Custom Spin Button in Excel - vba

I have images that I have assigned macros to in a worksheet and am trying to apply parameters to ensure that only valid entries are made. The spin button increase or decrease a cell value by a value of 1 on each click. I have used data validation criteria to only allow for values of 2 or greater (to avoid negative values, which don't exist, as well as using invalid references), but this only limits value entries when I type them in manually and is not firing when the buttons are used to decrease the values.
Is there a way to apply a sort of
function to these shape-buttons? I basically just do not want the user to be able to enter values below 2. Thanks!
Current Code:
Sub Increase_Val()
Dim StartRow As Long
Dim EndRow As Long
Dim row_number As Long
StartRow = Sheet6.Range("D5").Value
EndRow = Sheet6.Range("D5").Value
For row_number = StartRow To EndRow
Next row_number
End Sub

In your spin button macro, you can read the validation settings from the cell and decide whether to increment/decrement the number
Sub Tester()
Dim c As Range
Set c = Range("D4")
If Not c.Validation Is Nothing Then
If c.Validation.Type = xlValidateWholeNumber And _
c.Validation.Operator = xlBetween Then
Debug.Print "Min", c.Validation.Formula1
Debug.Print "Max", c.Validation.Formula2
End If
End If
End Sub

So my final solution ended up being a bit different than I was envisioning. Nixed the idea of a customized spin button using macros and images and went with the form control spin buttons. The full code uses information in a defined sheet that contains information and populates a generic message with personalized information and HTML formatting. My spin button was to help me pick what range of rows I wanted to include (since the function is using the .Display method rather than .Send as I wanted to personally check each email before it went out, and there were a lot of rows, this enabled me to more easily decide how many emails I wanted to display at one time). First the e-mail code (customized from an original work by Alex Cantu ):
Sub SendMyEmals(what_address As String, subject_line As String, mail_body_message As String)
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim oAttach As Outlook.Attachment
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem
Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With olMail
.To = what_address
.Attachments.Add = "C:\",olByValue, 0
'your directory reference, I used this for my header image",
.Attachments.Add = "C:\",olByValue, 0
'other directory reference, used for footer image
.Subject = "Pick your subject"
.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
.HTMLBody = "<img src='cid:"Your_image_name'"&"width = 'whatever' height = 'whatever' <br> <br>" mail_body_message & "&"img src='cid:Your_other_image'" &"width = 'whatever' height = 'whatever'>"
End With
End Sub
Sub MassEmail()
Dim mail_body_message As String
Dim A As String
Dim B As String
Dim C_name As String
Dim D As String
Dim RowStart As String
Dim RowEnd As String
Dim row_number As String
With Worksheets("Your_Worksheet")
RowStart = SheetX.Range("Your Range").Value
'this is the sheet where I stored the generic HTML message where I used replace text to be filled in by the row ranges from the main sheet "Your_Worksheet"
RowEnd = SheetX.Range("Your Other Range").Value
For row_number = RowStart To RowEnd
mail_body_message = SheetX.Range("Where the HTML was stored")
A = Sheet1.Range("A" & row_number)
B = Sheet1.Range("B" & row_number)
C = Sheet1.Range("C" & row_number)
D = Sheet1.Range("D" & row_number)
what_address = Sheet1.Range("D"& row_number)
'that is the column where I stored the individual email addresses
mail_body_message = Replace(mail_body_message, "replace_A_here", A)
mail_body_message = Replace(mail_body_message, "replace_B_here", B)
mail_body_message = Replace(mail_body_message, "replace_C_here", C)
mail_body_message = Replace(mail_body_message, "replace_D_here", D)
Call SendMyEmails(Sheet1.Range("D"&row_number), "This is a test email", mail_body_message
Next row_number
End With
End Sub
Anyway, it worked the way I was trying to get it to, I am sure there may have been more elegant ways to do it, but I am happy with this workaround for now.


Editing the cell value in Specialcells fails?

