Named queries in Appfuse - appfuse

I used to have named query methods in Repository interface without an implementation (like findByMember(Member m)). Or interface methods with #Query annotation, again without implementation.
In Appfuse, Repository interfaces have implementation (like RoleDaoHimernate), so I have to write implementations.
Could you tell me way to avoid making implementations and to write only named queries and annotated queries?


Abstract and interfaces together

I am struggling to understand both abstract and interface approach. Since i get the idea what is the purpose to use one over another is clear. I was trying to found whatever example of using them both in action however all tutorials are how to use interface over abstract or vice versa showing usage either for one or another. I would really love to see practical example which could show both in action best on some real life example. Additional comments why in specific case you used one over another appreciated. Generics are very welcome to see as well in such example.
I'll propose foloowing example. We got some engine to get files from diffrent locations which could be taken using diffrent protocols as follows. I would like to understand on this example how this could be accomplished with both interfaces and abstract.
'As all of protocol has to close and open would it be good to put in abstract?
abstract class Collector
Protected Id
Protected Name
MustInherit Sub OpenConnection
MustInherit Sub CloseConection
End Class
class Ftp : Collector
class Sftp: Collector
class Soap: Collector
Public Interface IRepository(Of T, Tkey)
Function GetAllFiles() As IEnumerable(Of T)
Function GetAllById(Tkey) as IEnumerable(Of T)
End Interface
Some key distinctions:
An abstract class can contain some implementation. An interface cannot.
In .NET, a class can not inherit from multiple base classes.
A class can implement multiple interfaces
The choice of which approach is really up to you. In general, it's a choice between the Composition pattern or Inheritance.
Composition uses Interfaces. Think of an object as having X.
Inheritance uses Classes. Think of an object as being X.
In either case, an abstract class or an interface is just a Type, through which you will access and manipulate them. For example, if you have some code that wants to perform Insert/Update/Delete operations, it doesn't need to know that the object it is operating on is a FTP client--only that the object has the ability to support these operations. (and that is exactly what IRepository specifies)
You definitely can combine both. There's no reason a concrete FtpClient class couldn't inherit from an abstract Protocol class and also implement the IRepository interface. It could even use generics!
Interfaces are great for decoupling your code, and also great for unit test mocks.
There is also a good summary of pros & cons on Wikipedia (Composition_over_inheritance). Pros:
To favor composition over inheritance is a design principle that gives the design higher flexibility. It is more natural to build business-domain classes out of various components than trying to find commonality between them and creating a family tree. For example, a gas pedal and a wheel share very few common traits, yet are both vital components in a car. What they can do and how they can be used to benefit the car is easily defined. Composition also provides a more stable business domain in the long term as it is less prone to the quirks of the family members. In other words, it is better to compose what an object can do (HAS-A) than extend what it is (IS-A).
Initial design is simplified by identifying system object behaviors in separate interfaces instead of creating a hierarchical relationship to distribute behaviors among business-domain classes via inheritance. This approach more easily accommodates future requirements changes that would otherwise require a complete restructuring of business-domain classes in the inheritance model. Additionally, it avoids problems often associated with relatively minor changes to an inheritance-based model that includes several generations of classes.
One common drawback of using composition instead of inheritance is that methods being provided by individual components may have to be implemented in the derived type, even if they are only forwarding methods. In contrast, inheritance does not require all of the base class's methods to be re-implemented within the derived class. Rather, the derived class only needs to implement (override) the methods having different behavior than the base class methods. This can require significantly less programming effort if the base class contains many methods providing default behavior and only a few of them need to be overridden within the derived class.
I don't understand why you want to have an example combining both. Let's just say both are valid ways to build solid software architecture. They're just two tools - like having a kitchen knife and a meat cleaver. You won't necessarily use them together but see the pro's and con's when looking at the dinner you want to serve.
So usually you take abstract/MustInherit classes if you want to provide a common denominator. Sub-classes derive from the abstract one and have to implement the methods just like they would if they implemeted an interface. The good thing here is that abstract classes can provide "base logic" which can be developed centrally and all the sub-classes can make use of that. In the best case, abstract classes provide kind of "hooks" to plug in special logic in the sub-classes.
Interfaces describe what a class has to fulfill. So everything an interface defines has to be implemented in classes implementing the interface. There's no reusable logic built-in in this approach like in abstract base classes but the big "pro" for interfaces is that they don't take away the single base type you can derive from like abstract classes do. So you can derive from anything or nothing and still implement an interface. AND: You can implement multiple interfaces.
One word to the "reusable logic" with interfaces. While this is not really wroing, the .NET framework allows use to write extension methods on types (and interfaces) to attach externally developed code. This allows code reuse with interfaces like having a method implemented in there. So for example, you could write an extension method None() for the interface IEnumerable which is checking whether the enumerable is empty.
public static bool None(this IEnumerable values)
return !values.Any();
With this, None() can be used on any IEnumerable in your code base having access to the extension method (in fact, Any(), Select(), Where(), etc. are extension methods as well, lying in the System.Linq namespace).

