Recordset.Edit or Update sql vba statement fastest way to update? - sql

I recently came across vba update statements and I have been using Recordset.Edit and Recordset.Update to not only edit my existing data but to update it.
I want to know the difference between the two: recordset.update and Update sql Vba statement. I think they all do the same but I can't figure which one is more efficient and why.
Example code below:
'this is with sql update statement
dim someVar as string, anotherVar as String, cn As New ADODB.Connection
someVar = "someVar"
anotherVar = "anotherVar"
sqlS = "Update tableOfRec set columna = " &_
someVar & ", colunmb = " & anotherVar &_
" where columnc = 20";
cn.Execute stSQL
This is for recordset (update and Edit):
dim thisVar as String, someOthVar as String, rs as recordset
thisVar = "thisVar"
someOthVar = "someOtherVar"
set rs = currentDb.openRecordset("select columna, columnb where columnc = 20")
do While not rs.EOF
rs!columna = thisVar
rs!columnb = someOthvar

Assuming WHERE columnc = 20 selects 1000+ rows, as you mentioned in a comment, executing that UPDATE statement should be noticeably faster than looping through a recordset and updating its rows one at a time.
The latter strategy is a RBAR (Row By Agonizing Row) approach. The first strategy, executing a single (valid) UPDATE, is a "set-based" approach. In general, set-based trumps RBAR with respect to performance.
However your 2 examples raise other issues. My first suggestion would be to use DAO instead of ADO to execute your UPDATE:
CurrentDb.Execute stSQL, dbFailonError
Whichever of those strategies you choose, make sure columnc is indexed.

The SQL method is usually the fastest for bulk updates, but syntax is often clumsy.
The VBA method, however, has the distinct advantages, that code is cleaner, and the recordset can be used before or after the update/edit without requering the data. This can make a huge difference if you have to do long-winded calculations between updates. Also, the recordset can be passed ByRef to supporting functions or further processing.

I have found that when I need to update every record in a table in order, such as adding a sequential ID when using Autonumber is not feasible, adding a running total, or any calculation that is incremental based on some value in the recordset, that the DAO method is much faster.
If your data is not in the order you need it processed in, and you instead need to rely on matching values to the data source, then SQL is much more efficient.

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select invoice_num from dbo_doc_flow_data where barcode = '" & Me.barcode_f & "'")
Do While Not rs.EOF
rs!invoice_num = Me!invoice_num_f


MS ACCESS VBA: type mismatch error in recordset name into SQL statement string

How should I write the name of the recordset correctly? I have a type mismatch error on & rsg & at "sq3=..." line. Thanks in advance.
Dim rsG As DAO.Recordset
Dim sq2, sq3 As String
sq2 = "SELECT * from GeneralTable "
sq2 = sq2 & "where gsede='LION' and (gExclu is null) and (gAda is null) "
sq2 = sq2 & "order by gnomb,gnif;"
Set rsG = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sq2)
sq3 = "UPDATE " & rsG & " SET gsede ='AA' WHERE gsede='LION'"
DoCmd.RunSQL (sq3)
You are mixing up totally different ways to update data - UPDATE SQL and VBA recordset.
If you want to update a recordset row by row, you do something like
Do While Not rsG.EOF
If rsG!foo = "bar" Then
rsG!gsede = "AA"
End If
Do the update using a single query:
update generaltable
set gsede = 'AA'
where gsede ='LION' and (gExclu is null) and (gAda is null);
If you do the update off of rsG, then you'll likely do a separate update for each row, and that is inefficient.
You can't mix and match SQL and recordset objects. You can either build a full update statement that includes the logic of the first select (as other answer suggests), or you can open a dynamic recordset and loop through the records programmatically to make the updates.
That being said, looping through large recordsets programmatically to make updates is usually better handled by a bulk SQL statement, unless it is essential to consider each row individually inside the code - which in your basic example would not be the case.
MS has a good article on the DAO.Recordset object. There is a dynamic-type Recordset example about halfway down.

MS Access VBA query. Select followed by a count of the result

I have asked a similar question recently. However, I don't think I knew the extent of what I was wanting to accomplish with my VBA at that time. I am using Access 2010 and creating an on_click command within a form.
So my intention is to create a query, and the approach I was going to take was as follows:
varSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE Part_ID=" & rs!Part_ID & ";"
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset(varSQL2, dbOpenDynaset)
varStock_Level = rs2!Stock_Level +rs!Quantity
the rs!quantity and rs!Part_ID are from another query earlier in my code. stock_level and part_ID are fields in the Inventory table.
I now need to be able to create a query to count how many records came back as a result of varSQL2. so I can do something along the lines of:
varSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE Part_ID=" & rs!Part_ID & ";"
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset(varSQL2, dbOpenDynaset)
varStock_Level = rs2!Stock_Level +rs!Quantity
if count >1 then
end if
I don't really know where to start with this, slightly confused my self with subqueries. I believe I need 2 queries not one. Any help is appreciated.
There are several ways:
Create a query with COUNT function (similar as you did in refered question)
Use your query, use the rs2.movelast and read count out with rs2.RecordCount
Use domain count
Dim lngRows As Long
lngRows = DCount("*", "Inventory", "Part_ID='" & rs!Part_ID & "'")
From memory:
debug.print rs.recordCount
You must always Movelast before using RecordCount. I your table/query is big, it can be time consuming.

