Splunk: How to grab certain section from result in splunk? - splunk

I am using this query in splunk search -
index="some_index" | dedup source | sort -source | dedup sourcetype | table sourcetype, source
My result shows like this -
sourcetype source
----------- --------------
dev_architecture_dev1 /u01/splunk/etc/apps/dev-data/data/dev1/dev1-20150629133045.log
dev_architecture_dev2 /u01/splunk/etc/apps/dev-data/data/dev2/dev2-20150626124438.log
I want to grab only the year, month, day, hour, min and sec right before ".log". e.g. 20150629133045.
And then display it like 2015-06-29 13:30:45 in the 'source' column.
Is there a way to do it in Splunk6?
Thanks for looking at the question. Hoping to get some answers.

Capture the data
| rex field=source ".*?(?<dt>\d+)\.log"
Parse into time
| eval dt = strptime(dt, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
Format however you need
| eval dt = strftime(dt, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| table sourcetype source dt


Regex count capture group members

I have multiple log messages each containing a list of JobIds -
IE -
1. `{"JobIds":["661ce07c-b5f3-4b37-8b4c-a0b76d890039","db7a18ae-ea59-4987-87d5-c80adefa4475"]}`
2. `{"JobIds":["661ce07c-b5f3-4b37-8b4c-a0b76d890040","db7a18ae-ea59-4987-87d5-c80adefa4489"]}`
3. `{"JobIds":["661ce07c-b5f3-4b37-8b4c-a0b76d890070"]}`
I have a rex to get those jobIds. Next I want to count the number of jobIds
My query looks like this -
| rex field=message "\"(?<job_ids>(?:\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+)+),?\""
| stats count(job_ids)
But this will only give me a count of 3 when I am looking for 5. How can I get a count of all jobIds? I am not sure if this is a splunk limitation or I am missing something in my regex.
Here is my regex - https://regex101.com/r/vqlq5j/1
Also with max-match=0 but with mvcount() instead of mvexpand():
| makeresults count=3 | streamstats count
| eval message=case(count=1, "{\"JobIds\":[\"a1a2a2-b23-b34-d4d4d4\", \"x1a2a2-y23-y34-z4z4z4\"]}", count=2, "{\"JobIds\":[\"a1a9a9-b93-b04-d4d4d4\", \"x1a9a9-y93-y34-z4z4z4\"]}", count=3, "{\"JobIds\":[\"a1a9a9-b93-b04-d14d14d14\"]}")
``` above is test data setup ```
``` below is the actual query ```
| rex field=message max_match=0 "\"(?<id>[\w\d]+\-[\w\d]+\-[\w\d]+\-[\w\d]+\")"
| eval cnt=mvcount(id)
| stats sum(cnt)
In Splunk, to capture multiple matches from a single event, you need to add max_match=0 to your rex, per docs.Splunk
But to get them then separated into a singlevalue field from the [potential] multivalue field job_ids that you made, you need to mvxepand or similar
So this should get you closer:
| rex field=message max_match=0 "\"(?<job_id>(?:\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+)+),?\""
| mvexpand job_id
| stats dc(job_id)
I also changed from count to dc, as it seems you're looking for a unique count of job IDs, and not just a count of how many in total you've seen
Note: if this is JSON data (and not JSON-inside-JSON) coming into Splunk, and the sourcetype is configured correctly, you shouldn't have to manually extract the multivalue field, as Splunk will do it automatically
Do you have a full set of sample data (a few entire events) you can share?

