org.bluez.LEAdvertisingManager1 interface disappeared in bluez 5.31 - bluez

I've been working with bluez 5.30 for a few weeks getting a peripheral working using the DBus APIs. I ran into a bug registering descriptors which I tracked down to an issue in gatt-database.c. When I went to report the bug, I noticed 5.31 had been released, which corrected the issue, so I built and installed the new version.
However, in this new version the LEAdvertisingManager1 has disappeared from the adapter object. Downgrading back to 5.30 corrects the issue. I start bluetoothd with the -E option in both cases.
When I start bluetoothd from the command line with debugging on, I can see the device wishes to create the interface:
bluetoothd[1801]: src/advertising.c:btd_advertising_manager_new() LE Advertising Manager created for adapter: /org/bluez/hci0
The only clue appears to be this line:
bluetoothd[1801]: Failed to read advertising features: Unknown Command (0x01)
Which i tracked down to the call to read MGMT_OP_READ_ADV_FEATURES over hci, which returns 0x01, unknown command. This command was working fine in 5.30, so I'm curious if this is some configuration issue for the new features in 5.31.
Anyone have any tips for correcting this?


How to run/debug open-source macOS `Privileges` app w/ XPC service/daemon and DockTile plugin

I'm attempting to try out some modifications in SAP's Unfortunately, their (understandable) Support policy is
This project is 'as-is' with no support, no changes being made. You are welcome to make changes to improve it but we are not available for questions or support of any kind.
Unfortunately, this app uses two constructs I've never come across before in my professional experience, an XPC service + helper (Launch daemon?) and a DockTile plugin. I'm having a hard time just fundamentally getting the app to work when launched from Xcode - it launches, but it seems that there are issues between (maybe?) sandboxing, signing and perhaps entitlements? I've updated the signing to use my own team, of course, and everything compiles/links/launches properly, but when the XPC service tries to install the helper tool it fails
2022-06-29 17:03:56.284544-0500 PrivilegesXPC[13079:128535] [logging-persist] cannot open file at line 45530 of [9ff244ce07]
2022-06-29 17:03:56.284570-0500 PrivilegesXPC[13079:128535] [logging-persist] os_unix.c:45530: (0) open(/var/db/DetachedSignatures) - Undefined error: 0
2022-06-29 17:04:21.060214-0500 PrivilegesXPC[13079:128537] SAPCorp: ERROR! Failed to connect to helper tool: NSCocoaErrorDomain / 4097
2022-06-29 17:04:31.471555-0500 Privileges[13064:127420] SAPCorp: ERROR! Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=25 "Inappropriate ioctl for device"
2022-06-29 17:04:45.717751-0500 Privileges[13064:129162] SAPCorp: ERROR! Installation of the helper tool failed: Error Domain=CFErrorDomainLaunchd Code=4 "(null)"
As near as I can tell, the last two errors are thrown from a failure in
success = SMJobBless(
but I haven't been able to ascertain why this is failing. Searching for errors around Inappropriate ioctl for device has not been fruitful, unfortunately.
If there's anyone out there with some experience in dealing with apps using some of these more esoteric moving parts that can share some things to try, I'd be much obliged. Bonus points if there's any way to debug code running in a DockTile plugin - as near as I can tell, it's running in SystemUIServer, but I can't attach to that (even as root) from Xcode.
I think I've sorted out getting this running. Here's a few roadblocks I encountered.
SMJobBless has some very particular expectations around code-signing - you'll find references to this in some forum posts and there's a sample project that's also referenced with a utility script - which doesn't run on modern macOS because it's written for Python 2 -- which isn't installed by default anymore and a bit difficult to come by. But, after agonizingly converting Python 2-isms over to Python 3, you'll come to find out that that's not the only thing that's changed, a number of the tools (codesign and otool) don't output the same on ARM64 at which time you'll finally stumble across a kind soul that converted ... only to find out that it's not actually needed for this project?! Not sure if it's because the Launch Service is contained in the XPC and not the app, but either way - it seems to not be needed.
If you've run Privileges before, it'll have installed it's escalated helper, which will stand in the way of a local Xcode build copying itself over - which matters because of the aforementioned code signing. You'll need to clear away these artifacts
$ sudo rm -rf /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/
$ sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/
Just deleting them isn't enough, it seems some sort of runtime launchd state needs to be wiped. It's unclear to me if some incantation of launchctl will clear this out, maybe an invocation of launchctl kickstart -k <foo> or something? I ended up rebooting and that seemed to do the trick anyway.
It seems like you need a particular signing certificate to allow the various signing validations that SMJobBless and the XPC communications are doing to be valid. Particularly, it seems you'll need a Developer ID Application, which happens to match what's encoded in the .xcodeproj pulled down from the GitHub repo. This means you can't enable Automatically manage signing as you won't get this type of certificate (as near as I can tell - please correct me if I'm wrong).
Once you've got all that sorted, since you aren't signing with the SAP developer's certificate, your certificate will have a different unique Team ID, so you'll need to update SMAuthorizedClients and SMPrivilegedExecutables, respectively, (look for 7R5ZEU67FQ and replace with your team ID) in
I think that's basically got it. Hope that helps someone else

How to get WSL2 working with IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1

