Piranha CMS Custom Entities - piranha-cms

I am new the Piranha. I want to make a new table in database like as site messages or newsletter form.
Can I make extension or what is the right way for Piranha?
Additional info: I am not using source code. I add piranha to my project from Nu-get.

just add entities/tables to your database using entity framework or whatever technology you like.
Remember that if you use an ORM you will can't have foreign key to tables in other contexts (Piranha) so you'll have to handle relationships with software triggers.


Associate ASP.NET ApplicationUser In Another Database

I have an ASP.NET MVC 5 web app. I have connected to a database on localDB ("MyWebAppDatabase"), which already contains many tables. I am accessing this using ADO.NET Entity Framework, and this is all working great.
However, I would like to add a table which references users who use the website: I have a "Subscription" table and would like to associate it with an ApplicationUser. The problem is that the tables containing user information are stored in a separate database (which was automatically generated by the Visual Studio when I created the project under the DefaultConnection context), and I don't know how I can perform this association.
What is the best way to go about this? I thought the ideal solution would be if I could move the tables that ASP.NET automatically created for application users into MyWebAppDatabase - then I can easily update the database with the correct tables and foreign keys. Is this correct? If so, how would I go about doing this? I'm not entirely sure where the database is for the application users (I couldn't decipher it from looking at Web.Config and reading the DefaultConnection connection string) and I don't really understand how I would be able to migrate the tables.
Thank you all for your help!
Ideally if you can move the tables into a single database you will get the best performance, otherwise you will have to do all of the JOIN's in memory in the application. You can't make foreign key references across database unfortunately.
If you point the connection string for the ASP.NET Identity to the same database that your Subscription table is located in and run the application and create some users it should create those tables automatically.

jhipster entity - what exactly is that?

I am wondering what jhipster entities are exactly?
What if I just want to create a new page/view without any database entry and relationship? For example: the about page, do I have to use the entity generator in order to create it? What are the benefits of it?
jhipster entity tutorial
Entities are typically objects that are backed by a database table. With JHipster, you can generate entities (and their associated screens) using Yeoman.
For an about page, or any other page, you can author them by hand. You don't need to use a generator. JHipster merely provides its entity sub-generator as a convenience for you.
You can also use the Yeoman generator for AngularJS to generate basic scaffolding.
Immagine to build a website of e-commerce. That website contains users, sensible data informations, details about sellers and other things. You can save a lot of time creating it with Jhipster because it automatically create Objects class that represents database's tables, RESTful web services to manage them and the frontend view with Angular, CSS and HTML (all generated automatically). The objects that represent database's tables are entities.
With entities you can do CRUD queries on database using Java objects and Java methods with Spring framework. You can do queries by calling java methods. Thats all! After some practice it's really easy to use.
With that generator you don't have to configure relationships, constraints or things like that. Jhipster does that for you!
If you need a web application that does not use a database you don't need to use a generator like this, in my opinion.
I took the right Matt Raible's answer trying to give you more informations about entities. I hope to be helpful!
Have a nice day!

Gii: generate CRUD application from existing database tables?

I have a mysql database with tables that have one to many relationships with foreign keys linking them.
How can I use gii to create CRUD form pages which will reflect the table relationships?
I suggest you to take a look at the following article which includes using yii's gii
Creating Your First Yii Application

About CRUD generator in Yii

i am starting to use Yii framework and the gii tool to create the crud functionality for several tables.
The issue is that i need normally to modify the generated code. For example, i have noticed that all the forms use only text inputs. For example, in the case of foreign keys i need to show a select where the user can select a register of the other table without having to insert the primary key.
I achive this modifying the involved views (_view.php, _form.php, ...). My problem starts when it's necessary to modify the database and regenerate the code again. For that case i would have to go table by table, updating the involved files one by one keeping my old changes.
Does it exist a way to deal better with this situation?
The GiiX extension generates dropdowns for relationships.
In case you use the Gii Model generation, GiiX generates better models, too.
You don't have to do that. You can generate a select with the foreign keys, for example.
<?php echo CHtml::dropDownList('ModelName[language_id]',$model->language_id,CHtml::listData(Language::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'name'), array('prompt'=>'Select Language')); ?>
The first parameter is the name of the select, second is the value (if you're updating, the value will be selected), third is the data, and the fourth is an array with html options. More info about CHtml::dropDownList and CHtml::listData.
In this, the language_id is the foreign key, and in the Language table you have an id and a name field. This will generate a select with all the available languages, like this : 1=> English, 2=> German etc.
If you're going to need the functionality of crud form generation a couple of times, with the option of show foreign keys as dropdowns, you can create your own gii template to do it for you. Take a look at the guide to know how to do it.
For this functionality you need to develop you gii tool which will inherit functionality of existing gii tool, means some modification in existing classes while creating CRUD. This is your specific requirement, gii tool provides only general functionality which suits to all users.

