ASP.Net Web API Route based on HTTP Method -

Is there any way to route based on the HTTP method specified in the request? I'm looking to have a GET and PUT at the same URI, but I can't seem to find the option to set the route between the two. The [HttpGet] and [HttpPut] attributes merely act as filters, so a PUT request is hitting the first action and erroring out with a 405 since it hits the GEt handler first.
What I want to do
~/User/PP GET -> UserController.GetPrivacyPolicy
~/User/PP PUT -> UserController.UpdateUserPrivacyPolicy
Whats currently happening
~/User/PP GET -> UserController.GetPrivacyPolicy
~/User/PP PUT -> UserController.GetPrivacyPolicy
(this errors out because i have a [HttpGet] filter on the GetPrivacyPolicy method)
Just to compliment what was posted below, it looks like I misunderstood how the [HttpGet] and [HttpPut] attributes work, they ARE part of the routing process. I was able to achieve my desired result with the following
public string GetPrivacyPolicy()
return "Get PP";
public void UpdatePrivacyPolicy()
return "Put PP";

What you'll need to do is create your controller with identically named actions but decorated with different Http method attributes
public class UserController : Controller {
public ActionResult PrivacyPolicy(int id) {
// Put your code for GetPrivacyPolicy here
public ActionResult PrivacyPolicy(int id, YourViewModel model) {
// Put your code for UpdatePrivacyPolicy here
Of course there are appropriate actions for the other methods e.g. HttpPost, HttpDelete, HttpPatch.


ASP.NET Core: Generate URL to the base of a controller (NOT TO AN ACTION)

I need to use UrlHelper to generate the URL to the base of a controller. If you must know, the action is Statements, but that is generated by JavaScript provided by a third party that is out of my control. Read: If the name of ANY action, including Statements or Index, is in the generated URL, then my application will fail. Thank you!!!
Stuart Simon
You can do this using a combination of RouteAttribute and Url.RouteUrl.
[Route("test", Name = "test-route")]
public class TestController : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
This associates the name test-route with /test. Calling Url.RouteUrl("test-route") will return /test.

What's causing the parameter to be null?

I am using Asp.Net Core 2.0 and web api to build a rest service. All works fine except for HTTPPost.
public IActionResult LoginUser(LoginUser loginUser)
return Ok(loginUser);
loginUser is always null. I am testing with fiddler and my route is http://localhost:53250/api/User/LoginUser
and the body is
Fiddler hits the link just fine, but payload is always null.
I have also tried
public IActionResult LoginUser([FromBody] LoginUser loginUser)
return Ok(loginUser);
In this case, it doesn't hit the function.
This is the LoginUser definition:
public class LoginUser
public string EmailAddress { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
Any Ideas?
Your action should be:
public class UserController : Controller
public IActionResult LoginUser([FromBody] LoginUser loginUser)
return Ok(loginUser);
See, [HttpPost("LoginUser")] affects only route and doesn't relate to LoginUser object type.
Update: you need [FromBody] as ASP.NET Core model binding by default looks into [FromForm] binding source. And [FromBody] attribute indicates that you want to bind a parameter to data in the request body.
Update 2: you also should add Content-Type: application/json header to request. ASP.NET Core selects input formatters based on the this header.
Update 3: if you really need to get body data as raw string, look into ASP.NET Core MVC : How to get raw JSON bound to a string without a type?. It suggests using [FromBody] dynamic data
JSON parsing is case sensitive. Your JSON is in the wrong case.
Should be: {"EmailAddress":"","Password":"123456789"}.
Issue has been solved. When I added my UserController, I did so as a class and derived from controller. I deleted it and added it as a new item and picked web api core controller. Now all is working just fine. Thanks for your help.
If you have properties in your request model that are set to {get;
private set;}, the values will not get populated. Make them public by removing private. Also constructors
aren't utilized.
If you're reading plain text from the body, see if [FromForm]

Web Api routing with parameter option?

