, and if not equal then update it
IF #PurchaserRegionID <> #RegionID
UPDATE PurchaseOrderLine
SET RegionID = #PurchaserRegionID
WHERE PurchaseOrderLineID = #PurchaseOrderLineID
The problem I have is that it is not updating the record and I'm guessing, it is because the record hasn't been inserted yet into the PurchaseOrderLine table and I'm doing an update on that. But can you update the row which will be inserted from the Inserted table?
The major problem with your trigger is that it's written in assumption that you always get only one row in INSERTED virtual table.
SQL Server triggers are statement-triggers not row-triggers. You have to take that fact into consideration.
Now if I understand correctly the logic behind this trigger then you need just one update statement in it
CREATE TRIGGER TestTrigger ON PurchaseOrderLine
SET RegionID = u.PurchaserRegionID
FROM PurchaseOrderLine l JOIN INSERTED i
ON l.PurchaseOrderLineID = i.PurchaseOrderLineID JOIN
SELECT PurchaseOrderLineID, PurchaserRegionID
FROM UpdateRegionTable -- !!! change this for your proper subquery
) u ON l.PurchaseOrderLineID = u.PurchaseOrderLineID
For this example I've created a fake table UpdateRegionTable. You have to change it to the proper query that returns PurchaseOrderLineID, PurchaserRegionID (in your code you replaced it with ...). Make sure that it returns all necessary rows, not one.
Here is SQLFiddle demo
I think the problem could be that you are making the update to PurchaceOrderLine inside the trigger that is monitoring updates to the same table as well. Try to alter the trigger to just monitor the inserts, than if this works, you can make some changes or break your trigger on two: one for inserts, another for updates.
This has been resolved. I resolved the problem by adding the trigger to another table as the IF #PurchaserRegionID IS NOT NULL was always false.