Adding a new record with VBA

I have a form in which one of the ComboBoxes lists all the documents of a given project. The user should select one and after pressing a button, and if present in Table Dessinsit opens a second form showing that record. If it is not present in that table, I want to add it in.
One of my collegues told me all I had to do was to execute an SQL query with VBA. What I have so far is this:
Dim rsDessin As DAO.Recordset
Dim strContrat As String
Dim strProjet As String
Dim strDessin As String
Dim sqlquery As String
'I think these next 3 lines are unimportant. I set a first query to get information I need from another table
strDessin = Me.Combo_Dessin
strProjet = Me.Combo_Projet
sqlquery = "SELECT [Projet HNA] FROM [Projets] WHERE [Projet AHNS] = '" & strProjet & "'"
Set rsDessin = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sqlquery)
If Not rsDessin.RecordCount > 0 Then 'If not present I want to add it
strContrat = rsDessin![Projet HNA]
sqlquery = "INSERT INTO Feuilles ([AHNS], [Contrat], [No Projet]) VALUES (strDessin, strContrat, strDessin)"
'Not sure what to do with this query or how to make sure it worked.
End If
'Checking my variables
Debug.Print strProjet
Debug.Print strContrat
Debug.Print strDessin
'By here I'd like to have inserted my new record.
Set rsDessin = Nothing
I also read online that i could achieve a similar result with something like this:
Set R = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [Dessins]")
R![Contrat] = strContrat
R![Projet] = strProjet
R![AHNS] = strDessin
Set R = Nothing
Is one way better than the other? In the case where my INSERT INTO query is better, what should I do to execute it?
You're asking which is preferable when inserting a record: to use an SQL statement issued to the Database object, or to use the methods of the Recordset object.
For a single record, it doesn't matter. However, you could issue the INSERT statement like this:
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO Feuilles ([AHNS], [Contrat], [No Projet]) VALUES (" & strDessin & ", " & strContrat & ", " & strDessin & ")", dbFailOnError
(You should use the dbFailOnError option to catch certain errors, as HansUp points out in this answer.)
For inserting multiple records from another table or query, it is generally faster and more efficient to issue an SQL statement like this:
Dim sql = _
"INSERT INTO DestinationTable (Field1, Field2, Field3) " & _
"SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3 " & _
"FROM SourceTable"
CurrentDb.Execute sql
than the equivalent using the Recordset object:
Dim rsSource As DAO.Recordset, rsDestination As DAO.Recordset
Set rsSource = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SourceTable")
Set rsDestination = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("DestinationTable")
Do Until rs.EOF
rsDestination!Field1 = rsSource!Field1
rsDestination!Field2 = rsSource!Field2
rsDestination!Field3 = rsSource!Field3
That said, using an SQL statement has its limitations:
You are limited to SQL syntax and functions.
This is partially mitigated in Access, because SQL statements can use many VBA built-in functions or functions that you define.
SQL statements are designed to work on blocks of rows. Per-row logic is harder to express using only the Iif, Choose, or Switch functions; and logic that depends on the current state (e.g. insert every other record) is harder or impossible using pure SQL. This can be easily done using the Recordset methods approach.
This too can be enabled using a combination of VBA and SQL, if you have functions that persist state in module-level variables. One caveat: you'll need to reset the state each time before issuing the SQL statement. See here for an example.
One part* of your question asked about INSERT vs. Recordset.AddNew to add one row. I suggest this recordset approach:
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim R As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set R = db.OpenRecordset("Dessins", dbOpenTable, dbAppendOnly)
With R
!Contrat = rsDessin![Projet HNA].Value
!Projet = Me.Combo_Projet.Value
!AHNS = Me.Combo_Dessin.Value
End With
* You also asked how to execute an INSERT. Use the DAO.Database.Execute method which Zev recommended and include the dbFailOnError option. That will add clarity about certain insert failures. For example, a key violation error could otherwise make your INSERT fail silently. But including dbFailOnError ensures you get notified about the problem immediately. So always include that option ... except in cases where you actually want to allow an INSERT to fail silently. (For me, that's never.)

