Prestashop 1.5.6 Add New Product Page - prestashop

I am a developer but new to Prestashop (not really familiar with template because i am not a web developer but getting there..) but just helping my friend manage his website.
I checked the current version is 1.5.6 and am trying to add a new fieled in Product table and add another description input area in the following page.
I had a look at Product.php (classes > product.php), AdminProductsController.php (controllers > admin > adminproductscontroller.php) and Products.tpl (themes > uhu023v15 > products.tpl) but none of them seemed relevant to me. Not sure which files I need to modify. Please help.

You need go to
because this is backend template (product.tpl is frontend template and what customer see when view product)
there You will find
<td class="col-left">
{include file="controllers/products/multishop/checkbox.tpl" field="description_short" type="tinymce" multilang="true"}
<label>{l s='Short description:'}<br /></label>
<p class="product_description">({l s='Appears in the product list(s), and on the top of the product page.'})</p>
<td style="padding-bottom:5px;">
{include file="controllers/products/textarea_lang.tpl"
<p class="clear"></p>
**Your HERE** ;)
<td class="col-left">
{include file="controllers/products/multishop/checkbox.tpl" field="description" type="tinymce" multilang="true"}
<label>{l s='Description:'}<br /></label>
<p class="product_description">({l s='Appears in the body of the product page'})</p>
<td style="padding-bottom:5px;">
{include file="controllers/products/textarea_lang.tpl" languages=$languages
<p class="clear"></p>
From there You need to duplicate whole textarea block and find and duplicate according functions (not sure where)


Selenium XPath multiple selection

I want to find all elements in the table that match the following conditions:
-div text contains '2019';
-div class='excellent';
here is the HTML code excerpt:
<td>Name of Person1</td>
<div class="testDate">21/12/2019</div>
<div class="excellent"></div>
<td>Name of Person2</td>
<div class="testDate">01/12/2017</div>
I tried this solution:
but I need the year only and not entirely date.
Use the below xpath.
//tr/td[div[contains(.,'2019')]and div[#class='excellent']]

How to verify an image exists within a specific element using Robot Framework

I am trying to verify that a specific image exists on a webpage in a specific element. The image:
Has no unique id
Has no unique alt
The src attribute contains a query string I am trying to ignore
Appears multiple times on the page
I can't use Page Should Contain Image because it appears multiple times but I need to verify it appears in a specific table cell. The image src looks like this:
Here's the HTML surrounding the image:
<table id="mass_list" class="grid">
<th class="shrink align_center">Status</th>
<th class="shrink align_right">Submitted</th>
<th class="shrink">Submitted By</th>
<img src="https://{baseurl}/images/status_submitted.png?master_2017217_17-29" alt="Submitted" width="70" height="20" />
<td class="nowrap">
Automation Test 1488321180.7
<br />
<small class="mute">
<strong>0</strong> of <strong>2</strong> records processed
<td class="nowrap align_right">Yesterday at 4:33 PM</td>
<td class="nowrap">Tina Tester</td>
<img src="https://{baseurl}/images/status_submitted.png?master_2017217_17-29" alt="Submitted" width="70" height="20" />
<td class="nowrap">
Add an attribute
<br />
<small class="mute">
<strong>0</strong> of <strong>16</strong> records processed
<td class="nowrap align_right">Yesterday at 8:06 AM</td>
<td class="nowrap">Tina Tester</td>
I need to verify that just ${BaseUrl}/status_submitted.png exists on the page within a specific table cell or xpath location. How do I do this?
Given the example document this was a rather straight forward excersise for me using nothing more than Google Chrome itself. Put the contents of the example in a file with HTML/Body tags around it and then use the right-click inspect to inspect the element in the console. Right click again on the source tag and choose Copy>Xpath.
This will result in the following xPath: //*[#id="mass_list"]/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]/img where the first number tr[2]is the row, and the second number td[1] is the column.
A second approach is to look at the image tag itself and filter based on the file path location of the images with that src attribute: //img[contains(#src, "status_submitted.png")]

Phalcon: how to customize scaffold to generate a divs instead of a table?

