I have maven run configuration, where I call:
liquibase:rollback -Dliquibase.rollbackCount=1 -Dliquibase.clearCheckSums=true
Is there any way to display some popup to provide for instance rollbackCount before running the configuration itself instead of editing the configuration?
IntelliJ itself can't prompt you for commandline parameters. But you can achieve this with a workaround:
1) Create a .bat file that prompts you for an input and creates a simple properties file (assuming you're using windows)
#echo off
set /p id="ID: "
echo liquibase.rollbackCount=%id% > config.properties
2) Load the properties file from maven. This uses the properties plugin for maven. If you're already using the plugin the dependency must not be inserted.
3) Execute the bat before running maven
Edit your run configuration
Add "External Tool" to "Before Launch"
Set Working directory to: $ProjectFileDir$ and Program to your .bat file
When running the program in IntelliJ a commandline should now open with the batch file asking for the ID. Then the properties file will be written, maven executes and loads that file.
Try this:
configure your Maven job in the "Run/Debug Configurations" dialog
set the checkbox Show this page as shown in my screenshot
when you call the run configuration, a dialog appears and it should be possible to edit the field command line or something else
No I don't think there is, but you can duplicate a configuration quite easily using the 'Copy Configuration' button and then have a few similar ones with just the changes you want.
I would like to know if it is possible to set up a rule that marks a generated sources folder as generated sources root in Intellij Idea automatically.
Usually, Intellij detects the target/generated-sources directory as generated sources. My problem is that I also need it to automatically recognize the directory target/generated as generated sources, which Intellij never did in my case.
This is because of a maven plugin that I use for generating code from XSD schema:
For some reason, this plugin generates code into the target/generated directory, and not into the target/generates-sources, of which I read that it is the convention and the default from many points of view.
I've tried searching on the web with similar keywords like in the title, but this was the closest solution to what I wanted to achieve. And even this solution doesn't solve my problem because Intellij doesn't allow setting some path patterns; it only offers a few options that don't include target/generated directory.
Another solution suggests changing the target output, which I can't do in every single project I work on; that is not a solution either.
This is important to me because I work with many projects, and sometimes when my code builds with maven but doesn't compile with Intellij I forget to check whether I marked all the generated folders as sources, or I don't even know there are generated sources in the project.
Does someone know a way I can achieve that Intellij automatically detects source files in target/generated directory?
I got a liferay-portlet-project with a sample application/portlet that I want to become an archetype. Inside the project there is a folder containing two *.launch files to redeploy the webapp. Both have the following line which I have trouble with:
<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.WORKING_DIRECTORY" value="${workspace_loc:/rawportlet}"/>
where "rawportlet" is the project's name. If I change it manually to ${artifactId} this variable is not resolved when using the archetype to create a project. Resolving this variable during project-generation would be nice.
Is there a way to achieve this? Or a workaround? Thanks in advance for your help.
Workaround: write a maven goal that the user can run after using the archetype. So the steps would be (for example):
generate project from archetype
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local
do some post-generation cleanup (execute in project's base dir)
mvn antrun:run
So my code for this is in "pom.xml" in the archetype:
<replace token= "rawportlet" value="${artifactId}" dir="runConfigs">
<include name="**/*.launch"/>
The "runConfigs" directory is where the *.launch files are stored.
Credits to:
Full search and replace of strings in source files when copying resources
Maven, configure specific goal
I have this same problem, and I used a different solution that works okay (but isn't perfect either).
Use value="${workspace_loc}/${artifactId}" in your launch config.
This will work as long as people do an archetype:gen at the workspace root. This works better for me than the selected answer because running that post processing requires another launch configuration (which somewhat defeats the whole purpose).
I am using the maven release plugin. Problem is simple: I don't want to do a deploy on release:perform. I actually want to execute a shell script that will do the deploy for me. So I have two things to accomplish:
Somehow disable the default "deploy" goal from release:perform
Somehow make release:perform call the exec:exec plugin to execute a shell script
Here is my pom:
A little late, but for reference:
For your step 1, you can disable the maven deploy step by using the "skip" option. Click here for reference.
On the commandline you could call something like:
mvn release:perform -Darguments="-Dmaven.deploy.skip=true"
I am using the maven release plugin. Problem is simple: I don't want to do a deploy on release:perform. I actually want to execute a shell script that will do the deploy for me.
