I own the following domain name: joynr.co
I've configured a subdomain: promoter.joynr.co
But sometimes, it's just not working, like a DNS error. Just like if it was still propagating. But it's been a week now :/
Where should I start looking ?
my apache confd files ? .htaccess ? or some configurations at AWS ? It's hosted a AWS, and domain name registered at godaddy.
I've followed this threat to configurer AWS/Go Daddy
Also, I've configured the confd so when accessing promoter.joynr.co you browse a different folder/website than when going to joynr.co (in /var/www ).
.htaccess is empty
Many Thanks
Any help would be much appreciated :)
You have to have promoter NS records within the joynr.co domain, in order for the eponymous subdomain to be able to be recursively resolved.
Apparently in Route 53 you just do it the old-fashioned way - take the NS records you see in the promoter.joynr.co domain and copy&paste them into the parent domain, cf. http://github.com/toddm92/aws/wiki/Route-53-Subdomains
(Moved from comments and condensed.)
I have bought a domain(larasteps.com) from Godaddy. I have successfully setup my website for practice. Now I want to add subdomain dev.larasteps.com. I read many articles that say that I should create a A/AAAA record in Linode.Then I created A/AAAA record and entered Hostname value dev and ip address to the IP that linode provided me. Then I installed laravel and setup virtualhost for it. Virtualhost file name is dev.larasteps.com.conf where I mentioned the path for the developer project. Then I enabled this conf file. I also disabled the default conf file.
After saving the changes I have waited for almost 30 hours but sub-domain did not work.
Then I saw in a forum that I should create a CNAME record where I have added hostname 'dev' and Aliases To 'dev.larasteps.com' and saved changes. But it seems like this is also not working.
Can anybody correct my mistake ? I'm sure that something important is being missed.
I just added a subdomain to my linode. Here are the steps I followed.
1- Added a A/AAAA record to my parent domain and pointed to the IP address of my linode server from the DNS manager of linode.
2- Changed the config on my nginx to handle the new subdomain created and pointed it to the right internal IP (localhost:port)
3- Waited for a few minutes and it works.
I would suggest you recheck the config of whichever server (apache/nginx) you are using and make sure it is handling the new subdomain that you have created. From linode's end just adding a A/AAAA record was all I needed.
I am trying to get an SSL certificate on my custom domain on Heroku and the last thing it told me to do is add the following records:
Domain Record Type DNS Target
─────────────────── ─────────── ─────────────────────────────────
www.gethomesync.com CNAME www.gethomesync.com.herokudns.com
gethomesync.com ALIAS/ANAME gethomesync.com.herokudns.com
But my domain registrar GoDaddy doesn't have an option to add ALIAS or ANAME. I don't know much about DNS having only done quite basic tasks as and when I've needed them, is there an equivalent to ALIAS/ANAME that I can use through GoDaddy?
A warning here. As pointed by #NikitaAvvakumov and #deviant in some comments, the accepted answer is not correct.
As mentioned in Heroku docs,
Root domains on Heroku require the use of "CNAME-like" records, often referred to as ALIAS or ANAME records.
Without these records,
Requests to https://example.com will fail with an SSL error.
Again, even if you choose to redirect from your root domain to a subdomain (ex: from example.com to www.example.com), it will only work for non-SSL requests. Any request to https://example.com will fail with an SSL error.
A simple solution to that would be to use another DNS host. For example, I use CloudFlare (the free plan is more than enough and offers great features) which uses what is called CName flattening that works with Heroku like having an ALIAS (they use this by default - you don't have to do anything else than configuring your nameservers and adding DNS records. You can check both Heroku and CloudFlare for tutorials - it's pretty easy).
You don't need to set up ALIAS/A record, just create a CNAME record pointing to gethomesync.herokussl.com (you can check the endpoint name with heroku certs Heroku Documentation):
Type Name Value
CNAME www gethomesync.com.herokudns.com
To create a naked domain (removes the need to write www) you need to forward your gethomesync.com to wwww.gethomesync.com:
Under Forwarding click on Domain -> 'Manage' -> then click 'Add Forwarding'
'Forward to' should be wwww.gethomesync.com (your domain)
'Redirect type' should be '301
'Forward settings' should be 'Forward only'
I get signals that people outside my country (nl) can not access my website. they say they see the Apache placeholder. It is just in some cases.
Is there something wrong with my dns?
skiweather.eumail.skiweather.euMX (10)
skiweather.eudns1.vpshosting.nl info#vpshosting.nl 2014081800 14400 3600 604800 3600SOA
#.skiweather.euv=spf1 a mx ip4: include:_spf.google.com ~allSPF
Your DNS seems fine. Checking all your 3 nameservers return the same, correct, IP:
dig #dns1.vpshosting.nl skiweather.eu
dig #dns2.vpshosting.nl skiweather.eu
dig #dns3.vpshosting.nl skiweather.eu
In addition, https://intodns.com/skiweather.eu doesn't report any problems.
A problem though is that the https site (https://skiweather.eu/) returns:
Welcome to skiweather.eu
To change this page, upload a new index.html to your private_html folder
This is unrelated to DNS and regards configuration on your webserver which seems to be Apache httpd. So you'll have to check the <VirtualHost> block for port :443. You should make it look like the one for :80 (but do not remove the certificate related directives).
p.s your SSL certificate is self signed and not good. If you care to have proper https on your site have a look at https://letsencrypt.org/
i am new to web hosting, but i purchased a domain from namecheap.com and i purchased web hosting from ramnode.com to host my domain, i am using centOS 32bit as my server, and i have pointed my domain to ramnode nameservers that were provided to me.