I would like to provide a ASP.Net Web API that can be called by the following formats:
Is it possible to set up a route that works with either call?
My current route is
Try to use attribute routing
public HttpResponseMessage YourMethodName(int id = 0, bool param2= true)
Hope it works!!
You can use Attribute based routing i.e. specific routing on controllers and methods. Further you should pass your 2 parameters as query-string like in this URL MyLookupMethod/GetForIVR?LookupType=PhoneNumber&LookUpValue=8005551212 and they will be automatically parsed as method parameters.
public class SomeController : ApiController
// GET MyLookupMethod/GetForIVR?LookupType=PhoneNumber&LookUpValue
public Book Get(int LookupType, int LookUpValue) { ... }

Passing parameter through all MVC4 pages

In my application there's the need of passing out a specific parameter, when it exists, through all pages.
What is the best way of I can do this?
There's some function that is called whenever I do an GET or POST requisition, in which I can verify if the parameter exist and persist it?
Create an action filter like the one below.
public sealed class ScaffoldActionFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
var model = filterContext.Controller.ViewData.Model as PageModelBase;
// Whatever you want to do.
model.myParam = "Im available in all views";
Next register it to run on every request. Look in app_start/filterconfig.cs
and and it like this.
filters.Add(new ScaffoldActionFilter());
Now just return the standard pagebasemodel or a derived type from every view and you have what you want.

Understanding routes, how do I create two 'identical' routes that can be both GET and POST?

Previously, I had two methods and I labelled one with [WebGet] and one with [WebInvoke(Method = "POST"]
when I did a GET or a POST to the URL that I specified, it would always call the correct method.
The URLs were:
POST: fish-length
GET: fish-length?start-date={startDate}&pondId={pondId}
Now that I'm using web api, I have to define my routes seperately, like this:
name: "AddFishLength",
routeTemplate: "fish-length",
defaults: new
controller = "FishApi",
action = "AddFishLength"
name: "GetFishLength",
routeTemplate: "fish-length?start-date={startDate}&pondId={pondId}",
defaults: new
controller = "FishApi",
action = "GetFishLength"
However the second route doesn't work, because you're not allowed a ? in the routeTemplate.
I can change the URL format to something like fish-length/{startDate}/{pondId} but it's really not a very nice way to expose the service.
Is there a better way to do this? Also because I was doing a POST and GET to the same url before, I'd need to ensure my routing method still allowed this. Assuming the above worked, I'm still not sure how it would route correctly.
No, you don't need to define separate routes. All you need is a single route:
name: "AddFishLength",
routeTemplate: "fish-length",
defaults: new
controller = "FishApi",
and then follow the RESTful naming conventions of your ApiController's actions:
public class FishApiController: ApiController
// will be called for GET /fish-length
public HttpResponseMessage Get()
// of course this action could take a view model
// and of course that this view model properties
// will automatically be bound from the query string parameters
// will be called for POST /fish-length
public HttpResponseMessage Post()
// of course this action could take a view model
// and of course that this view model properties
// will automatically be bound from the POST body payload
So assuming you have a view model:
public class FishViewModel
public int PondId { get; set; }
public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }
go ahead and modify your controller actions to take this parameter:
public class FishApiController: ApiController
// will be called for GET /fish-length
public HttpResponseMessage Get(FishViewModel model)
// will be called for POST /fish-length
public HttpResponseMessage Post(FishViewModel model)
You could obviously have different view models for the different actions.
You can't specify the query string parameters in the route template - but as long as you have a method that matches the names of the parameters WebApi should be clever enough to figure it out on its own.
public HttpResponseMessage Get(string id) would correspond to a request for {controller}?id=xxx
However, it's hard to tell without seeing the actual objects how you should go about solving your case. E.g. WebApi doesn't like complex types in a Get request, as well as it supports url-encoded content in post data in a particular way only.
As for differentiating between Get and Post that's quite simple - WebApi knows which method you used when sending the request and then it looks for a method name starting with Get/Post or decorated with the HttpGet/Post attribute.
I recommend taking a look at the following articles - they helped me understand how it works: