CMake User String Input - cmake

I am attempting to use CMake to convert a generic wrapper into a specific one, via token replacement. I hope that all the user would have to do is input a specific set of strings, have CMake do configure_file, and the wrapper would read in the values and work as intended.
I am aware of the possibility to use set to set the token that needs to be replaced:
set(FAV_FOOD "Sushi" CACHE STRING "What is your favorite food?")
As well as the option to have the user select from a set of answers like so:
set(MY_SELECTION "Option A" CACHE STRING "Help message for this variable")
"Option A" "Option B" "Option C"
The problem with this is that I can't enumerate all valid answers. Is there any way for CMake to have a GUI pop up and allow the user to answer with any string? I could just have the user fill out these values in a file before calling make, but I'd like to avoid the users doing anything by hand in the files, and I want to take advance of the CMake cache and avoid assuming that the user has already filled out the variables in a file.
Any advice would be most helpful. Thanks.

Your first example is the standard way to provide user-specified options to CMake, typically including some suitable default value just as you have demonstrated.
You could omit the default value (pass the empty string) and then check to see if the value has been specified so an error will be generated when the user tries to configure.
In order to provide these values automatically the user can specific them on the command line using -D= syntax:
cmake -DSOME_VAR=some_val <path_to_CMakeLists.txt>
I typically use cmake/ccmake, and I assume you are using windows cmake-gui, which is very similar to ccmake. I know of no method to pop up some additional windows using cmake-gui. However, it does appear possible to invoke cmake-gui with the aforementioned options, as described here. Using this method you could provide a .bat file the user could edit in order to enter the settings that you wish them to specify.
In my opinion, as long as you're already having them run the cmake-gui, then simply utilizing your first proposed solution and letting them change the values in the gui "the old fashioned way" is really the most appropriate option.


XCUITest pass arguments to the test

i have an app that can show many popups in various scenarios, and i would like to verify their text using XCUITest. but would like to be able to do that with no effort for multiple text configurations. for multiple languages for instance.
Is there a way to pass arguments through the .xctestrun file or through the "xcodebuild test-without-building" command? some way to pass the dictionary, or a file that i can parse at the beginning of the XCTestCase to know the correct text values to predict? preferably without the need to rebuild the project.
Found the answer.
The test host (and your XCTestCases) can view its arguments same as the test target, using NSProcessInfo.processInfo.environment and NSProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments.
Using the scheme for "Test" in XCode, you can add arguments and environment variables that the test host itself can read. The test host can read these by using the process info as mentioned above.
Another way to do this would be by editing the xctestrun file for your test. In it, you can add the key CommandLineArguments as an array of strings for the process info arguments, or add EnvironmentVariables as a dictionary from key to string value.
An easy way to go about adding the arguments/variables to the xctestrun file manually would be to first add them to the Test scheme in XCode, see the changes to the xctestrun file, and modify them accordingly.
other xctestrun variables are described in

Set mutually exclusive variables in CMake?

I have a project where i use 2 different libraries depending on the user interest. While generating, i would like to give the user a choice to select which library to build. So far, i used something like this:
I see 2 checkboxes in CMake GUI to select. I choose one and click configure. CMake resets both the checkboxes to OFF (deselected). Understandably, because both are set to OFF every time CMake configures.
I would like the user be able choose only one option at a time. Based on the user selection, i configure rest of my project.
How can i make these variables mutually exclusive?
This looks like a single option that takes multiple values, rather then two separate unrelated options. Try:
set(YOURLIB_BUILD_WITH "NOTHING" CACHE STRING "build with that thing")

