cmake - get the used commandline flags "-D" - cmake

i recently switched a few projects from autotools to cmake.
one common thing i liked on autotools is that - if i go into the src build directory. there is config.log/config.status - where at the top the ./configure --params command is listed - so it is easy to rerun the former used commandline flags.
(like after compiling some stuff - i want to add a another --enable-this - so copy & paste from config.log/status - and rerun the ./configure --old-params --enable-this)
in cmake - i have a bunch of -D flags - how can i find the used commandline like in config.log/status - with a cmake project?
i know there is the CMakeCache... - but its hard to extract the used flags
i came up with the following solution:
#save commandline to rebuild this :)
set(USED_CMD_LINE "cmake ")
STRING(CONCAT USED_CMD_LINE ${USED_CMD_LINE} "-D" ${cmd_line_loop} "=" ${${cmd_line_loop}} " ")
#store to a file aka "config.status"
creates a file config.status in the build folder - containing all set cmake params.
seems to solve my problem
seems to work on subsequent cmake calls
unable to set chmod on FILE(write ? the variable
MY_CMAKE_FLAGScontains the known flags - needs to be manually
updated if a new flag is added

Cmake does not give you easy way to list all used -D flags (defines). However, for correctly written CMakeLists, it is not needed to know the full command line with all -D flags to change one particular define/option.
Consider this snipplet:
SET(my_var_1 TRUE CACHE BOOL "my var 1")
SET(my_var_2 TRUE CACHE BOOL "my var 2")
message(STATUS "my_var_1 ${my_var_1}")
message(STATUS "my_var_2 ${my_var_2}")
First cmake invocation:
>cmake .. -Dmy_var_1=FALSE
-- my_var_1 FALSE
-- my_var_2 TRUE
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: out
Second cmake invocation:
>cmake .. -Dmy_var_2=FALSE
-- my_var_1 FALSE
-- my_var_2 FALSE
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: out
Note that my_var_1=FALSE even it is not explicitely stated (taken from cache)

One feature that may be helpful is turning on the flag CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS in the project's CMake cache. During build, this will make CMake generate a JSON file compile_commands.json in the binary directory that contains the exact compiler calls for all translation units.

You may want to take a look at what is done in the bootstrap script in CMake's source code:
# Write our default settings to Bootstrap${_cmk}/InitialCacheFlags.cmake.
echo '
# Generated by '"${cmake_source_dir}"'/bootstrap
# Default cmake settings. These may be overridden any settings below.
set (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "'"${cmake_prefix_dir}"'" CACHE PATH "Install path prefix, prepended onto install directories." FORCE)
set (CMAKE_DOC_DIR "'"${cmake_doc_dir}"'" CACHE PATH "Install location for documentation (relative to prefix)." FORCE)
set (CMAKE_MAN_DIR "'"${cmake_man_dir}"'" CACHE PATH "Install location for man pages (relative to prefix)." FORCE)
set (CMAKE_DATA_DIR "'"${cmake_data_dir}"'" CACHE PATH "Install location for data (relative to prefix)." FORCE)
' > "${cmake_bootstrap_dir}/InitialCacheFlags.cmake"
"${cmake_bootstrap_dir}/cmake" "${cmake_source_dir}" "-C${cmake_bootstrap_dir}/InitialCacheFlags.cmake" "-G${cmake_bootstrap_generator}" ${cmake_options} ${cmake_bootstrap_system_libs} "$#"
The boostrap script is generating a InitialCacheFlags.cmake file and is then preloading it with the cmake -C option.
And - if you additionally want to output the values to stdout - this initial-cache CMake script also accepts message() commands besides the set(... CACHE) commands.
See also How to store CMake build settings


Cmake get/query/print build settings on the command line?

Let's assume I have a Cmake C project, and I have something like this in the project:
project(my_project C CXX ASM)
set(my_executable_sources ${my_executable_sources} file_two.c)
Let's assume I'm in the ./build subfolder, and cmake ../ -G "Unix Makefiles" has passed successfully.
Can I somehow query build information from the command line using cmake?
For instance, I'm interested here in the final list of source files for my_executable; is there a command that would easily retrieve them? Say, like the following pseudocode:
$ cmake --pseudo-query-build --project="my_project" --target="my_executable" --query="source_files"
my_executable source files:
I don't see any cmake-generator-independent way of achieving this and even if you know the generator in use the project files generated.
You could modify your project to include a custom target that prints the sources though:
add_custom_target(print_my_executable_sources COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "$<TARGET_PROPERTY:my_executable,SOURCES>" COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS)
this allows you to use
cmake --build <binary_dir> [--config <configuration>] --target print_my_executable_sources
to print the sources, even if generator expressions are used in the sources.
Note: This does print all files in a single line; to get all the file names on separate lines, you could instead run cmake with the -P option passing the soures via -D and add logic to print one file name per line in the cmake script file.
Alternatively setting the CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS variable to True during configuration could result in the generation of json files that would allow for the extraction of the information, but you'd need a json parser to extract the info. Furthermore this approach only works for the Makefile and Ninja CMake generators. Also I'm not sure you can tell which target a source file belongs to in all cases.
Start by obtaining the target's sources via this line (after add_executable):
get_target_property(MY_TARGET_SOURCES my_executable SOURCES)
And then proceed with a simple line at the end of the file (after add_executable)
EDIT: For a full list of available target properties refer to this link.
EDIT2: As I've noticed now that you probably intend to just use it within the CLI, then for my solution you would also have to encapsulate it with a if/endif that checks for a definition e.g. if(SOURCES_DEBUG_INFO) and then run it with -DSOURCES_DEBUG_INFO=TRUE

