How can I prevent SQL injection? - sql

I have the following code where the user is prompted to enter his username and password in a form. The username and password are checked with the database and if correct the user is logged in. However this code can be easily SQL injected for example by typing:
UserName = 'x' and UserPwd = 'x' or 'x'
Can someone help me to modify the code to prevent SQL injection. Here is the code:
// ----- GLOBALS DECLARATIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
var CKEDir = "ckeditor/";
var DB = Server.MapPath("DB/CMS.MDB");
// ----- GENERAL PURPOSE FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Uses regular expressions to change all single quotes in a string to the HTML
// entity ' and replaces all carriage return and newline characters to spaces.
// This ensures that the string can be incorporated in a SQL statement.
function cleanString(s) {
s = s.replace(/'/g, "'"); // SO syntax fix '
s = s.replace(/[\r\n]/g,' ');
return s;
// ----- DATABASE FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creates a connection to the database named in the parameter,
function getDBConnection() {
var DBCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");
var DBasePath = DB;
var ConStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" + DBasePath + ";Persist Security Info=False";
return DBCon;
// Increments counter for current page (as identified by global variable PageID) in
// table Counters, and returns a string indicating number of times page was accessed.
function getAccess() {
var msg = '';
if (PageID) {
var DBConn = getDBConnection();
var Td = new Date();
var SQL = "SELECT * FROM Counters WHERE PageID=" + PageID ;
var RS = DBConn.Execute(SQL);
// Page counter does not yet exist - create it.
if (RS.Eof)
var AccessCount=1;
var AccessSince = new Date();
SQL="INSERT into Counters ([PageID]) VALUES ("+PageID+")";
// Page counter exists, increment it.
var AccessCount=RS("Hits")+1;
var AccessSince=RS("Created").value;
SQL="UPDATE Counters SET [Hits]="+AccessCount+" WHERE [PageID]="+PageID;
RS = DBConn.Execute(SQL)
msg = AccessCount + " visits since " + AccessSince;
return msg;
// ----- LOGGING IN AND OUT FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns true if user is logged in.
function isLoggedIn() {
return Session("UserID");
// Checks given name and password in users database.
// No validation on the user input is performed, so this function is
// susceptible to SQL injection attacks.
function logInUser(name,pwd) {
var DBConn = getDBConnection();
var SQL = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserName = '" + name + "' and UserPwd = '" + pwd + "'";
var RS = DBConn.Execute(SQL);
var valid = !RS.Eof;
if (valid) {
Session("UserID") = RS("UserID").value;
Session("UserName") = RS("UserName").value;
Session("UserFullName") = RS("UserFirstName").value + ' ' + RS("UserLastName").value;
return valid;
// Logs out current user.
function logOutUser() {
Session("UserID") = 0;
// Returns full name of currently logged in user if any.
function loggedInUser() {
var msg = '';
if (Session("UserID")) msg = Session("UserFullName");
return msg;
// Returns true if current user can edit content.
// Currently allows any authenticated user to edit content.
function inEditMode() {
return isLoggedIn();

Use parameterized queries. It prevents the SQL injections.
Click here for more documentation
It will prevent the SQL string being hijacked by malicious input.
Good luck!


Passing Variables into Dapper are query parameters... "A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected

Ok , I"m doing what looks like a simple Dapper query
but if I pass in my studId parameter, it blows up with this low level networking exception:
{"A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied."}
if I comment out the line of sql that uses it, fix the where clause, ,and comment out the line where it's added the the parameters object. It retrieves rows as expected.
I've spent the last 2.5 days trying everything I could think of, changing the names to match common naming patterns, changing type to a string (just gave a error converting string to number), yadda yadda yadda..
I'm at a complete loss as to why it doesn't like that parameter, I look at other code that works and they pass Id's just fine...
At this point I figure it has to be an ID-10-t that's staring me in the face and I'm just assuming my way right past it with out seeing it.
Any help is appreciated
public List<StudDistLearnSchedRawResponse> GetStudDistanceLearningScheduleRaw( StudDistLearnSchedQueryParam inputs )
var aseSqlConnectionString = Configuration.GetConnectionString( "SybaseDBDapper" );
string mainSql = " SELECT " +
" enrollment.stud_id, " +
" sched_start_dt, " +
" sched_end_dt, " +
" code.code_desc, " +
" student_schedule_dl.enrtype_id, " +
" student_schedule_dl.stud_sched_dl_id, " +
" dl_correspond_cd, " +
" course.course_name, " +
" stud_course_sched_dl.sched_hours, " +
" actual_hours, " +
" course_comments as staff_remarks, " + // note this column rename - EWB
" stud_course_sched_dl.sched_item_id , " +
" stud_course_sched_dl.stud_course_sched_dl_id " +
" from stud_course_sched_dl " +
" join student_schedule_dl on student_schedule_dl.stud_sched_dl_id = stud_course_sched_dl.stud_sched_dl_id " +
" join course on stud_course_sched_dl.sched_item_id = course.sched_item_id " +
" left join code on student_schedule_dl.dl_correspond_cd = code.code_id " +
" join enrollment_type on student_schedule_dl.enrtype_id = enrollment_type.enrtype_id " +
" join enrollment on enrollment_type.enr_id = enrollment.enr_id " +
" where enrollment.stud_id = #studId " +
" and sched_start_dt >= #startOfWeek" +
" and sched_end_dt <= #startOfNextWeek";
//string sql = query.ToString();
DateTime? startOfWeek = StartOfWeek( inputs.weekStartDateTime, DayOfWeek.Monday );
DateTime? startOfNextWeek = StartOfWeek( inputs.weekStartDateTime.Value.AddDays( 7 ) , DayOfWeek.Monday );
using ( IDbConnection db = new AseConnection( aseSqlConnectionString ) )
var arguments = new
studId = inputs.StudId, // it chokes and gives a low level networking error - EWB
startOfWeek = startOfWeek.Value.ToShortDateString(),
startOfNextWeek = startOfNextWeek.Value.ToShortDateString(),
List<StudDistLearnSchedRawResponse> list = new List<StudDistLearnSchedRawResponse>();
list = db.Query<StudDistLearnSchedRawResponse>( mainSql, arguments ).ToList();
return list;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
Here is the input object
public class StudDistLearnSchedQueryParam
public Int64 StudId;
public DateTime? weekStartDateTime;
Here is the dapper tools object which just abstracts some ugly code to look nicer.
namespace EricSandboxVue.Utilities
public interface IDapperTools
string ASEConnectionString { get; }
AseConnection _aseconnection { get; }
void ReportSqlError( ILogger DalLog, string sql, Exception errorFound );
void DapperCustomMapping< T >( );
public class DapperTools : IDapperTools
public readonly string _aseconnectionString;
public string ASEConnectionString => _aseconnectionString;
public AseConnection _aseconnection
return new AseConnection( _aseconnectionString );
public DapperTools( )
_aseconnectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "EIS_ASESQL_CONNECTIONSTRING" );
public void ReportSqlError( ILogger DalLog, string sql, Exception errorFound )
DalLog.LogError( "Error in Sql" );
DalLog.LogError( errorFound.Message );
//if (env.IsDevelopment())
DalLog.LogError( sql );
throw errorFound;
public void DapperCustomMapping< T >( )
// custom mapping
var map = new CustomPropertyTypeMap(
typeof( T ),
( type, columnName ) => type.GetProperties( ).FirstOrDefault( prop => GetDescriptionFromAttribute( prop ) == columnName )
SqlMapper.SetTypeMap( typeof( T ), map );
private string GetDescriptionFromAttribute( System.Reflection.MemberInfo member )
if ( member == null ) return null;
var attrib = (Dapper.ColumnAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( member, typeof(Dapper.ColumnAttribute), false );
return attrib == null ? null : attrib.Name;
If I change the SQL string building to this(below), but leave everything else the same(Including StudId in the args struct)... it doesn't crash and retrieves rows, so it's clearly about the substitution of #studId...
// " where enrollment.stud_id = #studId " +
" where sched_start_dt >= #startOfWeek" +
" and sched_end_dt <= #startOfNextWeek";
You name your data members wrong. I had no idea starting a variable name with # was possible.
The problem is here:
var arguments = new
#studId = inputs.StudId, // it chokes and gives a low level networking error - EWB
#startOfWeek = startOfWeek.Value.ToShortDateString(),
#startOfNextWeek = startOfNextWeek.Value.ToShortDateString(),
It should have been:
var arguments = new
studId = inputs.StudId, // it chokes and gives a low level networking error - EWB
startOfWeek = startOfWeek.Value.ToShortDateString(),
startOfNextWeek = startOfNextWeek.Value.ToShortDateString(),
The # is just a hint to Dapper, that it should replace with a corresponding member name.
## has special meaning in some SQL dialects, that's probably what makes the trouble.
So here's what I Found out.
The Sybase implementation has a hard time with Arguments.
It especially has a hard time with arguments of type int64 (this existed way pre .NetCore)
So If you change the type of the passed in argument from int64 to int32, everything works fine.
You can cast it, or just change the type of the method parameter