Xquery extracting property values from .properties file

I am currently trying to extract property values from my properties file, but am running into some problems. I can't test this in ML query console, because the properties file doesn't exist there. I am currently trying to grab the values of the file like this
let $port := #{#properties[""]}
I've also looked at
$uri as xs:string,
$property as xs:QName
however that is limited to .xml files I believe. Does anyone have a way/work-around of accessing these values? I can't seem to find one I've looked at some documentation on Marklogic's website, but can't seem to get anything to work. The way I was accessing before was in ruby, through monkey-patching allowing me to access those private fields.The problem with that is the ruby script I call is only called once, while my .xqy file is ran every minute that sends args to another function. I need to access those args from the properties file, right now I just have them hard-coded in. Any thoughts?
You cannot access deployment properties like that, but you can pass them along with deployment. If you create a new REST app with latest Roxy, you should get a copy of this config.xqy added to src/config/:
That file is treated specially when deployed to the modules database. Properties references are replaced inside there. In your case, add another variable, and give it a string value following the pattern:
declare variable $c:port := "";
You can then import the config lib, and use it in your code.
These so-called Deployer Substitutions are described in more detail on the Roxy wiki:

Configuration for PowerShell module created via .NET framework

What's the best practice when you have dependencies that you want to be able to configure when creating a PowerShell module in C#?
My specific scenario is that the PowerShell module I am creating via C# code will use a WCF service. Hence, the service's URL must be something that the clients can configure.
Is there a standard approach on this? Or will this be something that must be custom implemented?
A somewhat standard way to do this is to allow a value to be provided as a parameter or default to reading special variable via PSCmdlet's GetVariableValue. This is what the built-in Send-MailMessage cmdlet does. It reads the variable PSEmailServer if no server is provided.
I might not be understanding your question. So I'll posit a few scenarios:
You PS module will always use the same WCF endpoint. In that case you could hardcode the URL in the module
You have a limited number of endpoints to choose from, and there's some algorithm or best practice to associate an endpoint with a particular user, such as the closest geographically, based on the dept or division the user is in, etc.
It's completely up to the end user's preference to choose a URL.
For case #2, I suggest you implement the algorithm/best practice and save the result someplace - as part of the module install.
For case #3, using an environment variable seems reasonable, or a registry setting, or a file in one of the user's profile directories. Probably more important than where you persist the data though, is the interface you give users to change the setting. For example if you used an environment variable, it would be less friendly to tell the user to go to Control Panel, System, Advanced, Environment, User variable, New..., than to provide a simple PS function to change the URL. In fact I'd say providing a cmdlet/function to perform configuration is the closest to a "standard" I can think of.

In Emacs, is there a way to Call Interactive Function non-interactively from init.el?

Is it possible, in general, to call an interactive function from init.el, if it's parameters are known?
Let me give a concrete example: In the sql package, there is a interactive function sql-connect.
When invoked as
M-x sql-connect
it asks for Connection in the minibuffer. Answering
opens an SQL buffer with mysql prompt which it what I want.
I would like to start the connection in a SQL buffer on Emacs startup. But adding, in my init.el:
(sql-connect 'my-mysql-localhost-connection1)
does not do anything. Is what I am trying to achieve possible in this case, and for a general interactive function (which parameters are known)
In general:
Yes, and you can use repeat-complex-command (C-xM-:) after the interactive call to find out what the arguments ended up looking like. This is a useful approach to remember, because sometimes there are hidden manipulations in an interactive form which can transform the user's input into something different1.
That doesn't necessarily give you the best arguments to use in a non-interactive call (that will always be dependent on the function in question), but it's probably the best place to start if you're unsure how to translate the one to the other2.
1 align-regexp is a good example of this.
2 Assuming that you've at least read the docstring for the function in question -- it's not uncommon for a given interactive command to be the wrong thing to call in a non-interactive context, and the function help is usually good enough to point this out.
The answer to your general question is yes: you can invoke an interactive function from code, instead of using M-x.
Wrt your more specific question:
You should not need to call the function interactively (i.e., no need to use call-interactively) unless for some reason you really want to invoke it interactively for some reason (e.g., to prompt the user). ;-)
Just call it by supplying the necessary arguments, and you should be OK. IOW this should work:
(sql-connect 'my-mysql-localhost-connection1)
But the doc says that the CONNECTION arg must define actual connection settings, per sql-connection-alist. Check that my-mysql-localhost-connection1 does follow sql-connection-alist in defining connection settings properly so that the user is not prompted for any login parameters.