no bounce mail in PHPlist - amazon-ses

When I send emails by phplist, I never get any bounce email report in any of above email address. Any idea why?
$message_envelope = '';
$bounce_mailbox_host = 'localhost';
$bounce_mailbox_user = '';
$bounce_mailbox_password = 'MI5Topsecretpassword';
$bounce_mailbox_port = "110/pop3/notls";
If I use both email same in envelop and user, it starts getting error.
Everything is ok only if I get bounce emails in, which is not working at all.
Also, when I get a bounce, it shows in SES, but not in PHPlist. I am sure I am doing something wrong, but can't figure it out.
PHPlist verion v3.0.6
Using amazon SES
phplist configured on hostgator

If you take down the bounce address to a phplist database do one thing. Change your program code in phplist config.php page like this:
$bounce_mailbox_host = ""
$bounce_mailbox_username = "bounce"
$bounce_mailbox_password = "password"
$bounce_mailbox_port = "993/pop3/notls" instead of "110/notls"
And add:
$manually_process_bounces = 1
Or else create a cron job for this.


ASP: SMTP authentification fails with JMail

I have a bit specific problem. One of the websites I am taking care of runs on ASP and obtains form, whose results are e-mailed to specific address.
For this to achieve, JMail component is used. As long as e-mail was sent locally (let say to through mailserver, there was no problem and no need for authentication. However I recently got request to add another address to copy( and that's when problem occurred.
Firstly I tried adding authentication, however same error still occurred, when without:
jmail.Message error '8000ffff'
The message was undeliverable. All servers failed to receive the message
I tried google solutions, temper with some valuables. I am sure user and pass are correct, mail server address also worked when I wasn't try to sent mail with authentication.
Since I prefer PHP, my knowledge and skill with ASP are not of the bests. Have someone experienced something similar and solved it? Or does anyone know some other solution?
The code, which is used for sending mail:
set msg = Server.CreateOBject( "JMail.Message" )
msg.Charset = "windows-1250"
msg.Logging = true
msg.From= ""
msg.FromName= name&" - "&mail
'those should care of smtp auth
msg.MailServerUserName = ""
msg.MailServerPassword = "smtppass"
'local mail address
msg.AddRecipient ""
'outside mail address
msg.AddRecipient ""
msg.Subject = "Some subject"
msg.Body = "Some text"
if not msg.Send( "" ) then
Response.write "<pre>" & msg.log & "</pre>"
'Succesfully sent, redirect
end if
So the problem is solved at last. After help with analysis by my colleagues responsible for local mailserver, we found out, the problem was username for SMTP authentification.
I got confused, since it wasn't (I'm referring to example I made), but
So advice for others with similar problem, try to add testing account(one you are using for authentification) to your e-mail client(i.e. Thunderbird) and once that is allright, you have right credentials. Also try sending mail from that account elsewhere.

How to get user email address in Prestashop my-account.tpl right after login?

I'm modifying my-account.tpl in prestashop 1.4.9 and want to get user email address in this page.
However, i only have access to {$custmerName}. I've put {debug} inside and it seems it's not accessible. Also, {$} is empty after login.
Any suggestions?
This information is available in the visitor's cookie, you can easily display it in my-account.tpl:
{l s='Your e-mail address is:'} {$cookie->email|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}
For more details, you can double-check where it is being assigned, in /controllers/AuthController.php at line 178, upon authentication:
self::$cookie->id_customer = (int)($customer->id);
self::$cookie->customer_lastname = $customer->lastname;
self::$cookie->customer_firstname = $customer->firstname;
self::$cookie->passwd = $customer->passwd;
self::$cookie->logged = 1;
self::$cookie->email = $customer->email;

Interfax developer account configuration for multiple recipients

I want to configure an interfax account for sending and receiving faxes.
Can anyone tell me how to send/receive a test fax?
I know about the .sendFax() and .GetList() methods, but how do I send fax to myself (in test account)?
I followed the article,
Receive incoming faxes via callback to a web application
it works fine. But it only gives you intimation that you have received fax.
You can set feedback url and use the parameter which they asked. When interfax will receive fax for you, it will send it to your feedback url and it will go directly to your database (If you set this in page load event).
You can use following code
MessageItem[] faxList = null;
Inbound inbound = new Inbound();
ListType messageListType = ListType.NewMessages;
int interFaxResult = inbound.GetList(AppConfig.InterfaxUsername, AppConfig.InterfaxPassword, messageListType, AppConfig.InterfaxMaxitems, ref faxList);
if (interFaxResult == 0)
// Save faxes in DB

Rails 3/Devise - Change Error Message for Password Reset

I am working with a Rails 3 App and am needing to adjust the error message on the password resent view. If a user types in an email address and submits it, currently, the app will display this error message:
Email not found
I am needing to change this error message to this:
We don't have an account with that e-mail address. Maybe you used another address?
I know that you can adjust this in the Devise YML file, but am not sure how to do this... any suggestions?
Working Code
class PasswordsController < Devise::PasswordsController
def create
user = User.find_by_email(params[:user][:email])
if user.nil?[:notice] = "We don't have an account with that e-mail address. Maybe you used another address?"
You could try using a before_filter that checks if the email exists in the datbase and if not the it redirects you to the password reset form with a flash notice

Check if mail was successfully sent in VB.NET with SMTPClient

I'm trying to create an application that sends an email to an smtp-server.
The server is not set fixed, but will be looked up according to the domainpart of the email-address where the email should be sent to.
Email To:
Result of a MX-Record Lookup (commandline "nslookup -type=mx": MX preference = 30, mail exchanger = MX preference = 40, mail exchanger = MX preference = 10, mail exchanger = MX preference = 20, mail exchanger =
It would be quite useful, to know if the message was accepted by the mailserver and the message was successfully sent.
What I am able so far is, that I can get the SMTP-Server error code (if there was an error (StatusCode 5xx) by using the System.Net.Mail.SMTPClient Object and its SendAsync Function. There, if there was an error, I get an Exception-Object in the Callback-Event of the SMTPClient
I'm well aware that not every mailserver will tell me if the mailaccount truly exists and then reject my mail with an errorcode but instead just accept the message and then delete it. Therefore I would be grateful for another Method to check if the mail was sent (note: not read, that would be the read confirmation)
The final purpose would be:
Try to send an email to a recipient using it's domains mailserver and if it fails, proceed according to the errorcode (user does not exist -> abort / mailserver did not respond -> use another mailserver if available).
Thanks in advance (and sorry for typos :))
Unfortunately what you are looking for does not exist. Email jumps through so many hops that there is no definition of what "sent" actually means. For instance, your example of stackoverflow actually points to Postini's email servers. Postini probably passes the email around from gateways to AV's and routers. From there they either pool email or pass them on to another email server.
With email, the closest definition of "sent" is "at least I didn't get an error".
Also, a minor thing, but when using nslookup remember to add a trailing period to the domain, otherwise the domain search list is used. Generally not a big deal but every once in a while it might trip you up.
nslookup -type=mx