What is the Difference Between Classes vs Protocols

I'm going through the docs because I am about to implement a protocol instead of a class (something I've never done before), and I'm curious as to the difference between the two.
Can someone give an example in plain words?
A class serves as a blueprint for creating one or more objects based on specific implementation of that class.
A good analogy is a form for cutting out butter-cookies. The form‘s attributes (shape, size, height) define the cookies that you can cut out with it. You have only one form (class) but you can create many cookies (instances of that class, ie. objects) with it. All cookies are based on that particular form.
Similarily all objects that are instances of that class are identical in their attributes.
Classes = data and methods (special functions), all sophistically bundled together.
Classes define, what their inner content (data) is + what kind of work (methods) they can do.
The content is based on variables that hold various number types, strings, constants, and other more sophisiticated content + methods which are chunks of code that (when executed) perform some computational operations with various data.
All methods defined in class have their
Definition - that defines the name of the method + what (if any) data the methods takes in for processing and what (if any) data the methods spits out for processing by someone else. All methods defined in class also have Implementation – the actual code that provides the processing – it is the innerworkings of methods.. inside there is code that processes the data and also that is able to ask other methods for subprocessing data. So the class is a very noble type in programming.
If you understand the above, you will understand what a protocol is.
A protocol is a set of one or more method declarations and that set has a name and represents a protocol. I say declarations, because the methods that together are defined by a particular protocol, do not have any implementation code defined.. The only thing that exist is their names declared.
Look above - in class, you have always defined not only what methods the class has, but also how that work will be done. But methods in protocol do not have any implementation.
Lets have a real life analogy again, it helps. If you come to my house to live here for a week, you will need to adhere to my TidyUp protocol. The TidyUp protocol defines three methods - wash the dishes every day, clean the room, and ventilate fresh air. These three methods, I define them..are something you will do. But I absolutely do not care, how the implementation should look like, I just nominaly define the methods. You will implement them, define how the details of that work (those methods) will look like. I just say, adhere to my protocol and implement it as you see fit.
Finale – You can declare some class. You can separately also declare a protocol. And you can then declare, that this class, in addition to its own methods, will adopt or adhere to that protocol, ie. the class wil implement the protocol’s methods.
The plain words from The Objective-C Programming Language explain the purpose of protocols simply:
Protocols declare methods that can be implemented by any class.
Protocols are useful in at least three situations:
To declare methods that others are expected to implement
To declare the interface to an object while concealing its class
To capture similarities among classes that are not hierarchically related
So, protocols declare methods, but don't provide the implementation. A class that adopts a protocol is expected to implement the protocol's methods.
Delegation is a good example of why a protocol is useful. Consider, for example, the UITableViewDataSource protocol. Any class can adopt that protocol, and any class that does so can be used as the data source for a table. A table view doesn't care what kind of object is acting as its data source; it only cares that the object acting as data source implements a particular set of methods. You could use inheritance for this, but then all data source objects would have to be derived from a common base class (more specific than NSObject). Using the protocol instead lets the table count on being able to call methods like -tableView:willBeginEditingRowAtIndexPath: and -tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: without needing to know anything else about the data source.
A protocol is a lot like an interface in Java and other languages. Think of it as a contract that describes the interface other classes agree to implement. It can define a list of required and optional methods that an implementing class will implement. Unlike a class, it does not provide its own implementations of those methods.
the main difference between classes and protocols is that writing protocols is useful to implement delegate methods.
in example we've got class A and class B and we want to call a method in class A from the class B.
you can read a very valuable example of that in this article
reading code is worth a thousand words ;-)
that helped me out the first time I had to use'em
Somewhat less difference than in other languages. An interface (equivalent to a Java/C++ class) defines the data layout of objects and may define some subset of their methods (including the possibility of defining the entire set, of course). A protocol defines a subset of methods only, with no data definition.
Of significance is that a interface can inherit from only one other interface (which can, of course, inherit from an interface which inherits from an interface which inherits ...), but an interface can implement any number of protocols. So two distinct interfaces with no common inheritance (other than NSObject) can both implement the same protocol and thus "certify" that they provide the same functions. (Though with Objective-C you can, with a few tricks, call methods of an interface that aren't externally declared in either the interface declaration or a protocol, so protocols are to a degree just "syntactic sugar" or some such.)
Protocol defines what a class could do, like a Interface in Java or c#
A class is the actual implementation that does the job.
Simple enough? :)