The problem i am having here is that everytime i load my website, it just says
Index Of/
even though i have placed my web page files in var/www, and var/www/html like ramnode support told me too, it still does not want to work. Any suggestions?
It all depends on how your server is setup but here are a few things to check.
What are the permission levels for your files, who owns them and what group are they in? If you don't have proper permissions set they may not show. If the wrong person owns them they may not show.
Read over your httpd.conf (centos should have it in /etc/httpd/conf) see how your server is setup. It may not have a default setup, perhaps your using a virtual host?
In a nutshell we need more information to help you out.
You should have an
.htaccess or htaccess.txt file in your WWW root, whithin that file you need the following line:
DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html index.php
That is the priority order of your index page. (Your web project needs an index page)
So in otherwords your webserver will serve the first matching file that it finds in that list.
A quick fix if you cant find the htaccess file, is just make sure you have an index.html file in your var/www
I just reset my nameservers to point to ramnode's last night and am experiencing the same issue as the OP this morning.
I previously had no FQDN for the ramnode server and simply used my /etc/hosts file locally to point to the ramnode server. Through that method, I was able to make sure everything was setup just so - apache virtualhosts, .htaccess files, apache.conf, and httpd.conf files all operating as desired.
It seems to have something to do with the installation of the cpanel, which auto-fills DNS A records with a different IP than the one I was provided. changing it to ramnode's original IP simply leads to the same cgi-bin directory index. But going going to the original ip in the browser leads to my site, as I have the apache virtualhost set for the IP.
Ramnode sets subdomain a records such as cpanel.mydomain.com all set to the same new IP and those do function, so it leads me to believe a ramnode server is capturing the trafic elsewhere and should be sending it on but isn't.
It's a bit confusing where cpanel is taking me and why redirecting to my the domain.com. A record to the original IP seems to have no effect.
I see several people describing how to do this for a custom domain with sub-domain but no one talking about how to do it without one.
Example: Setting foobar.com and www.foobar.com to point to my Amazon S3–hosted site
I personally do not want the www prefix. Is there no way to make this happen? I seems crazy that Amazon would set it up to allow static sites and custom domains, then lock it down to prefixed domains?
Thanks in advance,
For historical reasons any URL needs to resolve to a subdomain, which you already know how to handle: Create a CNAME record with your DNS provider, pointing www to your S3-hosted subdomain. There are details to get right, described nicely elsewhere.
You nevertheless want to support users who, charmed that their browsers will autocomplete http:// and .com and such, want to type a naked domain domain.com, and have it automatically complete to your default subdomain such as www.domain.com.
The easiest way to accomplish this is to use www as your default subdomain, and point your DNS provider's A record at wwwizer.com ( They automatically redirect any naked domain to the same domain with www in front.
You get fastest turnaround on development, and your visitors get fastest DNS resolution, if you use Amazon Route 53 to provide your DNS services. Route 53 can point its A records to wwwizer.com. However, you may want to create a micro Amazon EC2 instance, and start programming it. In the '50s everyone rebuilt their own cars. In the '80s everyone pushed a shopping cart down the aisle at Fry's, and built their own computer. Now, you want to be able to build your own computer in the cloud, for many reasons you will discover with time, and Amazon EC2 is best choice. For now, your cloud computer will simply handle naked domains for you. Later, email, generating the static site, ...
Install the Apache web server (the A in LAMP; a LAMP server will do the trick), and configure a virtual host for each of your domains. Then point an elastic IP address at your EC2 instance, and update Route 53 to have your A record point to this elastic IP address. Amazon doesn't support having multiple elastic IPs pointing to the same EC2 instance, but you can provide the same elastic IP to multiple domain A records, and have Apache resolve this within your EC2 instance.
This takes some fiddling and experimenting, as there's lots of conflicting advice on the details. I used the ami-ad36fbc4 instance image (US East, 64 bit EBS-backed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS), as I'm familiar with Ubuntu, there's plenty of online help with Ubuntu, and this image will be supported for years. I edited /etc/apache2/httpd.conf to have the contents
NameVirtualHost *
<VirtualHost *>
ServerName first.net
Redirect permanent / http://www.first.net/
<VirtualHost *>
ServerName second.net
Redirect permanent / http://www.second.net/
then checked for errors using
sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl configtest
then restarted the Apache server using
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Apache is standard across Linux flavors, but the details such as file locations may vary, e.g./etc/apache2/httpd.conf could be /etc/httpd.conf. For example, it might be necessary put a Listen 80 in httpd.conf, but Apache throws an error if that command was already somewhere else. So read web instructions with a grain of salt, and be prepared to Google any error messages.
As I'd already been using Amazon Route 53 for days to point to wwwizer.com, this worked immediately once I updated Route 53 to point to my elastic IP. Before switching to Route 53, each change took days for me to verify, as the information propagated across the web. Once everyone knows to look to Amazon, Amazon can propagate its internal changes much more quickly.
Unfortunately you can not point foobar.com to an Amazon S3 bucket and the reason for this has to do with how DNS works.
DNS does not allow the root of a domain (called zone apex) to point to another DNS name (you can not have foobar.com set up as a CNAME / only subdomain.foobar.com can be a CNAME)
Since this question was asked things have changed. It is now possible to host your site on S3 with a root domain.
Instead of just having one bucket named "www.yourserver.com", you have to create another bucket with the nude (root) domain name, e.g. "yourserver.com".
After that you will have to use Amazon's DNS service Route 53. Create an A record for the nude domain and a CNAME for the "www" hostname.
Note that you will need to move the domain management of your domain to Amazon Route 53 completely.
See for the detailled walk-through here: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/website-hosting-custom-domain-walkthrough.html