How to switch users while developing? - thinktecture-ident-server

we need the ability to switch users from our client interface while we're in debugging mode. is there an easy way to do this? how do we do this with identity server?

When you are in debug mode, you have already been assigned a claims principal, So you might need to create and assign a different principal at debug mode.
Otherwise you can rely on creating test principal at application startup as described here(without using an identity server).


Multi-tenancy in Golang

I'm currently writing a service in Go where I need to deal with multiple tenants. I have settled on using the one database, shared-tables approach using a 'tenant_id' decriminator for tenant separation.
The service is structured like this:
gRPC server -> gRPC Handlers -
\_ Managers (SQL)
HTTP/JSON server -> Handlers -
Two servers, one gRPC (administration) and one HTTP/JSON (public API), each running in their own go-routine and with their own respective handlers that can make use of the functionality of the different managers. The managers (lets call one 'inventory-manager'), all lives in different root-level packages. These are as far as I understand it my domain entities.
In this regard I have some questions:
I cannot find any ORM for Go that supports multiple tenants out there. Is writing my own on top of perhaps the sqlx package a valid option?
Other services in the future will require multi-tenant support too, so I guess I would have to create some library/package anyway.
Today, I resolve the tenants by using a ResolveTenantBySubdomain middleware for the public API server. I then place the resolved tenant id in a context value that is sent with the call to the manager. Inside the different methods in the manager, I get the tenant id from the context value. This is then used with every SQL query/exec calls or returns a error if missing or invalid tenant id. Should I even use context for this purpose?
Resolving the tenant on the gRPC server, I believe I have to use the UnaryInterceptor function for middleware handling. Since the gRPC
API interface will only be accessed by other backend services, i guess resolving by subdomain is unneccessary here. But how should I embed the tenant id? In the header?
Really hope I'm asking the right questions.
Regards, Karl.
I cannot find any ORM for Go that supports multiple tenants out there. Is writing my own on top of perhaps the sqlx package a valid option?
ORMs in Go are a controversial topic! Some Go users love them, others hate them and prefer to write SQL manually. This is a matter of personal preference. Asking for specific library recommendations is off-topic here, and in any event, I don't know of any multi-tenant ORM libraries – but there's nothing to prevent you using a wrapper of sqlx (I work daily on a system which does exactly this).
Other services in the future will require multi-tenant support too, so I guess I would have to create some library/package anyway.
It would make sense to abstract this behavior from those internal services in a way which suits your programming and interface schemas, but there's no further details here to answer more concretely.
Today, I resolve the tenants by using a ResolveTenantBySubdomain middleware for the public API server. I then place the resolved tenant id in a context value that is sent with the call to the manager. Inside the different methods in the manager, I get the tenant id from the context value. This is then used with every SQL query/exec calls or returns a error if missing or invalid tenant id. Should I even use context for this purpose?
context.Context is mostly about cancellation, not request propagation. While your use is acceptable according to the documentation for the WithValue function, it's widely considered a bad code smell to use the context package as currently implemented to pass values. Rather than use implicit behavior, which lacks type safety and many other properties, why not be explicit in the function signature of your downstream data layers by passing the tenant ID to the relevant function calls?
Resolving the tenant on the gRPC server, I believe I have to use the UnaryInterceptor function for middleware handling. Since the gRPC API interface will only be accessed by other backend services, i guess resolving by subdomain is unneccessary here. But how should I embed the tenant id? In the header? [sic]
The gRPC library is not opinionated about your design choice. You can use a header value (to pass the tenant ID as an "ambient" parameter to the request) or explicitly add a tenant ID parameter to each remote method invocation which requires it.
Note that passing a tenant ID between your services in this way creates external trust between them – if service A makes a request of service B and annotates it with a tenant ID, you assume service A has performed the necessary access control checks to verify a user of that tenant is indeed making the request. There is nothing in this simple model to prevent a rogue service C asking service B for information about some arbitrary tenant ID. An alternative implementation would implement a more complex trust-nobody policy whereby each service is provided with sufficient access control information to make its own policy decision as to whether a particular request scoped to a particular tenant should be fulfilled.