I have two sheets, one that information about decks played by players, who owns it, what the deck name is, and earlier names. Then another where I have match information of said player, owner and deck name.
My aim is to update match information deck names to newest. I've these two subprocedures. First finds what we need to update, then uses a filtering subprocedure to filter the match list to only have matches containing the player, owner and deck combination visible.
Then it calls the other method, where I try to update the name. It runs nicely, says happily in the debug log that it has beeen renamed from oldname to new name, but when it's finished, the value in the deck name cell remains unchanged.
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: I tried out your script, Pefington, and amended the split of for i and for each loops. I also used the Variant approach you suggested. Now it runs again, and says it tries to update 'chulane precon to chulane', but that change is not reflected in the excel sheet.
Had to do an rather ugly way of populating the array of Variants with from the array of Strings.
I also added a rownumber to just check in debugger that it indeed goes through the row with chulane precon, and it does, but still fails to actually save the chulane into the cell. Which is the thing I need help with. :)
Sub CleanOldDeckNames()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim player As String
Dim owner As String
Dim concatenatedOldNames As String
Dim oldNamesArray() As Variant
Dim currentName As String
Dim currentOldName As String
Dim temporaryOldNameStringArray() As String
Dim j As Integer
Dim oldName As Variant
Call dl_search_deck_hidden_reset
For i = 12 To 50
player = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Decklist").range("A" & i).Value
owner = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Decklist").range("B" & i).Value
currentName = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Decklist").range("C" & i).Value
concatenatedOldNames = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Decklist").range("D" & i).Value
If Not (StrComp(concatenatedOldNames, "") = 0) Then
temporaryOldNameStringArray = Split(concatenatedOldNames, ",")
j = 0
For Each oldNameToBeConverted In temporaryOldNameStringArray
ReDim Preserve oldNamesArray(j)
oldNamesArray(j) = CStr(oldNameToBeConverted)
j = j + 1
Next oldNameToBeConverted
For Each oldName In oldNamesArray
currentOldName = Trim(CStr(oldName))
Sheets("Game Logs").Select
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Game Logs").range("E1:G1").Value = Array(player, owner, currentOldName)
Call gl_find_rename_deck
Call RenameInSpecialCells(currentOldName, currentName)
Next oldName
End If
Call gl_find_rename_deck_reset
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub RenameInSpecialCells(oldName As String, currentName As String)
For Each cell In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Game Logs").AutoFilter.range.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
If (StrComp(cell, oldName) = 0) Then
Dim rownumber As Integer
rownumber = cell.row
cell = currentName
Debug.Print ("Renamed " & oldName & " to " & currentName)
End If
Next cell
End Sub
Edit to add after feedback:
Sub RenameInSpecialCells(oldName As String, currentName As String)
dim rng as range, c as range
set rng = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Game Logs").AutoFilter.range.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) #.range? can't get intellisense to trigger on this one#
For Each c In rng.cells
If (StrComp(c.value, oldName) = 0) Then
c.value = currentName
Debug.Print ("Renamed " & oldName & " to " & currentName)
End If
End Sub
First post here, and new at coding, but I think I see some issues and hopefully can help.
Dim oldNameS As String
Note the s, plural.
You then use:
For Each oldName In oldNamesArray
Now you are calling oldName (singular) as if it was a member of an oldNames collection, but it is not.
You could go with:
For Each oldNames in oldNamesArray
The second problem I think is that you are trying to use a for each loop on a string array. To do that, your array needs to be a variant.
So your array declaration should read:
Dim oldNamesArray() as Variant
Dim name As Variant
I don't see this one getting used, maybe lost in the process?
With those comments the code looks like this:
Sub CleanOldDeckNames()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim player As String
Dim owner As String
Dim oldName As String
Dim oldNamesArray() As Variant
Dim currentName As String
Dim currentOldName As String
Call dl_search_deck_hidden_reset
For i = 12 To 50
player = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Decklist").range("A" & i).Value
owner = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Decklist").range("B" & i).Value
currentName = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Decklist").range("C" & i).Value
oldName = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Decklist").range("D" & i).Value
oldNamesArray = Split(oldName, ",")
For Each oldName In oldNamesArray
currentOldName = Trim(CStr(oldName)) #not sure if CStr required#
Sheets("Game Logs").Select
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Game Logs").range("E1:G1").Value = Array(player, owner, currentOldName)
Call gl_find_rename_deck
Call RenameInSpecialCells(currentOldName, currentName)
Call gl_find_rename_deck_reset
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub RenameInSpecialCells(oldName As String, currentName As String)
For Each cell In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Game Logs").AutoFilter.range.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
If (StrComp(cell, oldName) = 0) Then
cell = currentName
Debug.Print ("Renamed " & oldName & " to " & currentName)
End If
Next cell
End Sub
Apologies if I'm way off the mark.
Edit to add: Your for each in array loop doesn't use i, so you can run the for i loop and for each loop in sequence rather than nesting them. Code amended accordingly.
I finally managed to circumvent the saving. I could not find any reason for why I could not edit the cell via SpecialCells, so I grabbed the row number and column number and edited it directly in the sheet. Turned out that worked.
I also did not need to use Variant as suggested, this simply works.
Sub CleanOldDeckNames()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim player As String
Dim owner As String
Dim oldNames As String
Dim oldNamesArray() As String
Dim currentName As String
Dim currentOldName As String
Dim j As Integer
Call dl_search_deck_hidden_reset
For i = 12 To 50
player = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Decklist").range("A" & i).Value
owner = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Decklist").range("B" & i).Value
currentName = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Decklist").range("C" & i).Value
oldNames = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Decklist").range("D" & i).Value
oldNamesArray = Split(oldNames, ",")
Dim name As Variant
For Each oldName In oldNamesArray
currentOldName = Trim(oldName)
Sheets("Game Logs").Select
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Game Logs").range("E1:G1").Value = Array(player, owner, currentOldName)
Call gl_find_rename_deck
Call RenameInSpecialCells(currentOldName, currentName)
Next oldName
Next i
Call gl_find_rename_deck_reset
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub RenameInSpecialCells(oldName As String, currentName As String)
For Each cell In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Game Logs").AutoFilter.range.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
If (StrComp(cell, oldName) = 0) Then
Debug.Print ("Attemtping to rename: " & cell)
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Game Logs").Cells(cell.row, cell.Column).Value = "Chulane"
Debug.Print ("New content: " & ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Game Logs").Cells(cell.row, cell.Column))
End If
Next cell
End Sub