I must be missing something because when I read this, I don't see the point of the script... But let's just say I don't get it.
Somehow disable the default "deploy" goal from release:perform
According to the documentation of release:perform, you can use the optional goals parameter to specify:
A space separated list of goals to execute on deployment. Default value is either deploy or deploy site-deploy, if the project has a <distributionManagement>/<site> element.
You could maybe use install instead of deploy.
Somehow make release:perform call the exec:exec plugin to execute a shell script
Bind it on install in a profile activated during release. Here is one way to do this:
<!-- Profile used when the release plugin executes. -->
<!-- This property is automatically defined by the Maven release plugin when executing
a release. Thus this profile will be automatically enabled when releasing -->
But honestly, there is something weird with your request. Maybe giving more details would help.
Updated to (hopefully) clarify: If a goal is defined to run during a given phase, is it possible to run the individual goal without running thru all phases. In other words would it be possible to run the antrun:run goal (which is defined as part of the install phase below) without getting dependencies, generate-resources, compiling, testing, package, etc?
I'm using the antrun plugin to create a zip file during the package phase and to delete and copy some files during the install phase. I understand how to run single maven plugin goals, for example: mvn antrun:run. However, is there a way to run a specific execution's goal? Something like mvn antrun:run:execution-id, or mvn phase:antrun:run?
Basically, I'd be nice if I can tell maven to do nothing else but run the ant tasks defined below inside the deploy phase, for example. It's kind of tedious having to wait for maven to go thru all the phases just to check if the ant tasks in the deploy phase are working correctly.
<!-- create zip file -->
...create zip...
<!-- do some other stuff -->
...delete some files, copy some files ...
In other words would it be possible to run the antrun:run goal (which is defined as part of the install phase below) without getting dependencies, generate-resources, compiling, testing, package, etc?
No it's not. While you can configure a plugin (with a <configuration> section under the <plugin> element) and call in on the command line, you can't invoke a specific executionid (and consequently the <configuration> specific to an <execution>).
The only solution in your case would be to declare the antrun plugin in a profile, let's say my-profile, to duplicate the following part of the configuration to configure the plugin in this profile:
... delete some files, copy some files ...
and to call with the right active profile:
mvn antrun:run -Pmy-profile
Try the exec maven plugin...
For ex:
When you run jboss with maven, you can't see the jboss console output, but I need it to display, so what I did is I wrote a java file that reads in server.log(the server console output) as it changes to display the changes so it appears that jboss console is actually showing(a bit hack-ish but working). So I come to the point of answering your question, during the pre-integration-test I executed a java goal which starts my java program. Here is how , using execute plugin of course :
You just run the install and it executes during the pre-integration-test, however if you just want to execute something like java, use the execute plugin. Sorry if the answer not appropriate, I didn't have the patience to read your question in details, my work hours are over .. cheers
I have a multi-module project and I want to deploy on the project's site an HTML version of my source code using the JXR maven plugin.
The problem is that the JXR plugin runs well, the XREF folder is properly generated for each of my module, but when I use the mvn site:stage command in order to retrieve all the project's site content and to have all link properly generated it does not retrieve the XREF folders.
Here is an extract of my POM file where the JXR plugin is configured:
Here is the command I use to create and stage my site:
mvn site site:stage
Do you guys have any idea?
Thanks in advance.
Not sure this is relevant, but your command is running the site twice, mvn site will generate the site, and site:stage will also run the site, perhaps this is causing problems but I honestly can't see why.
Looking at the JXR documentation, it only mentions the site:site goal, I can't see why it wouldn't be run properly for the site:stage goal as it extends it. If you run the site goal, then copy the output to another directory, run the site:stage goal and compare the output it might give some insight into the problem.
Update: I tried this myself and the xref was included and aggregated nicely in c:\test\stage with the cross references correctly managed. I've included the configuration I used.
In my parent pom I defined the site configuration like this:
The distributionManagement section was configured with the site information (not really needed as I set the stagingDirectory above, but the goal won't run without it).
<name>Mojo Website</name>
My JXR configuration in the parent pom was as follows:
The commandline run was mvn clean site:stage
Edit: Per the comments, there is a codehaus jxr plugin with slightly different semantics. Be sure to use the org.apache.maven.plugins version rather than the org.codehaus.mojo version.