Update table while reading

I'm writing a piece of code (VB.NET) to cleanse a (quite big) table of data.
I am connecting to my SQL database, looping through the table, cleansing the data and adding the cleansed data in a different column.
As i'm currently doing an update to my database for each record in the same loop as where i am cleansing the data, i am wondering if there is a more efficient way of doing this, where i would cleanse the data and afterwards send all the updated records to the database in one go.
Simplified code:
SQLConn.ConnectionString = strConnection
SQLCmd.Connection = SQLConn
SQLConn2.ConnectionString = strConnection
SQLCmd2.Connection = SQLConn2
'Set query
strSQL = "SELECT Column1 FROM Table1"
SQLCmd.CommandText = strSQL
'Load Query
SQLdr = SQLCmd.ExecuteReader
'Start Cleansing
While SQLdr.Read
'Add to database
strSQL2 = "UPDATE Table1 SET Clean_data = '" & strClean & "' WHERE Dirty_Data = '" & SQLdr(0).ToString & "'"
SQLCmd2.CommandText = strSQL2
End While
'Close Connections
I'm guessing (from searching for a solution) that it is possible to do the update outside of my loop, but i can't seem to find how to do it specifically.
Many thanks!
Your code is taking a long time because the update is doing a full table scan for every record. You can speed it up by adding an index on the column "Dirty Data".
Essentially, you are reading the data in the select statement. Cleaning one row, and then updating it. The preferred "set-based" approach is more like:
Ideally, you would like to do:
update table1
set column1 = <fix the dirty data>
where column1 <is dirty>
And you have some options in SQL, in terms of replace() and case and like (for instance) that can help with this process.
But you already have the cleaning code external to the database. For this, you want to create and open a cursor, process the record, and then write back. Cursors are relatively slow, compared to in-database operations. But, this is exactly the situation they were designed for -- external code to be applied to individual records.

How to get id of newly inserted record using Excel VBA?