Writing Excel data to Word content controls without error messages

This question is about using content controls to move data values from Excel to Word in VBA. Please note I have enabled the "Microsoft Word 16.0 Object Library" under references in the MSExcel VBA environment.
My project needs to send Excel data to specific places in a Word document.
PROBLEM: It seems I am not using the contentcontrols properly and keep getting runtime errors I'm not finding much information about. Either RTE-438
Object doesen't support this method
or RTE-424
Object Required
Description of what the code does: There are two baseline workbooks with multiple worksheets. Another analysis workbook uses each of these is programmed with VLOOKUP(INDIRECT...),) to generate tables for reports put into a word document. A Variant is used to change the tabs being sourced in the baseline workbook. The analysis is basically CATS-DOGS=PETS. on each cycle through, tables that are not informational (no difference between two baseline workbooks) are skipped and the next tab is analyzed. If a table is informative, then a PDF is produced. The report (a Word document) is updated. Table is added to the report. Upon completion, the next tab or evaluation table is considered.
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Tabs(0 To 18) As Variant
Tabs(0) = "01"
Tabs(1) = "02"
Tabs(2) = "03"
Tabs(3) = "03"
Tabs(4) = "04"
Tabs(5) = "05"
Tabs(6) = "06"
Tabs(7) = "07"
Tabs(8) = "08"
Tabs(9) = "09"
Tabs(10) = "10"
Tabs(11) = "11"
Tabs(12) = "12"
Tabs(13) = "13"
Tabs(14) = "14"
Tabs(15) = "15"
Tabs(16) = "16"
Tabs(17) = "17"
Tabs(18) = "18"
Dim xlApp As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set xlApp = GetObject("excel.applicaiton")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
Set xlApp = CreateObject("excel.applicaiton")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Dim controlThis As String ' the controlThis variable is to the address of the particular data unit that should be passed to a word.documents.contentcontrols to update the text in the word document based on the change in the actual data.
Dim NetworkLocation As String
NetworkLocation = "\\myServer\myFolder\mySubfolder\"
Dim CATS As String
CATS = "kittens.xlsx"
Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open FileName:=(NetworkLocation & "Other Subforder\ThisWway\" & CATS)
Dim DOGS As String
DOGS = "puppies.xlsx"
Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open FileName:=(NetworkLocation & "differentSubfolder\ThatWay\" & DOGS)
'Populates the array with analysis tables
Dim Temples As Object
Dim Template(3 To 9) As Variant
Template(3) = "\3\EVAL Table 3.xlsx"
Template(4) = "\4\EVAL Table 4.xlsx"
Template(5) = "\5\EVAL Table 5.xlsx"
Template(6) = "\6\EVAL Table 6.xlsx"
Template(7) = "\7\EVAL Table 7.xlsx"
Template(8) = "\8\EVAL Table 8.xlsx"
Template(9) = "\9\EVAL Table 9.xlsx"
Dim strXLname As String
Dim opener As Variant
For Each opener In Template
strXLname = NetworkLocation & "Other Subfolder\EVAL Tables\WonderPets" & opener
Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open FileName:=strXLname
Dim currentDiffernce As Long
currentDifference = ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 6).Value
'This code cycles through the different EVAL Table templates
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = CATS
ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1).Value = DOGS
Dim k As Variant
For Each k In Tabs
controlThis = k & "-" & eval 'passes a string to the wdApp.contentcontrol
ActiveSheet.Rows.Hidden = False
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 4).Value = k 'initialize k
currentDifference = ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 6).Value 'stop blank tables from being produced using the total delta in the preprogrammed spreadsheet
If currentDifference = 0 Then 'since the total difference in the current analysis is 0 this bit of code skips to the next WonderPet
controlThis = k & "-" & opener '(Was eval as variant used with thisTable array)passes a string to the wdApp.contentcontrol
Call PDFcrate 'Print the Table to a PDF file. Worked well and was made a subroutine.
Dim objWord As Object