Spring Security manually setting authentication without authentication manager giving error

I am setting authentication manually in my application using PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken. But I keep getting error as follows,
No bean named '' is defined: Did you forget to add a gobal element to your configuration (with child elements)?
I don't have a UserDetailsService as it is not required for me. Please help me on how to configure authentication manager ?
You are missing an <authentication-manager> element. You need to have one which processes the PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken, usually adding any relevant roles for the user. If you want it to be a no-op operation, then that's fine, but it still has to be there, so you can either implement a simple UserDetailsService which just returns a user object with a fixed role, or you can implement AuthenticationProvider directly and create the final token in its authenticate method, however you want to do it. Either way, the configuration would be similar to the one described in the user manual.

WCF Authenticate Client with database

I have a WCF service that supposed to provide service to several clients.
The WCF will have a Data-Access-Layer that will communicate with the database.
This is part of my design idea : My Design
As you can see - each client will connect to the 1st WCF service for pulling information (get product, update product), and also to the 2nd WCF service in a pub\sub manner, so it would be able to receive notifications about different things it wants.
I have a table in the database for 'Users' with all the users in the system.
(there is an administrator, a normal user and a technician).
My question is - how do I do the 'logging' in from the client to the database ?
My current idea - have a function in the services called 'Connect ( username, password )' and when a client connects - it will pass the username and password to be authenticated in the database, and only if authenticated - the client will start sending commands.
Problem with this is - anyone can write his own client that connects to my service and runs other functions without authenticating. I can solve this by saving in the service whether or not the client has authenticated.
But is there a better solution that just having a 'Connect' function in the service ?
Hope there is something simple yet effective.
You should create a custom user name and password validator that derives from the UserNamePasswordValidator abstract class and implements the Validate() method. Then you can validate the provided user name and password however you want. To learn more about setting this up, read this article.

MVVM on top of claims aware web services

I'm looking for some input for a challenge that I'm currently facing.
I have built a custom WIF STS which I use to identify users who want to call some WCF services that my system offers. The WCF services use a custom authorization manager that determines whether or not the caller has the required claims to invoke a given service.
Now, I'm building a WPF app. on top of those WCF services. I'm using the MVVM pattern, such that the View Model invokes the protected WCF services (which implement the Model). The challenge that I'm facing is that I do not know whether or not the current user can succesfully invoke the web service methods without actually invoking them. Basically, what I want to achieve is to enable/disable certain parts of the UI based on the ability to succesfully invoke a method.
The best solution that I have come up with thus far is to create a service, which based on the same business logic as the custom authorization policy manager will be able to determine whether or not a user can invoke a given method. Now, the method would have to passed to this service as a string, or actually two strings, ServiceAddress and Method (Action), and based on that input, the service would be able to determine if the current user has the required claims to access the method. Obviously, for this to work, this service would itself have to require a issued token from the same STS, and with the same claims, in order to do its job.
Have any of you done something similar in the past, or do you have any good ideas on how to do this?
Thanks in advance,
This depends a bit on what claims you're requiring in your services.
If your services require the same set of claims, I would recommend making a service that does nothing but checks the claims, and call that in advance. This would let you "pre-authorize" the user, in turn enabling/disabling the appropriate portions of the UI. When it comes time to call your actual services, the user can just call them at will, and you've already checked that it's safe.
If the services all require different sets of claims, and there is no easy way to verify that they will work in advance, I would just let the user call them, and handle this via normal exception handling. This is going to make life a bit trickier, though, since you'll have to let the user try (and fail) then disable.
Otherwise, you can do something like what you suggested - put in some form of catalog you can query for a specific user. In addition to just passing a address/method, it might be nicer to allow you to just pass an address, and retrieve the entire set of allowed (or disallowed, whichever is smaller) methods. This way you could reduce the round trips just for authentication.
An approach that I have taken is a class that does the inspection of a ClaimSet to guard the methods behind the service. I use attributes to decorate the methods with type, resource and right property values. Then the inspection class has a Demand method that throws an exception if the caller's ClaimSet does not contain a Claim with those property values. So before any method code executes, the claim inspection demand is called first. If the method is still executing after the demand, then the caller is good. There is also a bool function in the inspection class to answer the same question (does the caller have the appropriate claims) without throwing an exception.
I then package the inspection class so that it is deployed with clients and, as long as the client can also get the caller's ClaimSet (which I provide via a GetClaimSet method on the service) then it has everything it needs to make the same evaluations that the domain model is doing. I then use the bool method of the claim inspection class in the CanExecute method of ICommand properties in my view models to enable/disable controls and basically keep the user from getting authorization exceptions by not letting them do things that they don't have the claims for.
As far as how the client knows what claims are required for what methods, I guess I leave that up to the client developer to just know. In general on my projects this isn't a big problem because the methods have been very classic crud. So if the method is to add an Apple, then the claim required is intuitively going to be Type = Apple, Right = Add.
Not sure if this helps your situation but it has worked pretty well on some projects I have done.