I'm using the scaffold generator of phalcon
it generates table, below is an example of the generated code:
<td align="right">
<label for="id_media">Id Of Media</label>
<td align="left">
{{ text_field("id_media", "type" : "numeric") }}
My question is how to customize the generating process to have a form, with divs instead of a table.
That's possible by modifying the following, depending on your need
Modify the views' files in phalcon-tools/templates/scaffold/no-forms/views
Modify the scaffold.php in /phalcon-tools/scripts/Phalcon/Builder/Scaffold.php

Disabling many drop down list all at once using javascript

<table align="center" border="0" id="typeTable" >
<%for(int i=1;i<=count;i++){%>
<tr id="a">
<td align="left" valign="top">
<p>Problem Type <%=i+1 %></p>
</td >
<td align="left" valign="middle">
<p>Number of question to generate: </p>
<td align="left" valign="middle" >
<select name="type<%=i %>" id="mySelect" >
<input type="hidden" name="totalNumOfType" value="<%=count%>"/>
Hi, I have the code above to do a for loop for the table row when I get a count from the database to show how many types of problems in math topic.
The drop down menu list name I have put the int I for the name to have each row an individual name so that I can pass the value of each drop down list selected to the next page which I can do successfully.
The issue now is I have problem disabling all the drop down menu list at onece using the javascript as it will not know how many count there will be.
I have used the following code to disable the drop down menu for example.
<script type="text/javascript">
function disable()
function enable()
I have been thinking but no avail. any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
did you tryed jquery prop function : $("#mySelect").prop("disabled",true) ?

Unable to find element with css selector

Using Selenium Webdriver for FF/IE using C# (.Net)
Below is my page source and I am trying to use the CssSelector to find/contains the particular name from my page and i have tried with the below code but resulting in error, any help?
driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("td:contains('John John')"))
e {"Unable to find element with css selector == td:contains('John John')"} System.Exception {OpenQA.Selenium.NoSuchElementException}
//my html code:
<div id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_AddeCardControl1_gv_ctl01_RecordCount" style="float:right; padding-right:10px; margin-top:3px;">
<b>308</b> Items Found
<tr class="item">
<td align="center">Edit</td>
<td align="center" style="width:15px;"></td>
<td>John John</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td><img src="check.png" alt='Active' style='display: ;' /></td>
<td>9/7/2012 11:15:08 PM</td>
<tr class="altItem">
<td align="center">Edit</td>
<td align="center" style="width:15px;"></td>
<td>John Schulz</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td><img src="check.png" alt='Active' style='display: ;' /></td>
<td>9/7/2012 6:28:29 PM</td>
<tr class="item">
<td align="center">Edit</td>
<td align="center" style="width:15px;"></td>
<td>Parker Smith</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td><img src="check.png" alt='Active' style='display: ;' /></td>
<td>9/7/2012 6:01:28 PM</td>
<tr class="altItem">
<td align="center">Edit</td>
<td align="center" style="width:15px;"></td>
<td>Test 123</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td><img src="check.png" alt='Active' style='display: ;' /></td>
<td>9/7/2012 1:36:45 PM</td>
<tr class="item">
<td align="center">Edit</td>
<td align="center" style="width:15px;">
The :contains pseudoselector is not part of the W3C CSS Selector standard. As such, browsers do not support selecting elements using it. Some JavaScript CSS selector engines (Sizzle, the engine used by jQuery, for example) provide a :contains pseudoselector, but its presence cannot be relied on.
If you must find an element by the text contents of the element, your only solution at this point is to use XPath. A (very poorly performing) example of how to find this in your case would be as follows:
IWebElement element = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//td[contains(., 'John John')"));
Note that a better solution will always be to have the application you're automating have proper IDs for the elements you need to find. You should be using text to find elements only as a last resort.
You can try this
var webElements = (Driver.FindElements(By.XPath(elementXpath))).ToList();
webElements.FindIndex(item => item.Text.Contains("John John").Click()
where "elementXpath" is path to each cell in table "names". So you get the list of names and then just find a match. You'll get your item clicked.
You may have better luck using the javascript executor to click the element. I am using a very slow IE9 64bit emulator and it seems the only way to click on certain buttons is to use the javascript executor.
CSS selectors aren't very useful here, because CSS selectors work on the html structure i.e. type, relationship and attributes of web elements; they don't work well on the html content, which in this case is the internal text content 'John John'.
But, xpath will work for this job. The function you need is text() which returns the element's inner text content:
//td[text()='John John']
So your webdriver code should look like this:
driver.FindElement(By.xpath("//td[text()='John John']"));
P.S. All locators verified using Firepath in firefox.
You can use the below code:
driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//td[contains(text(), 'John John')"));