Dim ws As Worksheet
'Dim cc As Word.Application.ContentControls
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objWord.Visible = True
objWord.Documents.Open FileName:="myFilePath\Myfile.docx", noencodingdialog:=True ' change as needed
With objWord.ActiveDocument
.ContentControls(controlThis & " cats").Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 4) 'These are the updates to the report for each content control with the title. Substituting SelectContentControlsByTitle() gives RTE-424 'Object Required'
.ContentControls(controlThis & " dogs").Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 5)
.ContentControls(controlThis & " pets").Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 6)
.ContentControls(controlThis & " Table).range. = 'Need to add the PDF to the report, perhaps using an RichTextConentConrols...additional suggestions welcomed (haven't researched it yet).
End With
Set objWord = Nothing
Word.Application.Documents.Close SaveChanges:=True 'Saves and Closes the document
Word.Application.Quit 'quits MS Word
End If
Next 'repeats for each tab with name "k" in the workbooks
Next 'repeat for each evalTable
End Sub
Word's content controls can't be picked up using a string as the index value the way other things can. The following line from the code sample in the question can't work:
.ContentControls(controlThis & " cats").Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 4)
The only valid index value for a ContentControl is ID, which is a long number (GUID) assigned by the Word application when a ContentControl is generated.
The reason for this is that more than one content control can have the same Title (name) and/or Tag. Since this information is not unique it can't be used to pick up a single content control.
Instead, code needs to use either Document.SelectContentControlsByTitle or Document.SelectContentControlsByTag. These return an collection of content controls that meet the specified criterium. For example:
Dim cc as Word.ContentControls ' As Object if late-binding is used
With objWord.ActiveDocument
Set cc = .SelectContentControlsByTitle(controlThis & " cats")
'Now loop all the content controls in the collection to work with individual ones
End With
If it's certain there's only one content control with the Title, or only the first one is wanted, then it's possible to do this:
Dim cc as Word.ContentControl ' As Object if late-binding is used
With objWord.ActiveDocument
Set cc = .SelectContentControlsByTitle(controlThis & " cats").Item(1)
cc.Range.Text = eval.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 4)
End With
Tip 1: Using ActiveDocument is not considered good practice for Word. As with ActiveCell (or anything else) in Excel, it's not certain that the "active" thing is the one that should be manipulated. More reliable is to use an object, which in this case can be assigned directly to the document being opened. Based on the code in the question:
Dim wdDoc as Object 'Word.Document
Set wdDoc = objWord.Documents.Open(FileName:="myFilePath\Myfile.docx", noencodingdialog:=True)
With wdDoc 'instead of objWord.ActiveDocument
Tip 2: Since the code in the question targets multiple content controls, rather than declaring multiple content control objects it might be more efficient to put the titles and values in an array and loop that.
This fixed it... looping through may have been the thing that got me unstuck.
The use of the plural ContentControls or singular ContentControl didn't seem to matter. My next trick is to get the tables into the word document... any thoughts?
Set wdDoc = Word.Application.Documents(wdDocReport)
Dim evalData(0 To 2) As Variant
evalData(0) = " CATS"
evalData(1) = " DOGS"
evalData(2) = " PETS"
Dim j As Variant
Dim i As Integer
i = 4
For Each j In evalData
Dim cc As Word.ContentControls
With Word.Application.Documents(wdDocReport)
.SelectContentControlsByTitle(controlThis & j).Item (1).Range.Text = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(5, i).Value
i = i + 1
End With
Word.Application.Documents.Close SaveChanges:= True
Only one worksheet ever takes focus so the ActiveWorkbook and ActiveWorksheet didn't hurt me here