WCF, Custom Membership Provider and HttpContext

Ok, Im really going to show my stupidity regarding the ASP.NET security model here but here goes.
I have a WCF web service and I have managed to hack my way around to having it pipe through my custom membership provider.
My membership provider overrides "ValidateUser" in which I attempt to load a user object with data from our SQL server instance. All good so far, I retrieve the creds, load the users object and return true if I don't hit any bumps in the road.
At this point, I would usually stuff the user object (or id) into session or actually just some state bag that's accessible for the lifetime of the request. The problem that I am hitting is that HttpContext is null at this point, even though Im using ASP compatability attributes.
What other options do I have at hand?
Cheers, Chris.
Just to clarify what I want to do. I want to pass user credentials to be authenticated on the server, and once this has happened I would like to keep the the details of the authenticated user somewhere that I can access for the lifetime of the service request only. This would be the equiv of Http.Current.Items?
Is there any object that is instantiated per-request that I can access globally via a static property (i.e. in a similar way to HttpContext.Current)? I assumed that OperationContext was the this, but this is also null?
Can this really be such an uncommon problem? Send creds > retrieve user > stuff user somewhere for access throughout processing the request. Seems pretty common to me, what am I missing?
Cheers, Chris.
Basically, with WCF, the preferred best practice solution is to use per-call activation, e.g. each new request / call gets a new instance of the service class, and all the necessary steps like authentication and authorization are done for each request.
This may sound inefficient, but web apps, and in particular web services, ought to be totally stateless whenever possible. Putting stuff in a "state bag" just calls for problems further down the road - how do you know when to invalidate that cached copy of the credentials? What if the user exists your app but the cookie stays on his machine?
All in all, I would strongly suggest trying to get used to the idea of doing these step each and every time. Yes, it costs a little bit of processing time - but on the other hand, you can save yourself from a lot of grief in terms of state management in an inherently stateless environment - always a kludge, no matter how you look at it....
If you still insist on that kludge, you can turn on an ASP.NET "compabitility" mode for WCF which should give you access to HttpContext - but again: I would strongly recommend against it. The first and most obvious limitation is that this ASP.NET compatibility mode of course only works when hosting your WCF service in IIS - which I would again rather not do in production code myself.
To turn on the ASP.NET compatibility mode, use this setting in web.config:
and you need to decorate your service implementation (the class implementing the service contract) with a corresponding attribute:
class YourService : IYourService
The AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode can be NotAllowed, Allowed or Required.
For more information and a more thorough explanation, see Wenlong Dong's blog post on ASP.NET Compatibility Mode