Have CMake execute a file which is not CMakeLists.txt

Is that true that you can't customize the name of your CMakeLists.txt file? I read in a few places that make suffers from the same problem, but that's completely not true, you sure can:
~$ make -f whatever_name_you_feel_like
Can't you do this with CMake?
My situation is as follows: The project leader wants to have a certain CMakeLists.txt file run in the CI workflow and another when developing. I thought it would be possible to just keep 2 CMake files and tell cmake which one to execute.
It's not possible to use file with a name different to CMakeLists.txt, but I'm almost certain that's not actually what you want to do anyways.
I assume the cl version and the development version are mostly similar and only some details change. In this case you should not duplicate the logic. Instead add one or multiple options to your cmake project that can set when you set up the build dir and can even be changed without reconfiguring the whole project from scratch. Basically you add a cache variable to CMakeLists.txt which allows the user to overwrite the default value via -D command line option. The value can also be modified after the initial configuration using cmake-gui.
cmake_mimimum_required(VERSION 3.0.2)
# option set to true by default
set(MY_PROJECT_COMMAND_LINE_BUILD 1 CACHE BOOL "Use the command line configuration for MyProject")
#logic common to both configurations
add_executable(MyProg foo.cpp bar.cpp)
#logic only for command line build
target_compile_definitions(MyProg PRIVATE COMMAND_LINE_BUILD)
# logic only for non-command line build
target_compile_definitions(MyProg PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT_BUILD)
Ironically you could set up both from the command line:
Command line build
cmake -S sourceDir -B buildDir
Development build
cmake -D MY_PROJECT_COMMAND_LINE_BUILD:BOOL=0 -S sourceDir -B buildDir
If you don't want to enter the cache values in the command line every time you set up the project, you could also use a cmake script file to initialize the cache values using the -C command line option.
cmake -C developmentVersion.cmake -S sourceDir -B buildDir
set(MY_PROJECT_COMMAND_LINE_BUILD 0 CACHE BOOL "Use the command line configuration for MyProject")
Theoretically you could the whole CMakeLists.txt file in an if else endif structure and use include in one of the alternatives to competely replace the standard logic in the CMakeLists.txt file, but imho this is not a good idea.
Can't you do this with CMake?
No, it's not possible.
The project leader wants to have a certain CMakeLists.txt file run in the CI workflow and another when developing.
One way: copy or symlink proper CMakeLists.txt before executing cmake.
Preferably one would use cmake scripting language:
# CMakeLists.txt
message("SUPER ERROR")
and then separate CMakeLists-ci-workflow.txt and separate CMakeLists-developing.txt and do cmake -D MODE=DEVELOPING or -D MODE=CI_WORKFLOW.
But overall, the idea of "separate CMakeLists.txt" sounds bad to me. Instead use CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug for developing and CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release for release builds, and use other cmake variables to differentiate settings, instead of duplicating configuration.

Cmake - how include paths with only read access? [duplicate]

Is it possible to specify an include directory when running cmake. For example
cmake . -INCLUDE=/foo/bar
The header files are in a separate directory from the sources that I would like to compile, and I would like to remedy this without tinkering with the Makefile generated by cmake.
The project does have a CMakeLists.txt. Excerpt:
Can ${EO_SOURCE_DIR} be set from the command line?
If the path to your headers is fixed in relation to your sources, then you should be able to avoid having to pass this info via the command line.
Say your project's directory structure is:
and in your CMakeLists.txt, you currently have something like:
add_executable(MyExe my_sources/main.cpp my_sources/foo.cpp)
then to add the /my_includes folder to the the list of include search paths, you only need to add the following:
For further info about include_directories, run
cmake --help-command include_directories
Answer to update in question:
Yes, using the -D command line option just do
cmake . -DEO_SOURCE_DIR:PATH=<Path to required dir>
The variable ${EO_SOURCE_DIR} gets cached as a result of this, so you only need this -D argument once (unless the required path changes or you delete your CMakeCache file, etc.)
Proper way to do this is to define a variable in CMakeLists.txt and ask user to set it:
set(YOURLIB_INCLUDE_DIR "" CACHE FILEPATH "Path to yourlib includes")
message(SEND_ERROR "Can't find header.h in ${YOURLIB_INCLUDE_DIR})
Now you can set it from the command line: cmake -D YOURLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=/path/to/yourlib/include .