VBA send email with specific column

i have a excel list and and i want to make a button to send an email in the list using template, the target email address is in column K, but i only want to send it if column A is showing YES.
I wrote a script to loop every row i want and see if column A has "YES" or not, if yes then refer to another macro.
but i got stuck in anther macro, i cant specify .to = column K
Here is the loop script to find if column A has YES:
sub agreement2 ()
dim startrow as integer
startrow = 9
dim mylastrow3 as integer
lastrow3 = activesheet.cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row
dim i as integer
for i = 9 to lastrow3
if (cells(i, 1).value = "YES") then
end if
end sub
Here is my send_letter script
Sub send_letter()
Dim Subject
Dim Body
Dim otlapp As Object
Dim olMail2 As Object
Dim ws As Object
Set otlapp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set olMail2 = otlapp.CreateItemFromTemplate("\\\clk\DEPT\CLKDEPT6\IMT\SAO\SSC\Team\Team1\New Joiner Script\agreement.oft")
Set doc2 = olMail2.GetInspector.WordEditor
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Send Letters")
vTemplateBody2 = olMail2.HTMLBody
Subject2 = "Agreement Letter"
HTMLBody2 = vTemplateBody2
With olMail2
.To = ????????????????.Value
.Subject = Subject2
Set WrdRng = doc2.Range
End With
End Sub
Could anyone help with the column K thing. thank you so much.
Change send_letter to send_letter(r)
Alter call from send_letter to send_letter i
Your final code will be: .To = Cells(r, "K").Value

How to ignore specific word from a group of words in a cell and send one email to group of people?