Are interfaces redundant if using abstracts as an interface?

I'm reading through Design Patterns by GoF and I'm starting to wonder. Are interfaces redundant if you're using an abstract as the interface in languages like C#? Let's put multiple inheritance aside for a moment, as I understand you can only achieve that (in C#) through interfaces.
I'm trying to apply this logic to DDD in C#. Almost every example and implementation I've ever seen uses interfaces. I'm starting to wonder why. Could the abstract class be used instead? It seems to me that this would be a more robust solution, but then again I could be missing something, which is why I'm asking here.
Question 1: In the context of OOP with a language that only supports single inheritance, if designed properly what are some uses
of interfaces over the abstract class?
Question 2: In the context of DDD, if designed properly what are the uses of interfaces over the abstract class?
I've read through all the similar questions listed, but none seem to give me an answer. If I missed one, please let me know.
For question 1: regardless of support for multiple inheritance interfaces are contract specifications, abstract classes are base classes.
Interfaces provide a way for a class to specify a set of capabilities ( think IDisposable, IEnumerable, etc ) and it's recommended that they obey the Interface Segregation Principle.
Abstract classes should implement a concept that can be extended, or that can have different implementations depending on the context ( think HttpContextBase, AbstractButton etc ).
The biggest difference between interfaces and abstract classes is conceptual. You can argue that, except inheritance, an interface is the same as an abstract class with only abstract methods, but conceptually they represent different things.
As for question 2: in the context of DDD interfaces are implementations details. I dare say you can do DDD and not use interfaces or abstract classes, or even inheritance. As long as you have your bounded contexts, aggregates, entities and VOs well defined.
In conclusion, when you try to express a contract use an interface, when you want to indicate that your class has some capability, implement an interface. When you have a concept for which you can provide more implementations depending on context, use a base class ( abstract or not ).
When you think about it like this, the decision of the language makers ( c# ) to allow only single inheritance, but allow implementation of multiple interfaces makes a lot of sense.
The advantage of Interfaces is precisely that there is no multiple-inheritance. By using an Interface you can allow classes like Forms, UserControls, Components, etc to participate in interactions that would otherwise be diffucult/impossible.
I recommend doing both. I usually create an interface, and (if possible) then create an abstract class that inherits that interface to provde any common or default implementaion of that interface. This gives you the best of both worlds.
interfaces are not redundant. an interface is independent of implementation while abstract classes are implementation. code that uses an interface does not have to be changed or recompiled if some implementation class changes.
the advantage is above. if you are doing ddd, start out with concrete classes and write some tests. refactor common stuff into base classes (some will be abstract). if there is a reason to make an interface go ahead and do so. repeat until done.