Cannot add row without complete selection of batch/serial numbers

ERROR: (-4014) Cannot add row without complete selection of batch/serial numbers.
The default function of DI API SaveDraftToDocument() is working fine on MS SQL Database but not SAP HANA.
I am posting the Delivery document with Serial Numbers.
SAPbobsCOM.Documents oDrafts;
oDrafts = (SAPbobsCOM.Documents)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oDrafts);
var count = oDrafts.Lines.Count;
var linenum = oDrafts.Lines.LineNum;
var RsRecordCount = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset);
var sQryRecordCount = String.Format("Select * from \"SANTEXDBADDON\".\"#TEMPITEMDETAILS\" where \"U_DraftNo\" = '{0}'", EditText27.Value);
if (count == RsRecordCount.RecordCount)
string ItemCode = "", WhsCode = ""; double Quantity = 0; int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < oDrafts.Lines.Count; i++)
ItemCode = oDrafts.Lines.ItemCode;
var RsSerial = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset);
string table = "\"#TEMPSERIALS\"";
var sQrySerial = String.Format(
"Select \"U_ItemCode\" , \"U_DistNumber\" from \"SANTEXDBADDON\".\"#TEMPSERIALS\" where " +
"\"U_DraftNo\" = '{0}' and \"U_ItemCode\" = '{1}'", EditText27.Value, ItemCode);
int serialindex = 1, lineindex = 0;
if (RsSerial.RecordCount > 0)
while (!RsSerial.EoF)
var RsSerialOSRN = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset);
var sQrySerialOSRN = String.Format(
"Select * from OSRN where \"DistNumber\" = '{0}' and \"ItemCode\" = '{1}'"
, RsSerial.Fields.Item("U_DistNumber").Value.ToString(), ItemCode);
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.BaseLineNumber = oDrafts.Lines.LineNum;
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.SystemSerialNumber =
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.ManufacturerSerialNumber =
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.InternalSerialNumber =
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.Quantity = 1;
if (RsSerial.RecordCount != serialindex)
Application.SBO_Application.StatusBar.SetText("INTERNAL NO " + oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.InternalSerialNumber, SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Long, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Success);
var status = oDrafts.SaveDraftToDocument();
if (status == 0)
Application.SBO_Application.StatusBar.SetText("Delivery Posted Successfully !", SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Long, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Success);
int code = 0; string message = "";
oCompany.GetLastError(out code, out message);
Application.SBO_Application.SetStatusBarMessage(message, SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Medium, true);
The error you have posted explains the problem. You are trying to deliver products but have not included all of the serial/batch numbers.
I don't think there's enough information to be sure where this problem happens, but here are some pointers:
You are reading the serial numbers from a custom table. Are the values you are reading valid? For example, could another user have added them to a different order? Could the values be for a different product?
Are you specifying the correct quantity of serial numbers? Is it possible that the item quantity on the line is more than the number of serial numbers you are adding?
Believe the error message until you can prove it's wrong. It doesn't seem like this is a HANA issue (we use HANA extensively) it's a logical problem with the data you are providing.
You may want to capture more debugging information to help you if you can't easily identify where the problem is.

How to escape _ wildcard within Google app script sql?