I am new to VBA. I am working hard and learning it but there is a point where I am stuck now. If someone please help me out then I shall be grateful.
I have a drop down list in excel like
Sales/Acquisition Manager (AM) Alina (
Acquisition Project Manager (APM) Benny(
Manufacturing Julia(
Application please select (drop down list so I can choose)
AE external sensor responsible please select (Drop down list so I can choose)
I have made a separate row (row 59 Col A) where I have combined these values from the above rows.
I have to make a macro to send 1 email to these multiple people. I have written a code for sending email but I am stuck at another point. I have written code which replaces the words please select with “ ” whenever it finds it in row 59 but unfortunately that code changes the line permanently which I don’t want.
What I want is that whenever it finds the words please select in a row it just ignores it and and also doesn't change the format of cell. Means when I again change some new value by drop down list so it got changed.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim the_string As String
the_string = Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59")
the_string = Replace(the_string, "please select", " ")
Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59") = the_string
MsgBox (Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59"))
Dim i As Integer, Mail_Object, Email_Subject, o As Variant, lr As Long, x As Variant
Set Mail_Object = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
x = Cells (59, 1).Value
With Mail_Object.CreateItem(o)
' .Subject = Range("B1").Value
.To = x
' .Body = Range("B2").Value
' .Send
.display 'disable display and enable send to send automatically
End With
MsgBox "E-mail successfully sent", 64
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set Mail_Object = Nothing
End Sub
Pull the contents of A59 into the string, replace as needed, then just use that string instead of copying it back to the sheet.
Untested, just used your code
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Mail_Object as Object
Dim the_string As String
the_string = Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59")
the_string = Replace(the_string, "please select", " ")
Set Mail_Object = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
With Mail_Object.CreateItem(o)
' .Subject = Range("B1")
.To = the_string
' .Body = Range("B2")
' .Send
.Display 'disable display and enable send to send automatically
End With
MsgBox "E-mail successfully sent", 64
End Sub

How to filter out a specific word from group of words in a cell

Hallo all i am trying to figure out the issue i have tried but not got successful. Can anyone please help me out in this . I shall be grateful to you.
I have a drop down list in excel like
Sales/Acquisition Manager (AM)-------------------------------Alina (
Acquisition Project Manager (APM)--------------------------Benny(
Manufacturing ----------------------------------------------------Julia(
Application ---------------------------------------------------------please select (drop down list so I can choose)
AE external sensor responsible-------------------------------please select (Drop down list so I can choose)
I have made a separate row (row 59 Col A) where I have combined these values from the above rows.
I have to make a macro to send 1 email to these multiple people. I have written a code for sending email but I am stuck at some point. I have written a code which replaces the word please
select with “ ” whenever it finds in row 59 but unfortunately that code changes the line permanently which I don’t want.
What I want is that whenever it finds a word please select in a row it just ignores it and and also don’t change the format of cell. Means when I again change some new value by drop down list so it got changed. I shall be really grateful to you if you please help me out in this . Thanks a lot.please check the attached pics also.enter image description hereenter image description here
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim the_string As String
the_string = Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59")
the_string = Replace(the_string, "please select", " ")
Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59") = the_string
MsgBox (Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59"))
Dim i As Integer, Mail_Object, Email_Subject, o As Variant, lr As Long, x As
Set Mail_Object = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
x = Cells (59, 1).Value
With Mail_Object.CreateItem(o)
' .Subject = Range("B1").Value
.To = x
' .Body = Range("B2").Value
' .Send
.display 'disable display and enable send to send automatically
End With
MsgBox "E-mail successfully sent", 64
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set Mail_Object = Nothing
End Sub
You don't put quotes around the_string inside the Replace()
the_string = Replace("the_string", "please select", " ")
should be:
the_string = Replace(the_string, "please select", " ")
Here's a slight refactoring of your code which removes the need for that variable:
Sub RemoveHypens()
With Sheets("Home").Range("A59")
.Value = Replace(.Value, "please select", " ")
End with
End Sub
EDIT: based on your updated question -
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim the_string As String
Dim i As Integer, Mail_Object, Email_Subject, o As Variant
Dim lr As Long
the_string = Sheets("Schedule_team").Range("A59").Value
the_string = Replace(the_string, "please select", " ")
Set Mail_Object = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
With Mail_Object.CreateItem(o)
'.Subject = Range("B1").Value
.To = the_string
'.Body = Range("B2").Value
.display 'disable display and enable send to send automatically
End With
MsgBox "E-mail successfully sent", 64
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set Mail_Object = Nothing
End Sub