How to retrieve Wikidata entry from Wikidata search results? - wikipedia-api

I make a Wikidata search request like this (autocomplete use case):
And the service returns a JSON response thus
id: "Q11633",
url: "//",
description: "art, science and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation",
label: "photography"
But how do I look up to get retrieve the content?
I can only find a title search which does not recognize the Q parameter. It only recognizes titles.

You want to use wbgetentities, another method of WikiData's extension to the MediaWiki API (WikiBase). In its most basic form, it looks like this:
You probably want to reduce the size of the reply, by specifying what you what to know about the entity, using the props parameter.


Acumatica - Filter Generic Inquiry via REST

Trying to use this Generic Inquiry's REST API, I am able to retrieve all records though would like to filter them.
Can retrieve all data with PUT {{baseUrl}}/RawDataForReport?$expand=Result with an empty body request.
When I added a field Period to filter it's only showing the first row.
An empty request body also shows the first row when I added Period.
I am not at all familiar Acumatica any useful resources would be greatly appreciated.
To filter the Generic Inquiry result with REST API you need to add the filtering parameter to the GI itself. For instancce, you have your period filter defined in the Generic Inquiry. You can define more filters the same way.
You can learn about designing GIs here:
Another option would be to use OData instead of REST API. in that case you would be able to use $filter parameter to filter data.
You can read more about it here:
I've been struggling to find a solution to the same problem.
I just figured it out with the help of this stack overflow post.
Acumatica run Generic Inquiry via REST API
Take a look at the last response (not the accepted answer).
Basically when you define your object in the Web Service Endpoint screen, you can define the filters (Use Populate -> Filters). these are the Parameters for the GI.
You define the results the same as you have it.
Then in your PUT request body pass the parameters.
"Param1": {
"Value": "Value1"
"Param2": {
"Value": "Value2"
I just tested this with Postman, and it works well.

how to get table info and summary of page using Wikipedia api?

I want to get minimal information of a Wikipedia page using MediaWiki API like DuckDuckGo. For example for Steve Carell:
How can I get this information with a Wikipedia url (eg in HTML format?
You can use the MediaWiki API for that. There's an extension, TextExtracts, which is exactly for that (and it is installed on Wikipedia).
In your case, e.g.:
will return something like:
<p class=\"mw-empty-elt\">\n</p>\n\n<p class=\"mw-empty-elt\">\n \n</p>\n<p><b>Steven John Carell</b> (<span></span>; born August 16, 1962) is an American actor, comedian, producer, writer and director.</p>
You can customize how many sentences (or characters) the API returns, as well, please consult the API documentation for that.
There's also the way to retrieve the short description, which is saved at Wikidata (and visible in the mobile view of Wikipedia). This call would be:
This returns the following property in the pageprops of the page:
"wikibase-shortdesc": "American actor"
This may fit better depending on your use case.
You can even get both of the results with a single, combined, request:|pageprops&exsentences=1&titles=Steve_Carell

Retrieving image files from referenced items in filtered items

Being new to REST APIs (and APIs in general), I ran into some problems while trying to retrieve some Podio data using the Klipfolio web service, where I want to setup a simple dashboard with a list containing a name field from collected Podio and a image field from a reference field from the collected items.
So far I was led in the direction of 'bundling' and 'nesting', but I am not quite sure if this is the way forward.
In order to retrieve the filtered items, I have used the following POST method:
POST /item/app/11821547/filter/
"from": -1mr,
"to": -0mr
And then, from the items I here retrieve, I want to GET the referenced items, for instance using:
GET /reference/{ref_type}/{ref_id}
And finally, I want to get the image URL from the respective field in these referenced items, for instance using:
GET /item/{item_id}/value/{field_id}
Any help is much appreciated!!
To accomplish this you only need to use one API call to the Podio filter items endpoint in which you wrote above; POST /item/app/11821547/filter/.
In your POST body, you can filter down your results with the created to and from dates. For example, if you only want the items for the past month, you can use Klipfolio's date parameters. Your POST body will look like this:
"filters": {
"created_on": {
"from": "{date.addMonths(-1).format()}",
"to": "{}"
This will return an API reponse of all items that were created within the past month. From here you can build a klip and manipulate the JSON with xpath expressions to extract the image urls and names. All this information will be within the #item/fields array in your API response. You'll have to determine which field ID is used for the name and image url field. These are unique to each account.
An example of xpath to extract these values would be like so:
Where id_number is the exact id number for the field.
If you are unfamiliar with xpath expressions within Klipfolio, here is a document that walks through this.

How can I get page id, wikidata id of some title along with multiple languages in a single API call?

I have been trying to call Wikipedia API to retrieve page id and wikidata item id using below call and it works fine.
but I need to retrieve the same information from other languages of my choice for example if I mention German and French languages in my call, it should look for their translation of word Cat and retrieve their page info. There is langlink property in Wikipedia API but somehow it doesn't work with query action along with pageprop.
So ideally, I want something like this:
Any help would be appreciated.
Using lllang twice will just result in the second value overwriting the first one. You'll have to omit the paramter and then you get all the links:|langlinks&ppprop=wikibase_item&titles=Cat

How to get the result of "all pages with prefix" using Wikipedia api?

I wish to use Wikipedia api to extract the result of this page:
When searching "something" on it, for example this:
Then, I would like to access each of the resulting pages and extract their information.
What api call might I use?
You can use list=allpages and specify apprefix. For example:
This query will give you the id and title of each article that starts with tal. If you want to get more information about each page, you can use this list as a generator:
You can give different values to the prop parameter to get different information about the page.