RavenDB Transformer Include List of documents - ravendb

I am kind of stuck on using the include with a RavenDB Transformer. Say I have the following document classes:
public class Processor
public string Id { get; set; }
// other properties
public class Job
public string Id { get; set; }
public string ProcessorId { get; set; }
// other properties
Hers is my view model:
public class ProcessorStatsViewModel
public string Id { get; set; }
public int JobCount { get; set; }
// other properties
In my tranformer I would like to query the Processors Document Store and do an include on the Jobs Store looking for every job with a matching Processor ID. All of the search results I found describe how to do this when the Processor class has the list of JobId's. Is there a way to do this in RavenDB?
The transformer I would like could look something like:
public Processors_StatsViewModel()
TransformerResults = procs =>
from p in procs
let jobs = Include<Jobs>(p.Id) // how can i specify something like where p.Id == j.ProcessorId ?
select new
JobCount = jobs.Count
// other stuff
All of the Transformer LoadDocument, Include, and Recurse methods expect the class being queried to have a list reference ID's but in my case in need the opposite.
Is this something I can even do in RavenDB or am I missing something?

You can not do what you want to do with only a transformer and your current domain model. If the processors did indeed know about its jobs you could do this with a transformer kind of like the one you have.
However, you can achieve something similar with a Map/Reduce index and then a Transformer over the result of the Map/Reduce index. It all depends on what "other stuff" you want to present, but this is a way to get all Processes and its job count and then adding more information with a transformer:
Map/Reduce index to get job count by processor:
public class Jobs_ByProcessor : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Job, Jobs_ByProcessor.ReduceResult>
public class ReduceResult
public string ProcessorId { get; set; }
public int JobCount { get; set; }
public Jobs_ByProcessor()
Map = jobs => from job in jobs
select new ReduceResult
ProcessorId = job.ProcessorId,
JobCount = 1
Reduce = results => from result in results
group result by result.ProcessorId
into g
select new
ProcessorId = g.Key,
JobCount = g.Sum(x => x.JobCount)
public class ProcessorJobTransformer : AbstractTransformerCreationTask<Jobs_ByProcessor.ReduceResult>
public ProcessorJobTransformer()
TransformResults = results => from result in results
let processor = LoadDocument<Processor>(result.ProcessorId)
select new
Id = result.ProcessorId,
Name = processor.Name,
JobCount = result.JobCount
This would give you a result like this:
Id and JobCount comes from the Reduce result of the index and the Name comes from the Transformer (via LoadDocument).
However, if you need this results but more information from the Job document, you might have to go a different route entirely.
Hope this helps!


Query entries by nested collection elements in RavenDB

I'm new to RavenDB and I'm struggling with this simple (i guess) issue.
I have a Subscriber with a collection of Subscriptions. And I want to make search by Subscription's fields, and return related Subscriber.
Here are simplified class examples:
public class Subscriber
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
public List<Subscription> Subscriptions { get; set; }
public class Subscription
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string EventType { get; set; }
I've tried to make an index, as it is said in RavenDB docs:
public class Subscriber_BySubscription : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Subscriber>
public Subscriber_BySubscription()
Map = subscribers => from subscriber in subscribers
from subscription in subscriber.Subscriptions
select new
But I'm not sure that this is what I need, since query by collection using Select and Contains doesn't work. Moreover, the code looks so ugly that I feel that this is not the way how it should be.
So, I'd like to query Subscriptions by EventType, and have corresponding Subscriber as a result. In LINQ it would look like this: subscribers.Where(x => x.Subscriptions.Select(c => c.EventType).Contains(myEventType))
Managed to do it. Here is the right index:
public class Subscriber_BySubscription : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Subscriber>
public class Result
public string EventType { get; set; }
public Subscriber_BySubscription()
Map = subscribers => from subscriber in subscribers
from subscription in subscriber.Subscriptions
select new
And that's how it should be used:
var results = uow.Session
.Query<Subscriber_BySubscription.Result, Subscriber_BySubscription>()
.Where(x => x.EventType == eventType)

