Differentiating Between MVC Routes - asp.net-mvc-4

I have two similar seo friendly routes going to different controllers/actions:
new { controller = "Locations", action = "Location", location = UrlParameter.Optional },
new { locationId = #"\d+" }
new { controller = "News", action = "NewsItem", newsTitle = UrlParameter.Optional },
new { newsId = #"\d+" }
The News route returns a 404 error and visa versa if I swap them. I tried adding a default controller to each - this did nothing. I then tried replacing {controller} with the actual name of the controller. This generated a
The matched route does not include a 'controller' route value, which
is required
error message.
Here's a link for each:
#Html.ActionLink(x.newsTitle, "NewsItem", "News", new { newsId = x.newsID, newsTitle = x.newsTitle.ToSeoUrl() },null)
<i class="fa fa-map-marker fa-li red"></i>My Place Name
I 'fixed it' by switching locationId and location querystring elements. OK so it works, but I feel this isn't the right solution. What if I have a third controller action with a similar querystring pair?
A final attempt was to make the route more generic:
new { Title = UrlParameter.Optional },
new { Id = #"\d+" }
Bu then I can't pass the action and I'd be back to a less SEO friendly URL.
In the end I would like to end up with:
I'm relatively new to MVC and I'm sure I'm missing something fundamental (or just being dumb).

The problem is that a URL for both actions will match the first route you have added. For example, this URL:
Will attempt to call the action Locations in your News controller, which obviously doesn't exist and gives you a 404 error.
You can get around this by specifying the path in the URL of the route instead of using {controller}. For example:
new { controller = "Locations", action = "Location", location = UrlParameter.Optional },
new { locationId = #"\d+" }
new { controller = "News", action = "NewsItem", newsTitle = UrlParameter.Optional },
new { newsId = #"\d+" }


MVC Routing News Pages

I have managed to get my MVC project to present a list of news items in an SEO friendly manner:
/News/ - to present the list
/News/NewsItem/id/news-item-title - the individual news item
What I would really like is:
Exactly how Stackoverflow presents its questions.
However, I cant seem to get my head around how to do the routing to differentiate between two actions with the same controller action name (Index).
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Here's my routes config:
new { controller = "News", action = "NewsItem", newsTitle = UrlParameter.Optional },
new { newsId = #"\d+" }
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "SkipHire", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
This is what I've amended everything to:
new { action = "NewsItem", newsTitle = UrlParameter.Optional }
public class NewsController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var q = _ctx.tblNews.OrderBy(x => x.newsCreateDate)
.Where(x => x.WebsiteID == 2).ToList();
return View(q);
public ActionResult NewsItem(int newsId, string newsTitle)
return View();
View - Index (Segment)
#foreach (var x in Model)
<td>#Html.ActionLink(x.newsTitle, "NewsItem", new { newsId = x.newsID, newsTitle = x.newsTitle.ToSeoUrl() })
Actionlink produces: News/NewsItem?newsId=3&newsTitle=my-news-item
I want: News/3/my-news-item
One way you could do this is to introduce an additional route into the route configuration
name: "News_seo_friendly",
url: "{controller}/{id}/{seo}",
defaults: new { action = "NewsItem", seo = UrlParameter.Optional }
*Note the action value in this route. You will need a corresponding action method on that controller.
Also, since this route is more specific it goes above the existing, more generic route(s)
An Alt RouteConfig.cs that might be safer:
name: "News_seo_friendly",
url: "News/{id}/{seo}",
defaults: new { controller = "News", action = "NewsItem", seo = UrlParameter.Optional }
public ActionResult NewsItem(string id)
return View();
Another way you could do this is to make "News" its own Area within the project. This gives you the opportunity to isolate your routes, if your app is larger, and flexibility for your controller name(s).
Edited after feedback
Wanted to draw attention to the fact that the parameter name on the controller's NewsItem() method should match what is being declared in the route settings. In the above scenario, url: "{controller}/{id}/{seo}"
should match the parameter name in NewsItem(string id)...or vice-versa.