Seems a common enough problem this, but most solutions refer to concatenating multiple SQL commands, something which I believe can't be done with ADO/VBA (I'll be glad to be shown wrong in this regard however).
I currently insert my new record then run a select query using (I hope) enough fields to guarantee that only the newly inserted record can be returned. My databases are rarely accessed by more than one person at a time (negligible risk of another insert happening between queries) and due to the structure of the tables, identifying the new record is normally pretty easy.
I'm now trying to update a table that does not have much scope for uniqueness, other than in the artificial primary key. This means there is a risk that the new record may not be unique, and I'm loathe to add a field just to force uniqueness.
What's the best way to insert a record into an Access table then query the new primary key from Excel in this situation?
Thanks for the replies. I have tried to get ##IDENTITY working, but this always returns 0 using the code below.
Private Sub getIdentityTest()
Dim myRecordset As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim SQL As String, SQL2 As String
SQL = "INSERT INTO tblTasks (discipline,task,owner,unit,minutes) VALUES (""testDisc3-3"",""testTask"",""testOwner"",""testUnit"",1);"
SQL2 = "SELECT ##identity AS NewID FROM tblTasks;"
If databaseConnection Is Nothing Then
End If
With databaseConnection
.Open dbConnectionString
.Execute (SQL)
End With
myRecordset.Open SQL2, dbConnectionString, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Debug.Print myRecordset.Fields("NewID")
Set myRecordset = Nothing
End Sub
Anything stand out being responsible?
However, given the caveats helpfully supplied by Renaud (below) there seems nearly as much risk with using ##IDENTITY as with any other method, so I've resorted to using SELECT MAX for now. For future reference though I would be interested to see what is wrong with my attempt above.
About your question:
I'm now trying to update a table that
does not have much scope for
uniqueness, other than in the
artificial primary key. This means
there is a risk that the new record
may not be unique, and I'm loathe to
add a field just to force uniqueness.
If you are using an AutoIncrement for your primary key, then you have uniqueness and you could use SELECT ##Identity; to get the value of the last autogenerated ID (see caveats below).
If you are not using autoincrement, and you are inserting the records from Access but you want to retrieve the last one from Excel:
make sure your primary key is sortable, so you can get the last one using a query like either of these:
SELECT MAX(MyPrimaryField) FROM MyTable;
SELECT TOP 1 MyPrimaryField FROM MyTable ORDER BY MyPrimaryField DESC;
or, if sorting your primary field wouldn't give you the last one, you would need to add a DateTime field (say InsertedDate) and save the current date and time every time you create a new record in that table so you could get the last one like this:
SELECT TOP 1 MyPrimaryField FROM MyTable ORDER BY InsertedDate DESC;
In either of these cases, I think you would find adding an AutoIncrement primary key as being a lot easier to deal with:
It's not going to cost you much
It's going to guarantee you uniqueness of your records without having to think about it
It's going to make it easier for you to pick the most recent record, either using ##Identity or through sorting by the primary key or getting the Max().
From Excel
To get the data into Excel, you have a couple of choices:
create a data link using a query, so you can use the result directly in a Cell or a range.
query from VBA:
Sub GetLastPrimaryKey(PrimaryField as string, Table as string) as variant
Dim con As String
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sql As String
con = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Data Source= ; C:\myDatabase.accdb"
sql = "SELECT MAX([" & PrimaryField & "]) FROM [" & MyTable & "];"
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open sql, con, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
GetLastPrimaryKey = rs.Fields(0).Value
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub
Note about ##Identity
You have to be careful of the caveats when using ##Identity in standard Access databases(*):
It only works with AutoIncrement Identity fields.
It's only available if you use ADO and run SELECT ##IDENTITY;
It returns the latest used counter, but that's for all tables. You can't use it to return the counter for a specific table in MS Access (as far as I know, if you specify a table using FROM mytable, it just gets ignored).
In short, the value returned may not be at all the one you expect.
You must query it straight after an INSERT to minimize the risk of getting a wrong answer.
That means that if you are inserting your data at one time and need to get the last ID at another time (or another place), it won't work.
Last but not least, the variable is set only when records are inserted through programming code.
This means that is the record was added through the user interface, ##IDENTITY will not be set.
(*): just to be clear, ##IDENTITY behaves differently, and in a more predictive way, if you use ANSI-92 SQL mode for your database.
The issue though is that ANSI 92 has a slightly different syntax than
the ANSI 89 flavour supported by Access and is meant to increase compatibility with SQL Server when Access is used as a front end.
If the artificial key is an autonumber, you can use ##identity.
Note that with both these examples, the transaction is isolated from other events, so the identity returned is the one just inserted. You can test this by pausing the code at Debug.Print db.RecordsAffected or Debug.Print lngRecs and inserting a record manually into Table1, continue the code and note that the identity returned is not that of the record inserted manually, but of the previous record inserted by code.
DAO Example
'Reference: Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library '
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
db.Execute ("INSERT INTO table1 (field1, Crdate ) " _
& "VALUES ( 46, #" & Format(Date, "yyyy/mm/dd") & "#)")
Debug.Print db.RecordsAffected
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT ##identity AS NewID FROM table1")
Debug.Print rs.Fields("NewID")
ADO Example
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection
cn.Execute ("INSERT INTO table1 (field1, Crdate ) " _
& "VALUES ( 46, #" & Format(Date, "yyyy/mm/dd") & "#)"), lngRecs
Debug.Print lngRecs
rs.Open "SELECT ##identity AS NewID FROM table1", cn
Debug.Print rs.Fields("NewID")
Re: "I have tried to get ##IDENTITY working, but this always returns 0 using the code below."
Your code sends SQL and SQL2 through different connection objects. I don't think ##identity will return anything other than zero unless you ask from the same connection where you executed your INSERT statement.
Try changing this:
myRecordset.Open SQL2, dbConnectionString, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
myRecordset.Open SQL2, databaseConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
Here's my solution that does not use ##index or MAX.
Const connectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=SomeSource; Initial Catalog=SomeDB; User Id=YouIDHere; Password=YourPassword"
Const RecordsSQL = "SELECT * FROM ThatOneTable"
Private Sub InsertRecordAndGetID()
Set connection = New ADODB.connection
connection.connectionString = connectionString
Set recordset = New ADODB.recordset
recordset.Open SQL, connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
With recordset
!Field1 = Value1
!Field2 = Value2
End With
ID = recordset.Fields("id")
End Sub
Try following macro code.First add a command button to the sheet from the control box and paste following codes in the code window
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
MsgBox GetLastPrimaryKey
End Sub
Private Function GetLastPrimaryKey() As String
Dim con As String
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sql As String
con = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\myaccess.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
sql = "SELECT MAX(id) FROM tblMyTable"
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
cn.Open con
rs.Open sql, cn, 3, 3, 1
If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
GetLastPrimaryKey = rs.Fields(0).Value
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Function
8 years late to the party... The problem you are having is that you are using dbConnectionString to create a new connection. ##identity is specific to the connection you are using.
First, don't close the original connection
myRecordset.Open SQL2, dbConnectionString, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
with the connection you previously used for the insert
myRecordset.Open SQL2, databaseConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
and you'd have been all set. In fact, you don't even need to specify the table:
SQL2 = "SELECT ##identity AS NewID"