How to create a "live" feed for two seperate Postgres Instances? - sql

So I feel pretty confident inside of Postgres but I have an interesting problem in my opinion.
I have my local Postgres instance and a remote Postgres instance. My remote instance is read only as it is a production server. I need to be able to pull records and generate views/tables/reports/whatever.
How can I accomplish that?
Currently I am using dblink running every 15 Minutes pretty much resetting my local instance by dropping all objects and using pgAgent jobs to rebuild all objects ready for the next cycle. It is really labor intensive to make changes and even worse to troubleshoot.

My eventual solution was to make views through dblink. it is slightly clunky but the speed increase is substantial and worth the more restrictive coding requirements for the connection.


How to check if SQLite database is locked

I have an app that makes quite a few calls to a local SQLite3 database and sometimes these calls happen very close together (from different areas of the app). How can I check, before a call to the database is made, if the database is currently locked?
Ideally I would rewrite the app (which has grown far beyond its original scope) but won't have time in this iteration.
I have no idea what to do in objective-c, but I have been using sqlite3 with c from quite long time And I also faced same issue. I used below method.
use busy_timeout and keep it configurable.
use busy_handler to keep retry for n number of time.
This two improvement works well for me, but I had observed some performance issue which i am able to handle via above configuration parameter. You need to do some trade of between fail-safe and performance.

powershell multi-threaded script for sql. Where to start?

So right now we have a sub script that basically iterates through a collection of SQL DBs and runs a given upgrade script to that DB. This works fine, but sometimes our scripts can be a bit intensive (adding columns, populating new columns, changing column lengths, etc) and end up taking forever. The bottle neck being it's apply the same script to one DB at a time.
Is there a way to multithread the script so it applies the script to every DB at the same time? All answers or links to blogs/documentation are welcome!
Here's another take on it, FWIW:
This is a good article on the subject of Powershell multithreading at:
There is a lot of example code there for maximum multithreading pleasure.
However, I would like to add a small warning for running major DDL queries on many databases on the same production server at the same time.
Depending on how much data, what recovery models you have and things like that, you might send the server into free fall and end up in really crazy situations where half the databases are unavailable and refuses to be contacted. So start slow with a few of the databases at the same time, and test that first.

What's the Point of Multiple Redis Databases?