Why is an interface or an abstract class useful? (or for what?)

So my question is, why to use interfaces or abstract classes? Why are they useful, and for what?
Where can i use them intelligently?
Interfaces allow you to express what a type does without worrying about how it is done. Implementation can be changed at will without impacting clients.
Abstract classes are like interfaces except they allow you to provide sensible default behavior for methods where it exists.
Use and examples depend on the language. If you know Java, you can find examples of both interfaces and abstract classes throughout the API. The java.util collections have plenty of both.
They're useful when you want to specify a set of common methods and properties that all classes that implement/inherit from them have, exposed behaviors that all should provide.
Particularly about interfaces, a class can implement multiple interfaces, so this comes in handy when you're trying to model the fact that its instances must exhibit multiple types of behavior.
Also, as Wikipedia puts it, an interface is a type definition: anywhere an object can be passed as parameter in a function or method call, the type of the object to be exchanged can be defined in terms of an interface instead of a specific class, this allowing later to use the same function exchanging different object types: hence such code turns out to be more generic and reusable.

When to use interfaces or abstract classes? When to use both?

While certain guidelines state that you should use an interface when you want to define a contract for a class where inheritance is not clear (IDomesticated) and inheritance when the class is an extension of another (Cat : Mammal, Snake : Reptile), there are cases when (in my opinion) these guidelines enter a gray area.
For example, say my implementation was Cat : Pet. Pet is an abstract class. Should that be expanded to Cat : Mammal, IDomesticated where Mammal is an abstract class and IDomesticated is an interface? Or am I in conflict with the KISS/YAGNI principles (even though I'm not sure whether there will be a Wolf class in the future, which would not be able to inherit from Pet)?
Moving away from the metaphorical Cats and Pets, let's say I have some classes that represent sources for incoming data. They all need to implement the same base somehow. I could implement some generic code in an abstract Source class and inherit from it. I could also just make an ISource interface (which feels more "right" to me) and re-implement the generic code in each class (which is less intuitive). Finally, I could "have the cake and eat it" by making both the abstract class and the interface. What's best?
These two cases bring up points for using only an abstract class, only an interface and using both an abstract class and an interface. Are these all valid choices, or are there "rules" for when one should be used over another?
I'd like to clarify that by "using both an abstract class and an interface" that includes the case when they essentially represent the same thing (Source and ISource both have the same members), but the class adds generic functionality while the interface specifies the contract.
Also worth noting is that this question is mostly for languages that do not support multiple inheritance (such as .NET and Java).
As a first rule of thumb, I prefer abstract classes over interfaces, based on the .NET Design Guidelines. The reasoning applies much wider than .NET, but is better explained in the book Framework Design Guidelines.
The main reasoning behind the preference for abstract base classes is versioning, because you can always add a new virtual member to an abstract base class without breaking existing clients. That's not possible with interfaces.
There are scenarios where an interface is still the correct choice (particularly when you don't care about versioning), but being aware of the advantages and disadvantages enables you to make the correct decision.
So as a partial answer before I continue: Having both an interface and a base class only makes sense if you decide to code against an interface in the first place. If you allow an interface, you must code against that interface only, since otherwise you would be violating the Liskov Substitution Principle. In other words, even if you provide a base class that implements the interface, you cannot let your code consume that base class.
If you decide to code against a base class, having an interface makes no sense.
If you decide to code against an interface, having a base class that provides default functionality is optional. It is not necessary, but may speed up things for implementers, so you can provide one as a courtesy.
An example that springs to mind is in ASP.NET MVC. The request pipeline works on IController, but there's a Controller base class that you typically use to implement behavior.
Final answer: If using an abstract base class, use only that. If using an interface, a base class is an optional courtesy to implementers.