Splunk search - How to loop on multi values field

My use case is analysing ticket in order to attribute a state regarding all the status of a specific ticket.
Raw data look like this :
Event Time
Completed - Action Performed
Data looks like this after transaction command:
Event Time
0001, 0001
1, 1
New, Completed - Action Performed
2021-01-07T09:14:00Z, 2021-01-07T09:38:00Z
Acknowlegdement, Work
I'm using transcation command in order to calculate the duration of acknnowlegdement and resolution of the ticket.
I have predefine rule to choose the correct state. This rules compare the n-1 status (New), and the current status (Completed - Action Performed) to choose the state.
Each ticket has a different number of status. We can not know in advance the max status number. I can not write a static search comparing each value of the Status field.
Expected Solution
I have a field that inform me the number of index on the status (number of status of a ticket) field.
I want to use a loop (Why not a loop for), to iterate on each index of the field Status and compare the value i-1 and i.
I can not find how to do this. Is this possible ?
Thank you
Update to reflect more details
Here's a method with streamstats that should get you towards an answer:
index=ndx sourcetype=srctp Id=* Version=* Status=* EventTime=* state=*
| eval phash=sha256(Version.Status)
| sort 0 _time
| streamstats current=f last(phash) as chash by Id state
| fillnull value="noprev"
| eval changed=if(chash!=phash OR chash="noprev","true","false")
| search NOT changed="false"
| table *
original answer
Something like the following should work to get the most-recent status:
index=ndx sourcetype=srctp Id=* Version=* Status=* EventTime=* state=*
| stats latest(Status) as Status latest(Version) as Version latest(state) state latest(EventTime) as "Event Time" by Id
edit in light of mentioning g the transaction command
Don't use transaction unless you really really really need to.
99% of the time, stats will accomplish what transaction does faster and more efficiently.
For example:
index=ndx sourcetype=srctp Id=* Version=* Status=* EventTime=* state=*
| stats earliest(Status) as eStatus latest(Status) as lStatus earliest(Version) as eVersion latest(Version) as lVersion earliest(status) as estate latest(state) lstate earliest(EventTime) as Opened latest(EventTime) as MostRecent by Id
Will yield a table you can then manipulate further with eval and such. Eg (presuming the time format is subtractable (ie still in Unix epoch format)):
| eval ticketAge=MostRecent-Opened
| eval Versions=eVersion+" - "+lVersion
| eval Statuses=eStatus+" - "+lStatus
| eval State=estate+", ",lstate
| eval Opened=strftime(Opened,"%c"), MostRecent=strftime(MostRecent,"%c")
| eval D=if(ticketAge>86400,round(ticketAge/86400),0)
| eval ticketAge=if(D>0,round(ticketAge-(D*86400)),ticketAge)
| eval H=if(ticketAge>3600,round(ticketAge/3600),0)
| eval ticketAge=if(H>0,round(ticketAge-(H*3600)),ticketAge)
| eval M=if(ticketAge>60,round(ticketAge/60),0)
| eval ticketAge=if(M>0,round(ticketAge-(M*60)),ticketAge)
| rename ticketAge as S
| eval Age=D+" days "+H+" hours"+M+" minutes"+S+" seconds"
| table Id Versions Statuses Opened MostRecent State Age
| rename MostRecent as "Most Recent"
Note: I may have gotten the conversion from raw seconds into days, hours, minutes, seconds off - but it should be close

Fetching the result based on sourcetype

I have written a query to fetch the all java exception count wise in splunk. But this query fetch across all sourcetype.
java.*.*Exception NOT warn | rex "(?<rexexption>java*.*Exception)"| stats count by rexexption | table count,rexexption | sort count | reverse
Now I want all these exceptions per sourcetype wise.
Go to you splunk home\main page and click on data summary.
There you can see source , sourcetype and other fields. just select one sourcetype which you want to go for and edit your query.
Source => path where logs are stored
sourcetype => log files
if you know your sourcetype name then edit your search :
sourcetype = java_*log*.txt java.*.*Exception NOT warn | rex "(?<rexexption>java*.*Exception)"| stats count by rexexption | table count,rexexption | sort count | reverse

How to set different target values for different days in Splunk?

how can I change the target column in different target values you can see in the picture below.
How is it possible to set different values for the different days?
Result in Splunk with changes
| bin _time span=1d
| stats count by _time
| eval target = 1000
Using a lookup would be the best approach, as Rich said.
Alternatively, you could use a case statement, if the list is not going to be too long.
index=************* | bin _time span=1d | stats count by _time | eval target = case(
_time="2019-09-29",300 )

How to use rex command to extract two fields and chart the count for both in one search query?

I have a log statement like 2017-06-21 12:53:48,426 INFO transaction.TransactionManager.Info:181 -{"message":{"TransactionStatus":true,"TransactioName":"removeLockedUser-1498029828160"}} .
How can i extract TransactionName and TranscationStatus and print in table form TransactionName and its count.
I tried below query but didn't get any success. It is always giving me 0.
sourcetype= "TransactionStatus" | rex field=_raw ".TransactionStatus (?.)" |stats count((status=true)) as success_count
Solved it with this :
| makeresults
| eval _raw="2017-06-21 12:53:48,426 INFO transaction.TransactionManager.Info:181 -{\"message\":{\"TransactionStatus\":true,\"TransactioName\":\"removeLockedUser-1498029828160\"}}"
| rename COMMENT AS "Everything above generates sample event data; everything below is your solution"
| rex "{\"TransactionStatus\":(?[^,]),\"TransactioName\":\"(?[^\"])\""
| chart count OVER TransactioName BY TransactionStatus