Deleting path portion from each line in a text file list - batch-processing

From command prompt, how can I delete all the path information in each line in a text file, and keep only the filename & extension.
Eg. this is my text file:
But I only want this:


is there a way to use the full file path in the command line without typing it?

For example, I want to open a PDF file in the browser from the command line (just because it's much faster and I need to open many files at once) and when I use the command start [file name] from its directory it try to open it as a executable, so I need to open the browser and type the full path of the file as an attribute, is there a way to call the full path without typing it?
what I exactly need is I need the full path of a file to convert it to string (for example in the browser)
Using tab completions may help. For example, if your target file is named thisPDFisTotallyBananas.pdf and you have another file in the same folder named thisOtherPDFisNot.pdf, you could type thisP then TAB to complete the file name in the command prompt without needing to type the whole filename.

Mass extract part of a text file using Windows batch

I have thousands of txt files that are actually in JSON format.
Each file has the same string, with different values, namely:
I want to extract the values of these two strings from all the txt files that I put in the same folder.
I've found these lines of code:
Extract part of a text file using Windows batch
but it only applies to one txt file. Whereas what I need is, it can execute all files in one folder.
You can use the FORFILES command, to loop through each file,
FORFILES [/p Path] [/m SrchMask] [/s] [/c Command] [/d [+ | -] {date | dd}]
From the following webpage,

Sejda merging PDFs from CSV filelist names

I recently installed sedja-console for merging pdf files from command line.
The names of the input pdf files are in a CSV file named filelist-inputs.csv like this:
I need one output pdf file for the first line of the CSV filelist names, other output pdf file for the second line of the second line, other output for the third line, and so...
I tried a command line like this:
~$ sejda-console merge -l filelist-inputs.csv -o ./Temp/target/merged[FILENUMBER####].pdf
But it only creates a unique file named literally merged[FILENUMBER####].pdf, when I want 3 files:
I've simplified the problem, because I need to merge more than 3500 pdf files in 700 output files.
Sejda takes all the values in the CSV and generates a single merged PDF, there isn't any option or setting in Sejda to achieve what you asked, you will need some scripting to loop through the CSV lines, create a CSV per line and feed it to Sejda.
The output file name merged[FILENUMBER####].pdf is literally used because the PDF merge task generates one output file and it expects an explicit output file name. Prefixes like [CURRENTPAGE] or [FILENUMBER] are valid when used as -p argument in tasks generating multiple output PDF files (split tasks etc).

Visual Basic read text file and delete files from that file

I know how to tell my program how to read a file but I dont know how to use that information to delete some files from that text file.
I have a text file called ban.txt inside that file there are two lines with text abc.exe and cba.exe
I want my program to read content of ban.txt and the delete those specified files.
Assuming that you know how to read the file and find the file names, then just add this statement to a for-each:
There are also options for displaying error messages and sending the file to the recycle bin.
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile("C:\Test.txt", FileIO.UIOption.AllDialogs, FileIO.RecycleOption.SendToRecycleBin)

Windows Batch File - Using Append with File Name that has spaces

I am creating a batch file to consolidate some hard coded text with a few of other existing text files.
for this I am using the below.
set "txtFile=.\text.txt"
call:Append "C:\test 123\test.txt" %textFile%
over here, when I execute it, it thros an error as it is not able to proceed with the path as it has spaces.
how should this be addressed.
I have no idea what your append batch file is doing, but you can simply use copy to concatenate two files.
It's not clear to me what the needs to be appended to what, but the following will append the contents of text.txt to C:\test 123\test.txt by writing everything to C:\test 123\test.txt.
set txtFile=.\text.txt
copy "C:\test 123\test.txt" /a + %txtFile% /a "C:\test 123\test.txt"
If you want a different output file, just change the last parameter.
Btw: it's better to not rely on a specific working directory
The following:
set txtFile=%~dp0text.txt
makes sure that the text.txt is used that is in the same directory as your batch file.