Sorting on nested Id property

Let's say we have a document like this
public class Event
public string Id { get; set; }
public EntityDescriptor Venue { get; set; }
// Other properties omitted for simplicity
public class EntityDescriptor
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
And an index like this
public class Events : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Event>
public Events()
Map = items => from e in items
select new
Venue_Id = e.Venue.Id,
Venue_Name = e.Venue.Name
When trying to sort on Event.Venue.Id
session.Query<Event, Events>().Take(10).OrderBy(e => e.Venue.Id).ToArray();
the sent request is
Is this by design or a bug?
PS: OrderBy(e => e.Venue.Name) works as expected (sort=Venue_Name).
It's not a bug. __document_id is the special known field containing the ID of the document. It's there regardless of whether you have an .Id property.
I misread your question. This indeed appears to be a bug. I recommend you send a simple repro case to the Raven forum and let them know which RavenDB version you're using.

One-to-Many relationship with ORMLite

The only examples I can find addressing this sort of scenario are pretty old, and I'm wondering what the best way is to do this with the latest version of ORMLite...
Say I have two tables (simplified):
public class Patient
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class Insurance
public int Id { get; set; }
public int PatientId { get; set; }
public string Policy { get; set; }
public string Level { get; set; }
Patients can have multiple Insurance policies at different "levels" (primary, secondary, etc). I understand the concept of blobbing the insurance information as a Dictionary type object and adding it directly to the [Patient] POCO like this:
public class Patient
public Patient() {
this.Insurances = new Dictionary<string, Insurance>(); // "string" would be the Level, could be set as an Enum...
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, Insurance> Insurances { get; set; }
public class Insurance
public string Policy { get; set; }
...but I need the insurance information to exist in the database as a separate table for use in reporting later.
I know I can join those tables in ORMLite, or create a joined View/Stored Proc in SQL to return the data, but it will obviously return multiple rows for the same Patient.
SELECT Pat.Name, Ins.Policy, Ins.Level
FROM Patient AS Pat JOIN
Insurance AS Ins ON Pat.PatientId = Ins.PatientId
How can I map that into a single JSON response object?
I'd like to be able to map a GET request to "/patients/1234" to return a JSON object like:
I don't have a lot of hope in this being do-able in a single query. Can it be done in two (one on the Patient table, and a second on the Insurance table)? How would the results of each query be added to the same response object in this nested fashion?
Thanks a ton for any help on this!
Update - 4/29/14
Here's where I'm at...In the "Patient" POCO, I have added the following:
public class Patient
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Insurance> Insurances { get; set; } // ADDED
Then, when I want to return a patient with multiple Insurances, I do two queries:
var patientResult = dbConn.Select<Patient>("PatientId = " + request.PatientId);
List<Insurance> insurances = new List<Insurance>();
var insuranceResults = dbConn.Select<Insurance>("PatientId = " + patientResult[0].PatientId);
foreach (patientInsurance pi in insuranceResults)
patientResult[0].Insurances = insurances;
patientResult[0].Message = "Success";
return patientResult;
This works! I get nice JSON with nested items for Insurances while maintaining separate related tables in the db.
What I don't like is that this object cannot be passed back and forth to the database. That is, I can't use the same nested object to automatically insert/update both the Patient and InsurancePolicy tables at the same time. If I remove the "[Ignore]" decorator, I get a field in the Patient table called "Insurances" of type varchar(max). No good, right?
I guess I'm going to need to write some additional code for my PUT/POST methods to extract the "Insurances" node from the JSON, iterate over it, and use each Insurance object to update the database? I'm just hoping I'm not re-inventing the wheel here or doing a ton more work than is necessary.
Comments would still be appreciated! Is Mythz on? :-) Thanks...
An alternate more succinct example:
public void Put(CreatePatient request)
var patient = new Patient
Name = request.Name,
Insurances = request.Insurances.Map(x =>
new Insurance { Policy = i.Policy, Level = i.Level })
db.Save<Patient>(patient, references:true);
References are here to save the day!
public class Patient
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Insurance> Insurances { get; set; }
public class Insurance
public int Id { get; set; }
public int PatientId { get; set; }
public string Policy { get; set; }
public string Level { get; set; }
I can then take a JSON request with a nested "Insurance" array like this:
...to create a new record and save it like this:
public bool Put(CreatePatient request)
List<Insurance> insurances = new List<Insurance>();
foreach (Insurance i in request.Insurances)
insurances.Add(new Insurance
Policy = i.Policy,
Level = i.Level
var patient = new Patient
Name = request.Name,
Insurances = insurances
db.Save<Patient>(patient, references:true);
return true;
Bingo! I get the new Patient record, plus 2 new records in the Insurance table with correct foreign key references back to the PatientId that was just created. This is amazing!
First you should define a foreign collection in Patient class. (with get and set methods)
private Collection<Insurance> insurances;
When you query for a patient, you can get its insurances by calling getInsurances method.
To convert all into a single json object with arrays inside you can use a json processor. I use Jackson (https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson) and it works very well. Below will give you json object as a string.
new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(patientObject);
To correctly map foreign fields you should define jackson references. In your patient class add a managed reference.
private Collection<Insurance> insurances;
In your insurance class add a back reference.
private Patient patient;
You can use Jackson to generate objects from json string then iterate and update/create database rows.
objectMapper.readValue(jsonString, Patient.class);