Can I setup default CMake cache variables to apply for all projects?

There are several settings I need to provide to CMake which are the same on every project. It gets annoying having to specify these on the command line every time I blow away my build area and start again.
For example:
Is there a way to provide values for common settings like CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE and CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX so that they are applied to all projects by default?
You may create "initial-cache" script
set(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX $ENV{HOME}/local CACHE PATH "Installation prefix")
and pass it to cmake as with -C option:
cmake -C ~/default.cmake ..
More info about -C option in cmake(1) documentation.
As for using these setting by default (that is, without any additional options to cmake), I don't know a clear way for doing this.
You may create wrapper script like default-cmake, which calls cmake with original plus additional parameters.
Another way is to create an initial CMakeCache.txt file that exactly contains those two variables:
$ cat CMakeCache.txt
Upon the next cmake run, the CMakeCache.txt will contains the remaining of the cmake run. You do not need to pass any additional flags to cmake, but it will scratch your inital CMakeCache.txt (thus you need to add it to .gitignore).

How to make cMake use Debug compilation mode for only a subset of directories in a project?

Rephrased the question.
I have the following problem:
My project has several binaries and libraries that reside in distinct sub-directories under the main project folder.
It is useful to be able to debug only a subset of them, without recompiling the whole project in Debug mode.
I want to be able to only change the compilation mode for this subset in a semi-automatic fashion.
How can I accomplish this using CMake?
If you change the build type, the whole project will be recompiled from scratch. Usually you keep 2 separated build tree, one configured debug and one configured release.
Note that CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE can be set from command line or from cmake-gui, you shouldn't set it in the CMakeLists.txt file.
To compile only some part of your project in debug mode, you can proceed as follow. In your main CMakeLists.txt, before including any subdirectory, define the following macro:
get_filename_component(THIS_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} NAME)
STRING(REGEX REPLACE " " "_" THIS_DIR ${THIS_DIR}) #Replace spaces with underscores
message(STATUS "Note: Targets in directory ${THIS_DIR} will be built Debug") #A reminder
Then, in each subdirectory add (at the beginning of the CMakelists.txt) the macro call
When you need to temporarily debug a part (subdirectory) of your project, open your project in cmake-gui, and define a variable ("Add Entry") with name DEBUG_<DirectoryName>. You can define multiple ones. If your directory name contains spaces, in the variable name replace them with underscores. Don't forget to click Configure and Generate from cmake-gui to make the change effective. The value assigned to the variable is not important, it can be left empty.
When you are finished debugging, go back to cmake-gui and remove the corresponding entries. Don't forget to Configure and Generate.
I have tested it in a small project and it seems to work properly.
Note: If you create more than one target (add_library or add_executable) in the same CMakeLists.txt (=in the same subdirectory), I haven't found a way to have one target built in one way and one target in another: the only thing that seems to count is the value of the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE directory when CMake is finished parsing the file.
In answer to your comment, you can have a reminder printed at build time by adding in the block the following line:
add_custom_target(info_${THIS_DIR} ALL COMMAND echo Targets in directory ${THIS_DIR} are built Debug)
See add_custom_target.
The solution I came with is as follows:
I created a macro that will read a config file in the binary directory and set the compilation type based on its content.
When this file changes, cMake will rerun on that directory only and it will recompile it also, because its dependencies changed. This is exactly what I needed.
The macro follows:
macro(set_buildmode _local_app_name)
message(" *** Creating file 'BUILDMODE' with type '${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}' for '${_local_app_name}'")
To make sure I always know if I have compiled in any other mode other than release, I also have this macro:
macro(add_buildmode_message _local_app_name_full)
get_filename_component(_local_app_name ${_local_app_name_full} NAME)
add_custom_target(Checking_BUILDMODE_for_${_local_app_name} ALL
COMMAND bash -c "if [ \"${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}\" != \"Release\" ] ; then echo -e \" ${BoldRed}${_local_app_name} was built with type '${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}'${ColourReset}\" ; fi"
Here is an example of its usage:
set(appname example)
###### Call set_buildmode here
execute_process(COMMAND ln -frs ${${appname}_HDRS} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/
add_library(${appname} ${${appname}_SRCS})
target_link_libraries (${appname} ${${appname}_LIBS} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
##### Add the fake target for checking the build mode
set_target_properties(${appname} PROPERTIES VERSION ${MYLIB_VERSION_STRING}
install(TARGETS ${appname} DESTINATION lib)