The function to run a standard sql query within the app script throws up an error when _is used within the sql. It is used within the condition filter to look for all names with _x_. Backslashes break the app script when used.
Within Google Apps Script: var sql1 = 'sql string';
Within sql: WHERE lower(name) like "%\_x_\%"
Update: I managed to find a workaround using REGEXP_CONTAINS(LOWER(name), r"(_x_)" but am still interested to know if it works with the regular LIKE clause.
I reproduced your case using a modified sample code from the documentation.
I queried against a sample dataset using where like "%_". Then, I write the results in a Google spreadsheet.The table I am querying in BigQuery is:
Row id
1 _id_1212
2 id1212
The code I am using is below:
* Runs a BigQuery query and logs the results in a spreadsheet.
function runQuery() {
// Replace this value with the project ID listed in the Google
// Cloud Platform project.
var projectId = 'project_id';
//modified query
var request = {
query: 'SELECT * from `project_id.dataset.table` where id LIKE "%_id_%";'//it will also work for where like "%\_id\_%",
//configuring the query to use StandardSQL
useLegacySql: false
var queryResults = BigQuery.Jobs.query(request, projectId);
var jobId = queryResults.jobReference.jobId;
// Check on status of the Query Job.
var sleepTimeMs = 500;
while (!queryResults.jobComplete) {
sleepTimeMs *= 2;
queryResults = BigQuery.Jobs.getQueryResults(projectId, jobId);
// Get all the rows of results.
var rows = queryResults.rows;
while (queryResults.pageToken) {
queryResults = BigQuery.Jobs.getQueryResults(projectId, jobId, {
pageToken: queryResults.pageToken
rows = rows.concat(queryResults.rows);
if (rows) {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create('BiqQuery Results');
var sheet = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet();
// Append the headers.
var headers = {
// Append the results.
var data = new Array(rows.length);
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var cols = rows[i].f;
data[i] = new Array(cols.length);
for (var j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
data[i][j] = cols[j].v;
sheet.getRange(2, 1, rows.length, headers.length).setValues(data);
Logger.log('Results spreadsheet created: %s',
} else {
Logger.log('No rows returned.');
The output,
Both where id LIKE "%_id_%" and where id LIKE "%\_id\_%" work when I set the query to use StandardSQL (useLegacySql: false).
In addition, the error GoogleJsonResponseException: API call to failed with error: Syntax error: Illegal escape sequence: \_ will be thrown when trying to escape the underscore using a double backslash such as where id LIKE "%\\_id\\_%".

Updating the google spreedsheet from MS SQL using Google Scripts

I'm trying to connect the MS SQL to a google spreadsheet using google app scripts. here is my app script code
function SQLdb() {
// Replace the variables in this block with real values.
// Read up to 1000 rows of data from the table and log them.
function readFromTable() {
var user = '{usename}';
var userPwd = '{password}';
var database = '{databasename}'
var connectionString = 'jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName='+database;
var conn = Jdbc.getConnection(connectionString , user, userPwd);
var start = new Date();
var stmt = conn.createStatement();
var results = stmt.executeQuery('SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM dbo.dbo');
var numCols = results.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
while ( {
var rowString = '';
for (var col = 0; col < numCols; col++) {
rowString += results.getString(col + 1) + '\t';
var end = new Date();
Logger.log('Time elapsed: %sms', end - start);
Now when I look the log in Script Editor, I can see that this connection to the SQL database is working and the script is able to read all the table cell. But I couldn't able to get that data into the spreedsheet. I'm new to app scripts. So is there something that I'm missing here ?
Any help would be much appricated!
Here's how I do it. Change all the capitalised bits to the appropriate URL, database name, Google Spreadsheet ID, etc.
To this function pass the SQL query you want to execute on the MSSQL database and the name of the sheet within the Spreadsheet that you want to put the data into. This basically fills that named sheet with the query results including column names.
function getData(query, sheetName) {
var conn = Jdbc.getConnection("jdbc:sqlserver://URL;user=USERNAME;password=PASSWORD;databaseName=DBNAME");
var stmt = conn.createStatement();
var rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.openById("SPREADSHEETID");
var sheet = doc.getSheetByName(sheetName);
var results = [];
var cell = doc.getRange('a1');
var row = 0;
cols = rs.getMetaData();
colNames = [];
for (i = 1; i <= cols.getColumnCount(); i++ ) {
var rowCount = 1;
while( {
curRow = rs.getMetaData();
rowData = [];
for (i = 1; i <= curRow.getColumnCount(); i++ ) {
sheet.getRange(1, 1, MAXROWS, cols.getColumnCount()).clearContent();
sheet.getRange(1, 1, rowCount, cols.getColumnCount()).setValues(results);
Here is how i did it. I also made a JDBC connector tool for Mysql & MSSQL. You can adapt this tool from my GitHub Repo Here: Google Spreadsheet JDBC Connector
function readFromTable(queryType, queryDb, query, tab, startCell) {
// Replace the variables in this block with real values.
var address;
var user;
var userPwd ;
var dbUrl;
switch(queryType) {
case 'sqlserver':
address = '%YOUR SQL HOSTNAME%';
user = '%YOUR USE%';
userPwd = '%YOUR PW%';
dbUrl = 'jdbc:sqlserver://' + address + ':1433;databaseName=' + queryDb;
case 'mysql':
address = '%YOUR MYSQL HOSTNAME%';
user = '%YOUR USER';
userPwd = '%YOUR PW%';
dbUrl = 'jdbc:mysql://'+address + '/' + queryDb;
var conn = Jdbc.getConnection(dbUrl, user, userPwd);
var start = new Date();
var stmt = conn.createStatement();
var results = stmt.executeQuery(query);
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheetTab = sheet.getSheetByName(tab);
var cell = sheetTab.getRange(startCell);
var numCols = results.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
var numRows = sheetTab.getLastRow();
var headers ;
var row =0;
clearRange(tab,startCell,numRows, numCols);
for(var i = 1; i <= numCols; i++){
headers = results.getMetaData().getColumnName(i);
cell.offset(row, i-1).setValue(headers);
while ( {
var rowString = '';
for (var col = 0; col < numCols; col++) {
rowString += results.getString(col + 1) + '\t';
cell.offset(row +1, col).setValue(results.getString(col +1 ));
var end = new Date();
Logger.log('Time elapsed: %sms', end - start);
If you don't want to create your own solution, check out SeekWell. It allows you to connect to databases and write SQL queries directly in Sheets from a sidebar add-on. You can also schedule queries to automatically run daily, hourly or every five minutes.
Disclaimer: I made this.
Ok, I finally managed to make it work.
Some few tips: Script is executed at Google's server, so connection must be done over inetrnet, i.e. connect string should be something like "jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=XXXX" and make sure that ip/port mentioned at connect string, can reach you database from outside world. Open port at firewall, make IP forwarding at router and use dyndns or similar services if you do not have a valid domain etc. Sheet ID is the large id string that appeals at your google document's url.