So, I've come to a place where I wanted to segment the data I store in redis into separate databases as I sometimes need to make use of the keys command on one specific kind of data, and wanted to separate it to make that faster.
If I segment into multiple databases, everything is still single threaded, and I still only get to use one core. If I just launch another instance of Redis on the same box, I get to use an extra core. On top of that, I can't name Redis databases, or give them any sort of more logical identifier. So, with all of that said, why/when would I ever want to use multiple Redis databases instead of just spinning up an extra instance of Redis for each extra database I want? And relatedly, why doesn't Redis try to utilize an extra core for each extra database I add? What's the advantage of being single threaded across databases?
You don't want to use multiple databases in a single redis instance. As you noted, multiple instances lets you take advantage of multiple cores. If you use database selection you will have to refactor when upgrading. Monitoring and managing multiple instances is not difficult nor painful.
Indeed, you would get far better metrics on each db by segregation based on instance. Each instance would have stats reflecting that segment of data, which can allow for better tuning and more responsive and accurate monitoring. Use a recent version and separate your data by instance.
As Jonaton said, don't use the keys command. You'll find far better performance if you simply create a key index. Whenever adding a key, add the key name to a set. The keys command is not terribly useful once you scale up since it will take significant time to return.
Let the access pattern determine how to structure your data rather than store it the way you think works and then working around how to access and mince it later. You will see far better performance and find the data consuming code often is much cleaner and simpler.
Regarding single threaded, consider that redis is designed for speed and atomicity. Sure actions modifying data in one db need not wait on another db, but what if that action is saving to the dump file, or processing transactions on slaves? At that point you start getting into the weeds of concurrency programming.
By using multiple instances you turn multi threading complexity into a simpler message passing style system.
In principle, Redis databases on the same instance are no different than schemas in RDBMS database instances.
So, with all of that said, why/when would I ever want to use multiple
Redis databases instead of just spinning up an extra instance of Redis
for each extra database I want?
There's one clear advantage of using redis databases in the same redis instance, and that's management. If you spin up a separate instance for each application, and let's say you've got 3 apps, that's 3 separate redis instances, each of which will likely need a slave for HA in production, so that's 6 total instances. From a management standpoint, this gets messy real quick because you need to monitor all of them, do upgrades/patches, etc. If you don't plan on overloading redis with high I/O, a single instance with a slave is simpler and easier to manage provided it meets your SLA.
Even Salvatore Sanfilippo (creator of Redis) thinks it's a bad idea to use multiple DBs in Redis. See his comment here:
I understand how this can be useful, but unfortunately I consider
Redis multiple database errors my worst decision in Redis design at
all... without any kind of real gain, it makes the internals a lot
more complex. The reality is that databases don't scale well for a
number of reason, like active expire of keys and VM. If the DB
selection can be performed with a string I can see this feature being
used as a scalable O(1) dictionary layer, that instead it is not.
With DB numbers, with a default of a few DBs, we are communication
better what this feature is and how can be used I think. I hope that
at some point we can drop the multiple DBs support at all, but I think
it is probably too late as there is a number of people relying on this
feature for their work.
I don't really know any benefits of having multiple databases on a single instance. I guess it's useful if multiple services use the same database server(s), so you can avoid key collisions.
I would not recommend building around using the KEYS command, since it's O(n) and that doesn't scale well. What are you using it for that you can accomplish in another way? Maybe redis isn't the best match for you if functionality like KEYS is vital.
I think they mention the benefits of a single threaded server in their FAQ, but the main thing is simplicity - you don't have to bother with concurrency in any real way. Every action is blocking, so no two things can alter the database at the same time. Ideally you would have one (or more) instances per core of each server, and use a consistent hashing algorithm (or a proxy) to divide the keys among them. Of course, you'll loose some functionality - piping will only work for things on the same server, sorts become harder etc.
Redis databases can be used in the rare cases of deploying a new version of the application, where the new version requires working with different entities.
I know this question is years old, but there's another reason multiple databases may be useful.
If you use a "cloud Redis" from your favourite cloud provider, you probably have a minimum memory size and will pay for what you allocate. If however your dataset is smaller than that, then you'll be wasting a bit of the allocation, and so wasting a bit of money.
Using databases you could use the same Redis cloud-instance to provide service for (say) dev, UAT and production, or multiple instances of your application, or whatever else - thus using more of the allocated memory and so being a little more cost-effective.
A use-case I'm looking at has several instances of an application which use 200-300K each, yet the minimum allocation on my cloud provider is 1M. We can consolidate 10 instances onto a single Redis without really making a dent in any limits, and so save about 90% of the Redis hosting cost. I appreciate there are limitations and issues with this approach, but thought it worth mentioning.
I am using redis for implementing a blacklist of email addresses , and i have different TTL values for different levels of blacklisting , so having different DBs on same instance helps me a lot .
Using multiple databases in a single instance may be useful in the following scenario:
Different copies of the same database could be used for production, development or testing using real-time data. People may use replica to clone a redis instance to achieve the same purpose. However, the former approach is easier for existing running programs to just select the right database to switch to the intended mode.
Our motivation has not been mentioned above. We use multiple databases because we routinely need to delete a large set of a certain type of data, and FLUSHDB makes that easy. For example, we can clear all cached web pages, using FLUSHDB on database 0, without affecting all of our other use of Redis.
There is some discussion here but I have not found definitive information about the performance of this vs scan and delete:

Strategies for Fixing Problems / Tweaking NHibernate Apps in Production

First off, I am not a DBA, but I do work in an environment where DBAs do tune/make changes in the production database from time to time in ways that do not cause the need for an application rebuild/redeployment. Usually these changes consist of reworking indexes, changing procs, and sometimes changing the table structure in minor ways (usually abstracted from the app via procs).
Obviously, a team should strive to catch performance problems with NHibernate before they get into production using things like NHProf, SQL Profiler, and load tests. That being said, are there certain strategies that can be used to allow some amount of tweaking once the code is built and out running in production? Using stored procedures 100% of the time seems like it would allow the most flexibility for the DBA's, but obviously that would really kill the efficiency of NHibernate. From what I've read, updatable views (in SQL Server) don't really work that well with NHibernate either (this may-or-may-not be true).
I've read quite a bit about NHibernate and experimented with it over the years, but I have never put it into practice in a production environment. I have yet to come across a set of "best practices" to allow for maximum tweaking once deployed.
As an NHibernate user, how are you and your team dealing with issues if they arise in production? My production environment is made up of ASP.NET apps and SQL server, but I don't think the answers need to be restricted to that platform.
I am in a similar position, and in order to keep our DBA happy, I did the following:
Wrote some of the queries in HQL, some others in SQL (especially those perf-sensitive)
Externalized those queries to files, one file per query.
When your app needs to execute of these queries, it just loads the appropriate file, optionally running it through a pre-processor, and runs it.
With this approach, the DBA could theoretically tweak the queries just by modifying those files. That's quite similar to having stored procedures.
In practice, it's up to you to decide if you'll really give the DBA access to those files (if you catch my drift...)
IMHO the DBA should just use the DBMS's profiling tools and report her findings back to the devs (as in "there's this query that is running 20 times/sec and does 10 joins. is that really necessary? can it be cached? do you really need all those joins? can we denormalize this?" etc.
I'm not in the deploy phase yet, but on my current project I've come up against this already and my solution presently has been to replace my queries with stored procs. As long as the shape of the data coming back from the DB remains the same it's not a big deal. Yeah you do lose some of that agility you enjoyed during development but I'm not sure it's as bad as it initially sounds. You'll have a code push when you first make the change of course, and then from that point it's just proc changes.
You can use a profiler like NHProf to see the sql queries executed, so you can show them to a DBA. This tool can also detect some problem like n+1 select.
Using a second level of cache can be useful :