I have no idea how to get IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1 working with WSL. I spent two days searching trough internet but I wasn't able to get it running. I am able to create new project with JDK located in WSL but when I press "play button" I receive this:
Executing pre-compile tasks...
Loading Ant configuration...
Running Ant tasks...
Cannot assign requested address: bind
Synchronizing output directories...
4/16/2021 7:57 PM - Build completed with 1 error and 0 warnings in 77 ms
What I tried was also to use maven from WSL but that also didn't help. Does anyone has idea what I am doing wrong?
Jetbrains added an option to work around the issue (has to do with your WLS2 /etc/resolv.conf being modified due to VPNs, etc.):
From the issue link:
Thanks, the issue with generateResolvConf=false in /etc/wsl.conf is reproduced. The fix will be available in 2021.1.x builds, exact fix version will be available later (see "Available in" field).
After updating to a version with the fix, please do the following to change how Windows host IP is obtained:
Open "Help | Find Action...", locate "Registry..." there and open it.
In the opened "Registry" dialog, find registry key (disabled by default) and enable it.
Restart IDE to apply the changes.

Is there an updated disk image binary for the x86 architecture for running gem5 in full system mode?

I am currently using the linux-x86.img which I downloaded from the documentation page for gem5 (, but since I was not able to compile the fscanf and fopen commands on this image I was wondering if there is a more recent image which I could download and use instead.
The error message throw when trying to compile the lines with fopen and fscanf are
./obj/edgelist.o: In function loadEdgeArray': edgelist.c:(.text+0x148): undefined reference to __isoc99_fscanf'
./obj/edgelist.o: In function loadEdgeArrayInfo': edgelist.c:(.text+0x20c): undefined reference to __isoc99_fscanf'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [test] Error 1
This error is thrown when trying to compile from both from qemu as well as gem5.
Here's one setup that generates such an image with Buildroot. I'm a fan of Buildroot because it builds everything from source. I don't understand how fscanf and fopen could fail in that image, but I have tested them in the above setup and they work fine.
Boot used to work in the past, but gem5 X86 full system boot has been broken for likely easy to fix reasons for a few months now as of March 2020 on the gem5 side, although there are efforts in place to fix it, and so likely it will work again soon:
Other alternatives include: which Jason has been pushing and uses Packer to generate disk images
You can also extract working disk images from Docker: This requires exporting them to a file to give to gem5.
It is also worth noting that when the website migrated from the old Wiki to the new static website setup in Q1 2020, we lost the ability of doing directory listing under for some reason, and so devs were forced to list them one by one on the static website...
I am not sure why the error is no longer occurring for me, but documenting the steps I went through which might have fixed something. I reinstalled Ubuntu18.04 therefore had to rebuild gem5 and I used the parsec image ( referenced in this answer Booting gem5 X86 Ubuntu Full System Simulation

Docker build fails always with error hcsshim::PrepareLayer - failed failed in Win32: Incorrect function. (0x1) Windows Containers

Steps to reproduce are very easy.
Create a Dockerfile.
My Dockerfile has many more lines, but I have trimmed them so we can focus in the source of the problem.
Said that, these two lines alone (without anything more) show the problem.
FROM microsoft/iis
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; $VerbosePreference = 'Continue'; "]
Run docker build . and you get hcsshim::PrepareLayer - failed failed in Win32: FunciĆ³n incorrecta. (0x1).
Windows 10 Pro 1909 (but it happened too in 1903)
Docker version:
Engine: 19.03.5
Machine: 0.16.2
I have found the solution to the problem.
Reading all the bug, some have found a simple solution: rename C:\windows\system32\driver\cbfsconnect2017.sys so it isn't loaded the next boot.
Disabling that driver enables me to do a docker build for the first time in windows containers in almost a year.
In my case Box Sync was the one using that driver.
EDIT: #GustavoTM have found that pCloud raises the same problem.
EDIT2: #VonC have noticed that some people in the issue in GitHub has solved it deleting this other file: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\cbfs6.sys. I haven't tried that, but i put it if it helps others.
The good thing is that I don't need to uninstall Box, but only rename that file.
This is still an issue (still open) with Win10.
Looks like uninstalling cloud storage providers with file system filters like Dropbox, Box, etc. as a workaround is an option for some users.
Deinstall cloud storage providers or virus scanners; if you identify which one is not working please share in
In my case was the problem similar but the file cbfs6.sys was placed somewhere in the rest of uninstalled application Jungle disk, somewhere in the folder c:\Program files\Jungle disk .... It's part of Callback File System signed by EldoS Corporation.
The folder could be rename only and not delete directly. So I could delete its immediately after the PC restart, before running the Docker. So it could be delete during the Docker service restart too.

Code Injection using mach_star

I was trying to inject code into the Finder process using mach_inject . I am currently using given the source given here
The code seems to get the PID of the finder process correctly. There is a bundle mach_inject_bundle which is to be injected.
The following error comes every time I run the injector.
mach_inject failing.. (os/kern) invalid address
error: (os/kern) invalid address
I am running the build using sudo from the terminal. I am using Snow Leopard MAC OS X 10.6.8.
I found some similar issues reported by others here . But no solution seems to work.
Can someone please help me out ??
In the Architectures setting for the project just set x86_64.