Arquillian with Mockito and CDI - testing

Is it possible to create spy(mock) object in testing class?
Here is tested class.
public class UserDao {
private TestBean testBean;
public String mock() {
return testBean.mock();
public String notMock() {
return testBean.notMock();
TestBean code
public class TestBean {
public String notMock() {
return "NOT MOCK";
public String mock() {
Here's my test
public class UserDataTest {
public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();
private UserDao userDao;
protected static Archive createWar() {
File[] dependencies = Maven.configureResolver()
.withRemoteRepo("nexus-remote", "", "default")
.withRemoteRepo("nexus-release", "", "default")
return ShrinkWrap
.create(WebArchive.class, "pass.jpa.war")
public void testMock() {
assertEquals("MOCK", userDao.mock());
public void testNotMock() {
assertEquals("NOT MOCK", userDao.notMock());
I'd like to create a spy object on TestBean to change result on method test() of this bean.
So is it possible to create TestBean spy in UserDao.
I solve some problems through producer like this.
public class MockFactory {
public TestBean getTestBean() {
return when(mock(TestBean.class).mock()).thenReturn("MOCK").getMock();
But in this example I need create on Bean completely on my own. And if it is bean with additional dependencies and thus i will manage all dependencies.

As far as I know, its not possible to use a mocking framework in combination with arquillian ...

I haven't used it myself, but this Arquillian extension seems to be specifically designed to support Mockito Spy objects in an Arquillian test:


ReactiveMongoRepository instance is not found on webflux handler class

I am using spring boot WebFlux handler functions and route functions with mongodb. Below is my ReactiveMongoRepository interface and handler classes.
ReactiveMongoRepository interface
public interface UserReactiveMongoRepository extends ReactiveMongoRepository<User, String> {
Mono<User> findByEmail(#Param("email") String email);
Mono<User> findByUsername(#Param("username") String username);
Mono<User> findById(#Param("id") Long id);
Mono<Void> saveUser(Mono<User> monoUser);
UserHandler class
public class UserHandler {
private UserReactiveMongoRepository userRepository;
public UserHandler() { }
public UserHandler(#NonNull UserReactiveMongoRepository userRepository) {
this.userRepository = userRepository;
But userRepository instance is not generated on handler component class. I think this error seems to be simple, But I have no idea how. Any reply will be thankful.
I missed "spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb-reactive" dependency on pom.xml. So I added that dependency. And It works without errors.

Replace #Value property within #Configuration during Spring Boot test

I've got a Spring Boot application with a #Configuration annotated Spring configuration class which contains some #Value annotated fields. For testing I want to replace these field values with custom test values.
Unfortunately these test values cannot be overridden using a simple properties file, (String) constants or similar, instead I must use some custom written property resolving Java class (e.g. TargetProperties.getProperty("some.username")).
The problem I have is that when I add a custom PropertySource to the ConfigurableEnvironment within my test configuration, it's already too late because this PropertySource will be added after the e.g. RestTemplate has been created.
How can I override #Value annotated fields within a #Configuration class with properties obtained programmatically via custom Java code before anything else gets initialized?
Production Configuration Class
public class SomeConfiguration {
private String someUsername;
private String somePassword;
public RestTemplate someRestTemplate() {
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
new BasicAuthorizationInterceptor(someUsername, somePassword));
return restTemplate;
Test Configuration Class
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE)
public class SomeTest {
#Import({MySpringBootApp.class, SomeConfiguration.class})
static class TestConfiguration {
private ConfigurableEnvironment configurableEnvironment;
// This doesn't work:
// I also tried a #PostConstruct method
public TargetPropertiesPropertySource targetPropertiesPropertySource() {
TargetPropertiesPropertySource customPropertySource =
new TargetPropertiesPropertySource();
return customPropertySource;
You can override properties directly in the #SpringBootTest annotation using the properties parameter:
#SpringBootTest(properties = {"some.username=user", "some.password=pwd"},
webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE)
You can use #TestPropertySource
properties = {
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class ApplicationTest {
You can use constructor injection in production cases, which allows it to set the configuration manually:
public class SomeConfiguration {
private final String someUsername;
private final String somePassword;
public SomeConfiguration(#Value("${some.username}") String someUsername,
#Value("${some.password}") String somePassword) {
this.someUsername = someUsername;
this.somePassword = somePassword;
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE)
public class SomeTest {
private SomeConfiguration config;
public init() {
config = new SomeConfiguration("foo", "bar");