Update: I no longer prefer abstract classes over interfaces, and I haven't for a long time; instead, I favour composition over inheritance, using SOLID as a guideline.
(While I could edit the above text directly, it would radically change the nature of the post, and since a few people have found it valuable enough to up-vote it, I'd rather let the original text stand, and instead add this note. The latter part of the post is still meaningful, so it would be a shame to delete it, too.)
I tend to use base classes (abstract or not) to describe what something is, while I use interfaces to describe the capabilities of an object.
A Cat is a Mammal but one of it's capabilities is that it is Pettable.
Or, to put it a different way, classes are nouns, while interfaces map closer to adjectives.
From MSDN, Recommendations for Abstract Classes vs. Interfaces
If you anticipate creating multiple versions of your component, create an abstract class. Abstract classes provide a simple and easy way to version your components. By updating the base class, all inheriting classes are automatically updated with the change. Interfaces, on the other hand, cannot be changed once created. If a new version of an interface is required, you must create a whole new interface.
If the functionality you are creating will be useful across a wide range of disparate objects, use an interface. Abstract classes should be used primarily for objects that are closely related, whereas interfaces are best suited for providing common functionality to unrelated classes.
If you are designing small, concise bits of functionality, use interfaces. If you are designing large functional units, use an abstract class.
If you want to provide common, implemented functionality among all implementations of your component, use an abstract class. Abstract classes allow you to partially implement your class, whereas interfaces contain no implementation for any members.
If you want to provide the option of replacing your implementation completely, use an interface. This applies especially for interactions between major components, these should always be decoupled by interfaces.
There may also be technical reasons for prefering an interface, for example to enable mocking in unit tests.
Internally in a component it may be fine to just use an abstract class directly to access a hierarchy of classes.
If you use an interface and have a hierarchy of implementing classes then it is good practice to have an abstract classe which contain the common parts of the implementation. E.g.
interface Foo
abstract class FooBase implements Foo
class FunnyFoo extends FooBase
class SeriousFoo extends FooBase
You could also have more abstract classes inheriting from each other for a more complicated hierarchy.
Refer to below SE question for generic guidelines:
Interface vs Abstract Class (general OO)
Practical use case for interface:
Implementation of Strategy_pattern: Define your strategy as an interface. Switch the implementation dynamically with one of concrete implementations of strategy at run time.
Define a capability among multiple unrelated classes.
Practical use case for abstract class:
Implementation of Template_method_pattern: Define a skeleton of an algorithm. The child classes can't change strucutre of the algortihm but they can re-define a part of the implementation in child classes.
When you want share non-static and non-final variables among multiple related classes with "has a" relation.
Use of both abstradt class and interface:
If you are going for an abstract class, you can move abstract methods to interface and abstract class can simply implement that interface. All use cases of abstract classes can fall into this category.
I always use these guidelines:
Use interfaces for multiple TYPE inheritance (as .NET/Java don't use multiple inheritance)
Use abstract classes for a re-usable implementation of a type
The rule of the dominant concern dictates that a class always has a main concern and 0 or more others (see Those 0 or more others you then implement through interfaces, as the class then implements all the types it has to implement (its own, and all interfaces it implements).
In a world of multiple implementation inheritance (e.g. C++/Eiffel), one would inherit from classes which implement the interfaces. (In theory. In practise it might not work that well.)
There is also something called the DRY principle - Don't Repeat Yourself.
In your example of data sources you say there is some generic code that is common between different implementations. To me it seems that the best way to handle that would be to have an abstract class with the generic code in it and some concrete classes extending it.
The advantage is that every bug fix in generic code benefits all concrete implementations.
If you go interface only you will have to maintain several copies of the same code which is asking for trouble.
Regarding abstract + interface if there is no immediate justification for it I would not do it. Extracting interface from abstract class is an easy refactoring, so I would do it only when it is actually needed.