SSH tunnel not working - empty server response - ssh

I am trying to setup an SSH tunnel but I am new to this process. This is my setup:
Machine B has a web service with restricted access. Machine A has been granted access to Machine B's service, based on a firewall IP whitelist.
I can connect to Machine A using an ssh connection. After that I try to access the webservice on Machine B from my localhost, but I cannot.
The webservice endpoint looks like this:
So far, I have created an ssh tunnel like this:
ssh -L
My understanding was that using this approach, I could hit localhost:1234 and it would be forwarded to, through Machine B.
I have confirmed that from Machine B, I can execute a curl command to send a message to the webservice, and i get a response (so that is working). I have tried using PostMan in my browser, and curl in terminal from localhost, but I have been unsuccessful. (curl -X POST -d #test.xml localhost:1234/org/v1/sendData)
Error message: curl: (52) Empty reply from server
There's a lot of material on SSH and I am sifting through it, but if anyone has any pointers, I would really appreciate it!

Try to add Host HTTP header: curl -H "Host:" -X POST -d #test.xml http://localhost:1234/org/v1/sendData

The networking issue was caused by the request format. My request object was built with a destination of 'localhost:1234'. So even though it was reaching the proper machine, the machine ignored it.
To solve this I added a record in my host file, like this:
Then I was able send the message. First I opened the tunnel,
ssh -L,
Then using using this curl command: curl -X POST -d #test.xml
The host file causes the address to resolve to localhost, then the ssh tunnel knows to forward it on.


Can autossh be used to monitor "ssh -D" local dynamic port forwarding (SOCKS proxy)? If so, how? If not, alternatives?

When I'm teleworking, I need to access some internal web servers. I use ssh -f -N -D 4000 on my home computer to setup local dynamic port forwarding. Then, I configure my web browser to use localhost port 4000 as a SOCKS host, and everything works great, even with HTTPS.
The problem is that the proxy stops working every couple of days. When this happens, the ssh process prints messages like the following:
accept: Too many open files
In this scenario, I have to kill the ssh process and restart it in order to get it working again. Based on my research into this error message, I could increase the limit on the number of open files, but that doesn't seem like a permanent or an ideal solution.
I was hoping autossh might be able to monitor the connection and restart it automatically. Is that possible?
I have tried the following command:
autossh -f -M 0 -N -D 4000
But it didn't work. The proxy stopped working, and autossh did not restart it. Any suggestions or alternative solutions to automatically restarting my ssh proxy?

How to tunnel through a SINGLE PORT using sshuttle?

I can tunnel my whole network traffic using sshuttle by this simple following command (which digitalocean is my IP address and I have a public key, saved there):
sudo sshuttle --dns -r root#digitalocean -x digitalocean 0/0
I don't know how to make the sshuttle tunnel through one specific port (like 8800) so that I can access my local nearby server and use a browser (e.g. Firefox) tunnelled through that port: using a Manual proxy with localhost:8800 address.
I know that I can use the following command to tunnel my traffic through a specific port (like 8800), but as I don't have the password of this digitalocean server, I'm not able to use ssh to access it.
sudo ssh -N -D 8800 root#digitalocean
If anyone is still looking for similar things this is in fact very straightforward:
sshuttle --dns -r user#host:8800 0/0 -x host

Is it possible to create a proxy in Remote-SSH Visual Studio Code?

I need to connect via REMOTE-SSH in Visual Studio Code to a machine with ssh but from a specific machine in which I have previously connected through ssh to.
I can connect to the first machine with no problem, the problem is when I am logged in the first machine and I try to connect to the second it doesn't let me. I have been looking but what I can only find is examples showing how to connect only to one machine without passing through an other one.
Thanks to a partner, I have found a solution and it consists in changing a little bit the config file from ssh
As I am using VS Code in Windows and I wanted not to use netcat I've implemented the next command to create a proxy:
Host <target-machine-name>
HostName <target-machine-ip>
User <user>
ProxyCommand C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe -q -x <proxy-machine-name> -W %h:22
Hope it can help someone else with the same issue.
If you are using macOS and want to ssh to machine under socks proxy(, then you can use the below configuration:
ProxyCommand nc -X 5 -x %h %p
Port 2222
User YourName
If you are using http proxy or using Windows(Linux), go to check Connect with SSH through a proxy . Then replace the corresponding ProxyCommand.
Hope this could help you.

Connecting to Docker API with curl

I'm using Kitematic on a mac and I'm trying to connect to the docker events API using curl.
curl --no-buffer -XGET --unix-socket tcp:// http://events
curl: (7) Couldn't connect to server
However, it won't connect to the server. This connects:
telnet 2376
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
I also tried the Ruby Docker library that can successfully subscribe to the event stream.
The problem is
.. the curl command tries to connect to a --unix-socket, while you give a TCP socket when in fact you need to connect to a web daemon.
Try this
curl --no-buffer -XGET
That worked for me.

docker Mule-server curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer

This might just be my rookie knowledge of Docker,
but I can't get the networking to work.
I'm trying to run a Mule-server via the pr3d4t0r/mule repository.
I can run it, hot-swap applications but I can reach it.
I can run a local server without Docker, and it works flawlessly.
But not when I try it with Docker.
When I try to do a simple curl command I get "curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer"
curl http://localhost:8090/Sven
I have tried exposing the ports via -P and separately via -p 8090:8090 but no luck.
When the docker is running it blocks the ports (I tried running Docker and the normal server at the same time but the normal one said the ports where already in use).
When I try another Image like jboss/wildfly and I use -p 8080:8080 there's no problem, it works perfectly.
The application in the mule-server will log and respond a simple "hello World", the output says that the application is deployed, but no messages or logging while I try to reach it.
Any suggestions?
In my case it was actually the app that was configured incorrectly. It had localhost as host. It should have been without this it was acting only on localhost aka the docker container but not from outside of it.
You should not need to use -net=host.
So check if there's a configuration
In need set ip not
"curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer"
mean that no process in docker image listening to the port. Option -p is bind of port in host system and image.
-p <port in host os to be binded to>:<port in container>
So, check your image, maybe your app in container use different port and you need
-p 8080:8090
if you have this , comment or remove it, server.address=localhost in your