RavenDb Select() downcasts instead of selecting the neccessary fields

public class PersonBrief
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Picture { get; set; }
public PersonBrief(Person person)
Id = person.Id;
Picture = person.Picture;
public class Person : PersonBrief
public string FullName { get; set; }
var results = session.Query<Person>()
.Select(x => new PersonBrief(x))
Assert.IsNull(results[0] as Person); // Fails
Is this a bug? If not, what would be the correct way to select only the fields i'm interested in?
It would work if you move the .ToList before the .Select, but that would be doing the work on the client.
If you want to do it on the server, you need to use As in your query, and you need a static index that does a TransformResults. See these docs.

Transformations Filter

I have the following Map / Transform
public class PositionSearch : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Employer>
public PositionSearch()
Map = employers =>
from employer in employers
from position in employer.Positions
select new
EmployerName = employer.Name,
SearchSkills = position.RequiredSkills
.Select(x => x.Skill)
TransformResults = (database, results) =>
from result in results
from position in result.Positions
select new
EmployerId = result.Id,
EmployerName = result.Name,
PositionId = position.Id,
PositionTitle = position.Title,
RequiredSkills = position.RequiredSkills
.Select(x => new { x.Skill, x.Proficiency })
// Any field you are going to use .Search() on should be analyzed.
Index("SearchSkills", FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
I have an employer object with two positions, each with a single skill, "NH" and "MVC"
When I execute the following query I'm getting two position results returned, when I expected one.
Can anyone tell me why this is behaving this way? I've got a feeling it's something to do with a join i'm performing, but I'm not sure.
using (var session = DocumentStore.OpenSession())
var results = session.Query<PositionSearchResultModel, PositionSearch>()
.Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResults())
.Search(x => x.SearchSkills, "NH")
Assert.AreEqual(1, results.Count());
I'm wanting to use transform so that I can access the Temp-Index-Score meta data for ordering, I've been unable to access the meta data without a transform so far.
You are indexing the Employer document. The search found a document that contained the skill in question, and then you asked to transform the document.
The way you had it before is projecting from the index, which is the only way you are going to get the specific position found as part of your results.
I really think you would be happier with Position as it's own document...
public class Employer
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class Position
public string Id { get; set; }
public string EmployerId { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public ICollection<SkillProficiency> RequiredSkills { get; set; }
This may seem more relational in thinking, but it works just fine in RavenDB, and it will be much easier to query than what you are doing now.