How switch Route when using method Url.Action in UrlHelper MVC4

I have following define route ,
name: "sp",
url: "sp/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Account", action = "Login", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
name: "pm",
url: "pm/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Account", action = "Login", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
when running, url of my project like to "http://example.com:7549/nhj/pm" and "http://example.com:7549/nhj/sp"
But, when using method Url.Action("Edit", "Product"), the Url has been generated by method Url.Action is always "http://example.com:7549/nhj/sp/Product/Edit".
How can I use the method Url.Action("Edit", "Product") to generate two different urls that are "http://example.com:7549/nhj/pm/Product/Edit" and "http://example.com:7549/nhj/sp/Product/Edit" match with 2 routes above.
Anyone can you help me??? Thanks
Use Url.RouteLink() that is using the route name when generating the Url:
// for SP route
Url.RouteUrl("sp", new { action = "Edit", controller = "Product" });
// for PM route
Url.RouteUrl("pm", new { action = "Edit", controller = "Product" });
When you're using the returned Url to redirect from action, use:
// for SP route
return RedirectToRoute("sp", new { action = "Edit", controller = "Product" });
// for PM route
return RedirectToRoute("pm", new { action = "Edit", controller = "Product" });

Routing a dynamic controller?

I need to routing a dynamic controller for example:
and too
example.com/about (not dynamic)
example.com/contact (not dynamic)
so you can try
new { controller = "User", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
new { id = #"user\d{1,9}*?" });

MVC 4: Custom Routes

I see a lot of problems with MVC routes and I'm having a similar problem getting a route to match a URL.
//default route
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
routes.MapRoute("Beer", "Beer/{beerid}", new { controller = "Beer", action = "Id", beerid = 0});
routes.MapRoute("Beer", "Beer/{beername}", new { controller = "Beer", action = "Name" });
BeerController Methods
public ActionResult Id(int beerid)
public ActionResult Name(string beername)
If I change the methods to the following,
public ActionResult Id(int? id)
public ActionResult Name(string id)
the default routing works with the following URLs:
But what I'm going for is just
Any ideas?
So a couple things here.
More specific routes should be placed before more general routes, because the first route that is matched will be used and routes are inspected in the order they are added.
If you plan on not providing the name of the action in your URL then you will need to do something to ensure the correct route is targeted so the correct default value will be used. In your case you could use a route constraint to distinguish between the two. Try changing your beer id route to this:
name: "Beer",
url: "Beer/{beerid}",
defaults: new { controller = "Beer", action = "Id", beerid = 0},
constraints: new { beerid = #"\d+" }
The constraint will ensure that the route only matches two-segment URLs where the second segment is composed of one or more digits. This route as well as your route for beer name should be placed before the default route.
My configuration seems to be yielding the results you want. The entirety of my RegisterRoutes method is as follows:
name: "Id",
url: "Beer/{beerid}",
defaults: new { controller = "Beer", action = "Id", beerid = 0 },
constraints: new { beerid = #"\d+" }
name: "Name",
url: "Beer/{beername}",
defaults: new { controller = "Beer", action = "Name" }
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

MVC4 Route with Id and Index Action

I'm trying to accomplish the following and receiving the "resource not found" error for #2. Assuming because the routing is not configured correctly.
Desired URLs:
1) domain.com/Customer
2) domain.com/Customer/1 *Does Not Work
3) domain.com/Customer/All
public ActionResult Index(int? id)
var viewModel = new CustomerViewModel();
if (!id.HasValue)
id = 1; // ToDo: Current Logged In Customer Id
return View(viewModel);
public ActionResult All()
return View(CustomerModel.All());
My Route Config has the default route setup and I've tried adding an additional route to no avail.
name: "Customer",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Customer", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
I've excluded my attempts at setting up a new route since it doesn't work.
Your route would normalize out to domain.com/Customer/Index/1. When you have subsequent parts of the route, you can't eliminate an earlier component just because its value will be the default. In this case, it's looking for an action named "1" which it can't find.
If your desired route is domain.com/Customer/ID, then you can add such a route to your route table:
name: "CustomerAll",
url: "Customer/All",
defaults: new { controller = "Customer", action = "All" }
name: "CustomerByID",
url: "Customer/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Customer", action = "Index" }
These more-specific routes should come before your default route.
try to add this route before the default one
name: "Customer",
url: "Customers/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Customer", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
and note that the url starts with Customers not Customer.
and your desired URL will be : domain.com/Customers/1 instead of domain.com/Customer/1