PostgreSQL performance monitoring tool

I'm setting up a web application with a FreeBSD PostgreSQL back-end. I'm looking for some database performance optimization tool/technique.
Database optimization is usually a combination of two things
Reduce the number of queries to the database
Reduce the amount of data that needs to be looked at to answer queries
Reducing the amount of queries is usually done by caching non-volatile/less important data (e.g. "Which users are online" or "What are the latest posts by this user?") inside the application (if possible) or in an external - more efficient - datastore (memcached, redis, etc.). If you've got information which is very write-heavy (e.g. hit-counters) and doesn't need ACID-semantics you can also think about moving it out of the Postgres database to more efficient data stores.
Optimizing the query runtime is more tricky - this can amount to creating special indexes (or indexes in the first place), changing (possibly denormalizing) the data model or changing the fundamental approach the application takes when it comes to working with the database. See for example the Pagination done the Postgres way talk by Markus Winand on how to rethink the concept of pagination to make it more database efficient
Measuring queries the slow way
But to understand which queries should be looked at first you need to know how often they are executed and how long they run on average.
One approach to this is logging all (or "slow") queries including their runtime and then parsing the query log. A good tool for this is pgfouine which has already been mentioned earlier in this discussion, it has since been replaced by pgbadger which is written in a more friendly language, is much faster and more actively maintained.
Both pgfouine and pgbadger suffer from the fact that they need query-logging enabled, which can cause a noticeable performance hit on the database or bring you into disk space troubles on top of the fact that parsing the log with the tool can take quite some time and won't give you up-to-date insights on what is going in the database.
Speeding it up with extensions
To address these shortcomings there are now two extensions which track query performance directly in the database - pg_stat_statements (which is only helpful in version 9.2 or newer) and pg_stat_plans. Both extensions offer the same basic functionality - tracking how often a given "normalized query" (Query string minus all expression literals) has been run and how long it took in total. Due to the fact that this is done while the query is actually run this is done in a very efficient manner, the measurable overhead was less than 5% in synthetic benchmarks.
Making sense of the data
The list of queries itself is very "dry" from an information perspective. There's been work on a third extension trying to address this fact and offer nicer representation of the data called pg_statsinfo (along with pg_stats_reporter), but it's a bit of an undertaking to get it up and running.
To offer a more convenient solution to this problem I started working on a commercial project which is focussed around pg_stat_statements and pg_stat_plans and augments the information collected by lots of other data pulled out of the database. It's called pganalyze and you can find it at
To offer a concise overview of interesting tools and projects in the Postgres Monitoring area i also started compiling a list at the Postgres Wiki which is updated regularly.
pgfouine works fairly well for me. And it looks like there's a FreeBSD port for it.
I've used pgtop a little. It is quite crude, but at least I can see which query is running for each process ID.
I tried pgfouine, but if I remember, it's an offline tool.
I also tail the psql.log file and set the logging criteria down to a level where I can see the problem queries.
#log_min_duration_statement = -1 # -1 is disabled, 0 logs all statements
# and their durations, > 0 logs only
# statements running at least this time.
I also use EMS Postgres Manager to do general admin work. It doesn't do anything for you, but it does make most tasks easier and makes reviewing and setting up your schema more simple. I find that when using a GUI, it is much easier for me to spot inconsistencies (like a missing index, field criteria, etc.). It's only one of two programs I'm willing to use VMWare on my Mac to use.
Munin is quite simple yet effective to get trends of how the database is evolving and performing over time. In the standard kit of Munin you can among other thing monitor the size of the database, number of locks, number of connections, sequential scans, size of transaction log and long running queries.
Easy to setup and to get started with and if needed you can write your own plugin quite easily.
Check out the latest postgresql plugins that are shipped with Munin here:
Well, the first thing to do is try all your queries from psql using "explain" and see if there are sequential scans that can be converted to index scans by adding indexes or rewriting the query.
Other than that, I'm as interested in the answers to this question as you are.
Check out Lightning Admin, it has a GUI for capturing log statements, not perfect but works great for most needs.
DBTuna has recently started supporting PostgreSQL monitoring. We use it extensively for MySQL monitoring, so if it provides the same for Postgres then it should be a good fit for you too.