Existing posts keep on re-add upon deletion of selected row in jTable

I try to refresh the data of jTable upon deletion of selected row. Here are my codes to set up table :
private JTable getJTableManageReplies() {
new ListSelectionListener() {
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
if (!e.getValueIsAdjusting()) {
int viewRow = jTableManageReplies.getSelectedRow();
// Get the first column data of the selectedrow
int replyID = Integer.parseInt(jTableManageReplies.getValueAt(
viewRow, 0).toString());
eForumRepliesAdmin reply = new eForumRepliesAdmin(replyID);
replyID = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Are you sure that you want to delete the selected reply? " , "Delete replies", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
if(replyID == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Reply has been deleted successfully.");
return jTableManageReplies;
public void SetUpJTableManageReplies() {
DefaultTableModel tableModel = (DefaultTableModel) jTableManageReplies
String[] data = new String[5];
db.setUp("IT Innovation Project");
String sql = "Select forumReplies.reply_ID,forumReplies.reply_topic,forumTopics.topic_title,forumReplies.reply_content,forumReplies.reply_by from forumReplies,forumTopics WHERE forumReplies.reply_topic = forumTopics.topic_id ";
ResultSet resultSet = null;
resultSet = db.readRequest(sql);
try {
while ( {
data[0] = resultSet.getString("reply_ID");
data[1] = resultSet.getString("reply_topic");
data[2] = resultSet.getString("topic_title");
data[3] = resultSet.getString("reply_content");
data[4] = resultSet.getString("reply_by");
} catch (Exception e) {
And this is my sql statement :
public boolean deleteReply() {
boolean success = false;
DBController db = new DBController();
db.setUp("IT Innovation Project");
String sql = "DELETE FROM forumReplies where reply_ID = " + replyID
+ "";
if (db.updateRequest(sql) == 1)
success = true;
return success;
I called the repaint() to update the table data with the newest data in database and it works. I mean the data after deletion of certain row. However, the existing posts will keep on re-add. Then I add the removeAllElement method to remove all the existing posts because my sql statement is select * from table. Then, there is an error message which is ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Any guides to fix this? Thanks in advance.
I called the repaint() to update the table data with the newest data
in database and it works.
There is no need to call repaint method when data is changed. Data change is handled by the Table Model (DefaultTableModel in this case.) And fireXXXMethods are required to be called whenever data is changed but you are using DefaultTableModel even those are not required. (Since by default it call these methods when ever there is a change.)
I think the problem is in the valuesChanged(..) method. You are getting the value at row 0 but not checking whether table has rows or not. So keep a constraint.
int viewRow = jTableManageReplies.getSelectedRow();
// Get the first column data of the selectedrow
if(jTableManageReplies.getRowCount() > 0)
int replyID = Integer.parseInt(jTableManageReplies.getValueAt(viewRow, 0).toString());