How to use arquillian to test EJB calling webservices using #webserviceref annotation

I'm trying to use arquillian to test one method of an EJB using a webservice through #WebServiceRef annotation
In my method decorated by #Deployment I declared the resource
public static JavaArchive createDeployment() {
return ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class)
.addPackages(true, .... PortType.class.getPackage())
.addAsManifestResource("META-INF/beans.xml", "beans.xml").addAsManifestResource("META-INF/test-persistence.xml", "persistence.xml");
Then I coded the bean as following
public class WSBean {
#WebServiceRef(wsdlLocation = "/my.wsdl")
PortType portType;
public void test() throws Exception{
portType.lireAdresseClient(null, null);
and the test
public class WSintegrationTest extends DefaultServicesIntegrationTest {
private WSBean wsBean;
public void testAppel() throws Exception {
System.out.println("TEST APPEL");
Can I do that with Arquillian ?
How can I fix it ?
Also if you want you can take a look at you will find examples of JAXWS with its Arquillian test.

Dagger: Inject named string in constructor

I have a properties file and I would like to inject a property in a service.
I would like use the constructor method for DI like this:
public ScanService(#Named("") String codes, IYahooService yahooService) {
this.yahooService = yahooService; = codes;
I try to do a module like specified in this link => Dagger: Inject #Named strings?
public String providesStocksCode() {
return "test";
And for the provider method for my service:
public IScanService provideScanService(String codes, IYahooService yahooService){
return new ScanService(codes, yahooService);
When I run the compilation I get this error:
error: No injectable members on java.lang.String. Do you want to add
an injectable constructor? required by
for net.modules.TestModule
How can I inject my property correctly in the constructor ?
You have two different names: and stocks.code.
You will also have to annotate your provideScanService codes parameter:
public IScanService provideScanService(#Named("") String codes, IYahooService yahooService){
return new ScanService(codes, yahooService);
Or do it like this:
public IScanService provideScanService(ScanService scanService){
return scanService;
If you mean Dagger 2, I can help you.
First you have to declare dependencies in Component
#Component(modules = ApplicationModule.class)
public interface ApplicationComponent {
void inject(BaseActivity baseActivity);
#Named("cloud") UserDataSource userCloudSource();
#Named("disc") UserDataSource userDiscSource();
UserDataRepository userDataRepository();
then instantiate it in Module
public class ApplicationModule {
#Provides #Named("cloud")
UserDataSource provideCloudUserSource(UserCloudSource userSource) {
return userSource;
#Provides #Named("disc")
UserDataSource provideDiscUserSource(UserDiscSource userSource) {
return userSource;
UserDataRepository provideUserRepository(UserDataRepository repository) {
return repository;
then inject it in constructor with #Named qualifiers
public UserDataRepository(#Named("cloud") UserDataSource cloudSource,
#Named("disc") UserDataSource discSource) {
this.cloudDataSource= cloudSource;
this.discDataSource = discSource;

Inject a dependency in an existing instance

I have the following classes:
The class to be injected with a dependency
public class ToBeInjected
public void InjectCommandParameters( IInjectParameters parameters )
// some set code here
The dependency to be injected that implements IInjectParameters
and an injector
public class Injector
public void SetParameters( ToBeInjected statement, IInjectParameters parameters )
so what I try to achieve statement.InjectCommandParameters(parameters) by using ninject.