custom table in Ektron database

I am adding a custom table to an Ektron database. What is the best practice for connecting to the database? Using standard ADO.NET code or is there a way to use the CMS' connection to the database? What is best practice?
Ektron 8.0.1 SP1
Adding Custom tables to the Ektron Database will not cause any issues,there is no need of another Database if you are having only few custom tables to be added.
Altering the Ektron tables will create issues,so it is better not to go for that.
For accessing data from the Custom Tables make use of LINQ (refer:here).
I know this question is a little old and answered, but I wanted to add my two cents. While altering Ektron's tables isn't advised (that is, without the API or scripts they've provided), adding your own table does no harm. If Ektron didn't support it they wouldn't provide the "Sync Custom Tables" option in eSync.
I came across this and thought that I could add a little to the discussion in case anyone is considering adding a custom table to the Ektron database. I think this topic is still relevant to the current version of Ektron and could be helpful.
Here are some good points:
Do not alter tables created by Ektron. (Point made by Bisileesh extended comment below)
Adding custom tables to the Ektron database is recommended in certain circumstances.
Using a smart form for content may be recommended but there are times when it is not optimal.
Here are some reasons why I say these things:
You should not alter tables created by Ektron for several reasons. Basically you don't want to change these because the Ektron software relies on these tables and modifications could cause errors. Besides the possibility of breaking things, if you ever upgrade Ektron, the Ektron Update may alter table definitions and erase your changes.
Adding tables to the existing Ektron database is a good idea when compared to adding a new database for several reasons.
First, you don't incur the additional cost of a full database structure on your server when you add a table.
Second if you are working in a multiple server environment (development, staging, live) by adding your tables to the Ektron database you will be able to use eSync to manage transferring the data between servers. If you use your own database, you will need to manage synchronization elsewhere.
I started with the idea that it was better to use my own database, but over the years I have discovered the advantages of using the Ektron database. Just as if you were using your own database, you should save the scripts to create the custom tables and perform database backups on a regular basis to ensure that you are protected.
After doing Ektron upgrades you should ensure that your customized tables are still present in the Ektron database.
When setting up eSync for custom tables I had to first run the sync on an empty table. After running the sync to establish a relationship, I was able to add data. There is also a requirement that there be a primary key on the custom tables and I don't think it can be an auto-incremented field. Consult Ektron for the latest requirements.
When considering whether to add data to a smart form or a custom table here are some things to consider. If you use the Smart Form you are committing to using the Ektron provided controls to access your data. This may be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your requirements and the current state of Ektron.In my case, search was a big deal. In versions 7.6 and 8.0 there were problems with the Ektron Search and it was no easy to do boolean searches across multiple fields. To overcome this I used custom tables that I could directly query. The search in version 8.6 has been changed but I still use my custom solution so I don't know if things are working better now.There are other data management issues that come up with smart forms and the Ektron Workarea that make it a good idea to avoid smart forms in some other cases too. The best place to store your data is not one place or the other, it depends on your requirements.
Best practice is to not use custom tables. If you can store your data as smart forms, users can use the workarea to edit their data. If you have to use a custom table, there are several ways:
One way is to pull the connection string from the web.config in an ASPX page
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="EktronSqlDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ConnectionStrings:Ektron.DBConnection %>" ></asp:SqlDataSource>
I'd look at using a different database. As mentioned by maddoxej, Ektron doesn't really like you messing with SQL and tables and what-not.
Granted, you may have admin reasons for using one database, but for the sake of maintainability I think it's worth having a second database which you fully control.
You can add custom tables without effecting existing ones. But to use them you need custom controls each time. Like custom layouts, custom forms, custom widgets.